Page 34 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 34
PAGE 10 GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 2, 197" year in high school, and they will be the same kind mind--not just to mass produce BA's. MA's, or ~nyon~ else. Ithink one of the basic problems here of people when they leave. DA's. but I feel this college and others have a habit IS that-our buildings are not really set up not only I think the people on the admissions committee of making it a business or factory-run operation-- fo~ coed or for open house. Physically they're not- are trying to limit the kind of people we get here the end result does not stimulate minds, but is a b~lld for the individual who wants privacy and I and I think it's going to adversely affect the life on - certain number of pieces of paper handed out in ~hJllkwe have a goup of girls - what the percentage campus intellectually, socially, and politically. The June. IS, I don't know - but _I've talked to girls in groups environment of a small campus such as this should and. some of them Just prefer their privacy to have as much diversity as possible, because I think having men wandering around all the time and I you learn more that way. I'm afraid the trend now have. to respect .them as much as I respect your is in the opposite direction. This could have a wantmg to love III a freer situation with men and delttartous affect on Western Maryland. In the last women together whether it be 24 hr. open house or years there has been a lot of progress, but this coed dorms. progress can be reversed if the present trend in You know. if rooms were built like in suites or admissions continues. Ithink the criteria of rank in apartments or some other kinds of units other than class and SAT scores might be emphasized too one long hall with one bathroom on each floor, then much. It's great to have impressive credentials for you co~ld maintain more privacy than you can entering freshman year. but I think you should maintain the way the buildings are set up now. accept others who might not have the high SAT scores but could contribute something to the Jerrv Hopple college. G.B.- How do you feel about cooed dorms?{'.I think they would be a great inovation and George Shellem expenence. Presently, after 3 or 4 years here, you are not prepared to go into the world because you Goldbug: What do you think is the basis for have lived in a sheltered 'microcoism. admission to this college? Shellem: Those in charge of ~dmissions at this college look for the stude-nt from the top '30% of his George Shellem class. who are "leaders" and have a basic, natural intelligence. Admissions people choose those who (;olrlhug: What is your opinion of Co-ed dorms? they believe will be responsible, good citizens on a SIIt'IlI'IIl: I am adamantly in favor of COoeddorms college campus; which means, in my opinion, on this campus. They would provide better in- someone who will keep his nose to the grindstone. terpersonal relationships between men and women study hard, put in token appearance at ineffective students. A liberal arts education is supposed to student organizations, and limits his questions to educate the student 24 hours a day. An important the classroom arid not to his college environment as part of any education is socialization of the student, a whole. They don't want trouble-makers. Students which rests heavily upon malel female relation- who come here are usually conservative when they George Shellelll - "l hope that this school. rather than ships in a natural setting. come her-e-el think once a student gets here, becominga fortress of conservatism. will become a mo- meeting others, their ideas and values will tend to del for progressive education and thinking" Sources of Policy counteract his conservatism. Community Co-ed Dormitories Dr. Makosky How much power does the faculty (;old Bug: Dr. Makosky hav~ on all t~ese issues about open house and Gold Bug: Do you think that as a college Western curlew and things like that? Maryland is too self-centered, that it ought to Dean Mowbray i\1akos~.\" I don'( think_ the faculty, except in branch out more into, say, Westminster or Carroll (iold Bug: What is your opinion of coed dorms': special instances. .certain committees, are par- County? Dr-an i\lowbray: Now, for instance, it means ticular-ly charged Withconsideration on any of these things. l\lakosk)': No. I don't think so. I think there are you're going to have to go at least 2 complete limitations on the good results in branching out buildings, 'cause we have 112 men and 1/2 women Dean Mowbray more than we do...I think that an institution with a and if you're going (0 take 1/2 of one of the mens (;old BUg": Is there any particular policy kept in limited prupose such as Western Maryland should dorms and put women in them, then you've got to mind when rules are made, where does it come do things which are not educational for its en- put the men somewhere so you can't make I dorm from? vironment, coed. you have to make at least 2 dorms coed. J Ih-an l'l()whl"ay: It comes from several areas. I doubt, right now, that the number of students want Jerry Hopple coed housing. With coed housing comes restric- think obviously. I and Dean Laidlaw both would be, is made concerning student life. J think the SLC has G,B.