Page 43 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 43
Wednesday. April 9, 1975 Me4sw!A:lS Page 7 '" --------~~--------------------------------------------".,k Joe College *********************************** Gallaudet College maintains requirements of the application Adults in Baltimore" which has sday! He was also pleased with the man's office. Faculty members exchange programs with Oberlin procedure, he stated that "the been accepted for publication in a academic calendar classes who may be contacted for in- College in Ohio and Western experience at Western Maryland national psychological journal began on September ninth, there formation about Oberlin are Ms. Maryland College in Westminster, College would provide a sometime in the near future. was a midterm break from Oc- Weller, Mr. Cram matte, Mr. Maryland. Students at either in- challenge ... both in what I would Joe taught sign language one tober 19 through October n, and Meisegeier, or Ms. Stein. stitution may study here for one learn and in what I would seek to hour each Monday. To his surprise, semester or one year and receive share with students tbere. he learned that sign language was ~~~g~;~S were December 14 Reprinted from Buff and Blue, college credit at their home in- Gallaudet College has given me a offered for credit. As a result, quite In sum, Joe McLaughlin felt that vol. 84, no. 12, p. 3. March 27, 1975 stitution. good academic foundation on a few WMC students were con- his semester at Western Maryland ***** In the past, several Gallaudet which to grow would also versant in signs. This mil-de students have attended Oberlin broaden my knowledge of.. communications that much easier ~~~; r:':~~~~~~~~y O~;~d!~Help 'Wanted College. This year is the first year (howl. .. students pursue their for Joe. who {eels he can handle the The Scrimshaw is in need of of the Western Maryland ex- education .at other colleges." Asked to compare Gallaudet We are change. Joe McLaughlin, a senior Shortly afterwards, Joe received with WMC, Joe stated that ID workload to apply for·admission to staph people. exciting, looking for brilliant, creative the exchange at either programs psychology major, attended official notification of his ac- cards were required at every meal, Western Maryland College or geniuses who are interested in Western Maryland last fall, while ceptance into the program. He that dormitories had twenty-four Oberlin. He will be happy to an- writing, layout, research, etc. If Jan Harrington attended began his studies at Western visitation, that women's dor- swer any questions through you are interested, and willing to Gallaudet. Maryland College on September 9, mitories had locking front doors, campus mail or in his room (Krug work a little please come to our Joe, a graduate of the Jericho 1974. (Lucky!) and that the library hours were Hill School for the Deaf in Van- Joe took four courses - twelve much longer than here - until 203). catalogs for both in- office above the grill on wednesday College night at six, or contact Gene Funk, couver, British Columbia, entered credit hours - but he considered midnight Sunday through Thur- stitutions are in Dean Schuch- Cinday O'Neal, or Baron Taylor .. Gallaudet College in the fall of 1970 this load equivalent to twenty as a prep. He has been quite active credits at Gallaudet. His courses News Briefs here as a member of the Kappa were Psychology of Deafness, Gamma Fraternity, Committee C, Introduction to Language and Canadian Club president, and Communication, Personality and A Junior Voice Recital by mezzo- o~gan~zations (such as. the Dr. Jean Scarpaci, Associate currently as project director of the Psychological Therapy, and In- soprano, Robin 'Cumberland, and Kiwanis, Ro~r~, etc.), hospitals, Professor of History at Towson Canadian Deaf Youth Leadership digenous Civilizations of the soprano, Ann Moore, will be youth organtaattons, the college, State College, will speak tonight at Camp. Americas. presented at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, and-or CIVlC projects. 