Page 138 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 138
Page 6 Scrimshaw _ Thursday, April 15, 1976 Class Officers • Campaign Statements Senior Class prolific at western Maryland as accomplished this year. There are Vice-President crabgrass is in suburbia. Yes, certain functions that each class Secretary President you're right, it's time for the in- must attend to - the sophomores Bo Colver famous W.M.C. elections. ThE' are in charge of freshman class Rosanne Liotta Lori Grimes Scrimshaw has made space elections and Christmas For a candidate with sincere Historian Diane Moorehead .available for each of the candiates decorations in the cafeteria, and interest in the class of '78 and a to make a policy statement. To they participate in the Marathon willingness to work hard, not only Vice-President keep you from getting bored, 1 will 'Basketball game versus the Fresh- to make the traditional functions Jane Trafton keep this one short. My "platform" men. Also, this year, the class of sponsored by the junior class a can be sumed up in two words: success, but also to encourage Sophmore Class Judy Wood '78 won the Homecoming Float INTEREST and EXPERIENCE. I Contest for the second consecutive additional class activities (such as have the Interest to help the Class cock-cuts, skiing during Jan. term, President we co- Treasurer of 1978, to the best of my abilities. year. On the same day, successful class parties, and possibly a very sponsored a As for experience, I will let my Homecoming Dance with the camping trip), keep the name of Roger Ensminger linda Katick past record speak for itself. Almost Freshman class. We are currently BO COLVER in mind when you MaN Bowers all of you know me, so this is a planning an activity for the May vote for Junior Class Vice- Vice-President _ .xeren Zawacki personal appeal for each of you to Day carnival. President. show your confidence in me and Andrea Jones Secretary my abilities, and cast your vote for .Next year our class wil.l ~ ~aced Sophomores: Diane Poole Treasurer me on April 19th. Thank vou. lonnie MYers Sincerely, With th~e large re~ponslbi.lities - I'm running for the office of Vice Susan Bloomberg Bob Heer Parents. Day, .Junlor Folhes, .and President of our Junior class. This Historian the .Iunlcr-Senior Banquet. Thmgs year I have enjoyed working in Secretary cffi:'ld run very_ smoothly and be campus government as an S.G.A. Donna Armstrong Sally Keck enjoyable, too, If ~ve~one lends a representative and as Sophomore Robin Seiland Dear Sophomores, helping hand. !hls IS why I. am class Secretary. I hope you'll give Historian to serve runmn~ for Juntcr Class President me the opportunity as a don't Most people Junior Class their class government realize what - to ~nsure .a successfull and class officer again-your vote would Tom Wiederseim does until Then, all of a year. President their junior everyone wants to be in rewarding Jun~or year to.r_n.yclass or be appreciated! Thanks Referendum encouraging (begging, by sudden, think regulation your Do Bob Heer Follies and have a blast. This is all twisting a few arms) organized par- Diane Pool~ should you be instituted a that would ac- in well ticipation fine and good, but what about the tivities. I'd appreciate your vote to Dear Sophomore Scrimshaw freshman and sophomore classes? help me do this. Treasurer prohibit smoking in all Readers: I am presently vice-President of classrooms? (This regulation It is that time of the year again the class of '78, and I think the Thank you, Dave Taylor would be binding on teachers when campaign posters become as class should know what it has SallyKeck r __li_nd_a_A_U_9_U9_,_,a_'O as_w_e_,,_a_S_S_lu_d_en_IS_._I _ SGA Podium continued from pg. 2, col. 3 credits on each transcript over ducement. She explained that Publicity. To aid the project every never budgeting," meaning "I'll a four year period. it may not be necessary and anyone may contact Chris "I'll never tell a lie." make a department had to justify its entire knowingly Roger Levin and Steve used the example of a speaker Holmes in room B-23 MacLea misstatement of fact." budget, qpt just an increase over Kousouris, authors of the plan, presentation which she had or Eric Veich in 134 ANW_ "I'll never betray your trust." the budget the year before. What braved a barrage of comments just attended, which had been Herb Watson also stated that The above statements are Irom he did in Georgia, he says he will on the suggestion for the packed. 