Page 95 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 95
APRIL 19, 1971 THE GOLD BUG PAGE3 DAVIDS JEWELERS Spring cleaning advises communication wmc. college rings . gifts This article began when I stopped by to see Dr. Those are the burning issues, folks. "People in panasonic expert Ensor on a Monday afternoon. (Did you know that the know" will naturally say that these problems Dr. Ensor keeps Monday afternoons open for are already being attacked. Why don't the students keepsake student appointmentsv: On his desk were three know this? Well, laziness and apathy are good cruel piles of unfinished work. He was tired answers, and indeed they do apply in many cases. diamonds patient. and concerned. After we finished with th~ But what about the students who are concerned; specific question that had brought me to see him, where do they turn? Dr. Ensor suggests the hand- 19 East· Westminster,.&. we talked. We talked mostly about the college I've book. Ican only agree. Many questions do find their Main Street Maryland loved for four years, the same community he's led answers there. But what about the latest Commit- for 23 years. I suddenly realized that I had been tee reports? What if you don't know that the Dean there too long and left. of Women (why?) is in charge of the calendar. A I had had a rough day myself. My desk was piled ESHELMAN'S with stuff. too. But on my desk, were a couple communications-information officer would be one person who could give anybody the information novels, a cracker box, three broken ping pong balls they wanted, Moreover, in a sense, he would also be SHOES dirty socks, and a television. I was tired, but not to~ a "complaint center" As Jerry, Mike and I have (please pardon this slightly pat~ent, ~nd certainly if there was one thing to be negative approach>' avoided. It was "concern." Everybody knows that found out. .most complaints are steeped in The Finest in Footwear concern .can lead to nothing but trouble. ignorance. Somebody on campus should be in Well right now I'm pretty tired; I'm ridiculously charge of heading the grumbling, useless student in 23 EAST MA1N ST. concerned, and maybe after a few years I will a more constructive direction. This person would send the student to the nearest conquer patience. My desk is quite well organized. com- applicable WESTMINSTER, MD. One of the things on it is a looseleaf notebook that mittee, or faculty advisor, or Ad- I've been carrying around with me almost con- ministrative officer, Phone 848·3606 stantly for the last few weeks. The notebook lists This information center (Have you ever been to alphabetically of course, every comment I've heard fourth and fifth floor Elderdlce? You can see all about the college. Mrs. Ensor told me the other over the campus from there ... ) is the main ob- night that she was concerned that I seemed to be jective of our "Project Spring Cleaning" as we dwelling on complaints-c-on what's wrong. Well I cleverly call it. Of course the college will have to hope someday to write an article about everything either hire a trained reference type-person, (Didn't we all love about WMC.... but that would be a you think that Mrs. Crain was one librarian you considerably longer article and I graduate (G.L.W. could always count on to help? ) or perhaps they can and. the creek don't rise) in a few weeks. (Maybe p~y a responsible student the standard wage of !h~ Goldbug could do some good PR for the college $1.60 an hour to be the communications officer. (Or m Its next Issue and devote the whole thing to the maybe bothj ) For four years I've been hearing things we love about the college, who's to say") "our problem is Communication." Why hasn't this Well, Mrs. Ensor, I agree that negativism is deadly, problem been confronted directly? Who is However remember that old song: responsible? The obvious answer to many of our We will survey and we'll poll them questions is "We need a communications officer." "Please the masses" is our call, Nancy Winkelman, our Publicity officer, cannot be Then we won't have to console them expected to do all these things. Her already com- When they find they have no taste plex job deals largely with public relations, not At alL" intra-campus relations. I think that all the other items in our list of ~fter ~ large scale investigation, Jerry Hopple, questions are pretty self-explanatory. That is, all of ~Ike Wemblatt and I have decided that this song is Be responsible Just about accurate. Most of the complaints we got them except for the request for a statement of philosophy by all members of the campus com- were stupid, The vast majority were either specific foods, or specific faculty members that were un- munity. Students really ought to know in their own minds why the heck somebody is paying three Call popular with specific students. My personal plan grand a year to send them here. Faculty on the to avofd has been ham always hamburger, other' hand, should have a clear view of why loaf ...and anything else. I didn't like. Anybody who somebody is paying them better than twice that to ~planned lived through the old dining system knows there's be a part of our Community. We have a right to much more variety now. (Do