Page 45 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 45
~~e~:'_'S;~:_ ~- r:~~~sS:t~cg~etful of shit with the handles on the inside Volume I Issue8 Wednesday,April 16, 1975 ~ -Someone's grandmothe; Dorm Vandalism Probed Mark C. Bayer Vandalism on campus is cer- of the day. it's largely because of not been able to trace it. that detectives are currntly suggested installing alarm tainly not new. The fact has always the damage that occurred when Whiteford has had the worst of looking into the situation. systems, locking windows, and been that the student, faculty they were continually open. The things. According to dorm mother Residents of Fortines House improving the locks on doors. member, or dean who owns paradox is this: we're being Jo Ann Day, vandals somehow claimed fewer crimes than most Certainly any of these would be a something is susceptible to having restricted for our protection. broke in over Christmas break, other residences, although some definite improvement. But, as it taken or damaged. Yet it is also Because of the many im- knocked over the Christmas tree, mentioned that two of the upstairs most of the dorm parents were true that while campus crime has plications of crime on campus, tore up the decorations, and windows were broken by rocks. quick to admit, none would be a not grown worse than in past Scrimshaw will run a series of sprayed fake snow all over the However, a couple (If restc. -ts complete deterrent to burglary. years, it also hasn't gotten much articles dealing with the theft and lobby. About eighty dollars' worth expressed concern over certain For now, the most surefire, if not better. I suppose that one could property damage which have of equipment rrom-herbusbend'e flaws in the buildingconstruction the most practical suggestion argue that, with the exception of occurred during this school year. train set-up was stolen as well. and security. Meanwhile, Quad seemstobetotakevaluableshome some major thefts over vacations, This, the first of the articles, deals Mrs. Day does not know how the Resident John Armstrong cited a over vacations. the problem of vandalism has not with vandalism in student dor- thieves entered because no signs of few cases of money being stolen been overly excessive. Even so, as rnitortes. a break-in were found. She from unlocked rooms. The Dean Mowbray has said, "any While some students attest that suspects that they had somehow publicized Bachelor stereo rip-off As for the problem of money vandalism is excessive to begin crime in dormitories has gotten in through the. door, Mrs. of December was also mentioned, being stolen from unlocked rooms, with". As long as one individual decreased from last year, enough Day also mentions the fact that as well as the fact that outsiders the answer is simple: Start locking loses anything, be it sixty cents or incidents have occurred to efforts to brighten up Whiteford broke a toilet pipe during a party in up. Carrying your key around is no sixty dollars in money or equip- maintain significance. Most donn lobby by putting plants around the Bete section. (The Betes have more of a discomfort than carrying ment, the topic of campus crime theft takes the form of money were eventually curtailed because since changed their party policy, your 1.0. card, And girls, your will remain an important issue to stolen from unlocked rooms. the better plants kept getting and admit only individuals known dorm mothers aren't talking be discussed and debated. Although such incidents have often stolen. She discussed, in addition, a to them.) through their hats when they Campus vandalism hits more taken place at scattered times, at stolen clock and a coffee table that The language houses have had remind you to make sure that side than its immediate victims. Not least one case has been reported of was seen "walking; out" one an even more unique problem. doors are locked, especially at only does the cost of repairing or one thief stealing money from evening. Mrs. Day says that some Although residents are careful to night. It's understandable to blame replacing campus property (i.e., various girls' dorm rooms. This girls tried to chase the thieves but keep most rooms locked, Annie all thefts on outsiders or town vending machines, pinball case occurred around the start of did not catch up. Blin and Gloria Martinez report people, as it is naturally difficult to machines, furniture, etc.) affect the second semester, and the thief - thata number of utensils from both imagine someone living in your the ability of the institution to was soon caught in the act and Of the men's residences, Rouzer kitchens were taken before dorm as being capable of provide for other necessities (and arrested, Hall has had difficulties of its own. Christmas. These included dishes, burglarizing your room. But there don't forget, folks, it comes out of Some students living on the carving knives; wine glasses, have been instances in which your pocketl, but the results of Of the women's dorms, Blanche ground, second, third, and fourth corkscrews, a fondue pot, and a $30 wallets and purses have been campus crime often affect the Ward Hall has been the luckiest, floors returned from Easter break blender. Miss Martinez added that ripped off by people who "knew entire student body in the form of although it has had its own to find the floors flooded by in- unknown individuals have 'been exactly where to look". This is by more restrictive rules designed to problems. The McDaniel vending dividuals who had turned on the making long-distance phone calls no means a call to distrust your prevent future