Page 29 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 29
,1970 Library lacks funds, needs re-arrangement by Nellie Arrington A recent interview with Mr. George Bachmann, away from closed stacks and the WMC library the new head librarian, vielded some little known building would need extensive remodeling and a facts about the Western ~1aryland College library. larger staff to initiate a different system. He would Mr. Bachmann, who attended University of prefer to see an electronic surveillance system Maryland and Catholic University. last worked in before closed stacks are introduced. At present, one the library at Catonsville Community College, a percent of the library books are lost each year, two-year junior college funded under the Baltimore representing an approximate annual loss of $7.000 County Department of Education. This. said Mr. Bachmann. is "not astronomical", The Western Mar-yland library has about 85.000 but the institution is not that well equipped to volumes in a building designed for an approximate handle such figures. Mr , Bachmann also feels that capacity of 150.000 editions. According to Mr. Bach- closed stacks would inhibit the students' use of the mann, a rough count shows that about 160 students library. causing ill feeling between them and the use the library between 8:30 and 9:30 P.l\'!., with library staff. "We don't need anything else", he Catch a sparkle about sixty to eighty after 10 P.M said. Mr. Bachmann noted too that the closed from the morning sun. Mr. Bachmann says the best subject areas of the stacks could easily curtail independent study which Hold the magic library are history and languages. He also noted he cited as an increasingly popular teaching of a sudden breeze, that because the Western Maryland library has method among the professors. , - Keep those moments alive. been a partial federal depository since 1870, making Mr. Bachmann thinks what the library needs They're yours it one of the state's oldest federal depositories. it most depends on what is expected of it. This means for a lifetime that" more independent study will require more with a diamond ~:~u~e~~!~n~~;~ ~~~~C~~~nOfef:~i~~~~!o~h~~n~e~t materials. he said. adding the library could not be engagement ring from 'gold mine" of materials for social sciences since Self-sufficient. WMCdoes subscribe to inter-library Orange Blossom. WMCreceives all government publications for free loan systems so it has access presently to Enoch whereas other ....non-depository libraries must pay Pratt Library in Baltimore City and eventually to Colonial Jewelers for this same material. He hones to make these University of Maryland library. Mr. Bachmann's . 32 West Main St. documents more known to the students, possibly goal here is to build up a stronger reference moving them to make them more accessible. collection, possibly with an index system When questioned about the administration If Mr. Bachmann could change one thing about budget, Mr. Bachmann estimated the library's the library, he would re-do the building. He thinks there is too much fractionalization with the many ~hea~~a~!dSf~;~~~~ ~~l~~'s~~fi~\~~t. ~hde~~:~:~~~ walls and partitions. His ideal is to arrange the Library Society suggests that all finances of a library in a rectangle with stacks in the center' and college library, including salaries, total five per- study areas on the perimeters. With this in mind, he cent of the complete college budget. Mr. Bachmann plans internal shifting in the next few years was not sure how close the WMC administration When asked how the WMC library compares with comes to that figure. He not.ed that the free ac- other libraries in similar colleges, Mr Bachmann cumulation of government documents may have noted while public institutions have more resour- spoiled the college in budgeting' for the library. ces, West.ern Maryland has old, built-up collections. Title II, a federal appropriation program in aseries He explained that new teaching methods and the for various educational levels, has directly funded new social sciences mean costly materials for a the library for the past five years, but this is now library. Since the natural sciences change so declining frequently in knowledge, a library must rely on Mr. Bachmann does not foresee closed stacks in scientific periodicals. Desirable, although not the WMC library unless the rates of lost books desperate. is a shot in the arm with new materials, become prohibitive for the present open stack said Mr. Bachmann. "If they want to make it a first system. He maintains that the trends are growing class library, it takes money to do it." Poet Carl Bode to visit campus Poet, critic, and scholar Carl Bode will be on the Western Maryland College campus Wednesday, Novem ber 11. Dr. Bode will talk to the college English depart- ment's seminar in criticism and also will give a reading of his poetry. The poetry reading, open to the public. will be at 4:()() p.m. in Room 106, Memorial Hall on the westminster campus. Carl Bode is professor of English at the University of Maryland, has been cultural attache When you know to the American Embassy to Great Britain, visiting it's for keeps professor at numerous Universities, and active in professional societies. Dr. Bode is a former member of the national council of the American Association of University Professors and is founder Happily. all your special moments together WIll be and first president of the American Studies symbolized forever by your enqaqement and Association A graduate of the University of wedding rings lfthe name. Keepsakeisin Ihe Chicago. he received the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at ring and on the lag. you are assured of lme quahtv Northwestern University. I and lasling sanstacuon. Theengagemenl Two collections of Bode's poetry have" been diamond rsttawtess. of superb color. and precise published-The Sacred Seasons and The Man cut. Your Keepsake Jeweler has a setecuoo of Behind You. He has written several books on many lovely styles. He's in the yellow Thoreau, Emerson, and Mencken and on American paoes unoerv.iewerers.' literature, including The Anatomy .of American Popular Culture and The Half-World of American Culture. He has been a co-editor of American Heritage and contributor to The Young Rebel in American Literature and The Great Experiment in American Literature. Privileges (continued from page 2) •."",.~"""."o.'f"'T As it stands, once a girl has entered the dorm with her key she may not leave again. i _' A special Women's council committee is looking into a "squatters' rights" motion that would allow girls to have priority in geuing the same room back Poet/educator Dr. Carl Bode will visit Western Mary- toerxtJo~~%~r~f~t~tl~~n~llWee~~S~g~ :~~~u:~~ land on November II . l!JilIe.
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