Page 98 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 98
THE GOLD BUG APRIL 19, 1971 PAGE 6 "Death Rides A Freight Train" by Quintin KUlI Amn down shanty at the edge of town Was the only home he knew ' An~' v.iewed the world through a boxcar door For no oryecared just what he'd do. ' His skinny little frame ali twisted and bent Carried his clothes all on his back ' Nobady cared or even knew his n~me But that's the way it is down by the track. A buzzard circled in the stormy sky And seemed to sense he was about to die. A muddy ditch along side of the track Was a grave for him and his little pack. A half-smoked stogey And a few drops of wine Just wasn't quite enough' To buy a box of pine. A lonesome whistle Chills the air, The freight train's movtn' But he's goin' nowhere. ' FREEDOM NOW Come deaf brothers and sisters, Let's go out of silence of the soul, Out of this country of shame, To the mountain top. Let's go find our God, Where we can live, Proud and free. Oh give me deafness, with pride and freedom, Out of this country of shame. Gary Roberts Gary Roberts is a senior at Gallaudet College. He gave me a place to stay during Spring Break. He gave me some understanding about life. He gave me a poem. He is a deaf PERSON. Steve Williams Eco·lumn Contrast compiles student reflections Of trash and trees Campaigne by Dawn WMC students piled up 750 lbs. of paper, last Saturday, in our paper drive. We collected $3.75, Poole's modern account of Christ. Here is a con- and the drive was described as "pretty successful." Tom Yingling trast in style and theme. They are worth reading Stiil, I thought WMC was trashier than that. Next Since literature reflects the environment-in which not only because they are good but also because month, we are planning another to catch what we it is written, if we do not like what we see in the they were written here, at WMC and should missed this time. current issue of Contrast, we have no one to blame therefore be of interest. . In the near future, the Revival will be calling for but ourselves. I have mixed opinions about the The best thing in the magazine is the art work tin cans. So please start saving your beer cans now. magazine and it is very difficult to review it since I whic~ accompanies every entry: Mary Rutledge's We'll be calling for cars, as well. Not to recycle but must be careful not to mislead anyone. To the drawll~gs an~ two of Dave Korbonits' photographs. to fill with trash bags full of cans. Volunteers will be student or professor who is seeking viable reading If this review seems rather sketchy it is mainly hunted down for this, too, so you may as well material, I .would suggest that he go elsewhere; but my fault but it is also because Contrast presents no surrender while you can. to anyone interested in how college students and constant theme on which to speak. It is a collection At our last few meetings, (on Thursdays at 7:30) Max Dixon feelhere at WMC, and is interested in of poems and stories with one thing in common-- we have spoken of speakers. We've got one lined up they are written here. You owe it to yourself and to the types of things they are writing-granted that from the Sierra Club. Only the date needs to be the poems are not Cummings and the prose is not Judi Biauce and her staff to take a look at it. determined. Since the presentation will be an in- Hesse--it is worthwhile for these interested parties See what your friends are up to. forma~ discussion, we're trying to reserve one of the to stop by the French House and pick up a copy of ~::::::::~'.:~:>.-::::::::::::::~::*:::..~:::::~:;:;:::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::~:.~:::::::::::::::::::.:::::: ~ounges.on campus. Watch for it, it should be an Contrast. ENCOUNTER Interesting talk. I must admit that after reading many of the Wanted to buy, One small com paint has scampered through our poems--there are fifteen-- I sat back and said One (1) backpack larger discussions in the Grille: the plastic uisbes in "Wha~'?",. since like most amateur poetry th~ One (1) ride to Friendship Airport on May 29 Barney's Beanery. They are non-biodegradeable. meanmg IS vague and the metaphors disjointed to between 12 and 2 P.M. Ten thousand years from now, that plastic dish full the d~tached reader. But remember that poetry, Steve Williams Rm. 219 Rouzer of your salad will be in some archeological museum ~speclally on a college level, is a personal thing and PS Hey S'mshine B., it all mattered. labeled: The Poison of the Twentieth Century It ISnot my place to tell you which you will like and Attention all jocs! Pick your own harem! At the found by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Someon~ which you will not. It is your decision which is freshman auction you'll have your choice of hU:1- cam,e up with the brillant idea of using glasses for imJ?Ortant. There is every possibility that the ones our Ice cream. Perhaps we could put salad on our which merely confused me will speak to you. There dreds of gorgeous girls. Bidding starts at 8:00 p.m., plates or trays. or tea cups. Whatever we do, April 21 in Decker Wednesday next night, 3I'e however quite a few which I liked--some for auditorium. Don't miss the action with Tuch and ret's do away with the thousands ot plastic bowls their style, others for their theme. Leon as auctioneers and Captivating Kristen and that are thrown out every day. Paper ones could The prose is even more difficult to judge since Marvelous Meg leading the pack. .Sobrtng your bod-- easily be substituted. If we don't substitute there are only two short stories: Bob Haynie's story come to stare, ogle, or drool--but come--with lots of something, the aquarian age will be called the o~ an ex-soldier's psychological crisis, and Chris dough! Plastic Age-the Last Age.
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