Page 46 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 46
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday. April 16, 1975 Editorial ************************************ This newspaper has gone books; it being a very cursory request. This was quite agreeable Times, and they will be paid by the SGA meeting to defend our through some very hectic ex- examination, and not an audit as to us. Times the $5.00 per page that they policies. And lastly, after being periences in the past few days and actually requested. On Monday, April 14, we were lay-out. told that we would receive- our we believe that it is in the student's informed through rumors that our second semester allocation on interest to lay all the cards out on Amid rumors that ranged as far money had been "impounded." Out of this whole mess, one thing Friday, April 11, after Keith the table and show everyone from the truth as to insinuate that Upon checking with Keith Ammon, has become very obvious to Ammon had informed Dean what's been happening. we were embezzling school money, it was revealed that Dean Scrimshaw. There is a definite Mowbray of the SGA's decision, we On Friday, April 4, we were the next SGA meeting of Thursday Mowbray had indeed held up our communication problem on this were kept totally in the dark as to informed through rumors, and April 10, was attended by two second semester allocation, but campus, and anyone that has dealt where our money was until rumo~ finally by Keith Ammon, that we representatives' of the staph that our funds had not been im- with the bureaucracy of this reached us on Monday, April 14, would not receive our second There, they explained that the pounded. Two staphers talked to college, be it on the student or that it had been "impounded." As semester allocation until an in- policy of paying staphers has been the Dean and matters were cleared administrative level, .has had the slated earlier, we immediately vestigation by the SGA was cleared going on for years, and that up, allowing Scrimshaw to receive ideal opportunity to observe this investigated and found that our up. The investigation centered nothing had been changed except its allocation, which it did later (or not observe this as the case money had indeed been held up, around the fact that Scrimshaw to disu-ibute the money in a more that day. may be). Not once, until one of our but not impounded. pays some of its staph, and charges equitable manner among the The agreement worked out staphers spoke to Keith Ammon, were brought up that this is illegal. staph, and to save money. between the Dean and the staphers were we ever officially informed We were informed by Keith that should put the whole matter to rest that charges had been made Admittedly, bureaucratic he wanted "to audit" our books The result of the SGA meeting once and for all. No longer will the concerning us, or that we -were process is at·times very slow; but it before "the next SGA meeting, to was to pass a by-law stating that Scrimshaw be given the discount of being investigated. We found out shows a definite lacking in the determine whether or not we were Scrimshaw could pay its staphers $5.00 per page for having its layout through rumors, not through system when one had to depend actually paying our staff, and if so, as it saw fit until the end of the done by our staph. Instead, normal diplomatic channels, in a upon rumors to keep up with if we were listing it as such in our school year, and then next year we Scrimshaw will pay the full price, discrete manner. Nor were we what's going on, especially when it financial records. On Saturday, would have to list all payroll and its staphers will be hired as formally informed that it was our has to do with what's happening to April 6, Keith did look over our money as such in our budget employees of the Carroll County responsibility to attend the next you. B.T. Letters to the Ed;tor***********~************** To the Editors:, policies of the Housing Council, or *************** ,---------, Just thought I'd drop you a note SGA and Honor Board. parliamentary courtesy. procedure in As preface to the following letter College may be The manner common and say hello. Hello. Sincerely yours, which the discussion was handled we wish to state that at the SGA A reader Beth Root indicates an inability on the part of meeting of April 10, we stated that KILLING you! both representatives and officers our payroll was $28.00 per week. As Dear Editors, Name withheld by Dear Editors: ~ ~e~~~:~dq~'=t~:.i~e~\~r: ~:~!~14i~ t:~;:~:n~YS!