Page 94 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE2 THE GOLD BUG APRIL 19,1971 Pass-fail labeled narrow: change advocated by Dave Wiley 4. A student may not change from or change to order to try to discourage students from taking The pass-fail system at WMC has failed. It is a the Pass-Fail status after the first two weeks of courses pass-rail. Pass-Fail grades should be n~rrow, unfair system that discriminates against class. recorded as just that -"P" or "F". A number of C's underclassmen and penalizes those students who do 5. An "F" grade under this system counts as any where P's should be may detract from the opinion take courses under its conditions. It is time for a other "F" grade. of a graduate school or an employer when con- critical review and overhaul of the pass-fail option 6. A "P" grade adds hours and an equal number sidering a student for a position. This practice and its basic philosophy in order to be more fair and of points to the student's total-towards the 124 of should be abolished. better meet the needs of the campus. each required for graduation but is not counted in Unfortunately, many members of the faculty and The pass-fail option was begun at WMC, at the his index in any way. administration are against any improvement in the initiative of students, for a two-year trial period 7. A "Pass" grade goes into the student's per- present pass-fail system. In fact, Mrs. Perry, the beginning in September 1967. In 1969, it was con- manent record as a "C." registrar, hopes for the abolishment of the 'system tinued on a permanent basis. As a trial program, These rules are unfair and narrow in their altogether. the limitations that it has may have been justified. operation. First, as explained above, the option "I feel that it is a lowering of standards," she Certainly, the efforts and initiative of those should be extended to include freshmen and said. "Its original purpose, for students to take students and faculty who developed this option sophomores. Some might contend that this would courses they normally wouldn't take outside of should be applauded. However, after five years of conflict with rule number 2 above. Therefore this their major has been lost, and many students use operation, many of the limitations that the program rule should be changed so that any course might be the program just to "get by" with basic operates under have stifled its usefulness and taken Pass-Fail as long as the student had not yet requirements. " proven inadequate for the majority of the college declared a major. The teacher could keep a letter Also, many students have found that their ad- community. grade on file and if the student decided to major in visors will not let them take any courses, or certain What is needed in order to make this a more that field the "Pass" grade could be changed to a courses pass-fail. These practices should be . sensitive program is a new look at the philosophy of letter grade. This would also help if the student stopped. the option and a few simple changes in the rules decided to transfer; or go on the graduate school. However, not ail faculty oppose liberalizing the under which it cperates. The present philosophy Astudent also should be permitted to change to or pass-fail option. Dr. Wever, of the political science provides for a .system that allows juniors and from the pass-fail status after the first two weeks of .department and the standards committee had this seniors to take a subject that interests them outside class, up until lhe drop date. For example, if a to say: " of their major field; they would not take these student takes a course on the Pass-Fail basis "Although I feel the standards committee would subjects because of fear of doing poorly competing because he is uncertain as to how he would do in a not approve of liberalizing the pass-fail system, and with majors in that field. This is good as far as it class competing with majors in that field, and later although I do not know the sentiment of the faculty goes. However, it does not go far enough. For in the course discovers that his fears were in general, I am personally for extending the pass- example, ali students have to take basic college ungrounded and is doing well, it is too late for him fail option. Perhaps it could even be broadened to requirements. Usually, most of these courses are to change back to a straight basis, and vtca-versa. include college requirements and other subjects, of outside the student's major field, such as the This rule also penalizes those students taking many course with departmental autonomy. However, modern language requirements, English literature, courses outside of their major field who do not know being new here at the school and new to the stan- and others in which the student will be competing which course to put on the pass-fail basis. Ex- dards committee, I am not very familiar with the against students who are majors in those fields, and tending the deadline for change would allow a pass-fail system. 