Page 103 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 103
MAY 10,1971 Comment: More concerts! As we made our way down to Hoffa field, mindful ...of the admonitions that the only liquids flowing on the field had better be Coke, we heard the marshalls who were "checking to make sure that nothing illegal was going on", i.e. being drunk or smoked, giving advice on how to get those loaded Coke cans down to the rock concert. The grand winner of Delta Pi Alpha's "wagon of Cheer" contest held in Westminster is John Elliot, The sun was just about down as we stepped Ridge Road, Westminster. He is shown here with (I. to T.) Wilson Bowers, Preacher Sweetheart Deb- acr oss bodies wrapped up in blankets. bie Wilbur and Bob Fox. Sometimes it was hard to tell if the lumps in the grass were human or earth: Hoffa looked strangely different than it ever does during Are college intramural rules unfair? football season. The difference was apparent and loud, and came from. the south end of the by Hernie Pfeiffer then decides to quit? This could come about for field, where Sage Worth and Drums were As the intramural softball season comes into full many reasons, yet the athlete is penalized by not performing and knocking the "heck" out of swing, there is one question that immedia~ely being allowed to play. Why? Isn't the purpose of the their instruments. comes to my mind. That concerns the matter of Just program to provide some sort of athletic com- Twilight gave way to darkness, and Crank who is eligible to participate? As the rule states petition for all students? Then why are these came on. By that time nobody really cared now, those not eligible include athletes who have students caught in the middle, unable to participate who or what was playing. It seemed that previously lettered in baseball, and those who hav.e in varsity sports, and, in a sense, "banned" from intra murals? It seems evident to me that this facet maybe, for a little while, WMC had forgotten drawn equipment and are presently on or have quit of the program needs to be reviewed in the near I can see no any varsity spring sport. Certainly its brand of apathy and was really having a harm in keeping those who have previously lettered future, for if the intramural program is to fulfill its good time. The rock concert was well- in baseball out; if they are currently participating role, then it must take these people into con- attended, well-received, and there-ought-to- in the program or not, they have demonstrated sideration. be-more-of-them. The SGA finally struck a -, skills that are superior to those exhibited in the At this time I would like to propose the following successful note in getting students out of the intramural program. For obviou~ reasons, the rule changes for the eligibility rules: Any student who draws equipment with any in- dorms and into the cosmos, and can afford to I should also be kept for those involved in other tercollegiate team, and who quits or has his name spring sports, as it would be a loss for a team to see pat themselves on the back for doing that at one of its members injured in this program. removed from that sport's roster before the first leas t once this year. scheduled meet or competition of the regular The concert was happy. If you don't like the ~;;~e:~tw~:J ~a~~i~i~~~!~~ef~~o~ ~!~r wd:eak~i~~ season shall be considered eligible for the in- word happy, then it was fun. And if you didn't what might amount to nothing but practice, and tramural program. think it was fun, then chances are you didn't go. Hopkins creates excellence for honors This is the last issue of the Gold Bug for this year. Thanks to everybody who helped, and by Donna Herbst kid." After she yelled at him again when he wanted The big question in reviewing "The Celebration of stick around next fall. Everyman-1971" is which was the success- Glenn to go out and play in the rain, she went on with her DMH Hopkins or his play? Or are the two the same? ironing and injected: "Hey - I love you." Hopkins has a reputation for being un- Gary LeGates was interviewed by Spiritual Man conventional, uninhibited, inquisitive, friendly, and when Gary made the statement that you don't have THE GOLD BUG now, after the showing of his play, brilliant. That's to be sighted to use the word "see." Peter , as Entered as second matte, at the post offiCe, Westmin- a strong word, but oter seeing "Everyman," I don't Spiritual Man, asked him to elaborate on this, and the fact that Gary was speaking from personal net, Marylanc(21157. Second class postage paid at west- think too many people could quarrel with it. experience made the scene a close and moving one, minstm-. "The Celebration of Everyman-1971" was Glenn because he was speaking to "Everyman:" Editor-in-chief Donna Herbst Hopkins' honors project which was presented last "Blindness has its advantages. Did you ever read in Associate editor Chris Bothe week on two nights III Little Baker Chapel. As the the dark?" When Spiritual Man threatened to turn audience filled in, they were regally announced by News Cathy Nelson Kevin Hanley, and as each person proceeded up the out the lights and rearrange the furniture to repay Gary for being flippant, the latter retorted: "Spotts Bernie Pffiefer aisle to obtain the number of their seat, the people just turn the lights back on and rearrange it!" "I'll already seated clapped for them. Before the play Photography Dave Korbonits began, balloons were tossed into the pews, and we Glenn Hopkins knew what he was doing when he Business Manager Belinda Bonds were told that the object was to keep them off of the put together his play. He was out to shock, startle, floor. So immediately we forgot about the entertain, probe, and affect his audience. He Dawn Campaigne* Tom Yingling* Nellie Arring- sophisticated college student image, and began redefined audience to make it a part of the per- ton* Chip Rouse= Marla Weinstein* Earl Bau m- batting the huge balloons around like a bunch of formance - but then, it had to be in order to truly gar.lner* Joe Prado* Dennis Kirkwood* B.D. three year-olds, even though we were a little rusty make it a "Celebration." "Everyman" ended on an optimistic note, with everyone drinking a water from not playing the game for a few years. Snakeman'" Ed Srn ith" Jim Zucco* Kathleen The play began. It boiled down to a morality play, toast to themselves and each other, and then filing Grist'" Richard Andersen" Joel Kehm '" with Spiritual Man versus Philosophical Man out of the pews, hand in hand, singing, clapping, versus Social Man versus Physical Man. The four and smiling. Some of the smiles were bewildered, Address all mail to: discovered, in the end, that they were really all one some embarrassed; but most were genuine, which Box 352 Man, but it took a lot of discussion and many is what "The Celebration of Everyman-1971" was Western Maryland College episodes for them to discern that. all about. The performers were excellent, not as westminster, Maryland 21157 Subtleties dotted the play. All four per- professionals, butas any-men who yoicecLtJ:1.ef~s sonifications of Man wore cut-offs, and then dif- and hopes of all men. If you stole alOOk at Glenn Published by and fo, the JtOc!mb of Westerll Maryland ferent shirts or coat and tie combinations to identify during the play, as he stood in the organ gallery Q:JUep. The opiRions in Chit paper do nol ~y their character. Sue Hille as Mother, yelled at helping make the music for the performance, you reflect ~ofthe AdminiJttation. Physical Man for leaving shredded Kleenex all over could easily see his fears and hopes for the play. the floor she-h:iH~d~_a.t~e:d,.and gave him a The fears were allayed; the hopes were realized, SUBSCRIPTION: $5.00 yearly lecture about how it is in the world, and added, and "Everyman" truly deserved the title "honors when she was finished, under her breath "You poor project:" .DlI .<:21;1:) -rormn. "'cJ
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