Page 52 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 52
Page 4 $e'imshaw Wednesday, April 23, 1975 two Sue Cunningham and Cindy game, while Linda McHale, Toby Other activities to be sponsored respectively, Palmer, one doubles team of Karen the chipped in two apiece. Humphries this semester include the the ROTC and and Heather Meldrum by Sports Bob Toner Merkle with Frostburg Wagner. Their their next few games until May 6th for struction of our new rappelling Matt Bowers number department con- and Sue will be traveling girls ~he was rained, match larry out Saturday, ~0:de~n n:E:~:~n~t:et~~;~~~\~nrf and the Frostburg $ehwartz when they meet Essex at home at 4 our the May p.m. Come on out that day and see Barb BUms girls beat volleyball people in an im- an exciting, well-played game of you want on May the 4 at President's promptu game. Oh, well. and Carnival lacrosse. Review on May 14. Both events are Men's lacrosse open to the college and surroun- ding community. action In lacrosse ~~ Sports shorts ~~d~~~, "J~~h~~~:: (with no "s'': GREEN TERRORS last week, ~e ROTC triumphant Ellis Lawson. Walter dropped their cited his team's "ability. to keel record to 2 and 4 as they lost on Despite a light rain that Clothes moke This past week was a busy one :~et::~~~ play" as a major factor =i~':ne:~~e:t"~o!:t~~a~'ga~~ threatened to turn into a ~ull scalp for sports up here on the Hill. . Loyola and were then rooted 20-9 downpour Saturday, Apnl 19 was the ;ock Here's an attempt at a summary of against Salisbu Stat the scene of the Western Maryland some of the more major events, in The baseball teaf!! sp~t another. The loss to t~ Gree'hounds on Invitational Orienteering Meet. no particular order ("more doubleheader, this time here Wed d h Yb The meet was sponsored by the major?"): against Hopkins, on Wednesday th Ter ay was a eart ~ker as ROTC department. A personal There has been much talk. this (postponed from Tuesday because itil e~ors kept pace With them invitation was extended to all year, as in the past several, about The track team did pretty well of rain). Jeff Leed scored the lone ~ I I ~ ~u~ quarter whe~ schools in Maryland involved in the Western Maryland College's Saturday in the Mason-Dixon run in the 5 to 1 first game loss with t a c os estern Marylan ROTC program. All other schools inability to win the Big Game (or Relays at the Mount, setting a his initial homer of the season. In o.u . on several fast-br~ak in the First ROTC Region were even many of the lesser ones). bunch of school records in the the bottom of the eighth inning of sttuattons. Several good POInts also welcome t9 participate. With so many fine athletes and an process. (More complete in- thesecon~gameBobIrvinsingled,' showed tJ:irough.the, loss however Orienteering, a sport which admirable overall athletic ng formation forthcoming.) Two of Denny Duquette sacrificed him to suc~ ~s a_;Ck "vY : stgoals an~ 1 originated in Scandinavia, involves program for a school its size, many the records came in the two-mile second, and Ed Becraft doubled to ~s~~s I Kam;e GI oa er g y Skip skill in map reading and compass people can see no reason for the relay as Paul Schlitz led off with a knock in lrv with the winning run ~I e, rt ur d St aes~h trno~ work as well as physical endurance losing seasons and the last-minute record-setting 1:58 880 leg; Bruce provided gO~~Sin ~;ee IMin~ ::Co:t. Belt, Pete Wagner (2:04~not bad), ~~c~~ ~p t~h: w~~n;n ~~~ie~ressler. :~~h h~~~n:~"!}i:~e;th~~~::r:ai .~:~~~~;, A~~a~:::!te~o tha~h~~;~ and Steve Vaughn finished up well Injuries to key. players ham- value, are set out over the coun- everywhere, creeps into the enough to set a new standard of The golf team lost both sides of e pered the Ter~OI"S III their loss to tryside. The contestant must conversation. 8: 18.5 (8:22 was the old mark). The tr-iangular meet away against 7th ranked Salisbury .State ~ollege decide which points he wants to try Many possible reasons for this lour-mile relay team of Vaughn (a Delaware and Lebanon Valleys on on ~aturday. The sttckmen s 2nd for to get the highest total points in situation have been proposed: 4:41 mile), Wagner (4:48), Lee Friday, when most of the team was leadi~g scorer, Bruce.P.reston, w~s the allotted time. A penalty is tough schedules, poor officiating, McConnell {4:44J, and Schlitz admittedly "off". They bounced out With .a sho~lde~ IIIJUry and In assessed for each minute he is late, poor coaching, a lack of desire on (4:36) combined to knock off a back with a big win against UMBC, the opemng mlllutes?f the, therebyreducinghisscore.Ateach the athletes' part, and so on. whopping 35.6 seconds and set a J'owson, and surprise art-iva; leading sco~er Rick Wright point the orienteerer copies down a However, I don't think anyone of mark of 19:15.4. The meet, which' Frostburg here on Saturday. Dave da:n:~ed a thl1hthmusc1e and ~:t code onto his scoresheet and then these is the answer (although all started in pouring rain and wind, also featured a 12'6" pole va,ult ::e~;:~ ~~:'f~~ !