7:00 in McDaniel Lounge. The In the spring of his junior year, In his Psychology of Deafness April 8 in Levine Recital Hall at Last year's wi~ner was Mr. I~n Topic of Dr. Scarpaci's lecture will Joe wrote a letter to Dean Schuch- course, Joe worked closely with his Western Maryland College.' Goodman, president of Sc~tt s 'be "History from the Inside Out: - man applying for the Western teacher, Dr. McCay Vernon. Westminster, Md. Rexall Drugstore 10 westminster. Oral History of Baltimore's Maryland College exchange Together, they wrote a paper, Miss Cumberland's program will Nominations are to be submitted Ethnics." program. In this letter, one of the "The Reading Habits of Deaf include: Henry Purcell's "I At- in writing to Dr. Ralph C. John, Dr. Scarpaci is currently tempt from Love's Sickness to president, Western Maryland developing an area studies Fly," Mozart's "Non so piu cosa College, Westminster, Md. 21157. program in Comparative Ethnic son" ("Le Nczze di Figaro"), The name and address of the Studies at. Towson State. She also Antonin Dvorak's - "Gypsy Songs, nominee, a brief capsu~e ~x- .teaches courses in Immigration Op. 55, " Modest Moussorgsky's plai~n~ ~e reason for no~mat,?g History and in the oral history of "Gathering Mushrooms," Jack the individual, and pertinent 10- ethnic groups in Baltimore. The Beeson's "The You Should Of Done formation on the person's author of many publications It BRIes," and Richard Hageman's qualifications should be included. dealing with the history of ethnic "Miranda." Entries must be postmarked by groups in Baltimore and the United Miss Moore's program will in- April 15. States, Dr. Scarpaci is also clude Handel's "Se fede! vuoi ch'io The winner will be presented a currently involved in the ti creda" ("Orlando"), Haydn's certificate at the college's Century production of a television course on "With Verdure Clad" ("The Coin Club Dinner on May 10. Afr~American History at Morgan 23FIiI e, Creation"), Debussy's "Les b,OIdp; ... Cloches" and "Mandoline," and A veena con~e~, ~eaturing Mrs. :~:. ~~le:~~e a D:to~in~~ :~~:~. 25SU'. 51 Pto1onn Samuel Barber's "A Nun Takes P.rab~kar the segment native ""pi ... 1 20ROIIula, ~~=::~i,n The Veil" and "Monks and Vijaya Indian tnstrument, playin~ will be immigrant comparing in the U.S. and Blacks South 22~~:(Ob.l -" Raisins." pres_ented at ~ p.m. on .Thursday, Dr. Scarpaci is active in com- ,~" 58 l)sodw;." Robin Cumberland, a music ••nni.... ok.. lOin,,,,· 60 ~"!::t.~.p<>d education major from Hillcrest Aprtl17, 1975 to McDamel Lounge munity affairs and is an advisor to "Z"IT .... ;""'Oon 30 PriIIm·. tily at Western Maryland College. 'he All Nations Foundation, Inc. of $ingl.Gi.1 ~~;:rt_m 11 Type of "....' 61 ComlNla Heights, Md., is the daughter of Mrs. Prabhakar, who now lives Baltimore Cum- J. Mrs. :!2Sivm .~- J5~~~ 62:;':'01 Mr. and Ann Moore, Roland a music in th~ United States, will ~ntroduce Dr. Sca~ci's lecture promises berland. :~::~nYlcoll.1 17;~JiX 38Con,;non. ~" major from Fallston, Md., is the duI,""'''· 40 AfTikOlno 64 Paidnot;ce ~f;~~~~~~~n~n:::~~t~~~ ;~t~~~g~:~n;:t~sV~ ~~ ~~ G •• nIodl mit 01 43S..... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. J7Stale 19_P_ eopi.. 1 66 Coli..,. tnstrument, and she will also an- droves to welcome her to WMC the ""pital dour_!obJ Moore. swer questions from the a~dience. home of Maryland's most' in. 39S ..... Accompanist for the recital is capital The. veena has four strings for terested and active students. 41 Righ._! Dr. Arleen Heggemeier,~professor 42 Oneot.i>e of music at Western Maryland ~:~~l;:~ fO~~~rm:.n:nd ~ Funk lW,in'''''' College. ... usually played while Sitting on the r----------I ""'lin .... floor. 44::::"II~~" Nominations are being received She will be accompanied by a their The annual extravaganza, present The Junior will Class 45 Righ •• lobJ for the second annual Community mridangam player who plays that Junior Follies, this weekend. This 47P_n South Indian drwn. 49Unu .... 1 Service Award, sponsored by Both Mrs. Prabhakar and her year's show will be "One Pure SOT,iI'- Western Maryland College. Kiss", or "It Only Happens When I Iml'lllb;'n accompanist have taught at 52 Coplod Any person in the greater Wesleyan U.,. in Conn., a center for Bite Your Neck", an original 541 ..... 1""'00n Westminster area and not the music of South Asia. Their musical production. Shows start :!~~ profesSionally associated with the It concerts on college campuses tomorrow runs at 8:00 P.M. and The the 55E"ce .. iwelv through show Sunday. college is eligible for the award. the country :~:='n is presented "to that person who throughout with enthusiasm. have been shows will be held in Baker 100. greeted Please come to a show you'll never the ideal of ser- best exemplifies The public oil ""nl.. ~~::r..f vice to !he community" through without charge. is invited to attend forget! for local govern- his or her efforts ment, local churches, service
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