Page 47 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 47
Wednesday. April 16. 1975 Scrimshaw Junior Follies a sellout! C;ndyO'N,,' The Junior Class Transylvania Comic relief was parucutany cross she wears, falls in the the most ammustng songs of the nightly appearances by Mr. Ulm. trip into the twenties is over. But provided by Winnifred. (Pat meantime for Cherie. Vampire play titled 'GOSSip', Wally is The band directed by Steve brief though the. excursion was, Gunther), the dizzy cheerleader. that he is, Drake bites Cherie who concocting a potion to save the Mahaney succeeded in setting the "One Pure Kiss" (or "It Only The play is "made" by the in turn goes wild and attacks the team from defeat. Drake comes on mood for each show. Happens When I Bite Your Neck") characterizations since the basic entire football team (one at a 'the scene, sobs on Wally's This year's Follies was an attracted large audiences to every plot is typically predictable like the time). The team members become shoulder, and offers to help. The ambitious undertaking, having performance. once popular Gidget movies. tired and lethargic and ostraslze brew, administered half way more musical numbers and more The script, written by Kurt Plot'? Ok. Sweet, pure" innocent Cherie for causing their illness. through the Hopkins game, has its extensive choreography than past Herwig and Sue Ogilvie is a far- Tammy (Dawn King) is well The immediate tragedy is that the desired effect. WMC wins, Tammy Follies. The large number of cicalstory oftoday, yesterday. The established as the girlfriend of all- team is slated to play Hopkins is crowned VD queen and kisses participants {approximately 100 audiences seemed to appreciate American, t_riple-major class on Saturday--a game for which Drake (well, after all he followed students) (represented many the characterization of con- president Wally (Leonard Greig). they have to. be in the best of her all the way from Towson) so he campus groups within the junior temporary campus faces such as At the beginning of a new year, condition. Wally, meanwhile, is cured, Wally and Tammy get class. Barriers between social Dr. John Boy (Dave White), the Cherie (Vicki Irvin), graduate "feeling his oats," tries to con Cherie and Drake get together, organizalions were.; therefore postmistress (Barb Bradbury), from an all-girl school, descends on Tammy out to the infamous Golf and everyone is "wonderful." broken down so that the follies Miss Adna Warning (Sue Evans), the campus in constant search of Course. Tammy refuses to go and Slight changes expected nightly provided not only monetary and Doctor Illaver (Greg Stout), male attention. Drake (Bob Cherie fills in for a quicky kiss cJimaxed Sunday evening with (as benefits but also afforded the and situations like The LOcker Cahill), failing in his attempts to (from the purest boy in the world) is normal every year) an en- junior class benefits of unification. Room, The Student Reception Day, extract a vampire-curing kiss from so that her vampire curse is cured tourage of ad Jibs making the A portion of the proceeds will be school the world, While gossips entire the in purest girl r and Going to the Cafeteria Alone. the T,;,;';;:m;;:m;;:,v_. .;:be;;;,;::au:::,;;.,..:o;:.f..:t::;h,;..;;;,,;,;,v;;;,erabout Wally and Tammy in one of performance even more enjoyable donated to the Dorothy Hummel special go· to the should Nutice fund. M"k C. "-Y" Last "Tango" in Westminster The Argonauts, the scholastic Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bucy honor society of Western Maryland Ella Katherine Chason Dd College, has nominated for Kathy Darlene Clevenger The Drama Department's latest such as states and nations." He cast includes Bill Cochran as membership the following in- Rhonda Lee Dahl production is TANGO, a three-act recommends the production for Arthur, Chris Landskroener as di~~~~l~e Class of 1975: ~~~c~ ~I:~c~o~ri:r ~~rb~YP~~::~~i~n~~~~~i~~~~ ~~1:s~~~~da~~Of~~i~~a~f sh~~:~~~: ;!or~N~~:r,fa~~:r'!