Page 30 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE 6 GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 2,1970 W.M.C. history: College ideals symbolized In the Gre-at Seal by Kathy Bryant The Great Seal of Western Maryland College as it artistic perfection of style depth, and whose in- writings, which, being inspired of God, "are able to presently exists was first used in 1871.A description tellectual empire has been so extensive and so make us wise unto sal vation' over the knowledge was written by Dr. James W. Reese which was durable -- represents", that most important part of a acquired by the utmost exertions of human genius, recorded by President James T. Ward in his Scrap complete education which, embracing the studies aided by faculties and endowments, Which, though Book on June 15, 1881. Dr. Reese, a Professor of of language, mathematics, mental and moral divinely given, are not guided by an immediate, Ancient Languages at WMC from 1870to 1912and philosophy, rhetoric, logic, & c.c is commonly direct inspiration from heaven. Professor Emeritus between 1912 and 1917, known as the liberal arts and sciences. The prominent, central position assigned, in the probably played a major part in the design of the The design of Lord Bacon in his Novum device of the seal, to the Holy Bible indicates the Great Seal. The following article is his description Organum, was to "replace the scholastic logic importance attached by the founders of the College of the Great Seal as it appears in President Ward's represented in the Organon of Aristotle by a new to "religion as a factor and a power in education. Scrap Book. organon, in which the true and solid principle of And, in truth, nothing can be more certain than that Western Maryland College, under its present mere verbal dialectics, and lead to 'fruit' in the a scholastic training which is purely secular fails of organization, was incorporated by an Act of the shape of genuine knowledge." Bacon's method for necessity, fails by its own limitations, to do General Assembly of the State passed in March, mastering the secrets of nature and life was "rigid anything like a complete educational work. It has 1868. But it was not until the following September observation, aided by experiment and fructified by been well said, by the historian Froude--a writer that provision was made for a seal to authenticate induction." His immortal work, therefore ap- not, for a moment, to be suspected of any undue and give validity to the diplomas which, by the propriately symbolizes the other most important deference to the claims of the supernatural-. same Legislative Act, the College was empowered half of a complete education, the natural and "intellectual culture does not touch the conscience. to confer on its graduates or on others whom it physical sciences, which, owing to investigations It provides no motives to overcome the will, and might be pleased to honor with. an academic conducted on Bacontan principles, have now with wider knowledge it brings also new temp- degree. Among the Fundamental Ordinances become so numerous and so varied. tations." adopted by the Board of Trustees at a meeting held The torch held by a hand reaching from the sky, Last, of all, the open Bible, lying in calm security on the 29th of September, 1868, was one directing and pouring its light on the three volumes indicates between the two great representative philosophies, "that the device of the Great Seal should be the that, as "every good gift and every perfect boon," testifies to the makers of the seal that there never ~ollege building, with a verbal inscription con- so, especially, knowledge -- moral and intellectual has been, that there is not now, and that there never sistlng of the Institution, the date of its in- ltght-vis from above, coming down from the will be any real conflict between science and corporation, and a Latin motto signifying 'to adorn Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, religion; and that as one and the same God created end to make better.' " It l'S not know, ho neither shadow that is cast by turning." But, it will the world and man and inspired the volume which this seal was ever used. It certainly was never be observed, the rays of the burning torch fall reveals to us His most holy will, so no page will ever attached to any diploma issued by the College; for "directly" upon the sacred volume alone, while be turned in the book of "nature" by a future Bacon, in 1871 the Faculty prepared a new device which upon the other two---the Plato and the Bacon---they or in the book of "mind" by a future Plato, which, was approved and adopted by the Trustees in time descend "obliquely," thus representing, by symbol, rightly interpreted, cancontradict the truth of the for use.on the diplomas of the graduating class of the supremacy of the knowledge conveyed by those Word of God. The seal which thus displaced and superseded the Double Talk that year -- the first to receive the baccalaureate honors of Western Maryland College. original but unused one, has for its device a hand A humorous night's mirth . extended from the clouds, holding a torch whose light falls on an open copy of the Holy Bible, sup- by Chris Bothe ported (in the "heraldic" sense) on the. right by Several nights ago, I was riding Hunt's bicycle just call the dorm and have somebody pin me in, Plato's Works, and on the left by the Novum across campus after curfew. I stopped in front of and then stay out on Abbey Road all night. But if I Organum of Lord Bacon. Under the three volumes one