Page 31 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 31
NOVEMBER2, 1970 GOLD BUG PAGE 7 Western Maryland College: an overview A college, by nature is a changing place. It changes the services, the counseling services, the health make any important decisions What's the use of with each incoming class. Its curriculum changes with services, I even include the food services. I'm sure having one. the times. To get some idea of where Western Maryland that members of the college would not include this G.B.- Why does the administration feel the SGA is now and where it is going the Gold Bug staff conduc· function, housing services, to the students ... .I should have a limited role? ted a lengthy series of interviews in the last weeks. would say I get involved in personal counseling Hopple- It's a paternalistic attitude taken by the Because of the increased interest last week in student some academic counseling, depending on in- administration that is responslble.At the begin-ning freedom, especially in the area of social rules, the inter- dividual students, how they see me, if they want to of the year we approached the administration about views are slanted towards the c-oncerns of student life on talk to me or someone else, and lastly I would say the idea of a student on the board of trustees. They the hill. This is no apology. The college community is as far as I'm concerned, but I accept the respon- said they didn't think a student could contribute me, that role of too broad to cover well in total. Our coverage is limited sibility for it, don't misunderstand which is main- anything. Well, I feel the same way about the discipline, control; maintaining What we present here is a overview. administration contributing to decisions on student tained not because some outside agency wants it, life. Since the analogy has been made that students but because it's necessary if other students are to are like workers in a labor union in a corporation The Role of the Interviewee do what they want to do. I would be very glad to set-up, I think the sense of community has com- give that role up to the student body if they were pletely broken down. So I think we should make our willing to accept it but I don't think they've decisions and they can make theirs on the board of Dean Holloway demonstrated that they've wanted to accept it in trustees recent years. Gold Bug: Dean Holloway, how would you define Dean laidlaw Pam Zappardino your role on cam pus as Dean of the Faculty? Holloway: Well I guess really my role would be Gold Bug: What is your role in this college? Goldbug: Do you consider yourself the ad- described as executive officer of the faculty. Dean Laidlaw: Basically I'm responsible for ministration's right hand? Gold Bug: What responsibilities and obligations supervision of women and women's organizations, Zapardino: No, I see the function of the Women's does this role carry with it? for coordinating women's activities, supervising of Council as being a go-between the students and the Holloway: Working with the faculty in operating housing now this is expanded to be a whole lot of administration. Granted, everything, any the current curriculum so as to pass on a culture other things too, uh counseling of students some on progressive change In regulations is going to and to discipline the minds and character of our an individual basis and this might be men and Ultimately have to be approved by the ad- students. This is what education is all about. women uh - I mean Student Activities Calendar, I ministration, and this is a fact of the way this Education involves primarily the discipline of the handle all student activities, Supervision of the College runs. mind and character. residence hall staff. Goldbug: How do you feel in your role; that is Gold Bug: When you talk about culture, are you Gold Bug: It should be divided up around 3 working for change, but still committed to imposing refering to a Western Cultural basis? people. It really should. All those jobs, they're not penalties while enforcing the regulations which you Holloway: I think we're talking about passing on even interrelated actually. feel should be changed? the human culture, the culture of mankind. To the Dean Laidlaw: Uh huh. It's pretty hard to do a Zapardino: I'm not coming up with any extent, for example, that we're talking about a good job when you've more than 1 major. Do penalties; the things we have were set up two years whole body of knowledge, and I don't think it's either of ago. I don't see the way to change regulations as entirely western. just completely disregarding them. The only way Gold Bug: So it is your job to see that this is that could work is if there were cooperation by 100% achieved? of the women, that could be very effective, however Holloway: It is my responsibility to work with on this campus, lOO%.ofthe women aren't going to the faculty in conducting our students through these back anything. I think that until rules are educational experiences as an effective and ef- changed we ought to more or less abide by the rules ficient manner of thought. Now, it is also our we have: I don't think the regulations we have responsibility and not mine exclusively to keep our now are that terrible, we've made a lot of im- cirriculum our program of study contemporary. So provement in the last two years. it-is not exclusively a matter of here is something I think that if a few people blatantly disregard that the faculty of the thirtie's designed for us, it is rules this hurts our chances of getting anywhere also our responsibility, not mine alone, to update because as I said before any changes must the curriculum, to keep it contemporary as much as uitimtately be approved through the ad- possible. I'm not saying that it should be absolutely ministration. contemporary, that's not a liberal education. Dr. Makosky Gold Bug: Dr. Makosky, when you were the dean of the faculty. what did you consider your primary role to be? . Makosky: ·1 felt that my obligations were in the academic area of the college-to provide the best possible faculty, the best possib~e curriculum, with the best possible end product being a well-educated liberal arts graduate. Gold Bug: How did you go about achieving these goals? Makusky: Well, you go about it in hiring, and t.his of course calls for a good deal of knowledge of what kind of person will succeed in this particular institution, by reason of training Dean Holloway - "It may be wise to shift as much of and of Personality; it calls for ·an estimate of what the responsibility for education and conduct to the the ultimate outcome of departmental programs students as possible .. ought to be, both at the level of general education and liberal, specialized education; it calls for a good deal of interplay between the office of the dean Jerry Hopple and the staffs of the departments, as well as bet- ween the office of the dean and the students Gold Bug- As SGA president. what do you feel is engaged in studying in these departments. your role on campus comcerning student life? JPI"I')" Hopple- As SGA president r have a very Dean Mowbray limited role because we are confronting a very bureaucratic structure and a lot of inertia. The has always assumed the SGA and Gold Bug: What is your role? administration should have a limited role. So it the students Dean Mowbray: I'd say essentially my role is in requires almost an act of will to change this pat- conjunction with the Dean of Women to run the tern Pam Zappardino - "I think that until rules are chanaed. student personnel program. I'm sure that my G.B.- How do you wish to change this pattern? we ought to more or less abide by the rules we have." definition of my role would be quite different from Hopple- For one thing the SGA should have much the definition given by anyone else in my role, it's more a role in the determining of student life. Tfie not true of Western Maryland alone, this is true of administration should be willing to delegate more colleges in general.i.I think that presidents and power to the SGA in these areas. ' other administrators say that the deans role is G.B:- What powers do you want given to the SGA? essentially one of controlling students. This is the Hopple- For example the open house policy, I George Shellem traditional role, I would say that most deans do not see this as their role, they see this as ~me minor think that everybody on campus knows the SGA Goldbug: What is your role, as president of the function of their role. My role would Include of can't make a final decision on that or even make a inter-fraternity Council, on this campus? course the administrative functions, again in preliminary decision. It the senate took a vote it Shellem: I am supposed to be impartial and conjunction with the dean of women in terms of all ~~~~ ~~H~h*f1Jt~i~~.:ls~~~~~t~:~i~:~~~ncSa~?te bring about a core among the four fraternities on policies concerning all men students.
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