Page 50 - Scrimshaw1975
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Page-2 Scrimshaw Wednesday. April 23, 1975 , Editorial Jones honored This past Monday, April 21, a Dr. Donald E. Jones, associate . special floor meeting was held on professor of chemistry at Western Elderdice 3rd floor. It was called Maryland College, Westminster, because of a problem which has Md., has been named to a two-year just surfaced, and seems to be term on the Joint-Council Com- quite disturbing to the residents. mittee on Professional Training for It seems that on the previous the American Chemical Society. Saturday, a number of the girls The announcement was made residing on 3rd floor were woken recently by Dr. William J. Bailey, up at 7: 15 in the morning by the President of the American pounding of hammers and chissels Chemical Society, and Dr. Herman on the outside of their walls. A S. Bloch, chairman of the board of number of the girls reported men . directors. looking into their windows, and In his new appointment, Dr. waving to them, as they woke in Jones will serve as a member of great surprise. the committee which is charged One of the residents immediately with the responsibility of passing called Dean Laidlaw, who in- upon the quality of individual formed the student that if she was chemistry departments and cer- that bothered, the Dean could find tifying them as approved depart- temporary housing for her, and the ments in colleges and universities other disturbed students. throughout the country. Another resident called Dr. John, woke him up, and upon ex- Mowbray promoted plaining the Situation, Dr. John replied that there wasn't any use of C. wrav Mowbray, Jr. has been stopping the workmen now, since promoted to the position of Vice the students were already. up and President: Dean of Student Affairs that they might as well study. at Western Maryland College, When questioned later about the Westminster, Md., effective July 1, incident, Dr. John replied that he it was announced by President thought 7:30 was a "gettin' up Ralph C. John today. time". "Wray Mowbray has been Some of the students questioned related to Western Maryland for a why another building, such as good part of his life as student, Alumni, couldn't have been worked admissions counselor, head on first, since it wouldn't disturb resident and dean of students. His students. There was no answer to service in the latter position this, other than sheer neglect of particularly has been of a very thinking about the students high order. This promotion to vice comfort. president for student affairs is both Also raised was the question of a recognition of this contribution why the work couldn't wait until and the assignment of a larger role summer, which was answered by in the work of the college," ex- Dean Laidlaw. She stated that it plained Dr. John. , was too hot to work in the summer. Indeed, Mowbray has been Later on that day Dr. John com- letters to the Editor associated with Western Maryland mented that the contract was for for more than 16 years - as a $100,000, and the work could student between' 1954 and his continue on through the summer. Dear Scrimshaw and Readers: following an established, accepted Dear Editors: graduation in 1958, and then in a It seems that there has been a I have' been following the con- policy in paying their staff. This Ah, come on! Do people reaDy series of adm.inistrative posi~ions' slight, if not close to total, break- troversy over the S.G.A. in- could not be termed "a misuse of want to read about relevant issues. [rom 1963 until the present time. down on communications about vestigation of the Scrimshaw funds" because the policy was not on campus like whether Dean so- He served as dean of men from what order the workmen are going payment policy, and I have made a then under question. Scrimshaw and-so is constipated, or Joe Blow 1969-70 and. ha~ been dean of to repair the buildings, how long few observations. There seems to should not be maligned for is found in McDaniel at 2:00 in the student affa~rs smc~ 1971. . they will be working for and what be an undue amount of hostility following that policy, because up morning or whether the Apt's are .The new vice president rece.lved can be done about modifying their directed towards the Scrimshaw until the time of this investigation, flooded or stolen books. Why not hiS. M.