'Once again there was another Senate meeting would presidential contender Jimmy do [or America. One of his remainder of the meeting. an answer awaiting from be held between the Monday Carter. At the current time he is predictions as President is to Together, they explained that Roger levin who explained Meeting and the next regularly the front runner in what appears to reduce the number of federal the intent behind the idea was that presence at the lecture scheduled meeting (that is, oe a four-way race for the bureaus from 1.900 to 200 .. to curb the apathy problem had been required for three before April 26). This is to take Democratic Party nomination here on campus. It was also classes that night. Meg Rod- care of the business that was However, among his Democratic As far as foreign policy is con. devised to allow students to get dick and Levin closed off the ignored because of the lack of a colleagues, there appears to be a cerned, Carter has several a part of what the liberal discussion by saying that the quorum. The meeting date will "stop carter" campaign. Among criticisms. He complains that education is supposed. to give credit would most likely draw will be announced. the phrases we hear are - detente is not working to the them. those students who would most r-r- _ mutual good of both parties and likely not go to presentations Workshop "Carter's so damn slick, what criticizes Secretary of State Henry John Norment suggested of this kind. The proposal will onopoly does he have on good- Kissinger's penchant for secrecy that instead of ..-additional be brought back before the continued from pg. 2, col. 5 ~;" was obvious he was a ~~~r,~t ~~;~s t~o~t~eTo;e~~: • credit, the proposal should be Senate for Discussion in the added to part of the IDS future. his writing meets the college ustler." spection." "The most wasteful curriculum requirements. He During commiHee reports ~!::~~Is~~~:~~: ~~e~:~ ;~~~e a~~'s c~::er~~~' party ~:~t~r!~c~~~in~e~~ra~a~~~er~ also felt later that many John Norment announced that do two things .. write an essa~ Democrats, who "dislike" the Defense. He favors cutting $5 students c could also fill up the Action ccmmtttaa would be which will be read by three possibility (which is growing) of billion from the budget and can. much of the requirements showing a set of films on members of the English depart having Carter represent the party ceiling production of the B-1 already and proposed in. leadership from the ment, and take a grammar usage What about his past record as bomber. He is convinced that creastnq them by as much as Psychology Department in the test. If the student passes both JovernorofGeorgia? Actually, it's nuclear disarmament should be a ten.tctd (an exaggerated near future. Everyone is in. parts of this examination. he will pretty good. Elected by a landslide fixed national goal figure he explained later). vited to attend. Norment also be exempt from the course. vote in 1970, his number one goal In summar-y, Carter says to The two other ma in ob- announced that Mrs. Mac- The English department wishes was government efficiency. When friend and foe _ "TRUST ME!" [actions came form Frank Donald. cafeteria manager ~~te~~~i~~~~ t-=:t =isc~~,:~ ~~~ ~I:a~~~go:~~i~'s~he~~ w;:h~~mf~:~ However, while he is "winning" Janson and Susan Blackman. would like action on the new Janson stated that we would be cafeteria committee now those students who cannot write master-reorganization plan. After ;~~y th:p=:~e, t~'w:::nin;" I~~: "giving credit hours for just forming. During this report well. Writing clearly, efficiently, his four-year term, he had struggle putting in the hours," to which Meg Raddick brought up the :~;or~~~~eiS ;'~~:t:ki!~!~f~ ~e:~ll~~d i~t;n°ri:~:!dOf'~z~~~_bZ!~Od Next Week: Ronald Reagan. Watson quickly replied that we topic of the fire hazard of the have, and English OOl"()()2 has been writing is being evaluated by the Express ....ould be giving students an chained fire doors in the created to help students who may English department, and that this incentive to see the strange cafeteria. Norment said that be deficient in this area. As writing course may become a requirement YOllrviews! and different things available he would look into ttte matter. on carnpus. Finally, Eric Veich reported ~~u~~~~ l.i:;~ :S~~~ll~st': [~~~I~uYO~~~!lrth~~~:~~~~~~~ Write to Ms. Blackman felt that this that the Publicity Committee _ SCRIMSHAW w;o.c. .:> fnrm of artificial in· dill npp.ds helo on May Week aide t~e~he~~: W~~tfce:d t~~i'~ui~ -. it'l s a step in the "write" direc
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