Page 48 - Scrimshaw1975
P. 48
Page 4 Scrimshaw Wednesday, April 16, 1975 1 Sports Bob Ton" ------1 _ Omicron Omicron Society breaks tradition speech, Matt Bo~" Maryland's Circle of the Western the JXIlicy only last year. It proved journalism, government; Society Delta Kappa a men's honorary had been strictly broke all-male in 1914. performing arts. Monday character its traditional night by since it's founding membership in and the mass media; creative and to Selection initiating eleven new members into Omicron Delta Kappa is one of the Newly elected members of the the Society, eight of which were highest honors a college student Western Maryland Circle are Julie Last week the Western Maryland second, 10 to 5. Steve Schonberger women. The ceremony took place can achieve. The principal purpose Mullen, Debbie Day, Mark_ Terror Lacrosse Team played .500 hit a three-run homer in the first after a banquet in the President's of the Society is to recognize those Chenoweth, Chip Chaney, Beth ball dropping a 15-5 decision to Mt. game, while Rich Rosenfeld did the Dining Room. Following the who have attained a high standard McWilliams, Janet Riley, Nancy St. Mary's on Tuesday but then same in the second; Wayne initiation, Dr. Ralph John ad- of efficiency in collegiate activities Morel, Ellen Schramm, Greg bouncing back with a 9-5 triwnph Coblentz picked up the second dressed the group on the purpose of and to inspire others to strive for Sherry, Sandy Gordon, and Becki over Haverford College on game win. A tricky defensive code (U)K and the nature of leadership, consptctous attainments along Bloyer, Senior members installed Saturdav. involving numbers, etc. evolved in similar lines. Members are last year are Ned Aull, Tom The Terrors were never really in the infield that second game, also. The local Circle is privileged to selected on the basis of leadership Trezise, Pete Barr, and Bob the game on Tuesday as they were The golf team split an away be one of the first in the nation to and- achievement in scholarship, Ramsdell. Ethan Seidel and Dr. simply outplayed all over the field. match last Wednesday, beating offer membership to women, the athletics, social, service, and Rallfl Levering serve as faculty Greg Sherry scored his first goal Lycoming but losing to Dickinson. national association having ap- religious activities, and campus advisors to the group. for the Terrors thus far this year, Saturday, Tom Boyle was low but in Saturday's game he rein- shooter as WMC underscored jured his thigh and his services on Hopkins and dallaudet. The team ENTERTAINMENT the midfield will be lost for the is 3 and 1 at this time. News Briefs remainder of the season. Doug CAPITAL CENTRE Jones' play on defense was just Earth, Wind and Fire and Ramsey Lewis 4).18-19 about the only high point of the ***** The Royal National Institute for game. If and when you get a chance this CIVIC CENTER, the Deaf of London, England has Other injuries have plagued spring. take an afternoon walk Spinners and Kool and the Gang 4/20 invited Dr. McCay Vernon, Coach Ron Athey's stickmen in the around the campus. You'll be professor of psychology, Western past week. Attackman Dave amazed at the number of athletic Alice Cooper and Suzi Ouetro 4/24 Maryland College, to present his Hoopes has a separated shoulder activities and the amount of Labelle 4/29 personal views on the place. or- and Crease Attackman Kurt participation to be found at our not- Jesse Collin Young and Leo Kottke 5/4 manual communication in the Glaeser bruised his big toe and has so-humongously-sized campus. Frank Zappa 5/3 education of deaf children at their not played in the past 2 games. He On ure quad someone is always Beach Boys and Chicago 7/23-26 seminar in London, April 11-14. is due to return to actiOJl though in throwing a softball, a football, a The seminar will focus on 20 today's game at Loyola. lacrosse ball, or a frisbee; or CELLAR DOOR papers that discuss the fully oral Saturday's contest proved more people are kicking a soccer ball AI Stewart 4/21 method of cominunication as enjoyable for the Terrors as they around; or others are playing opposed to fully manual and the jumped to a quick 7-2 lead after one "tennis-ball" baseball. There's CATONSVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE values of combined methods, half of play. Skip Seidel, Bruce always someone in the gym The April seminar may be Anderson, Will Sanders and Rick playing basketball or lifting George Carlin 5/4 viewed as a fellow-up to the report Wright did most of the scoring for weights or something. or the Lewis Committee the Terrors in the rat half. Rick Looking out ove-r the back DAR CONSTITUTION HALL established by the British played attack in this game due to campus you see all the athletic Dion and Nektar 5/4 Department of Education and the absence of Glaeser and Hoopes. fields in use. With warm weather Barry Manilow 5/9 Science in 1968 which dealt with the t The 2nd half was not quite as golfers swarm over the golf course. Jesse Collin Young and Bryan Bowers 5/12 question of the place of finger exciting as the first but it did have The' lacrosse team makes use of spelling and Signing in the its good moments, the big one the two practice