Page 35 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 35
NOVEMBER 2, 1970 GOLD BUG PAGEl) George Shellem problems that face our society. Any attempts by research or to publish should be resisted. The the administration and the board of trustees to turn learning and stimulating of the students should be Goldbug: What part does the Board of Trustees this institution into a research oriented institution emphasized play on this campus and what is your opinion of by prodding faculty members to do individual them? Interview with Dr. Ensor: or~:;tl!d~ ~:r~~~_~l~d~~r~~~~~:r~va~~ve~r~us~~:! concerned with the needs and desires of alumni and The President's Position administrative wishes than with the students. As a student leader, I feel their main concern should be Not really, no. Well the trustees really Dr. Ensor: for the students of this campus. Gold Bug: First of all, could you please define have left it pretty much up to me. I can think of no your role as president of the college, what responsibilities and obligations the job entails? reccomendatton 1 ever made where the trustees Hugh Dawkins Or. Ensor: Let me say this first. it is pretty dif- have voted it down. This holds so true in many ficult for me, as president. maybe to answer some things, as in the appointment and salary ad- Gold Bug -who is responsible for making college of the questions you're going to ask. I may have an justment of faculty. As far as matters relating to, policies to govern dormator-y living? opinion on certain things as Lowell Ensor and yet, well, the social life on the campus: curfew, dor- Dawkins--Dorm policies are presented by the Dean as President Ensor, because of my position, I can't mitory regulations; I don't think the trustees for the of Men or Dean of Women to Faculty committees. answer any questions as Lowell Ensor. I've got to most part have any idea exactly of what any such The faculty is actually responsible for college answer as president of the college. regulations are. Nor are they particularly con- policy, not the president or the board of trustees, Now, to come back to your question, this comes cerned, unless something would happen which they who play minor roles in its formation. The law of from the College Charter, "And be it enacted that didn't approve of, then they would have the Maryland considers college dormatories as said trustees and successors from time to time, and primary authority to step in and say "No". apartment buildings. and this is why we cannot all times hereafter and forever. shall have full (;old Bug: And this would be the real Authority, tolerate rowdyness. In an apartment situation power and authority to constitute and appoint in too, because it affects a financial basis? rowdyness would be held as a disturbance of the such matter as they think best and most con- Dr, EnsOI': Yes, they are chartered by the State of -eace so we cannot tolerate it. venient, a president and such other officers, Maryland as the legal group. And they pretty much professors and assistants as they may think propel', accept the responsibility for raising funds to for instructing the students and scholars of said supplement tuitions and other things students pay. College philosophy college, in all the liberal arts and sciences, and the Even a student who pays full tuition, and has no ancient and modern languages, and shall be scholarship at all, is really only paying about two- Dean Holloway severally styled in such arts and sciences, and in thirds of what it costs the college to educate him. such languages and tongues, that they shall be Gold Rug: Where does the college get the rest of Gold Bug: And should the students develop ac- nominated or appointed for each and particular the money from? cording to the knowledge, and the ability to apply nomination and appointment. And the said Dr. Icnsor: First. there's an endowment fund, that knowledge, that. they attain at a liberal arts president and professors so constitute- an ap- which has been building across the years, which is school. pointment from time to time shall be distinguished now in the neighborhood of three million dollars, Hotloway . I would certainly hope that they have forever under the name of president or faculty of which is a small amount for a college the size of to a degree been somewhat conditioned by the the Western Maryland College in Carroll County in Western Maryland. liberating experiences at Western Maryland the State of Maryland, and that name shall be Then we dr-aw from business and industry, who College. I'm not sure that this is a matter of capable of cxcerstng such powers and authority as feel some responsibility for independent colleges, aquirtng experiences by establishing neutral path- trustees of said college, and their successors, shall us we receive no money from the State of ways. We don't retain a great deal of this in- by their word think necessary to delegate to them Maryland. Everything comes to us by voluntary formation, the factual information you retain after for the instruction, discipline and government of contribution Associated with the Independent you graduate is very little. At least new neural the college" Colleges of Maryland, which was established in pathways for reacting have been established, and H1S{i, of which Western Maryland is one, we receive along the basis of these experiences, the individual approximately twenty-five thousand dollars a year has been liberated and humanized. My hopes and from business and industry. We also get other aspirations would be that when you graduate money from business and industry through in- from here you