~~ ~~!th~i:~~~:si~s~r~~v~~~:~~~Te~ request, and your questioners, I am writing in response to your precedent being set here that could Dean. among young people, ~ade no On behalf of the Delta Pi Alpha editorial of April 9, 1975, where you *************** fraternity and S. Heart, I would stated that I had "audited the ~:l ~~~~~i~~nt~~Ci~~~S~~:e~o~ ~:!~r i~y mt::t f:~e::'V~~s:~~ like" to apologize to the college Scrimshaw's books on Saturday, earnestly hope that a full and or- Open letter to the student body ~ Dr .. ~ean Mayer, professor of community for not making our April 6, 'and found everything to be derly consideration of this matter The last issue of the Scrimshaw nutrition of Harv~rd. . . "superior qualities" better known in order, including the fact that the will make this point obvious to all carried an editorial concerning the The most senous nutritional to the entire student body. We pay for all people paid by the those concerned and convince right of the editors to pay them problem facing undergraduate deeply regret nbt informing the . Scrimshaw was indeed listed as them to stop this practice at once. selves and their staff for the ser- men, says. Dr. Mayer, is college community of our payroll in our books." First of all I Sincerely yours, vices they perform. Since 1am in a atheroscleroh~ damage ~o the "physical and mental prowess, would like to make clear the fact personal charm, and wit," but that Idid not audit the books of the Treasurer, Stu~~~~v!::::~l ~~~~ ;..~r:N~e~\~I~ ~~~~i::,: he~~h!h!~~l~, a~~d p~~!l:t~~ because a large majority of our Scrimshaw and that 1am in no way Assn. explain my reasons for initiating the hormone estrogen from the "privileged minority" are responsible for any errors or the action and the facts of the affliction of atherosclerosis, a basically introverted and shy it deviations from ethical procedure matter as I see them. number of women undergraduates becomes increasingly difficult to that may be found in those books. The Editor, Scrimshaw, (I) The Scrimshaw is a volun suffer nutritional damage from spread the word of our "innate While it may be within the scope of Dear Editor, teer-, extra-curricular activity excessive dieting, says Dr. Mayer superiority." In closing I would my authority as treasurer to audit Re your article on. the Black funded with student activity funds , "Undergraduate men eat too like to thank Name withheld by the books of any S.G.A. funded Weekend twed., April 9 1975 issue through the S.G.A. because it is an many eggs for breakfast, eggs that request for his or her innate in- organization, Ihave not yet, nor do of Scrimshaw). Your writer Karen extra-curricular activity in the contribute to the high serum levels telligence in recognizing our 1 intend to exercise this authority. r Pilson quoted me as saying "that" same way the yearbook, sports of cholesterol, and young women superior qualities. Since we seem would much prefer to let this job be although white are in the minority, participation, etc., are extra deprive themselves of eggs on their to have some basic things in handled by the Finance Office of they are much in control of affairs curricular activities. (2) Payment reducing diets, which deprives common, maybe he or she would the college, where it will be con- in my native Nigeria". Karen must of tlie staff violates the Scrim them of the good iron content of the like to come over to the section for ducted in a thorough and have misheard or misunderstood shaw's character as an extra eggs." some beer, epod, and an in- professional manner. 1 might add me. Iwas referring to the situation curricular activity and is a misuse Dr. Mayer suggests that college tellectuaJ awakening. that it is the policy of the Student in Rhodesia and South Africa (not of funds in that money is being dining 'halls substitute polyun- Love and kisses Affairs Office that the books of the Nigeria) where millions of native taken from the paper's account for saturated margarine for butter, from the front of S.G.A. and all its subsidiaries be Africans are being subjected to uses other than the printing fish and poultry for some of the the cafeteria queue, audited twice each year. I am, to humiliation daily by the illegal mailing, and photographic ex pork and meat, and fortified The Brothers of say the least, greatly disturbed by regime of the white minority. I penses for which it was intended skimmed milk for whole milk. Delta Pi Alpha the use of the word "audit" to furthermore, admonished -any (3) The money is in no way coming Research at Harvard's School of describe my recent investigation of interested party (at WMC) to look as a payment to the staff from the Public Health has shown that by