~ .. [rom ~he American working hours. Staphers .: hostility which should the policy was legal. They cannot start a gossip column? That's what University m Washmgton, D.C. As not be present in such an in- be accused ex post facto. people really want to read about. an undergraduate a.t Western It also appears that the noise made on the early hours on vestigation. The policy is under Mr. Trezise also stated in that who's going out with who, (who's Maryland he was president ?f !he Saturdays isn't the girls only investigation, not the Staphers letter that the amount being paid is going to bed with who) who breaks Student Gov,eroment. Assoctattcn to $40 a week." themselves. "closer This is not who ... etc. with that's and .the Me~ s Council and was a what up complaint. I was present at the S.G.A. true. The Scrimshaw Staphers people are really interested in. The varsity ten.n~s player. . Some residents have complained of workmen tapping on their meeting of April 10 and am in we've being paid a total of $28.00 a only trouble is nobody would want In addifinn to his other to hear aboutthemselves! windows, looking in, making lewd agreement with Keith Ammon that week, as was made clear at the professional duties at the college, comments, and telling lurrid it was "a mockery of SGA meeting. I also think that Mr. ANONYMOUS Mowbray served as the college's stories to each other about what parliamentary procedure." The Trezise is making too much of the (including mel) ~e;~i~ri~o;~hih!~!~O~i! ~~:~e~~ representatives went on the night before ... Scrimshaw the facts of the case in point that pays the for Carroll layout County by Times presented the What will become of the situation much the same way as they did in reducing the charge for the D~i~:ta~e: a break. This is ;:~sdi~~e ~:n!~: ~:as:~ ~~~~~~ is still not known. Other than of- fering alternative housing, the the editorial in the April 9 issue of printing instead of refunding the Nowhere. _ Fondly yours, coming to WMC. administration hasn't offered any the paper. The question of policy money in a separate check. That is Debbie Greenstein;- -'----; open. to debate. solutions. And from the tone of the was then thrown that followed was a a technicality and has no real The "debate" bearing on the issue. meeting last night, if something: farce. As was made obvious by the As. 'was pointed out by Mr. isn't done soon, some of the animosity displayed by several Trezise, "theissue is quite possibly STAPH: WHO 'TO BLAM residents might take the matter Get involved . The Big Three: Gene FUflk into their own hands. members of the S.G.A., the issue a dead one." policy It has been decided the Cindy 0' Neal will pressed by those few follow that the was being members on a 'personal level. The procedure outlined in last week's with mushrooms The Baron l. Tavler Mark Katz little Two: clouded, Correction issue was deliberately subjected to editorial. when But it is my hope that if up Matt Bowers and present this comes issue were those tirades on the virtue of volun- again, and when any other issue on The. Gale Researc.h Company in Picture Takers in Chief: teertng one's services, and the the campus is raised, that the Detroit .has complle_d. the En- Baron l. Tayler, Gene Funk In issue No.8, dated. April '16, Scrimshaw Staphers-were treated treatment of it will be different. cyclopedia of Associations that Peons: 1975, in the article titled "Dorm by some as villians for having' Such issues should be resolved by lists some 14,000 organizations Barbara Burns Bob Toner Vandalism" it was stated that, followed a policy that has been in careful examination of the facts of engaged in various causes. If Lonni Mvers "The Betes have since changed. existence almost as long as the the case, not by seeing who has the you're enraged over the Mark Bayer their party policy. and admit only Gold Bug has. I am not denying bigger mouth. mistreatment of mushrooms, you Karen Pilson individuals known to them." The that the policy should have been Thank YQU for your kind at- can join The National Society for Jennifer Watts Betes have advised us that this questioned I just think that the tention. the Prevention of Cruelty to statement is not entirely accurate, investigation should have been Sincerely, Mushrooms. If you believe that lieutenant Kojak and have provided us with a conducted rationally and impar- Kathy Feeley airplanes are a myth, there's the Head Drawer: Mark C_ Bayer - statement of their policy as of April Hally, with more attention paid to Man Will Never Fly Memorial Attorneys: Samuel Goldenstein & 16. It is as follows: the facts. Society lntemationale. But if you Son. "All outsiders must be ac- Concerning the "open letter to Dear Editors, like to fly and you happen to be a AND: A Cast of Thousands. The companied. by students of WMC, the student body" from Tom So you've never heard, of funeral director, you qualify for opinions, expressed in this .pub- and both must leave their names lication do not necessarily reflect and addresses with those frater- "'s e.zisehin ~et APgr~1l~. i~~e h?f ::rf::J:~~~~~n~yR:~1 ~a:~ ~i~:~~h~i~~:~~~~n1.~:~:~~ those of the administration. Box nity members collecting money at u~~~::or~ ~~i:~eJ:f';~'~ issue's "Jerry's Lament." The the researchers failed to include 3A, Western Maryland College,' the door. This policy was adopted. when he was referring to the clue is in the title. the American Orgy Association in Westminster, Maryland 21157 by all four fraternities, not only Scrimshaw Staphers being paid. ~::: ~~~ ~~~i~t :~~~~o~~atio~~~~S~?" Gamma Beta Chi." The scrtmsbaw people were L _J
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