~~~~~e ~no~h~ ~~mut~ r~lte: in et!~~~~lI~1 a~ ~~V~~'o~h~~ii~~f~~y ~ ~~ts~n ~~~~h~.nT~eb~::re~ I~: !\~et~~ from Steve Bjornberg and an 70's as well. attack however as he scored 2 they are so~ewhat obscrued. ' uniforms. appearance in the linals for two g~ls and made 6 assists. Skip The Maryland colleges that "Well, golly!" you say. "Isn't it Western Maryland triple jumpers- The tennis teams won some and Sel~el added 3 goals also. On the participated were: Western the player and not what he or she Tom Lewis and Pat Dattillio. lost ,some. The men defeated Salisbury end, Maryland's.lea~ing Maryland College, Johns Hopkins wears that counts?" I'm afraid HopkInS Wednesday, 7 to 2. Dave s?Orer, Dave Cottle, mallltaIned University, Loyola College and you're out of touch, Jack. Nowhere The inUamural volleyball Dietrick was amol;lg the winners hiS good year to date with 4 goals Morgan State College. Carnegie IS the adage, "clothes make the tournament came to an exciting for WMC; he has lost only one and 6 assists d.espite a 3 minute Melon University from Pitts~urg man" as true as in sports. The close Thursday night as the ROTC Singles m~tch all year, and is. now penalty for an Illegal stick. came and the reigning TRADOC constantly improving standard of team defeated the Faculty in two ranked third on the team. Injured The action continues this week as Orienteering Champions, Old living in this country produces so games in the final round. The. Fr~nk Jansso.n may return to Coach Ron Athey's Terrors·wiU try Dominion University, made the six many 'good, healthy athletes that winners were comprised of team action later thiS week. again on Wednesday as they meet hour drive up from Virginia. all schools (our's included), teams, captain Major Howard Haynes; Dickinson's Red Devils and again The course, set up on the forms and clubs have their share. The Captain Grayson Winterling, The'women were defeated 4 to 3 on Sa,turda.y against Lebanon of .Dr. Gri~wald ~i1d that or his ones with the new stylish, and Captain A!an Ingalls, Roy byF& Mon Thursday. WinnIng for Valley s Flymg Dutchmen. n~lghbor, Jim Sh.rlver, w~s run by classy uniforms are the ones who Angleberger, Charlie Walter (witt Women's lacrosse the girls were numbers one and ~:~~ee~\~t;s'11:e~~~~~~~~~: :~a;a~t i!t~y~~ ~~~~e;eo:~~ course, it consisted of 28 check- new uniforms made for the points that were spread out over a Oakland Athletics, the University The women's lacrosse team has course of between five and seven of Maryland's' football and started it's spring '75 season and so miles in length. The contestants basketball teams, and the far the squad is doing well. The crossed mudy fields, jumped Washington Bullets. Were either team took to the road on April 8 to streams, climbed trees and the New York Yankees, with their play the season opener against plodded across marshy bogs. traditional pinstripes, or the Loyola. There was a slight panic Reaching some of the points Cincinnati Reds, with their funky before this game when the regular proved to be a challenge to the socks, in the World Series last goalie fell ill and could not make orienteering running the course. year? The Dodgers, who were, the game. However, another Some were found in thickets or' wore conservative unifroms and player, Donna ZelenY.stepped into depreSSions in the ground, one was lost to the garishly-clad A's. the empty spot and did remarkably on a small raft in the middle of a Looks at the Super Bowl--staid, well, ending the day with ten saves pond, which another was 10 feet in establishment Minnesota lost to for the team. WMC controlled the the air, attached to a tree. flamboyant Pittsburgh. Everyone 47 -Nost<. first half of the Loyola game, with The individual winner was the saw what happened to the simply- 34 Part 01. 49 A o:ertain the defense allowing only one goal team of Ed Clemencic and outfitted United States team in the pol, of ,~O while the offense racked up six Desmond McKnight of Carnegie last OlympiCS. And where have the ..rlin. pant. 36Aetor _rd.1 against the oppMition. After the Melon with 182 points Jim An- Baltimore Colts been these last few 52Inte
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