Page 96 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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NEWS BRIEFS DuBois, symphony Ecologist Rene DuBos will deliver a lecture on April 22, 11A.M. in Decker entitled "The Quality of Life:" 'The lecture will focus on "whether or not man can construct a better environmenl." Dr. DuBos is professor of biomedicine at the Rockefeller University. He has won many awards for his research, including the Pulitzer Prize for his book So Human an Animal. The National Symphony Orchestra will perform in concert on Friday, April 23, at 8:30 P.M. in Alumni. Dr. Howard Mitchell will conduct the orchestra, an annual attraction at WMC. Tickets for the concert are $2.50 for reserved seats (orchestra) and $1.50 for unreserved (balcony), and are available at the College Bookstore or Scharon's Black Eagle in the west- and sorority life on campus. minster Shopping Center. Mrs. Venoris Cates, music supervisor of the Dorm reform goes back to-old chaos Chicago public school system, will give a lecture and demonstration on ethnic music, Tuesday, April Nellie Arrington' 27, at 4:15 P.M. in Levine. Mrs. Cates has lectures and conducted workshops After a month and a half of meetings among However, when the results of this Council on African music throughout the country. She has women residents and their Women's Council meeting were reported back to the women, con- also recorded African and African-American songs representatives, the last of a series of proposals to troversy arose. Much of this stemmed from for "Discovering Music Together." redesign the procedure used in women's room- inadequate explanation or misconceptions on the drawing lost at the April 14th Women's Council part of the Women's Council representatives. The Other upcoming events: meeting. greatest protest came from Whiteford Hall .. Math Association of America meeting- At the February 24th meeting of the Council, five residents in protest to squatter's rights to the dorm. Saturday, April 24, Decker. proposals were introduced to alter room-drawing To rectify the controversy, Women's Council .. "La Guerre est Finie - College Film series - procedure from last year's system which depended decided on April 1 to hold dorm meetings for ex- Sunday, April 25, 7:30 p.m., Decker auditorium. entirely on seniority. These proposals, to be in- planation, discussion, and a number vote on the Tickets are 75¢and are available at the door. troduced and voted on in two floor meetings held by three-parts of the room-drawing proposal. The taUy .. "Everyman '71" - Glen Hopkins Honors play- the Council representatives were squatter's rights of the dorm meeting votes counted at the April 7th April 25 and 26 in little Baker Chapel. Both per- to the dorm, squatter's rights to the room, a Council meeting turned down the squatter's rights formances are free and will begin at 8: 15P.M. number of rooms set by the Dean of Women to be motion while upholding passage on trading night "Painting and scu1pture exhibit by Chris Spencer left open for freshmen and FACs instead of specific and FAC and freshmen room quota and FAC - Fine Arts building - April 26 through May 14 - rooms being blocked off, a compromise meeting, drawing with their class for a room in an assigned weekdays open from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. and a trading night after room-drawing. area" Meanwhile, representatives were asked to When the women's votes were tallied at the take a number vote on a compromise proposal, dubbed the "Hoffa field proposal" which came up March 10th Women's Council meeting, the final KME inducts ~Ieven passed proposal ru1ed for squatter's rights to the in one dorm meeting. This proposal combined. dorm, a number of rooms set aside for freshmen J seniority and squatter's rights so that incoming and FACs, a trading night alter drawing night, and seniors wanting to stay in the same dorm wou1d Eleven undergraduates at Western Maryland FACs to be assigned a dorm, floor, and wing on draw, then seniors wanting to move, then juniors College, Westminster, were recently inducted into which they wou1d chose a room with their class wishing to stay in their present dorm, and so on. Kappa Mu Epsilon, national mathematics society. lottery. Under this system, two nights of drawing, This, too, was voted down under a 2/ 3 majority Those inducted were: G. Harold Baker, III, one for those girls desiring to remain in their vote at the April 14th meeting of Women's Council. Aberdeen; G. Michael Foster, Baltimore; Gail L. present dorm and one for those girls desiring to This final action left the old procedure for room Gill, Reisterstown; James D. Hopkins, West- switch dorms. The trading system would then be drawing intact, with the addition of a trading night minster; Ronald R. Jemmerson, Westminster; held Oil a third