Page 102 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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MAY 10, 1971 Seniors honored Members of the class of 1971 were formally in- vested with caps and gowns and academic honors were presented during Investiture and Honors Convocation at Western Maryland college, west- minster, on Sunday. In a tradition dating to the first years of Western Maryland College, President Lowell S. Ensor symbolically invested the class by presenting cap and gown to Charles E. Moore, Jr., Northfield, New Jersey, president of the class. Academic honors were awarded to seniors, those newly inducted into the college honor society were recognized, and the class was addressed by a member of the faculty. It is tradition that the speaker and the president of the college are the only ones to know who will make the investiture address up to the time the president makes the introduction. On Sunday the speaker was Dr. Isabel L Royer, professor of biology. Also part of the Convocation is presentation of the Distinguished Teaching Award. Dr. Keith N. Richwine, chairman of the English department, received it this year. The Award is made by the Baltimore alumnae chapter of Sigma Sigma Tau sorority on the advice of members of the student body. Academic honors were presented to the following: The United States History Award .. Gerald W. Hopple, Baltimore; Milton Hendrickson Scholarship Award (biology) ..Martha M. Moore, Silver Spring; The Lt. Col. F. C. Pyne The Black and Whites became Beta chapter of nation- Mathematical Award .. Raymond D. Brown, ally affiliated Phi Delta Theta fraternity several weeks Dr. Keith Richwine, English Department Chairman, Riverton, New Jersey, and Harold E. Conn, ago. President Don Shenk accepts the certificate award- was awarded the Distinquished Teaching A ward at Reisterstown; The Wall Street Journal Award .. ed at their induction ceremony. the recent Honors Convocation. Mohammad Taha Azahari, Johor, Malaysia; The Hugh Barnette Speir, Jr. Prize (history)" David W. Brown, Finksburg; The Lt. Col. F. C. Pyne English Coming Attractions Award-Nancy L. Niner, Baltimore. Harrison House plans lecture Ecology is the topic for the third in a series of Western Maryland's Reserve Officer Training New Argonauts career information programs being sponsored for Corps will participate in the annual President's undergraduates by the Alumni Association of Review at 11:45a.m. on May 11,on Hoffa Field. The Western Maryland College, Westminster. program is open to students and the public. Dr. L. Eugene Cronin, research professor and This ceremony is the highlight of the year for director of the National Resources Institute for the cadets. It's purpose is to give college officials and Juniors and Seniors who qualified were inducted University of Maryland, will be the .speaker students the opportunity to observe the cadets in into the.honor society at Western Maryland College, Monday, May 17. Dr. Cronin, a 1938 graduate of parade formation. Individual awards for out- westminster. on Sunday, May 2. Western Maryland College, is a marine biologist standing achievement will also be announced and Junior and senior fellows of The Argonauts are who has specialized in the Chesapeake Bay and its presented. elected on the basis of academic achievement. A estuaries for 30 years. He will relate his experience The 44 member First United States Army band special induction ceremony and reception for new to the field of ecology in general. Dr. Cronin has from Fort George Meade in Maryland will present members was held 01) Sunday afternoon prior to the published widely and has served as consultant to fifteen minutes of concert music beginning at 11:45, Investiture and Honors Convocation that evening at the office of Naval Research and other agencies. as well as providing music for the review. which the members were recognized. The career information programs are sponsored Medals will be awarded to outstanding cadets by The following seniors were inducted into the by the Undergraduate Relations Committee of the dignitaries from such groups as the Baltimore Sun society: Mohammad Taha Azahari, Johor, G. Harold Baker, III, Aberdeen; David Malaysia; Alumni Association. Informal afternoon sessions newspaper, the association of the U. S. Army, the are held in Harrison Alumni House. The previous