you know who the know what to expect of each other. members of the College Cafeteria Committee are? x 11 typing paper, Doyou complain to them") Whenever I have a bone dated at the top, signed at the bottom, Title: "my The idea of stating (on 8-1/2 to pick with a professor, I go right up and pick. The parenthood faculty members who seemed to be most misun- philosophical view of what we're doing is not just College") Maryland Western Role at our derstood by st.udents, are ones that I've always gotten along With very well, or else had no contact idealistic nonsense. It had a very practical ap- info. and services with at all. If you have a question to direct to R. plication rRead carefully; Allen McCoy and Mike Weinblatt don't agree ...and I value their opinion. for Reed, or Price Jones, Holloway, Straughn, Let's assume work it out yourself! sake God's These' are Perhaps there is a flaw in my plan.) 752-0131 re_asonable people. Iguarantee they'll confront you the college information by everyone (yes, Mrs. officer has a file that statements contains and a desire to help, and not With understanding Palmer, students too) of exactly what they want to quote policies and rules. All our faculty members are sensitive and qualified educators. accomplish---not picky little specifics, but Feeling responsibility and concern for a com- statements of goals and ideals that apply to their THE GOLD BUG munity of over 1000 people is very hard, especially particular situation. A statement of what I am Entered as second class matter It the post office, Westmin- when the 1000 people are all justifiably busy with trying to accomplish here. I can't be too specific in my statement. Yet it should cover everything ster, Maryland, 21157. Second class postage paid-at west- their own affairs. But I think we all have the right hope to do at college. For instance, I'd readily I and the duty to be as nosey as I've been lately. We minster. all ought to ask "Why?" .... AND THEN, LISTEN admit that academics in my case are only about a Editor-in-chief Donna Herbst TO THE ANSWER. There's always a good ex- third of what I'd like to do here. The teacher will Associ~te editor Chris Bothe planation. We're all trying our hardest to do what's talk about how he hopes to instill an appreciation of' News Cathy Nelson expected of us. his discipline in those taking survey courses. He will want to create competence in those that chose Our "investigations" have proven that there are Sports Bernie Pffiefer very few problems that are not being attacked his field as their major. He will explain his role as I Photography Dave Korbonits already by some committee or another. Why, a advisor to six or seven students, etc. All this will fit Business Manager Belinda Bonds nu~ber of problems are so important that they are on one typewritten page. Any good teacher would being surrounded and ambushed and picked apart be able to fill a book. But, by the same token, any Dawn Campaigne* Tom Yingling* Nellie Arring- by several committees at once! And there are good teacher is secure enough in his goals and ton* Chip Rouse* Marla Weinstein* Earl Bau m- many courageous faculty members that are truly methods that he can express concisely, and in his native tongue---the answer to the question "what on more than one and are serving concerned, gar tner= Joe Prado= Dennis Kirkwood* B,D. committee. My own advisor and friend, W. are you doing here at WMC?"-n- the teacher is Snakeman* Ed Smith* Jim Zu cco " Kathleen Tree B. has been associated with the college for ashamed of what he is doing, or if he hasn't thought about itfora while, or if he isn't sure, .. well, I don't (a guess) fifteen years at least. Every committee Grist* Bill Candee= Jim Sotlers " you go to, his name pops up. His time and energy know what to suggest in such a case. Address all mail to: Well, I think this (the only article I've ever expenditure are carefully mapped out. He remains written in four happy years here) has gone on long Box 352 an excellent teacher somehow, too, I know that all enough, A lot of things have gone on long enough. Western MarylandCollege the. faculty members are careful to keep teaching Gunther Grass in his latest book has this dentist Westminster, Maryland 21157 their primary function. (Thank god our Dean of the proclaim, "dialogue prevents action." I think the Faculty has seen how stupid the "publish or perish" present Committee system proves this, But I Published by and for the students of Western Ma1yland syndrome is!) suggest we follow our leader (Oh God help us fill his College. The opinion, in this paper do not necessarily By the time this article is puboshed, the campus shoes) I think we can all be satisfied if we're tired, reflect usose or the Administration_ will h.ave already had its mass meeting on Sunday patient, and concerned. the eighteenth -.~very()n-eals0~will nave-gotten a is too P.S. Weinblatt thinks the last sentence SUBSCRIPTION: $5.00 yearly copy of our ..Jl:Oslbonpaper. Just to reiterate, here drematic.J'rn a drama major and I don't. You have are .the questions that popped up most often in cur polling: to decide for yourself. Glenn
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