1 do know that at this time the yet since students are encouraged to take basic student more flexibility without a lowering of standards committee is not considering any requirements in the first two years, they cannot be standards, for in fact he may ultimately decide not changes in the option." taken in a pass-fail basis. The philosophy should be to place any subject on Pass-Fail if he discovers he And after all, extending the pass-fail option is no extended to include freshmen and sophomores, and is doing well in all of his courses. radical movement advocated only by a small should include not only subjects that a student Finally, there is the ridiculous way in which the number of students or left-wing colleges. Indeed, might normally not take for fear of doing poorly, Pass-Fail grade is recorded. If a "P" grade is not Elizabethtown College, a small, conservative but also to those that must be taken in which a counted in a student's index in any way, neither school of some 1600students, located in the Penn- student might do poorly. should an "F" grade. If a student passes a course sylvania Dutch area and associated with the The present Pass-Fail option operates under the under this option, heshould simply get the hours Brethren Church, has a program very similar to following rules: towards graduation, and if he fails, he should get no that'proposed here, with no lowering of standards 1.This option is limited to juniors and seniors who hours. Getting no hours should be penalty enough or problems with employers or grad schools. Let's are carrying at least 12 semester hours, including under this option. To penalize a student by taking hope that the progressiveness that has been the Pass-Fail course. away quality points when he is not rewarded with demonstrated by the faculty and administration 2. A student may not carry a course in his major quality points if he passes is an unfair practice. concerning the January term and the adoption of a field under this plan. Also the policy of recording a "pass" grade on the 4-1-5will continue. One very good way would be by 3. A student may carry only one such course a student's permanent record as a "C" is a form of the liberalization of the pass-fail option. punish-rent that the administration has adopted in semester. r-------~-------------------I I Coalition calendar : II APRIL 24 People's Coalition will co-sponsor April 211massive I 'I . e~::;embly"in W&.shington, called by NPAC. People's Coalition will bulld around these t demands: three 1. ~ediate vftbdraval of all U.S. milit.ary air. land and sea forces from Vietnam. I I 2. ~6 S_ set the date for completion of that vithdrawa.l. t 3. ~~~o,:;_ar:;~~~:a~~~~!o~:;~m~_ r~~t '\~:m!!ie "' four - Set the date. t t APRIL 25 t t to ':il.shin~on to stay Ir.ult!.-tactical Leafleting of Washington churches. t~oYel'!lenttraining t We call people April 26. action beginning t ~~~;~r~~iZin~ centers for vill open April 23 to orepere for intensive training courses on - t t ar.dl-f~h~~~r~~ ::!~~st~c~!~~P~~;ii"2~~e People's Lobby eent.erdng on the Peace Pr-oposaj t t t t 26. ~e.~~~i ~~~~~:d1~n~~1~~~ ~~~:i~!:n~h~!:!~O~!S~~:di::~e W~~kt~~ ~;;~l f~!l:!:iv:pri1 Washington w111 t week of May. first t dilll~nsions dUrinp; the ~oveArf~~n;6~en~~",ress EP.chday, lobbying throughout , on a di fferent focus t ;;,~~t~~= ~~~:ct~: ~~~i~~le Train arrives in Washington. • meeting Friday, the Western I t AP~IL 29 - JfE'W Departlllent t t Justice J..l)JUL 30 - named Baltimore attorney Wilbur I D. Preston, Jr. the new chairman of the Board of t MAT 1. Celebration of Peace, eccent.ang youth. Trainin" in Trustees, Western Maryland College, Westminster. nonviolent mass action. Encampment in Rock Creek Park sponsored by St.udent s and '!o\:'"';~ . Mr. Preston is a partner in the firm of Due, Whiteford, t for a People's P~ace. MATZ Mus soul rally calling for implementation of the t TAylor and Preston with offices in the Sun Life Build- t t Taylor and Preston with offices in the Sun Life Build- t People's Peace Treaty and the demands of the Coalition. Sneakers will include Ralph t ing, Charles Center. His home address is 300 North- Abernathy. Oecr-ge Wiley, and, hopefUlly, Ceza.r Chave:t. way in Baltimore. The new chairman graduated from t t Western Maryland in I~46, and from the University MAY 3·5 Nonviolent mas!! action around the three deJ:lla.ndsto t of MarylandLaw School in 1949 He is a member of t :-~~h:~~~f~~~::~a:dc;i!.c!~~ 1lI!lS:;:ve nonviolent civiLdisobedience with a focus the American, Maryland and Baltimore City Bar As- sociations; the International Association of Insurance t t Counsel; and is editor of the Insurance CounselJour- ~~1i; : ~~~!~~n OI!pertment nal for Maryland. Mr. Preston is on the board of t Cal:. for a tlatiomride Mo~! 'nc~~fn:s~a:~ B~~!~i:b~~:C~~S a~k;~~Y • t trustees of the MuJtipleSclerosisSociety of Maryland t Commemoration of the kill_lngs last year of .tudents at Jaekaon State and Kent State. t and is a member of the Baltimore Country Club, and 1heMerchant's Club. ~------------~-------------~
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