Page 51 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 51
Wedneat.v, APril 23, 1975 Page 3 News Briefs **.**.****~******************************************* Dr. Franklin E. Kameny, author decadence and decadence leading The College Concert Band, under Dance" by Zdechlik, "Mar hand Col. Horl Tone, former governor of and spokesman for the national to authoritarianism and violence." the direction of Mr. Carl L. Procession of Bacchus" by Leo Pailin, a town 220 miles northwest Gay Liberation Movement, will The cast includes Wendee Doster Dietrich, will present its annual .Delibes and "An American in of Phnom Penh, told an Associated speak at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, as Eugenia, Mark Bayer as spring concert on Tuesday, April Paris" by George Gershwin. Press reporter that "When the April 23 in McDaniel Lounge on the Eugene, Bill Vogel as Eddie, Pat 29th at 7:30 P.M. in Alumni Hall.": The College Concert Band -will . Khmer Rouge came they beat up Western Maryland College cam- Nicholson as Eleanor, Chris free. The program also present two concerts in May. my troops and shot people who pus, Westminster, Md. Landskroener as Stcmic, Hill' will consist of a wide range of The first one will be an outside resisted. They ordered my soldiers His lecture on "Homosexual Cochran as Arthur, and Sandy music including baroque, romantic concert on Tuesday, May 13th et to wear their uniforms, then shot 43 Liberation" is being-scheduled in MacKenzie as Ala. Janice Cornell, and modern, from Bach to Ger- 6:30 P.M. in front of Big Baker. . men." conjunction with the sociology a senior dramatic art major, is shwin. The concert will feature two Then on Wednesday, May 14th, the course on Liberation Movements designing the sets, and lighting is student conductors, Bill Downing band will play for The President's Ms. 'Joanna Cannon, of the being taught by Dr. Ira 'Zepp, dean byChristianWUtwer,instructorin and Carol Fulton. Bill, a junior Review at 11:3O- A.M. on the Hillcrest Abortion Clinic and of the chapel and associate dramatic art at the college. music education major, will football field. Counseling Service of Baltimore, professor of religion. Weinfeld says that Tango "is conduct Vac1av Nelhybel's will give a presentation to the Dr. Kameny holds both an M.A. strange and fascinating, full of "Estampie", featuring a brass Family Sociology class at 10 A.M. and a Ph.D. in astronomy from dramatic surprises, and even more choir and Moussorgsky's "A Night on Wednesday, April 30th. She will Harvard University. He is founder fullofingeniousideasandconcepts On Bald Mountain". Carol, a Cambodian refugees said last stay and repeat the material for- and president of the Mattachine which are particularly apt for us sophomore music education Saturday that Khmer Rouge forces anyone interested during the 11 Society 'of Washington, D.C., today. It is a play not only to enjoy major, will conduct Bach's executed 43 former government o'clock free period. She will be in originator of picketing by but also to ponder on." "Prelude and Fugue in F Minor". soldiers. An unofficial rebel room 104 in Memorial Hall. She has homosexuals in 1965, and is the The playwright, Mrozek, now Other selections include broadcast said most top leaders of a slide and tape presentation of man behind the slogan, "Gay is lives in Paris, a .stateless person "Drammatico" by W. Francis the fallen country who remained in procedures in her agency and will Good." ~~::ke~iS w~~~\epa~~~m~:~ FM",CB",e",th,,_,_'-,'C",ho",:::al:_e __:a:::n::_d__:S",ha=k=e>':____:p",h",no",m,--p,_,e",nh=ha=d__:bee=n__:beh=e:::ad=ed::_.__:a:::ns:::w:.:e,--r~qu="':::ti=ons:::_. _ Dr. Kameny has acted as per- sonal counsel in a number of Poland's role in the Soviet invasion federal government seeurtty of Czechoslovakia. Tango has been "RelJ8Id to. flee ~3imce1t": flIl'Ie6Wcg clearance, civil service em- banned behind the iron curtain. ployment, and military cases in- Tickets for Tango go on sale in Mark C. Bayer volving homosexuals or allegations the college bookstore -starttng An initial glance at a new police the ensuing scandal. They railroad realistic share of street realism. of homosexuality. Most. recently, Monday, April 21, and may be thriller entitled REPORT TO THE Moriarity for first-degree murder. This concern is further fleshed out he-was appointed by Mayor Walter purchased at the door on evenings COMMISSIONER might lead one REPORT TO THE COM- by excellent performances by Washington of Washington, D.C. to of the performance. to believe that it's out to break MISSIONER moves quickly and Yaphet Kotto as an old-line cop and serve on