Page 92 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 92
THE GOLD BUG Golf trip foreshadows record season by B. D. "Snakeman' The Whimsee linksmen have returned home after hooks, brings much encouragement to Coach Sisko a successful spring trip. Touring North and South Tom's efforts will prove very fruitful as soon as he Carolina in'great comfort the golfers, often out on recovers his putting stroke which deserted him the courses far into the night bested many layouts. early on the trip. After nine holes at Paradise Point Golf Club in One member of the team choose to handicap Jacksonville, North Carolina on Saturday, the himself by playing his shot from the trees rather professionals braved strong cold winds and devious than the fairway. Tom "Putt-Putt" Carrico saw greens against the polished Camp Legune team in more of the golf courses than anyone else. His good an exhibition match on Sunday. Worse than the sense of humor and even-temper were a lesson to wind and greens were the stares at breakfast and all. dinner! At sunrise Monday morning the anxious Jeff "the pro" Abbott's play is strengthened by group was on its way to the sun and sand of Myrtle his deadly short game. Time and time again he Beach. Some two hours later General Ron Sisk and wrested holes from opponents with long "snakes" Executive Bob Erb had their boys safely at the or chips to the pin. The major defect in Jeff's game Breezeway Motel where they were to stay for five was his mad craving for peanuts. Mention the word days. Hours later the golfers were delighted to see "peanuts" and he couldn't concentrate for several the beautiful Beechwood clubhouse and awesome 8- holes. shaped putting green and then dismayed when they Captain Billy Dayton captured the Gamercck were on the 16th green but had ran out of daylight. Title with Tom Danver hot on his heels. The purse Tuesday the pros rose early to practice at the lush was $20,000or a half-dozen Spalding Dots. Dayton, Carolinas Country Club before attacking Beech- with his keen economic mind, chose the golf balls. wood again. This day was somewhat more eventful Prospects for the coming season are very than the-previous. On the 8th hole, a long 575 yard favorable. Not able to make the trip were junior dog-leg par 5 with an undulating green surrounded Cary Jones, a veteran of two years, and Sophomore by sand traps and bordered on the right by water, Larry Apel. Newcomers to the team are Don John "Slug" Armstrong gambled with a drive Dulaney, Randy Dove, and Dick Schwanke, all down the right side, flirting with trees all the way freshmen. Hurt somewhat by the absence of Roger and then hit a towering a-wood over the water, Young who relinguished his amateur status this through a trap and 30 feet from the hole. He then summer, the team is working hard to out-do its 10-4 rapped his eagle putt toward the hole and gave it record of last season. The first match is Wednesday April 7 at 1:00 here on the WMC course. This will be the Palmer charge as it hit the back of the cup and the first match on the new course, and it is hoped lacrosse underway dropped down and in. The crowd loved it. On Wednesday the team was invited to play at there will be a good crowd turn-out. Records will Wellman Country Club. Teeing off at 8:00 a.m. in 30 definitely be set. by Eddie Smith mph winds and freezing temperatures, everyone WMC kicked off the 1971lacrosse season with its hung 'em up after 2 holes, except Coach Sisk and Trackmen talented first victory over visiting Georgetown University. Jeff Abbott who braved the wind chill index of 16 Forecasted as a "walk-away" for WMC, the degrees and the long treacherous Wellman course Terrors managed to keep the visitors in the game (with an alligator pit on the second hole) for nine by Dennis Kirkwood until the last seconds. The action was fast and holes. Then on to Myrtle Golf Club. Bordering the This year's Terror track team looks forward to furious as the shock troops, led by Danny Wilson, Intracoastal Waterway, the course was tighter and another successful season under head coach Rick crunched many an opponent into the turf. There more demanding than Beechwood. The first set- Carpenter and senior captains Johnson Bowie and was much excitement as Ron Christy managed to back came when starting times were delayed an Gary McWilliams. Plenty of talent is returning turn back a barrage of shots on goal and at the hour--the round ended in darkness on the fourteenth from last year's team and many excellent same time kept up a running dialogue with the hole! newcomers are also on the-roster. Last season's Georgetown attack. Thursday proved to be a unique day especially for high scorer Dave Roulette will again see action in a Although the Terrors were down 6-5 at half-time, Big John. Travelling to Carolinas' Country Club for variety of events and speedsters Joe Brockmeyer the score was quickly turned around 10-6 by the the final round of the intrasquad