Page 139 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 139
Thursday. April 15, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 7 I Sports Carlton Harris Western Maryland came from winning goal for WMC. with a separated shoulder, Will Men's lacrosse Jim Teramani in a behind and Rick Wright out with spectacular of Bill Johnson Both teams played a hard hitting ankle injuries, and John Nawrocki 6 to 5. lacrosse Saturday game afternoon men's evenly matched game. Jack Sanders due to pressing matters of to defeat Havaford absent Western Maryland trailed Kendall paced the Terror offense national defense. In earlier games, Havaford throughout most of the with 3 goals, followed by Jay WMC defeated Norwich and Bargain!WII game, and at one point in the first Thompson with 2, and Jamie Eisenhower, 10 to 5 and 12 to 4. The were down 3 goals. half the Terrors Mosbergwith defeated then were By half time we had come back Sherry played 1. Greg (the "Root") on Terrors 16 to 3. An three of these by Loyola, aggressively College and senior high school ticket for just $1.25 on air eligible with two goals, but could not take students will again be entitled to a dates. Cards may be obtained at all the lead from Havaford. Finally, in defense for WMC, along with Doug games were non-league contests. 50 percent discount on the pur- senior high schools and colleges in the 4th quarter, with our defense Sopp , Rusty Hess and Steve In league competition, along with - chase of upper reserved seatts at the Baltimore area. They may also clamping down on Havaford, Jack Spinelli. Hustling in the midfield the win over Havaford, the Terrors Mosberg, most Orioles home games this be picked up in the Orioles public Kendall scored for the Terrors and were Jay Cooke, Jamie Freshman lost at F and M 12 to 6. This leaves Eddie and Ginsberg. season. relations office at the stadium. tied the game up at 5 all. In the last .goalie Wayne Birely played an the Terror season record at 3-2, The program began Friday Due to previously scheduled few minutes Havaford came on and the league record at 1-1. afternoon, April 9, when the Birds promotions, the discount will not strong, but our defense did their excellent game, with 14 saves. Yesterday the Terrors traveled to opened their 1976 season in apply on the following dates: May job, and with less than 2 minutes Saturdays game was played Carlisle Pa. for a game with the in Dickenson; next results Baltimore against the Boston Red. 8,22, June 4, July 2, and August 28. left, Jay Thompson scored the without 4 starters. b . f "'~~~~~~~~~~011 Skip Siedel out week's issue. .... ews ne s-~ I So;h~t !~~:~~'baseball card if This is the seventh season the ..~~~~~~~~~-... .... presented at the E-6 window at orioles have operated the discount +"~ Memorial Stadium on the day or ticket program for students. Last night of the game will enable the year more than 21,000 card holders A senior voice recital featuring Scrimshaw has been asked to . graduate, Tom Yingling, plays bearer to purchase a regular $2.50 attended Orioles games. ~~~~~lsonBI:~~m~~~'iori~atl~c~: ~eivi~~r~~:~~~~~~~o ~~~ t~~ ~~a~l~~gn:~ aO:~m!U~~~;n:t Women's lacrosse Creveling Tucker will be presented leave her the note. Who ever you WMC, designed Mechanicsville's at 8 p.m. on Friday, April 16 in are, she wished to thank you lighting for A View From the The women's lacrosse team opening game victory. Brenda also Levine Recital Hall at Western personally, and also, in case the Bridge. opened their season last week with had another tally, and joining ~her Maryland College. , owner or driver of the car denies Elane Denny, who graduated a 8-7 victory over Catonsville. The in the scoring column were Lynn The three women students will the' incident, she will need you, an from Towson High School, is a game was played in two different Glaeser -wrui 4, and Heather each sing a group of solos, and will eyewitness, to testify. freshman at WMC and plans to styles. The first half was all WMC, Humphries & Jan Wilder each combine to sing several duets and If you saw it happen, please major in Dramatic Arts. Donald as they displayed good skills, were scoring 1. Pam Hudson, playing in trios, ranging from the early contact Luanne Fribertshauser at Harris is a sophmore, majoring in aggressive, and ended up with a 6-1 her first game, made some ex- madrigal to contemporary the. Thompson Infirmary, ex- Physical Education. A native of lead. But the second haH was cellent saves, totalling 17saves for American music tension 262. Silver Spring, Maryland, Mr. different. Catonsville came out, the game. It was her defense with •••••••••••• Harris appeared in W.M.C.'s and as one girl put it, were "very some timely scoring that pulled out Miss Blackman, an economics Two Western Maryalml students recent production of H.M.S motivated." The Catonsville team the victory. Again, the final score major and graduate of West- are featured in Mechanicsville Pinafore. High School, took it to the girls, and that, with was ViMC 8, Catonsville 7. The minster of Mr. and Mrs. is Jack the Repertory Theater's production of A View From the Bridge may be daughter some sloppy playing by WMC, girls have a busy week playing 4 Blackman- Old Bachman's Valley Arthur Miller's tragedy, A View seen at Mechanicsville Repertory gave Catonsville 5 unanswered games. The first one is today at