Page 97 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 97
1HE GOLD BUG PAGES A ray of hope Sitting around in the midst of term paper season, it occurred to me that a lot more than flowers and spring sports have cropped up at WMC this spring semester. First, a realistic open house plan and revision of the key system were instituted. The women students revised their room drawing operation, which takes a step towards resolving some of the old com- plaints about being resigned to a lousy room. An ecology club started prowling around and asking if anti-pollution couldn't start right here with us. A fraternity is taking pride in becoming the first such nationally affiliated organization on campus. Tile student government admitted its incompetencies and is working to eradicate them. The curriculum committee submitted a new plan for incoming class requirements. And three seniors came up with ideas for compiling the complaints that multiply around' this place, and presenting them to the President-as a concise picture of the campus mood. This is one of the better steps to improve Western Maryland that a group of students has initiated. Students are quick to criticise, slow to realize, the situations behind certain complaints. As one of the three seniors in- volved in the program pointed out, many of the complaints they received were either Letters to the editor totally ridiculous or were already being handled in a committee. But committees, as we are well aware, are not noted for thier "swift decisiveness" in the Western Maryland To the Editor: Association", perhaps the writer fo~nd it difficult to system. OBSERVATIONS AFTER FOUR YEARS differentiate between the meaning of Alumni At any rate, the point remains that this l. Will the SGA ever realize its real potential and Association and alumni. Terminology is important. spring brought with it a lot more than just become a useful social organization or will it There may be individual alumni (graduates or good weather. Hopefully, with more people continue to think it has enormous power and do former students of two or more semesters, etc.) who than three seniors preparing to graduate nothing more than make fancy proposals? have made independent statements about funds, expressing some concern over existing condi- 2. Will Big Baker Chapel continue to be almost a contributions, etc. However, I know of no Alumni and of space money waste complete or will tions, nextfallmightbringwithitrnore than just someone finally realize that a lot more brotherhood Association action or program, nor any group of bright colors. and goodwill would be realized through a good alumni under the auspices of the Western MaryJand which would have College Alumni Association DMH student center that would bring the campus closer caused reference to such. Nevertheless, I am together? certain the Alumni Association Board of Governors Dr. Haqq- righteous Methodist school? would welcome the opportunity of discussing this 3. When will we get off for Good Friday at our statement with students, as I would. 4. When will the academic program become more Thank .you. a preview liberal instead of more conservative? Sincerely yours, .5. When will someone kill Barney Rice after all Philip E. Uhrig other attempts to get decent food are thwarted? Executive Secretary 6. What will happen to the students if Dean Alumni Association bv Kathleen Grist Mowbray gets fired? 7. Will our next President be 98 years old and Jesus freaks, the God Squad, Christian com- senile or will W.M.C. take an unprecedented step Dear Gold Bug, munes. There seems to be a growing interest in not and get a man who can relate to the students in even I am writing this letter in response to the cartoon only Eastern religions, meditation, yoga, etc., but the smallest way? on pages of the April 5 issue of the Gold Bug. also in Christianity. It's time we at Western 8. What will happen to Alpha Gamma Tau after The cartoon was well done indeed. I enjoyed it Maryland learn a little bit more about what all their seniors graduate? more than anything that has previously been in the religions believe, both Eastern and Western 9. When will people start to support our athletic Gold Bug. It is about time someone on the Gold Bug religions. With this in mind, the Religious Life teams, or the Dramatic Arts productions, or the staff got off their ass and did something Council is sponsoring Dr. Akbar Abdul-Haqq, a Gold Bug, or the SGA? revolutionary. If the Gold Bug is to increase guest evangelist, who will be on campus April 28-30. 10. Will anyone ever have as good a time as Leon 'circulalion, more cartoons and articles such as Dr. Haqq was raised in India, the son of the and I have had in our four years at this country "The Byrd's is Alright with Me" must be printed. leading Christian apologist of that country. Both he club? Right on! and his father have debated and dialogued with Tuch A fellow "cosmic gypsy" Hindu and Moslem leaders. Dr. Haqq holds a B.A. degree-honors from the University of the Punjab, Dear Miss Herbst: EDITORS NOTE: If somebody would write and India, as well as two masters degrees from the In reading the April 5 issue of The Gold Bug last draw more cartoons and articles like the Gypsy and same school. His Ph.D. in 'he field of History of week, a portion of an article on page 3, "Student ~:!,.yrds, the Gold Bug would ecstatically print Religions is from Northwestern University in Life discussed in meetings," struck me as needing Illinois. some clarification. I ask that you print what I shall Just as a reminder, the schedule of Dr. Haqq's describe here relating thereto, as an effort to edify visit is as follows: Dear cosmic gypsy, . Wednesday, April 28, 7:00 p.m. Baker 100 - Opening those who might have been mislead by the portion in your helpful hints on how to grow dope you of the reporting to be referred to here. remarks and informal reception Re: the third paragraph, and I quote, "A merger forgot a very important step. the grower should Thursday, April 29 ._ 11:00 assembly Decker between the faculty and the students would, it was soak the seeds before planting. when they have Auditorium Topic -- "The Lost Dimension in Our expressed, make it easier to deal with the ad- sprouted and the roots have grown maybe half an Time" ministration, the Alumni Association, and other inch, then plant, root down. if you wait too long 3: 00 Panel Discussion financial donors," lacks proper identification. The after the root sprouts and the shell falls off before 8:00 "Does Christ Have use of the words "deal with" is somewhat of a planting, the seedling will mush up. anyway this Anything Against Us" mystery; however, since I did not attend this process usually insures a plant and it doesn't take Friday, April 30 morning, Student Consultations meeting, Imake no further comment on that. as long either. As it effects "dealing with 'tne Alumni ~ cosmic sister
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