your ledgers into this matter just as some "'fO~ntes'e~,t~:escar:eOnlldeCred°untYasTimweaSs'making these substituons, the r-ise Dear Scrimshaw: re: the editorial In order to set the facts straight, people are' doing something about • • .'" • in serum cholesterol amo~~ in the April 9.edition let me say that at first 1 thought "hunger in Africa". I said it is ~:~:~t o~~n!hk~ndei~i~;~:lby ~~ ::I:t~~~. can be decreased b) May -I ask, oh big, bold in- that an audit would be necessary in about time that my black brothers vestigators of the security system order to determine whether or not in Rhodesia and South Africa be Times. A reduction of the printing f--------- I and the HOUSing Council, etc., why Scrimshaw editors and writers freed from the claws of im- bill is made for the laY0Il;t. The! you feel that it is such a slap in the were being paid, however, when r perialism. Nigeria was under the difference between the originaf BLAM face for someone to check-up on asked the editors whether or not British Protectorate until October cost and the reduced cost is theni STAPH: WHO TO you? Nowhere in the article, payments were being made they 1960 when it obtained her in- removed from the Scrimshaw's The Big Three: Gene Flmk (despite your much ado about informed me that this was indeed dependence from Britain - Since account by the editors and paiq to Cindy 0' Neal nothing cartoon) was it said that the case, and Iwas able to observe then, Nigerians, not foreigners themselves and their staff. Fixed Baron L. Tayler the SGA accused you of dishonesty, ledger entries to verify this. This have been the sole rulers in amounts are paid weekly, the The Little Two: Mark Katz conficated your bank account or cooperation made any further Nigeria. One must not forget to figure being closer to $40 a week Matt Bowers tortured the staff for information. investigation unnecessary. The mention though that during the ~:e;:~~i~~$~~t ~k :!:d ~~ Picture Takers in Chief: All they did was to see that the total time involved was less than long tenure of British rule over books were being properly kept - a fifteen minutes, hardly enough Nigeria, no Nigerian was ever :~~~!ISac~~!rv:~n~ ~n ~~t~~: ~~~~: l. Tayler, Gene Funk very necessary function in my time to "find everything in order", subjected to such injustice and opinion. There is quite a bit of least of all the fact that the staff of humiliation as is the situation in curricular activity is a precedent Barbara Burns Bob Toner college money floating around in our student payment newspaper was ef- Rhodesia and South Africa. too easily expanded and abused' to Lonni Myers receiving ror their student hands r e.g. the classes, forts. Thanks. be permitted. Mark Bayer Honor Board, and other campus Faithfully yours, These are the facts that were Karen Pilson organizations. The SGA must keep I would like to state my strong O. T. Ilupeju presented at the S.G.A. meeting of Jennifer Watts some sort of eye on this money .tc disapproval.of the policy of paying April 10 as I see them. The issue is Michael J. Doonesbury see that it is being' used as in- the members of the Scrimshaw quite possibly a deadone-as the Head Drawer: Mark C. Bayer tended. staff, or the members of any other The Scrimshaw finds i S.G.A. decided to permit the Attorneys: Samuel Goldenstein & other organization receiving practice to continue. In view of the Sons student government funds. I would necessary to ask that all letters t 1 fail to see where you have any also like to disapprove of the the Editor, and other contributioru seriousness of the matter, 1 want AND: A Cast of Thousands. The grounds for resentment. This is a manner in which the student be typed double space on clean un the student body atJ_east to see the opinions expressed in this pub· school paper, and some of our senate debate of this issue was lined paper_It seems that the staph reasons for the action lication do not necessarily reflect money goes to its support. handled. I have been associated of the printer's office can't read th presented with a more complete those of the administration. Box Therefore I think that your policy with student government inconsiderately scribbled letters picture of the facts than was 3A. Western Marvland College, is open to campus debate and organizations for several years that we have been receiving from presented in the last issue of the Westminster, Maryland 21157 challenge. just as you yourselves and in all that time I have never students. Scrimshaw. Sincerely, have challenged and debated the seen such a mockery of Tom Trezise L _J
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