Road, Westminster. From the Bridge. Elane Denny Theater on Route 32 in Gamber, goals. The two teams then traded home, against Wilson, at 4. I?lays Catherine, Eddie Carbone:s Maryland on Friday and Saturday, goals and the score was 7-7 with Saturday they travel to Dickinson Miss Nocholson, a dramatic arts young niece, and Donald Har-ris April 23rd and 24th, and on Friday, about a minute left. Tightening up, fora game at 10:30. Monday, again major, is the daughter of Mr. and portrays Marco, one of the two April 30 and Saturday, May rst. WMC pulled it out as Brenda athome,theyplayGQucherat4:15, Mrs. W.O. Nicholson. Woodsboro. illegal' immigrants whose lives Curtain time is 8:00 p.m. and Donovan scored with just seconds and Tuesday they travel to Johns become tragically involved with student tickets may be purchased Mrs. majoring Tucker, I remaining, to give the team an Hopkins for a game at 4:00. pohtieal science, is the daughter in of the Carbones. A recent WMC I at the door. Men's tennis Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus R. Creveling, NOTE: Baseball coverage. originally Last week, the men's tennis Bluejay neuers won eight of the Bethesda, and the wife of Richard EXPERIENCED TVPIST!!! scheduled to begin this week, will not team has its ups and downs. The Nine matches only losing one,' (a ~:~~~.ISO a senior at Western \\ii!l_~~::is.I~~~~I~~;S ~~mB appear in this;ssuebecause our team started out Monday the 5th by singles match), to Jell Heinbaugh. 'IlOrHwriter was unable to meet his completely sweeping all nine Jeff played an extraordinary Ju1I; th~e ~i~~he;O~~~ s~us~~~~~[ reasonebte rares. obi igations. A complete rundown atches, (6 singles, 3 doubles), match, losmg th.e first set 0-6 but Call 374-2976 ere at W.M.C. from Gallaudet. coming back to win his next two professor of music. They will be ofWMC's; baseball season obody really had any problems sets 7-5 and 6-3 accompanied at the piano by Dr. of [-- -, thus far will appear next week. Heggemeier, professor Arleen ~ I ~t: w~~~ th~i:e:~~~e 4~in6~~e This week, on Wednesdar, the music. MOlltessori Teacher Training here at W.M.C. at 3:00. •••••••••••• • ow, the only change in th~ li~e-up 14th, the men take on Franklin an~ Program s at the number 6 position where Marshal 27th ruzz Truitt is now playing instead ~en, on Saturday the 17th, they A dinner lor social work 'majors July 5th - August f Page Cardin. . will travel to Moravian for an 11:·30 will be held on Wednesday, April (Academic Phase) Next, on Wednesday the 7th, the matc~. Com; ?ut and .supJ:?rt t,he 21, at 5:30 P.M. in the President's en traveled to Johns Hopkins and team. They 11 appreciate It, I m Dining Room. Any declared social Mauer's Degree Cre:,it From roceeded to get stomped on. The su~. work major who has not received American Universitf", W~hin should stop in at the an invitation Bits 'n' pieces Sociology Dllice. Please R.S.V.P. gton, D.C. . by April 16. Ar. exciting Mon~sori Edu- . ev~!;~~y g~~t~ng ~~:v[~~lin:~~ ::~:~~e~;s~::~.~!~;~~!n: •••••••••••• e<;tional program under re- get out and do a little running good defenSIve pla~er and keyed Attention all students! cogrtized A.M:S. guidelines . around .. with over 200 guys and 150 the f~st break With good ball w~~ ~~ ~~';~~0:U:;~lh~i ~~ for teaching children ages 3-6 girls playing intramural there is a sharp passes ...F~an run driver ran into the car of Presented in the nation's cap. .......' big program going on ... the girls had to fIll III when. the startmg LualUle Fribertshauser, Rn., ital during the Bicentennial • THE . gan last Monday with volleyball center was injured and came which was parked in the Lewis celebration. • HANDMADEN a?d w!lI be playing every Monday through great, playing against Science Hall lot. Damage was done ~ 73 W. Main St. Please write or call for bro- · . \ ~~t~~!I~~~r9;~~gdir~il~0~ ~~s o:~~.~o thk:ph~bra:~t h::~~: ~nkt:oew~e!~e~t:~~ t:~e ~~id!~ chure and application: in playmg every Wednesday af- sJXIrtsscheduiethewomen'stennis left a note under the windshield Mid-Atlantic Center For Mon : 'w, specialize. crafts!!! Handmade • I te:n:~n~'::i~I';laSyO!;~~ ~;~~~ :~~y ..~~~i~rd~~lso~t atO'i~~~~ ;~~~ ~~e::;~~:~~,~and the tes~ori EdlkStion • Bring yours in, 1199 Quince Orchard Blvd. and let us display • ~C~~~i~:dA!rJl~~~~f~I~~I~!.~: ~~.~~e M~:S~~llhO:!n ag~::: ,------ __ -, Gaithersburg, Maryland 2076 .............. • omen's basketball team an- Moravian in a doubleheader UNATTACHED? (301) 948·2556 • and sell the!!' for you!!!!. ounced the selection of their tri- Saturday at Moravian ... they also aptains for next year: Cathy play Messiah Tuesday Seniors, maybe we can match e, Nancy Barry, and Fran away ... that's it for now. you up with an interesting izek ... Cathy was the high assignment in ~. ..,"" See your 171 •...wie4t1 ti Plain & Fancy the PEACE CORPS. Donuts Career Placement Office ROUTE ICO, WEST~INSTER • PIKE MD. FlNKSBL'"RG, Open lanesafternoon 140 Village or ___________ ~5_m~n.!~!.~m_R~I~le~~~.:. _ ENTERTAINMENT FRIr;lAY & SATURDAY I Weebnds R.. erntions Only _ call ACTION toll free only 5 minutes qway - Futuring KEN BATES 'AT'THE KEYBOARD 800/424·8580, Ext. 38 '. Singinc AU Your Favorile Requests Open 24 Hou... Day GIITCE~WIcAnS-------~W~TE~;;~- .~ lAD V'~LAGE SHOPPING. CENTER FOR RESERVATIOSS-83J.6060 or 84i1-8200
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