Page 49 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 49
Many benefit from Transcendental Meditation Bill Cochran There has been a growing in- Maryland students and three are studies have now validated the stopping them from beginning several copies of which are on terest at Western Maryland faculty members. subjective experience of T.M. is the cost. But I've found it to reserve in the library under Clark College over the last five months in Scrimshaw contacted Clark meditators in terms of better be something I never thought Easter's name. Clark is also giving Transcendental Meditation,. an Easter, the teacher of T.M. in this grades, improved memory, better money could buy. The changes it two open public lectures on interest which parallels a sudden area. When asked about the mind-body co-ordination, weight brings about make it worth every Transcendental Meditation this growth world wide. Recent ex- technique, he replied, "T.M. is a stabilization, etc.. etc." penny. At least that's been my Thursday and Friday nights, April tensive scientific investigation of very simple, natural mental Scrimshaw also contacted a experience." 17 and 18, at 7:00 in the Psychology the technique has proved it to be of technique which is practiced twice number of new meditators on this The graphs on this page department. Introductory lectures such value that hundreds of state a day for fifteen to twenty minutes. campus and asked for their represent the findings of some of will be held every following and federal government officials in This practice settles mental ac- opinions on their experiences with the research institutes studying Thursday there. T .M. will be this and other countries have tivity and, because of the intimate meditation, The responses were T.M. They are from a pamphlet thoroughly discussed and all themselves begun meditating, and connection between the mind and favorable Without exception. Max published by the Maharishi In- questions answered. A permanent several governments have the body, the physiological Dixon, a member of the faculty, ternational University, entitled T.M. center is planned to be opened strongly encouraged educational parameters shift into what called the technique "significant" Fundamenlalsof Progress, in Westminster in June. institutions to study the feasibility researchers at Harvard Medical and added that "the decision to of instituting courses in Tran- School are now describing as a begin T.M. was a wise one". A scendental Meditation on their fourth major state of con- fraternity member who charac- Increased Intelligence Growth Rate campuses and in their facilities. sciousness. They characterize it as teristically preferred to remain Fokk."' •• ndDilk .... !II>'Oltlef.n"., ...p1l1.".T .. ' DI.g,.mS4>n"". one of "restful alertness". The rest anonymous said that the technique There are at present over one gained during T.M. is about twice is "pretty nice". Paul Noble, a million meditators world-wide, at as deep as sleep, and yet the mind Sociology major, said that least half of them in this country. is still awake inside. This deep rest meditation "exerts a positive in- In the past five months approx. relieves stress and tension and fluence". . fifty persons in the Westminster brings about a balanced gr-owth of Another student, Pat Valis, was area have begun meditating, ofa-the mind, body and personality. more explicit. "I've heard a lot of which thirty-five are Western Over three hundred scientific people say that the only thing Vandalism plagues Gill Mark C. Bayer some of the problems arise from Last week, Scrimshaw began a Clower confirms that reducing the fact that the gym is kept open Research on high school students in series of articles investigating these hours and locking up longer for so many hours out of the day, Holland over a oneveac period indr- various aspects of crime and would help to cut down on much of mentions that some of the missing cerec a Significant increase In the growth vandalism on campus. The first the trouble. However, as Clower supplies are taken by students rate of intelligence among those regularly article dealt with burglaries in explained, locking the gym after who subscribe to what he calls a practicing Transcendental Meditation when dorms. This week we move from the instructors' leave daily would "double standard". Those in- compared loa non-rneditettnq control group McDaniel and Rouzer Halls to Gill cut off a major recreational source dividuals who "permanently .Gymnasium to look into rip-offs of for students. borrow" athletic equipment athletic supplies and subsequent Clower suggests that students usually do not think of this as Improved Psy'chology losses suffered by the Phys. Ed. help by' asking people who ob- stealing or that they are hurting department. However, since viously do not belong in the gym to anyone by helping themselves to Frell)e,gerPersonalilylnvenlory almost everyone who attends WMC leave. Yet he is not totally sure an occasional ball or jersey. Well, is required to take a Phys. Ed. that all equipment rip-offs are as thls. article hopefully illustrates, course, it looks like you and I end perpetrated by outsiders. He it is and they are. up the real losers While Phys. Ed. instructor Richard Clower finds it "hard to Jobs exist give an estimate". of recent equipment losses due to crime, he stated that "anything" gets taken Karen Pilson from Gill, including football and It may come as a surprise to time and effort to send alumni a lacrosse jerseys, basketballs, many people that hidden away in questionnaire requesting summer soccer wartnups, weights, and so the austere bureaucracy of second job information. The responses, on. Clower recalled a particular floor Elderdice. are volumes of here are quite varied, ranging incident in which some lacrosse summer job opportunities for 1975. from babysitting to office work. nets, left outside after a game, Mr. Wrubel, the Director of There is a distinct advantage in Transcendental meditators exhibit were simply and mysteriously Counseling and Career Services, this system for these job op- removed from the goals. Also holds the key to this marvellous portunities are publicized only for 1 Reduced Nervousness. reduced psycho- mentioned was the fact that the treasure chest which can be yours Western Maryland students. somatic disease equipment cages were broken into for the asking. More opportunity lies in the 2. Reduced Depression, more seuassur twice in the past year and that The career library off of room SUmmer Employment Directory. ance and contentment police had been called in. Broken 200 holds myriads of both summer Although it is rather late to find 3 Reduced Irritability, more tolerance in doers, overturned tables and and permanant positions. There jobs overseas, because of the frustrating situations benches, defaced scoreboards, and are three possible sources for paperwork invoved, it is still 4 Increased Sociability. liveliness. friendli- wrestling mats damaged by knife summer jobs available. Many possible to do so. ness slashes were cited as examples of pamphlets and brochures are sent Finding a job this summer is not 5 tncreesea Self-assuredness, more seu vandalism. to Mr. Wrubel in hope that students an easy thing. "Many places are confidence, good humor Such incidents have caused the will be exposed to them. These jobs trying to keep the employees that 6 Decreased Tendency to Dominate. more due to economy Phys. Ed. department to exercise include camp counseling, resort they have says Mr. the Wrubel. He, , respect. cordiality and tolerance situation" even more caution. For instance, work, 'and some local op- suggests that the applicant apply 7 Decreased Inhibition. more naturalness. the aforementioned lacrosse rip-off portunities. The Carroll County in person. Bosses usually like to spontaneity and self-sufficiency has since prompted the depart- Department of Recreation, for see whoever they are hiring for the 8 Increased Emotional Stability, improved ment to bring the nets inside after exam-pie, is looking for day-camp ability to concentrate each game. Yet Clower mentions counsellers. s,:!mmer. Applying in person also 9 Increased Staying Power and EffiCiency one major conflict. Stating that Each year, the college takes the insures against unanswered or cont. p. 3 col. 2
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