incidents. For in- machines have been broken into fire hoses on the day that most left from the Spanish house, leaving neighbor, but a healthy feeling of stance, if you ever wondered why and some money has been taken. Moreover, three locked rooms the cost to be split between the skepticism is superior to a naive the gameroom. and vending In addition, Head Resident Sandy were broken into, and a TV set and residents. belief in the basic goodness of machine area of the student center Stokes notes that a chair was taken two radios were stolen. Head What can be done about such mankind, coupled with empty are kept closed and locked for part from McDaniel Lounge, and has Resident Roy Angleburger states incidents? Various head residents pockets. Charges dismissed in Roemer case Western Maryland College has partially supported by the United used by individuals or groups in the return previously distributed state 1973. 1974 and 1975 were held in been informed of the dismissal of Methodist Church. These are free exercise of their religious financial aid to Western Maryland escrow untilreleased last October the charges against the college in different times, however, and the interests and programs. Couege. Mt. St. Mary's College, when the Federal District Court the Roemer et al case presently changes which have been made are The court suit was initiated in Loyola College of Baltimore, ruled in favor of the five in- . pending on appeal before the consistent with the educational 1972 by John C. Roemer, executive College of Notre Dame (of stitu1ions. Roemer and the ACLU Supreme Court of the United philosophy and objectives ap- directorofthe Maryland chapter of Maryland), and St. Joseph's then appealed successfully to have States. This-is a First Amendment proved by the faculty and trustees the American Civil Liberties College of Emmitsburg. the Supreme Court review the suit that challenges the eligibility in 1968. Now there is clearer ar- Union It requested the courts to State funds to the colleges for . of five Maryland colleges to ticulation between the formal Faculty promotions announced receive state institutional grants guidelines and operational because of their past or present characteristics of the college with church relationships. no practical difference in the ex- The Westminster, Md., college penence of those students or Several faculty and staff Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins in 1972. in t he Carr-oll County public was granted a dismissal on the faculty who live and work on promotions in rank, effective. July , Dr. Cipolla joined the faculty of schools. she joined the Western basis of a stipulated settlement campus." l,have been announced at Western WMC in 1969 Maryland faculty In 1960 that involved a severance of all ties Western Maryland has func- Maryland College by President Mr. xapora has heen promoted Dr. with the United Methodist Church. tioned as a non-sectarian in- Ralph C. John. moted Rosensweig has been pro- from an instructor to an assis.tant to He received associate professor professor of English. There had been a fraternal and stitution since its founding in 1867 voluntary relationship between the as the first co-educational college Dr. Stevens has been promoted from his former rank of assistant the B A. from the University of two from 1868 until January of this south of the Mason-Dixon line. to professor from his former rank professor of mathematics. He lllinoi-, in 196'7 and the ~IJ.A. from degree his undergraduate year. Today, there are over 1250 un- of associate professor in the received the Massachusetts Institute the University of Connecticut in completing 1970. Ill' is currently from There also is the requirement in dergraduate and 1150 graduate Engfish Department. A 1958 of Technology, his M.S. from the hi,S work toward the Ph.D: Mr. the settlement that the college students enrolled at the liberal arts alumnus of Western Maryland, he University of Arizona in 1963, and Sapora joined the WMC faculty in achieve greater diversification of institution. received his Ph.D. from the from membership on the board and in While in the past there has been University of Pennsylvania in 1964 his Ph.D. in 1971. the University of 1971 Mrs. Beard has been named to Virginia the faculty of the department of modest institutional support of and has taught at WMC since 1966. the newly-created position of philosophy and religion as natural voluntary religious activities these opportunities occur in the future. now will be suppor.ted directly by Dr. Cipolla has been promoted Mrs. Hitchcock has been executive t.sststam in the office of Dr. Ralph C. John, Western students, staff and faculty in' from assistant professor to promoted from an instructor to an the president. She received her Maryland president, in releasing programs that they organize. associate professor of modern assistant professor of music. She BA. from Western Maryland in the information on the settlement College facilities, which reflect in languages. He received his A.B received her bachelor'S of music 1974. has served as an assistant said, "We recognize with pride our their appurtenances and from the University of Penn- and of music education from director of admissions, and most heritage as a college which for characteristics the neutrality of sylvania, his M.A. from the Johns Oberlin Conservatory of Music in recently as the executive secretary many years was sponsored and the college itself, may be freely Hopkins University in 1968, and his 1948. A former instructor of music to the president.
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