Reserve Officers' Association, the American W. Brown, Finksburg, David N. Clark, programs nave been involved with journalism, Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Daughters of the Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania; Harold E. Conn, banking, law enforcement, and data processing. American Revolution, and Sons of the American Reisterstown; Steven J. Grant, Bethesda; Anne K. Because of the interest in ecology the May 17 Revolution. Heath, Baltimore; Gerald W. Hopple, Baltimore; session will be devoted solely to that career area. In case of inclement weather, the ceremony will Charles M. Horn, Baltimore; Carol D. Lichty, The session will begin at 3:30 p.m. be conducted inside of Alumni Hall. Arlington, Virginia; Brenda R. Murray, Hamp- stead; Nancy L. Niner, Baltimore. Also, Paula J. ottinger, Hagerstown; Mrs. Tanta nMajor Bones is finally here!" Luckhardt Rimmer, Baltimore; Gary L. Scholl, Bel Air; Susan R. Seney, Towson; F. Coe Sherrard, Jr., E. Shipley, Upperco; Mrs. Rising Sun; Barbara Catherine McCullough Shultz, Kensington; Carol J. Sims, Ellicott City; Betty L. Tokar, Emmitsburg; these acts, which incidentally come from all four Daniel J. Wiles, Frederick; and Pamela H. zap- "Well, sportsrans, it's Spring and you know what corners of the campus with-entries rrom three of the pardfao, Baltimore. The new inductees join seniors that means. Yesiree, Bob!" four fraternities, two sororities, and a cast of who became fellows in their junior year. Yes, sportsfans, Major Bowes is finally here. thousands from the movie Big Deal starring the Juniors elected members of The Argonauts were: While that may bring many a premature yawn to Boston Hotdog in his greatest roll yet. Also featured Susanne Ayers, Potomac; Alice N. Boyer, Severn; the mouths of all the ignorant wastrels who the Barleycakes, Robert E. Chapman, Frederick; Steven T. habitually frequent this institution of higher will be Ellen Ritchie, Lyn Hals, Crompton, Frederick; Diane L. Ercole, Baltimore; and Jeff Bell. But don't let that get you down, learning, it will no doubt serve as a harbinger of because it's the only show in town. Major Bowes Hubert L. Fiery, Hagerstown; Kevin F. Hanley, good news wrapped in swaddling clothes to all has recently returned from an extended West Coast Morgantown, West Virginia; Judith E. Harkins, erudite scholars of fine variety talent shows. In the tour in which he played Las Vegas, the Cow Palace, Baltimore; G. Wilkins Hubbard, II, Rock Hall; common tongue, Good Grief! The Follies are here. the oboe, and Hamlet in a play of the same name. Mary Lou Hutchison, Queen Anne. But enough of this madness, When interviewed on nationwide television after his Also, Alice L. Kenady, Rockville; Belinda J. The curtain rises in Alumni Hall Friday, May 14 successful campaign for the papacy, Major Bowes Lewis, Maugansville; Linda L. McGregor, Glen at8:30forthissight-soundextravaganza.Cashprizes was heard to remark: "Off the cuff, now, my shirts Burnie; Kevin M. Montgomery, Baltimore; Susan of $35 for first place and $15for second place will be are all too long. In addition, two plus two is four. R. Phoebus, Baltimore; Joan B. Radebaugh, Silver awarded by a three-man faculty team. The show And why'd the chicken cross the road?" The an- Spring; L. Elizabeth Sewell, Sherwood: Linda M. has been wittled down to nine legitimate acts in swers to these and other questions will be cordially Shaw, Grove City. Florida; Ronald J. Sweren, order to give each contestant a sufficient amoun~ of provided to the populace at large (i.e. in Alumni Baltimore; Cathy L. Van Dyke, Pocomoke City; time to air their particular talents, not to mention Hall) Fr-iday, May 14 at 8:3QWhen Maior Bcwe's Caroline B. Warfield, Gaithersburg; and Susan C. their dirty wash. Do not cry, children, the Great Magical 'l'll'lerWiHU.JWh~ gets run up the Wells, Rockville. stf~ Rinaldo will be there as well as Harvey Wollensak flagpole to see if anybody salutes. Jose can you seer The Argonauts were established to promote and his Talking Goldfish. Seriously now, a lot of This public service announcement is brought to scholarship, recognize academic achievement, and time and hard work has been spent in preparing you by the Junior Class, ltd. bring together scholars from various departments.
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