Page 101 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 101
the gold bug VOLUME 48 NUMBER 6 Stickers peaking The Western Maryland lacrosse team proved too strong for its last three opponents as the Terrors swept games from Gettysburg, Penn Military, and Mt. St. Mary's Colleges. Although the final score was fairly close, the Terrors had no real trouble in downing Gettysburg 6-4 under the lights at West- minster High School. This contest was marked by more hitting, slashing, and blocking than scoring as Dan Wilson won the "Big Ben Davidson Dirty Player Award" for his fantastic display of stick- work while out of bounds. R. Dope Smith also received praise for winning the "Jim Pattitucci Trashmouth Award" for his amiable conversation with the officials. For an encore the Terrors proceeded to wreck havock upon hapless Penn Military College. The _ Big Green Stickmen put the game away early with devastating attack play from Ron Athey, Mod-bod Wolfing, and Prima-Donna McCoy. The attack was able to do their thing because of fine back up work by mid-fielders Dave Volrath, Gaper Gerstmeyer, Dave Ekert, Dan Wilson, Eggman, Gene Holmes, Fred Laurence, and Mike Mock. The defense led by Tar-Tar, Marshall Adams, R. D. Smith and Jody Waters turned in a fine performance and when the smoke lifted Western Maryland had whomped Penn Military 14-6. Most of the smoke in this game was caused by the grass burning under the feet of Western Maryland's new fastbreak midfield, Tar- Tar, Eggman, and Blob Wolfing, Next the Terrors traveled to Emmitsburg, Md., home of Mount St. Mary's College. There the "Prima-Donna" Amos McCoy takes a step up as he aims for the cage through opponents. Terrors after a powerful first quarter, slumped into their usual second quarter doldrum. After a brief scare from the Mounties the Terror attack proved to be too much for the outclassed Mountie Defense. Leading the way was a 9 goal production by Bob New records set "Bimbo" Wolfing. With seven assists was Ron Athey who simply managed to bounce his feeds off of Big Bob's protruding rectus abdominus. The final score of this fiasco was 13-8 as the Human Sieve let a few tough shots slip by in the waning by .Jim Zucco moments of the eame. The annual Mason-Dixon Relays held at Washington College, saw the WMC trackmen get two school and two meet records. Odd Haugen once Team tries hard again took first in the shot and discus setting relay respectively. Lynn and 143'10" records of 47'10" Boniface took second in the pole vault on a slight technicality even though he had the same number by Tom Brown of misses, and had jumped the same height as the The 1971 Spring Football season ended last winner. School recordsin the 880relay with Brock- Saturday with an alumni game on Hoffa Field. Rich meyer, Roulette, McCormick' and Bowie, and in the White a 1966graduate recruited a team made up of sprint medley with Schaeffer, Roulette, Brock- alumni arid a few Carroll County Charger players. meyer and Eustice were also established. Their offensive attack, led by quarterback Bruce A four day rest from meets after having 5 in Bozman scored twice on the Western Maryland 9 days preceded a trip to Salisbury State College defense. Such familiar names as Borga, Klinger, where weak Salisbury and York College teams Roy Brown, Seaman, Jim King, Fanning, and Pecora made up the alumni offense. "Splinter fell to the Terrors as they came out on top 92-57- 32 in a Tri-meet. Dave Roulette paced the team Yingling and Ben Laurence played safety for the scoring 17 1/ 4 points by winning both the long alumni defense along with Rich Diggs, Keith The WMC golf team is preparing for the Maryland and triple jumps, taking second in the 100 and Porter, and "Pops" Markey. This defense had tournament on May 10, after a determined and suc- and running on the winning relay some difficulty stopping the running attack of cessful season. 220 440 Western Maryland's offense, which was opening team. Premier sprinter Joe Brockmeyer broke the 10 sec barrier by running a wind-aided 9.9 sec 100 nice holes, but could not get the ball across the yard dash. goalline enough. Leading the offense was Garro, Powell leads team- On Tuesday April 27, an over confident Johns Bowman, Watson, Skiles, Bowers, Corley, and Brushe. Mike Bricker and Tom Botts provided Hopkins team met defeat at the hands of the Terrors on the home track. Freshman Tom Enstice experience in the backfield. by Phil Ciborowski gave a preview of things to come when he took The Western Maryland defense that held the alumni to two touchdowns introduced a new WMC Tennis Team second with a 4:38 performance in the mile, then came back to win the 880.Another newcomer to the The WMC tennis team now posts a record of 4 defensive alignment. Kimele, Haje, King, Houch, wins 5 losses as they prepare for their last 5 mat- team, sophomore Bill McCormick, showed his Irons, and Bill Thomas made up the line strength ches. The team has been lead bv senior captain Joe potential by winning the 440 yard dash in 52.0 sec, The final score was 12 to 8 in favor of the alumni, Powell who plays #1. Following Joe are Mi~e which shows the value of experience. Although the Kaufmann, Wayne McWilliams, Gary Hanna, Tom on a slow track, and turning in Anunofficial 50.9440 on the mile relay team. primary goal of the Western Maryland team was s~~~a~~l~~~ ;e:~ winning, emphasis was also placed on playing as i;~~~~~rown and Glenn Fell who play singles in Vi~~:d W~:{::~~a~;;:!~~~ many people as possible, and also to try new plays. During the game, one of the players for the Head Coach Ron Jones is optimistic about the suffered their first defeat as the WMC trackmen alumni team broke his leg. He was not an alumni, remaining matches of the season as the tennis team won over them, 79-t36. The Terrors strength was in battles for the first winning season it has had in a the field, as they won every field event, including a but was helping out. and was playing without in- long time. Recent scores nave been Washington 1-2-3 sweep of the javelin by Nelson Shaffer, Brian surance. He is having financial difficulties now, College 2, WMC 7 on April 24 and Franklin an.d Alles, and Jack Hartshorn. Although consistently supporting his wife and two children because his Marshall 8, WMC 0 on April 26. A strong. be~ch I~ getting second places on the track, the high and job requires he be on his feet all day. Donations to composed of Bill Hickey, Phil Ciborawski, Tom .Intermediate hurdles won by Jim Zucco were the help him out may be given to any of the captains Gravenor, Steve Dicker, Tom Barnes and Jon only running events that the Terrors picked up. (Larry Garro, Ken Bowman, Fred Kimele) or to coach Ron Jones. Sherwell. Wilson Bowers serves as a competent Dave Roulette was again high point scorer, with 12, manager. while Odd Haugen was close behind with 11.
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