Page 100 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 100
PAGE THE GOLD BUG Batsmen have slow season opening Baseball at Western Maryland, known for its Swift. I don't think Dave '(known for his agility) winning tradition under the auspicious leadership would forgive me if I didn't mention his now of Fern Hitchcock, has started this season in famous and historic stumble from third to home. relatively unsuccessful fashion. Although sporting 'Yes, he was thrown out despite the laughter a current 3 wins-a losses record, better results are bellowing from the catcher who had trouble han- anticipated for the remainder of the season. dling the ball. (For details, ask anybody that was Looking back over the six games already played, there.) there have been no glaring weaknesses. By the In the most exciting game to date George Mason same token there have not been any areas where was beaten 7-6 in 12 innings. Barney Schultz, who the team has exibtted outstanding strength, with relieved Harry Entenberg in the seventh', gave up the exception of the tremendous effort by Bob only 1 hit and 1 run to receive credit for the win. Merry. Merry has fired two shutouts beating both Schul tz also drove in the winning run in the 12th, University of Baltimore and Loyola 2-0. His ac- scoring Bob Pepsher who had singled and stole complishment should not be overlooked because of second, th~ 11th stolen base of the game for Western the fact that, perhaps, it's becoming "old hat" for Maryland. Bob to pitch courageous baseball. With the hope of improvement as the season continues, Western Maryland next faces Ursinus on Friday and Mt. St. Why not new track? Mary's on Saturday for a double-header. In the opening double header against University of Baltimore only the first half of the day's By Bernie Pfeiffer festivities can be looked back upon with anything Thursday, April 15 marked the home field debut resembling fond memories. Western Maryland lost of the Western Maryland track team. Since this the second game 16-0. In the first game the only article is going to press before the meet is run the runs of the game were scored in the top of the first. :e~ults won't appear here. But one thing is obvious, Dave Putreucci filling in for senior Jim Schwertzler It ISa shame that a team with such potential must lined a single to right. Billy Swift then plated run on such a third rate facility. True, the track has Petrucci with a single moving to second on the been rolled and I am sure that if it is kept watered throw home. Dave Duquette completed the scoring and weeded the .com will be in by September, but with a one bagger to left. ~he fact remams that the track is pitifully In the first away game Western Maryland came Inadequate. The team has made great strides these out on the short end against U.M.B.C. 6-4. Barney last two years under coach Rick Carpenter and Schulze started strong yielding only 4 hits and 1 run should Improve as the season goes on; however, the over the first six innings. After this, Barney, who track remains the same or gets worse every year. has been jokingly referred to as a 70 year old man, why the school can't afford to put in even a wooden gave evidence that maybe it's no .joke. U.M.B.C. edging on the track, which in itself wouldn't scored 5 runs on 6 hits in the 7th and Bth innings as represent a real improvement, is beyond me. The old age was all influencing. Western Maryland was expense Involved can't be all that great. As it exists led by Walter Orndorff who was perfect from the now, hamstri~g pulls, twisted ankles, and just hie ounce of pounce into his impressive high plate with 3 singles and a double. Two more of the 11 about everything else is a possibility when running jump effort total hits were credited to Jim Schwertzler, both on the WMC goat path. being extra base smashes. This Monday will also mark the start of the in- Trackmen take off On 'Saturday, April 10, Loyola was the opponent tramural softball season. It looks like it could be a for an afternoon double-header. A split here vintage year as several teams appear to be very brought the Terrors record to 2-3, winning the first st:on.g. The defending champions, Pi Alpha Alpha, Jim Zucco 2-0and losing the second 6-2. In the humble opinion will field a team which is expected to be even better The 1971track and field season has promised to of this writer, it was here that the team began th.anlast year's championship ten; however, Delta be an interesting and exciting one at Western realizing their potential with signs of hustle and PI Alpha, Gamma Beta Chi, and Alpha Gamma Tau Maryland. The Terror trackmen under the direction of Coach Rick Carpenter, have initiated mental alertness. The strong arm of Merry yielded ~iIl also have excellent squads, and a great race is only 4 hits as these were well scattered, allowing III the making. Once again though, a sport with their endeavors with impressive victories over only 1 man to advance as far as second base. In