night. In addition, Women's Council and the two proposals for freshmen and F AC Janet 1..... Keefer, westminster: Mrs. Paulette voted that all girls without a roommate for the rooms. Counihan Morrissey, Westminster; Mary F. upcoming year wou1d not be able to draw with their Women's room-drawing will be held on April 20th. Purdwn, Lutherville; Linda D. Swift, Street; Jenny class but wou1d be assigned to a room by the Dean. in Blanche Ward gym. Seniors will draw at 7:00, F. Wallingford, Woodsboro; Diane H. Zeller, To help those girls in that situation, they would be juniors at 8:00, and sophomores at 9:00. No girl who Baltimore. required to turn in a room assignment preference lacks a roommate at room-drawing time will be Kappa Mu Epsilon was founded to further the card to the Dean from which a list of girls without eligible to draw with her class for a room. On April interests of undergraduates in mathematics and to roommates cou1d be made, thus possibly resulting 22nd, a trading session will be held at 7:00 in help them realize the role of mathematics in the in girls on the list roeming together. This system Blanche Ward gym. Women's Council emphasized development of Western civilization. The society' was designed to alleviate a problem which left this trading session is to trade rooms, not room- attempts to develop an appreciation of the power approximately fifty of last year's freshmen women mates. At 11:00 on the 22nd, house elections will be and beauty of mathematics. It also provides a without rooms at the end of drawing. held in the respective dorms. society for recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of mathematics. All members of KME must have completed a requisite number of hours of mathematics study and to have retained significant academic SLC reviews,remakes policies at WMC averages. Easter bunny hits Two matters discussed by the Student Life Committee will be needed to approve this plan. THE HONOR SYSTEM. At the request of the Council have already been reported to the facu1ty: Honor Court, the SLC discussed and then recom- NEW REGULATIONS CONCERNING SEC- mended (1) a plan whereby infractions occurring Saturday morning, April 10, the Easter Bunny TION AUTONOMY, OPEN HOUSE, AND KEY during the regular summer term may be handled, visited our college. Carloads of underprivileged PRIVILEGES. The recommendations of the SLC and (2) ways in which the Honor System may be children from. the area were transported to the were substantially recommended also by the AAC made more visible on campus in a positive way. campus where they followed the Easter Bunny to the President, who approved the recom- Item 0) is coming before the facu1ty immediately; (Chris Reinert in disguise) out to Harvey Stone for mendations and reported them to the faculty. item (2) is still under deliberation by the Honor an Easter Egg hunt. About seventy children came THE CREATION OF AN ARTS COUNCIL. The Court. out for the hunt. SLC's recommendation for the creation of an Arts HAZING. Dean Mowbray asked for the Council's Eggs were hidden around Harvey Sto~e ~nd 1st, Council were forwarded to the AAC. The AAC and opinions concerning hazing. Presidents of frater- 2nd and 3rd prizes were awarded for finding the the President agreed to establish such a council on nities and fraternity advisors were invited to the red: blue, and yellow colored hard. boped eggs. A an informal basis this spring. meeting at which this matter was discussed. After booby prize was also awarded for finding the least other matters discussed by the SLC are as discussion, the SLC went on record in opposition to num her of eggs. Much to the dismay of the golfers follows: any form of hazing (by any group) that is injurious playing in the tournament that day, some of the SELECTION OF STUDENTS FOR THE AD- to the well-being of the student. children found golf balls instead of eggs. MISSIONS COMMITTEE. After discussion in the STUDENT PUBLICATIONS. The SLC The hunt was sponsored by Phi Alpha Mu, who' SLC, a plan was worked out by Hopple, Dr. Law, currently discussing the general topic of student is hope to make it an annual event for the HINGE and Dr. Shook whereby, after screening by the SGA publications, with special reference to the Joint children. The Easter Bunny's assistants were John to insure that candidates are qualified, final Statement on Student Rights and Freedoms that the Skinner, Dee Getty, Chelle Catington, Susan selection will be made by the President of SGA, the college recently accepted in principle. This Sharpless, Sue Head, Debbie Weiner, and several Chairman of the Admissions Committee, and the discussion will probably continue through several other Phi Alphs who helped to control the mob. Director of Admissions. Consent of the Admissions meetings.
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