- Do you feel there is a good relationship tions, not set by me, but set by themselves, in terms or at least should be, consulted before any decision between the town and school. of behavior, and a lot of students would not be had a part in this at times, but the final decision, I willing to place these restrictions on themselves as Hopple- It's a relationship of mutual hostility. evident by the vote in womens residence halls on \ think. at this institution, without question, is They feel we are a bunch of radicals and we think open house. As for the men, in terms of extension of probably made by the president of the college. I they are a bunch of hicks. I don't think either open house, a large number of men voted against it thinkr-however students are, and should be, in- generalization is true, but as it is now there is a volved in making regulations, in fact, every very poor town and gOWnrelationship to use the You have to restrict your behavior. obviously, in regulation that's in the student handbook cliche. my judgment. maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think approved by the student aov't last 'year ... whenever women are present you have different G.B.- How can this be improved? standards of behavior. and I think most men still Hopple-First we have to ask -do we really want to believe this, hopefully. But first, the physical Pam Zappardino improve it? In other words, do we feel there are benefits to us and to them. Second - do we think facilities are not conducive. I would say that the {;nJdhug: Do you see parents and. the board of there is a feasible goal. women don't violently object in the summer when trustees as the major source of the _policy or these we put them in one of the mens hails, but I think if G.B.- What would you say was worthwhile? we were to say we are going permanently to do this, regulations'! Hopple- I think if there's interaction between the J think there would be quite a bit of objection about Zapardin(): J wouldn't say they are the major town and the college comminity. If each learn source, but I would say they are a major con- something from it. Even if all we learn is they the facilities, in terms of what they are, and this sideration. Some parents. if we passed twenty-four aren't hicks and we aren't radicals. calls for some major renovations of the buildings. If hour open house, would get upset. I can appreciate planning the future, I know of no plan, don't let me G.B.- How do you feel the communications bet. mislead you, for building another dorm. I'm saying her (the Dean's) position that she IS probably going ween the students and the faculty are? if planning had been such, however, if the building to have to handle these complaints but I think that Hopple- There are a lot of lines of com- was built in such a way that this section would he that is her position. munications open between the students and the faculty. There are committees and groups that are men and this section would be women on this floor, (;oldbug: What is your exact relationship with the concept doesn't bother me at all, I'd see nothing composed of students. faculty, and administration abnormal about this at all. It's not the concept, its Dean Laidlaw? people. more the facilities, and do our students want it? G.B.- How affective are these committees? Jerry's asked me this on a couple of occasions, Zapardino: Dean Laidlaw is not a voting Hopple- Sometimes they work and sometimes what I think about it, and I've asked him, "Do our member of Women's Council, I don't think you'd they don't. At times an issue will arise and it will be students want it," and there's some question about call her an advisor either, she's at the meetings, but referred to a committee. It will get lost in the whether our students want it. This would mean that as I say, anything that we are going to submit for committee structure. When that happens I think you don't have for instance, obscenities being approval goes through her and often entails her there is a breakdown. screamed back and forth between the residence approval. She may express her opinion but this George Shellem halls at night, which I question' anyway, but r would does not necessarily mean that Women's Council will accept this. We are not necesartly submissive certainly question it if there were living there. I Goldbug: What do you think of the WMC college don't get upset because somebody says, "What do to her wishes. community itself? you think about coed housing?" This doesn't bother GoIdbug: Do you think that Dean Laidlaw is She-Hem: This college is much too self-centered. Students who come with the purpose of merely Dean Laidlaw backing the trend you've been talking about, or ilic;t accepting it? getting an education and preparing for a job are Zapardino: I think it is somewhere in-between-- cop-outs. The person who comes with an open mind Gold Bug: How about coed dorms? the Dean can be characterized as being extremely and is made aware of the problems existing in Dean Laidlaw: Well, I've lived in a coed dorm cautious about what she is or is not going to ap- society has the right and obligation to give of and quite frankly I didn't like it, but this doesn't prove. She is waiting to see what we are going to himself. I hope this college exists to stimulate the mean that I'm going to impose my standards on come up with before she expresses her opinion.
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