match the die- and Johnson Bowie will work in the sprints and fourth quarter and ending up at 10-8 after giving hards again teed-off in sub-forty weather. Nesbitt relays. Quarter-milers Frank Schaeffer and fresh- Georgetown a couple of freebees. The WMC offense was amazed as a magic waterhole jumped up and man wry Clendaniel are expected to be consistent was much the same the entire game as the Middies swallowed his 7-minute old golf ball. That turned scorers. Distance performers include freshman attempted to get control of the ball, throw to Ron out to be the beginning of the end. On the seventh Tom Enstice and veteran Bernard Pfeffer. Jim Athy, and step back. The Georgetown defense was hole just as John was about to chip, a slight earth Zucco is expected to improve upon h.isschool record stymied by possibly the "biggest" attack in the tremor caused him to duff the shot with his wedge. in the'440 hurdles. COaches Terry Conover and Jim state of Maryland. Scoring honors were shared by Then came the fatal ninth. Nesbitt hit a booming Schartner will be working with the field events Athey (5 goals, a million assists), Bob Wolfing (5 drive, splitting the center of the fairway but found where third place Mason-Dixon pole vaulter Lynn goals), and 6'2", 210 lb. Alan McCoy (4 assists, 4 himself stymied by three trees, insanely planted in Boniface' leads the way. Norwegian exchange pipes). the middle of the fairway. Overcoming this in great student Odd Haugen will perform in the weight The next match is next Saturday against the style, John hit a 5 iron right at the pin which hit the events. Jay Cook and Dave Roulette will see action University of Delaware which should prove to be a concrete-like green and rolled over. Left with an in the long and triple jump events. Expecting real battle. Despite the subpar performance in the easy chip, John was sure to save par, but his un- another winning season, Coach Carpenter looks for opening game, the WMC stickmen are looking trusty pitching wedge once again failed him thus his strongest competition from Susquehanna forward to their best season. starting a mortal conflict and confirming a "bad" University and Washington College. The team day. That's not all-tt was snowing by the loth hole! opens their season on April 10 by hosting What next? How about a forecast of 100% chance of Washington College. Basketball follow-up rain on Friday. The steady play of Tom Danver, consistently splitting the center of the fairway with unerrant by Joe Prado Randy and Bill Hutchinson, who co-captained the Women's lacrosse Western Maryland Green Terror basketball team to a 9 - 13 record this season, both had an out- by Chip Rouse standing year as seniors. They were instrumental in two major accomplishments which somewhat The 1971women's lacrosse season will officially open this Monday, April 5. Coached by Miss Joan compensated for the so-so record. In the first an- nual Wicomico Civic Center Holiday Collegiate Weyers, the team will practice Mondays through Basketball Tournament at Salisbury, Coach Ron Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:15 in the afternoon. Mondays and Wednesdays will be devoted strictly Sisk's Terrors defeated Lynchburg in the cham- to learning and practicing skills, and on Tuesdays, pionship game to complete an impressive tour- nament showing. The other hjghlight of the season a student assistant coach, Miss Yvette Dawson, will was an 83-80 win over Mount Saint Mary's lead the drills, and supervise the practice. Thur- February 15, the first time a Western Maryland sdays will consist of inter-club games. Miss Weyers expresses the hope that there will be team has beaten the MOWltin ten years. Billy Hutchinson, a second team pick on the all- sufficient interest for two full teams, and urges Mason-Dixon basketball team, averaged 20.3 points anyone who is interested in women's lacrosse to come to the practices and learn the game. If enough while twin brother Randy netted 15.3 points per co~~est. Both boys, gifted with amazing leaping girls turn out to play, next year the schedule will be ability were collectively responsible for 22 expanded to include other schools. Miss weyers a game. Randy averaged 13 with Bill explained, "We will start with beginning skills, so rebounds game against hau1ing in 9. In one particular anyone unfamiliar with the game can pick it up early; however we will progress rapidly so practice Baltimore University' the Hutchinson brothers pulled down 45 rebounds and scored 59 points only will be necessary." Anyone interested can come to the upper field Tom (alias T. Lumt'y Clown) Brown practices his to lose III to 102. Playing with desire and deter- behind the grille Monday through Thursday and famous "bucket shot, in preparation for upcoming mination their defensive efforts were characterized by many steals and blocked shots. ioin the team. team matches
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