~e~iC~I~~~ Ronlyn Arnatt Margaret Diane Johnson of Alumni Hall on April 24, 25, and In fact, Mrozek, a Polish MacKenzie as Cousin Ala, Mark C. August Edward Aull, III Cynthia Dart Keller 26 (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday playwright, ran into censorship Bayer as Uncle Eugene, Wendee Patricia Ann Bavender Michael Eugene Kline nights) at8:15 P.M. Tickets, which problems in east Europe with Doster as Grandmother Eugenia, Kathleen Patricia Brophy Teresa Michele Koontz will go on sale in the bookstore on TANGO because of it, political and Bill Vogel as Eddie. Stage Christi Rebecca Carter Lee Jay McConnell Monday, April 21, will also be sold content, and now lives :':-,J-' ., as a managers are Deborah pferdeort Janice Ruth Cornell Laurie Jane Matthews at the door on the performance -tateless person. and Leslie Hamilton. Director Sharon Crane Janine Lee Perry - nights. Christian Wittwer is working Weinfeld sees great potential for Martha Lynn Craver Susan Gayle Pollitt The story concerns Arthur, a with the lighting, and the set is the production, .describing it as "a Sally Lillian Dixon Beulah-Ann Price student, who returns home to find being designed by Janice Cornell challenge" to the actors and Karen Rose Farina. Carol Ann Rouzer things in total disorder. The house as a special studies project. The audience alike. Pamela Elise Furness Julie Marie Saulnier is a total mess, his mother sleeps . Rela'y Updates ~:~nB~~~O~fil~~~son ~:~ ~~~e:t~~~;:r 7ai:~e:, s~~~nl~e~~I:~i~r ~il~ ~:ft;:~~~~:~eM~~~x ~~:~:,~ i~~~m~~~rry ~~[u';:t~on~lA:~~S~C~:~~e~o ~~~ Barb Meister of McDaniel, any Monday or Mrs. Iva Ruth Martin Diane Carol Spink pose his own standards of order on w:,~:\;~e a ~~~a~~~po~:~~ Tuesday afternoon (2-5 p.rn.), or contact Nancy Morel (Box 897). ~:~~:!~~::r;~i~i;el ~f~~:~RaJ;o~m~~:er ~;e:~;I:~i~~a~ah~i¥h:n~U~~~:~ we'd like to-take this opportunity to Once again, special thanks to all Robert William Ramsdell ~~: ~:~~~~: ~:e~~:;r which seems unexpected, has in ~~:~v~~~~roj~~~~~'sg;;~~ who are involved! Mrs. Regina Doris Royer Mrs. Margaret Susan Woltz ~:~c~:e~ ~r;:t~~ in various in- to see people getting involved! If ~::!r~~~~ ~~~~~a~~~r Car~l Ann. Zynel . Tim Weinfeld, who is directing ~~~ ~~:I~t l~~~n~, uit>~% aa~~o;~~ ~~~~a~~nd~~~a~~iffert hef:i~n~i~~~o;a~:~~~~~1 :~I~~ ~~:m~l~rTA~~C~i::"th~est~:!~~ plenty of available positions. Thomas Michael Trezise 4 at 4.:00 ~.m., With .a reception for power in a family, which is goT:; ~~;es:s P~~~ec~i~e;.i-~~~ Kiln building, silk screening, ~~~f~::f~~~~~~I:~S~t1976 ~!I:Wl~e~nbe~cI?;~tl a~:ngbe~ ~~~~7:il~at~~::~~ l~r;!r::/::. sponsored by the Maryland batik, raku, and photography are are: recognized at the Honors Con. r--'--_:_----'--, Association for Retarded Citizens, art forms Leslie Kay Applegate' vocation and Investiture being held Inc. The date for this is Sunday, only a few of the special both un- for offered being Vera Virginia Bevans that evening at 7:00 p.m. in Baker Classifieds Aprjl20, 1975. If you are interested dergraduate and graduate credit J..';:.J~am~"~p~at~"~'k~B~ro~wn~~~~M~'~m;;;o~ria~'~C~ha~,,,~'~. ~~~-j !AITENTIC?Nl ~~~::~'nf~~~a~~~ ~:c~heUhe~:; at Western Maryland College in Westminster, ~en - Do you de~lre a Fren~ office. Help is also needed during summer sessions. Md., during two I [or. you ~ the to render crosswor d pUZZ e ::~~'~'A~,~j:i:.~.:.