have been liberated classically, dependent contributions to Western Maryland, liberated on a contemporary basts. and that you This money is not capital, it is used up in just have been humanized. maintaining the college, like keeping the grass cut. Then we have an annual Alumni Fund. And we Dr, Makosky got test year eighty-thousand dollars from our alumni. Recent graduates may only be able to give Gold Bug: what would you say that Western five or t.en dollars, but then as they become more Maryland's prupose is? ' prosperous as things of this world are concerned, l\1akosky: To offer an education to the type of t.hey tend to give more. In tact. we have one student that comes here. alumnus who gave total contributions amounting Gold Bug: Do you think that Western Maryland to one million dollars has a definite image? Also, Western Maryland, though it has no legal Makosky: Do you mean to other people? ties to the Methodist Church, it does have one of Gold Bug: Yes, say, a student looking at this tradition. It has been considered as a college college. related to, not controlled by, the Methodist Church. l\1akosky: Well, you sh-ould ask the admissions The Church has never attempted to control any office that. They make an effort to create such an college policy at all. As such, the Church accepts a image ... This varies in communities from whence responsibility to donate an amount of sixty- the student comes. In some places we are thought of thousand dollars to the college. As r said before, the as primarily a place that trains secondary school Church has no control over us, but still contributes teachers. In other places we are admired for our sixty-thousand dollars to Western Maryland strong major departments. But other places, you go College. Friendship, that's about it, that's the kind into the church area, they are concerned with the of institution we are, and that is why the Church is college's relationship with the church. You take the willing to make an annual contribution. sums of these communities, and that formulates the Now, with all these factors contributing to the constituents of the college. It isn't the same image welfare of the college, you can see the position it all the way through, I'm sure .... It might be outs me in. You see, it puts m~ right In the middle. valuable if a college could establish a single, 'strong I have the trustees to whom I am responsible, I've image ... got alumni, I've got the local community of Carroll Now, this is a lot of old fashioned legal ter- County, and I've got the Church to consider. Jerry Hopple minoloy, but what it means is that the Board of However, the most important group right now, Trustees elect the president. They entrust the that is the school year 1970-71,the most important G.B,- What do you feel is the reason for the president with the actual running of the college as group to be considered is the students. Those who existance of the school? far as its activities are concerned, academic, social are attending the school at this time. This is your Hopple- I feel it exists as a small liberal arts or disciplinary. r think we've been most fortunate time of getting an education at Western Maryland. college to provide the type of education that you in the Board of Trustees we've had, namely that And as a consequence, I'm more concerned about can't get in a large university. Because of this it has they have been a board that has not in any way the students who are here this year, than anybody a very important function. I think if all small sought to interfere with the operation of the college, else. But I've also got to be concerned about those liberal arts colleges were to disappear, our as far as campus activities, academic, social and whom are coming in 1972and 1980and 1985.I've g~t education system would suffer, as a result. I also anything else that's concerned. to be concerned about maintaining the kind 01 an think a low student-teacher ratio plus a dedicated, The board meets twice a year, the executive institution here that students will want to come, to qualified faculty makes the type of education committee meets in the interim period. At which andto which parents will want to pay the bill, That's provided here important. times I make reports. Therefore, they have the spot that I'm on, - I know that there are a lot of questions up for George Shell em delegated pretty much to me and the faculty, the discussion right now, curfews, open house. I v!#ry operation of the college. As long as I do th-ekind of Goldbug: Do you have anything else to add to job that they find satisfactory, they're not going to frankly, do not want to nor will not express, now what you have said? interfere. If they find that I'm not doing a job that my opinion on these things. I think the best opinions Shellem: I hope that this school, rather than they find satisfactory, then they'll put somebody are arrived at as a result of discussion, where you being a fortress of conservatism, will become a else in. can have give and take, where I can get your point model for progressive education and thinking. The Gold Bug: Do you ever find this position of view and you can get my point of view, and students that graduate from this college I want to frustrating? That is to say, do you ever find maybe our points of view will cross each other, and see take an active part in solving, not adding to, the yourself holding views contrary to those of the we'll come up with an answer that will be trustees, but unable to realize them? sattsractor , to the best interest of ever bod .
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