fields. The tennis LlSNER AUDITORIUM education of deaf children. Tn being Steve Spinelli's second goal team fills the courts, the track Mahavishnu Orchestra 4/17 addition, the seminar will allow the this year as a member of the much team the track, the women's Little Feat and Allen Toussaint 4/21 (2 shows) opposing points of view to be heralded "Rough Riders", These lacrosse team their field and the John Fahey 5/3 discussed on a more personal ' guys did a tremendos job Satur- baseball team their's. basis. day, returning the ball to the of· In and amongst these team Dr. Vernon, whose views on total fense numerous times. Besides activities intramural softball McDONOUGH ARENA communication are taught at Spinelli, other members of this teams work out, joggers jog, Bonnie Raitt and Orleans 4/19 Western Maryland College in the crew include Rusty Hess, Doug bicyclists bicycle, and people get in education of the deaf program, will Jones, Vernon Mummert, Gary a set or two on the tennis courts PAINTERS MILL MUSIC FAIR be the guest of The Royal National Strain and Charlie Bruning on the before and after the team's 'Maria Muldaur 4/16 Institute for the Deaf point. practice. It seems like everyone Donald Byrd and the Blackbirds 4/27 Besides today's ga~e at Loyola, on campus is involved in some sort the Terrors play Salisbury St.:te of athletic activity (if only as a SHADY GROVE MUSIC FAIR The Undergraduate Relations > College ~turday at home, WIth spectator). Jackson Five 5/5-11 Committee. a branch of our face off time slated for 2 p.m. Of the 1235 students up here this Spinners 5/20-25 Alumni ASSOCiation, is sponsoring for the next Senior Punch Parties to ***** spring, approximately 12 in one 14 two Monday evenings, April zrst are participating percent spring sport or another. This U. OF MARYLAND and April by 28th. mail Seniors were notified Dion 4/30 they when doesn't include the many more who Last week's optimistic report on work out and have fun on their received the Graduate magazines the baseball team's ~.rospects for own. I think this is great. With a UMBC GYM NO.2 about which night they were to the season seemed to jinx them, as school that is "somewhat" The Guess Who and Lighthouse 4/20 attend, Half of the senior class was they promptly went out and split academically demanding at times invited to each party. The social tw~ doubleheaders. Thursday they it's good that people are still loose Annapolis--America 4/27 gatherings will be held from 7·9 split up at York, and Saturday they enough and have enough interest in PM at Harrison House, lost the first, 6 to 4, and won the themselves to get out and enjoy. * Jerry's Lament * World News The Admissions, Financial Aid and Standards Committee soon be selecting student members will Cambodia's chief of the armed ;;!~~~r~,o~~~;::~sb7!:~!~~t::: for next year. If you are a senior I could while away the hours, J could hold down grocery prices, forces, General Sak Suthsakhan, could very possibly start from who is interested in becoming a reflecting on my powers, wipe out the oi/ crisis, took over the leadership of it's within the South Vietnamese member, as you register for While we go down the drain, Solve problems with no strain. government last Saturday night. capital. classes, keep Friday afternoons I could spend like Rockefeller, 'could do a lor of think in, I The action was one result of the Lieutenant William Calley. the free. Other qualifications include I could talk like Walter Heller, could be another Lincoln, evacuauon of the nation's acting most recent famous convicted at least a 1.5 average and a If ( ontv had a brain. It f only had a brain. president. The G~neral is n~~ the teton set free has already started willingness to spend four to six IR'lingStone) bead of a ('ommlttee of military the lecture circuit. On his first hours per week on committee I could overcome inflation, put m'en and civ~li~ns wi,th the s~nct!on stop, Murphy State University, he business. If you have questions. Ii~~::~:are:::~ r--------arwn gas in every station, please see any committee mem- And we would feel no pain. ,---------, is looking ~~~at~:~~~i~na~h~e:se~~f;~I.a~~: to ~r~::a~~n~:~ ~ha:tsrt:s:h:~~~sth:~ CBS ber, and ~('w leader T,V. has already The Scrimshaw "owed technology, NBC I could make the Arabs cower, I could be an Eisenhower, for prospective editors and ~1;::in~fth:e~:lmf::7:n t::~it:;e:~~~:~n'~ ne:i:~~~;~: If I only had a brain. He said he would not I STEREOS staph members for next year. Phnom Penh. his lecture. stand "responsible, but I will stand I Oh, gee, if (could be, like Anyone interested should Truman in his prime, th!th~t~a!f~~~e~o~e::em~~ltl:~a\~~~ ~~:::anct::'le~'e ~~~o t:ae id ~~at ~~: IHigf:!est quality - lowest prices Salty speeches whipping Congress submit a written request Communist soldiers on Friday and first dead Vietnamese was a "she" I . . into/ine, to Box 3A Saturday. South Vietnam also says and that he learned that thet!estern Maryland ElectronICs Say "geothermal" the first time. that they have won two major "communists do come in human John Norment Maclea A.13 '-------- ~:;~7s S:~!~~ -.w~:~~~,~~t. n:af~; ~:;ntlh;~.The school paid him $2,000 .1.
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