~ maid Women :-: Do serVices desire:: along day the for route. check-point you're people in- Western Maryland College's two An,:",".' 10 .PuZZIO"'.0. 103 If you ~~~1!I!It I!I:;. o·~;;::::~:: healthy, VlrlJe male to rendel terested in this let us know. five-week summer sessions are ,~~:,o;~; ;:.~~,," ,,,, fo, you' A group of g;'" oce now·wo,k- scheduled for June 16-July 18 and for JUly 21-August 22 . • ;::"::;' , :::::~:"'~,":;::: •• ::';, ::: If '0, ~~~~~o~~kONS ~~,;~\~,~:~'d;::e~~~ :':'~~m'; Registrations are currently being :l~";§;, :g~~:'ll~;;~!:;,:::~~ TO~,'G':TEA~~~'~'~'OCk ~~YO~~;:;;"~':~~n ~e~'nge~~~~ accepled lIlany of which The art courses, ~:~I:'~d,... ;~~~n ,:,~!;ii~:~~171::~!~: Decker Hall Wednesday afternron and are new this summer, are in-depth of a particular studies technique. 17 Vidau, _ \6 Handle • . . . . from everything they say it and bring LOTS of cash caUSE sounds like a rewarding exper- _f'-or example, in the class in Kiln p, •• 'ice they're high. lence. Transportation for Building students will learn 20Tinv- lhis project is provided. various throwing and han~ form- 21Sl»"i""'. ing techniques, study the types 24FIvoiono 22Po,;';'. Classified Motorcycle, H.D. 35f1 The Methodist Board of Child 27 So",. 010<1,<><1. 390 .....'1 cc, '72. 7,000 mi. Excel. cond Care is 'still anxious for more and properties of clay and glazes, 2B_or»Now 4OPI.v- Extras. Must sell. $900.Ph. 237 01" volunteers. These volunteers have construct'gas kilns, and aid in the 29Sca" .. 42 Mouth in construction of a large catenary 3OT_.rd 25 foult~ Madrid 848-97l4, Barry, Rm. 232. weekly visits with the group homes 31Vo_ oulomGbil. 43AHi, .... ,i•• arch gas kiln ~~;'~.Ofo?:"~· 260u. leoll.) 44 Mournful Car Wash by KME $1.25. CO-OF there. They spend an evening of a A d.ass in Batik, Tie Dye, and week with small groups 28 Po....... 4SSeif Service Station in the Westminster children. The number of college Block Print will teach students 29:f"n .....•• 46 Gi,ronaml Shopping Center, Sat., April 19, H' volunteers has increased but they about the basic principles of textile .- ""inl;nli"'. 31 Frozon : ~;~i~;~~t.1 AM-4 PM. can always use more. dyeing, develop their techniques in ~~!;;:~i~ 32 Fomal. 51 400 IRom.~1 The Phi Delta Theta pledges each of the crafts, and teach them :~:':Df' Square Dance along with some other people have about textile dyeing as both a folk and a fine art form ,icoch., April 18 (Friday) gotten involved in a worthwhile "Creating With Fibers," will Some 41 G,ound,for 8-11 P.M. service they project. be going weekend the investigate a variety of riber to soon will 430osi,. Englar Cafeteria Springield State Hospital to do techniques, including macrame, 44 $1.00 per person tapestry weaving, and inkle work for the day 46 "'odi,', • (including free refreshments) outside clean-up great! weaving. Photography I an""tlIT will that's We think counlo<""n aesthetics, :: ~:n~h:t::"., Live Caller build upon the theory, aspects of an'd technical 52Cinnai>ar Sponsored by Whiteford If you want to get involved, come photography to teach the 53_Juan Dorm Council to the Relay office, in the bas~ment 546ackb<>nool production phases of the art form Sc>u,h Additional information about the Am",iea ABORT .:.ON, BIRTH CONT~~OL and about the complete 55W ... dri~k • INFO & RZ?ERRAL NO FEE art classes program which offers summer 1 P.o~Dun Up to 24 weeks. General anesthesia. courses applicable toward the 20".. .... bachelor's or master of education JSo"Yln" VasectorliY I tubal :Li.gation also degree may be obtained by : g::~~"P' availaole. Free pregnancy test. writing' Hegistrar, Western 6 O<~ .i~·' Call pes, Non-profit, 202-298-7995 Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157
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