the Human Rights some sort of record. Ever since smoothly, due in large part to the by Moriarity (although his method Commission of D.C. to represent B ULLITT, every cop movie direction of Milton Katselas, whose delivery is occasionally anrioying.) the gays. FROM: released has included an arbitrary previous experience has been After the release of such heartless Kameny serves as cochairman SCIENTIFIC AND PROFES- chase scene, and REPORT TO solely with screen translations' of cops-and-robbers dreck as THE of the Washington Area Council on SIONAL ENTERPRISES THE COMMISSIONER manages Broadway comedies mUT- . SEVEN UPS and FREEBIE AND Religion and the Homosexual, College Diyision to come up with not one but two TERFLIES ARE' FREE, 40 THE BEAN, the compassion so chairman of the Eastern Regional 2237 EI Camino Real especially flamboyant numbers. CARATS), The screenplay by obvious in REPORT TO THE Conference of Homophile Palo Alto, California 94306 The first of the two chase scenes Abby Mann (THE MARCUS- COMMISSIONER adds a very Organizations, and chairman of involves a legless derelict on a NELSON MURDERS) and Ernest special note to 'what is already a the Committee on the Federal TO: cart, trying to track down a Tidyman (SHAFT) creates a real damn good movie of its type. Government, of the North JOB PLACEMENT OFFICE taxicab in the middle of a busy sense-of sympathy for its American Conference of street. The writers and director characters as well as a fairly Homophile Organizations. ~~tMER JOBS then, attempt to outdo themselves by presenting a marathon on-foot chase between the hero and a Tango, Slawomir Mrozek's play We wi!1 make available to a~ .of herein pusher (clad only in shorts, and -STOP LOOKING about the uses of force and the ri~e your I~terested readers an. 10- no less), which sends them leaping of totalitarianism will be formabon sheet of summer jobs over rooftops, on top of cars, presented by Weste~n Maryland searching. ~his is absol~!ely free, into a stalled elevator where both for a good part-time job!! College's dramatic art department and all that IS nec~ary IS that the are temporarily stale-mated. It's at 8: 15 p.m., April 25-27, in Alumni student request this from us and almost as if we're at the circus .Good Pay .New Opportunities Hall on the Westminster Md enclose a stamped self-addressed rather than at the movies. campus. ' ., envelope. We do research in this What is regrettable about these _Career Training_ .Regular Promotions .Men and Women Eligible Pl~!m a~ei:!~~~~~~;es:~r ~~ :~:S:~~i:~~ :~~:n~~ :::~~ ~~ ~~:~~~~~~~E~~~ T~r!~~ dramatic art at the college, says, summer jobs. need them. The story, supposedly EARN $45 FOR ONE WEEKEND PER MONTH,AND TRAIN FOR "As in Mrozek's earlier plays, ,----------lbased on fact, is fascinating A REWARDING CAREER IN THE TECHNICAL perfect logic is energetically ap- from p. 1 col. 3 enough to stand on its own. It SKILL:E::~~:~:::LVED BECAUSE n plied to illogical ends .. .It is a misfiled applications. . revolves around a young rookie comedic graph of European moral If the company has inadequate (Michael Moriarity) whose good history since 1919 but is in- funds for full time help but can intentions and naivete earn him NEEDS US W ternational in its artistic roots and afford a part-time worker, accept derisive laughter from both fellow AMERICA meaning. In fact, it is a parable of the job on a part-time basis and try policemen and people on his beat one. Often, people permissiveness leading to to locate another of help, but cannot As a practical joke, the higher-ups r-;~~~;~R;;A~O-;;~~~;o;c~~;'-;;:;:;- send him on a wild goose chase for in need are fSTEREoS afford to hire a full-time worker. a missing girl (Susan Blakely) agent in I l ARMY RESERVE OPPORTUNITIES. 60646 4001 WEST DEVON AVE. who work may is actually an undercover prove Volunteer RM. 106, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS shacking profitable majors pusher the up with for undecided situation, I and whomever wishes to pursue of a a order to get the information. 1 NAME AGE __ The benefits Unknowing special interest. of I _m Maoyl.nd tr.n~. volunteer working arrangement Moriarity accidentally shoots mer- her I CITY -'- STATE _ _ - Lowest P;'iGes ADDRESS' IHighest quality there is a tremendous in a gun duel with the drug are twofold: EI .. expose this way and to be learned John Norment Madel A-13 amount accessable increases the chant. Rather than the corrupt I ZIP PHONE _ being themselves to trouble, possibility of a paying job next officials take the easy way out of l_...:'g_~A~~!~~~!~~!~TI~~s_ยท~_J
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