the great possibilities is being affected by the lack of Washington College and Loyola College. Lacking in 4th inning Jim Schwertzler provided all the runs facili.ties. As of this time there are two possible numbers and depth, the team has relied on out- needed to win with a towering home run over the locations to play: the ninth fairway and an un- standing individual performances with many right center field fence. In the second game a 5 run dersize J ~ractice _fiel~ by the Grille, and nobody athletes doubling and tripling up in events. The 3rd inning spoiled the college pitching debut of knows which one It Will be. Big choice. hard training and tough conditioning of pre-season workouts paid off when the track season opened on freshman Fred Naartsma. SPECIAL NOTE: Spring football has once again April 10, at Washington College in Chestertown, Western Marvland's only runs came in the 7th descended upon the campus. While this program Maryland. prove of some players for those value may WMC stickmen 2-2 changing positions, I fail to see where it proves to Whimsey trackmen gained first place in every TheSho'men were no match for the Terrors as the be of value for the over~ll program. Let's face it, event except the 440 relay. In addition the Terrors Ed Smith _ most of the players involved in the fall are swept first. second, and third places in the triple ~urre."tly involve~ in some other spring sport. Why, Now the WMC stickmen stand at 2 wins, 2 losses Ifspring football ISso valuable, do so many players jump, long jump, pole vault, and the 220 yard run. on the year. The Terrors almost achieved a shutout avoid it? The track events were marked by the outstanding early in the season against visiting Dickinson performances of Jim Zucco and Gerry College. Hapless Dickinson was unable to score the McGaughran in the 120 yard high hurdles; Joe third quarter of the game. WMC never was quite Brockmeyer, Dave Roulette, and Bill McCormick able to get its potent attack moving, or the score in 220yard run; Frank Schaeffer in the 440yard run; would have been much higher than 8-3. Tom Enstice in the mile and 880 yard run; and The mistakes that kept the Terrors from running Bernie Pheiffer in the two-mile run. In the field up the score in the first two games proved costly events Charlie Bowers won the high jump with a against powerful Delaware and nationaBy ranked leap of 5'9", the highest of his career, and Lynn UMBC. Delaware pushed the Terror stickmen all Boniface captured the pole vault. Odd Haugen over the field in the first half, building up a 7-2 rendered the meet's most outstanding performance halftime lead. However, the Terrors came back by setting both school and field records in the shot strong, led by Bobby Wolfing's 3 goals, and the put and Discus with throws of 48'10" and 146' tenacious defense of R. Dope Smith, Adams, Appel, respectively. Joe Brockmeyer and Dave Roulette Popham, and Tar-tar. In the end, however, it was shared high scoring honors with fifteen points each. jus t too little, too late with the Ilnal score 8-6. The final score was Western Maryland 111 and The stickmen next visited UMBC, who jumped Washington College 34. out to an early lead, and, thanks to another in- Just two days later, April 12, the Terrors famous WMC third quarter, the Terrors limped off swamped Loyola College 89 to 47 in a repeat per- the field at halftime, losing 7-2. After realizing that formance of their earlier victory. This time the all it took to beat this team was the ability to throw relays figured prominently in the scoring. The 440 and catch, however, our team battled back, relay team of Johnson Bowie, Jim Zucco, Dave pumping 8 goals into the UMBC nels. This scoring Roulette, and Joe Brockmeyer won handily. The burst was led (again) by the great feeding of Ron mile relay provided the excitement as Bill Me- Athey, Wolfing's 6 goals, and (Big) Al McCoy's Cormick ran the first leg, followed by Bowie and golfing tactics. Diminutive Dane Eckert continued Zucco. Frank Schaeffer run an outstanding anchor to lead midfield scorers, adding 2 goals. UMBC .leg, lunging across the tape to win by inches. Jim managed to hang on to their 12-JOwin. Zucco, high-point man of the afternoon with 13-1/ 2, The Terrors next play Loyola on Saturday, April set a field record of 58.6 seconds in 440intermediate 17,and then, next Wednesday, the 21st, in the Second nurdles. Odd Haugen eclipsed his school record in Annual Night Lacrosse Game to be held at West- the shot put with a toss of 49'2-1/2", which also set a minster High School. The WMC opponentjor that new field record at Loyola. The Terrors will host Lycoming College Thur- game is Gettysburg College. Tickets for this ex- citing exhibition are on sale now from any tnember sday, April 15,and return to Washington College for oftJIelacrosse~; make sure toget yours early! crowd pleasing poise and form. the Mason-Dixon relays on Saturday, April 17-.
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