of the women's dorms to check the air in my didn't have curfew, then I'd have to stay out all is the legend, "E tenebris in lucem voco," i.e., "I tires when I was hailed by one of the captive girls night with any Tom, Dick and Sylvester I went out call from darkness into light." Surrounding the from her fourth floor window with device and the motto are the words, -"Sigillum "Hi, what are you doingin there," I asked mildly, Blonde)': What about the guys Wiggy? What if Collegii Mariae-Terrae Occidentalis. Instil. A. D. not wishing to offend her intelligence or morality. you turn out to be a real creep_to them, do you think 1868," that is to say, "Seal of Western Maryland "That's not important," she said. "What is they'd dig staying out with you all night, they're College. Incorporated A. D. 1868." important is, what are you doing out there while willing to sacrifice their half of the gamble, so The meaning of this device seems so obvious as to we're in here?" shouldn't we. And anyway, both of you should render any attempt at explanation altogether Feeling the pangs of guilt that Thoreau had in- have enough guts to say you want to get rid of the superfluous, but yet it may be well to put on record, flicted on Emerson by the same question under other if you want. in this connection, what it was that the makers of similar circumstances, I immediately resolved not Brunette: I agree with Wiggy, Blondey, curfews the seal intended symbolically to express. to pay my key deposit, but to instead forsake my are a good reinforcing basis for our morals, just The volume of Plato -- who so happily united freedom temporarily and join my imprisoned sister like going to chapel in the dorm. Rlondey: But you don't go to chapel much. Hastily. I put down my kick-stand. grabbed my Bruueue: Yeah, but I don't observe curfews Western Civ test book from the basket and much either, but it's nice to know they're there Let's Get It'Straight proceeded to scale the onion skin walled hall. When when you need 'em. Blondey: Well how about opening house then? Iwas about half-way up the side of the building and about ready to fall. my dormed Rapunsal told me it Wouldn't you like to be able to bring a male up to wasn't necessary to do it the hard way. Instead. she your room. even if it's just to get a book or ARE YOU A GOOD AD? told me to go the front door and she'd let me inside. something? _ Bruuette : And maybe have one of them come In the spirit of a true Quozimodo. I unsealed the walls I'd previously climbed and waited at the front unexpectedly and see my bra size or something, are door. you kidding, I like privacy too much, the truth will A glib.!onguMsaJesmancame into the pastor'sstudyof3c .. - Before long. my fair-faced Helen came and come out after I'm married, when it doesn't matter tain chu'ch and off .. ed him «>mc oil slocko thai h.esaid w"uld opened the Trojan Gates, led me through the anymore. make him a fonunc. I suppoae preachers have 'he reputati"""r labyrinth of halls and finally admitted me to her Btondey: But measures will be taken to ensure boing easy marks. bUlmOS\o[lhemare preny shr.wd judges of chamber. a four-walled-slanty ceilinged- your privacy, and any respectable male will humAn nall.m:, "If Ihis s\ock is as good as yOu say."c<>mmented respect those measures 'he preacher. "why aren'l you rich' You come in here in a shab_ obnoxiously-colored chamber of horrors. She by suit. with shoes rund""'n at the h..,ls,anduptcl me to be· locked the door. sat me down. gave me some \\'iggy: (whispering) But what about li.v. that you repruent a goincconcern? l.ugg~Sll'Ougetinlo cognac. turned on some music and me. (Isn't it unrespectable males. Like I was reading the sonu:l;neofworkthaIPn)(lu~,,"presentativ •• who;nspiremore good? Norwegian woodl r newspaper the other night and the Horoscope said co~:~nhc:.~:s:h:~:I~:~::>~rI chuTches. 5<;hool0.andallki~dS However. shortly after they had commenced, our the hatchet man was coming to WMCsoon. saying Iha\ whal you are'of humanitarian projut. have festivities were rudely interrupted by a gathering Blonde)': And closed dorms will keep him out? .~, •• 00'00",. ~", ,,"', I""" ,,'mo'''M 0, C","'""''' of my hostess's fellow inmates, cloistered around Any pervert or rapist who wants to get in can gel in the water fountain directly outside the door. The anyway; like the same way you brought in that temperature Of the discussion continued to rise until soccer player the night before last, through the a heated argument. was taking place. By the tone of window. That's not a matter of open housing, ttiat'a their voices. I knew the subject of their con- matter of security, which seems to be fairly ef- ~~~~~ troversy: the deadly open house and unlimited ficient around here, at least when it comes to curfew conflict. off campus keeping undesirables product propo~d this .imp1. humanitarian valu~s forged Being interested myself in views held by the Brunette: Yes, but Blondey, we all know that, tesl: "By their fmilO you shall ah~ad. And only as they are women in respect to these policies. I edged close to know th~m." Jesus Christ was retained can these values ~ but. . wiliingtodi~toputHisproduct .u.tained. Wherever there is a the door In order to better understand their sense. to the test. and He proved the breakdown in Christian ~lief (If there had only been some sense to be un- At this point, the women had moved too far down truth of His words by rising there i.a ~orrt'Sponding break- derstood.i Between the gushes of the water fountain the hall for me to hear them anymore, so J. turned from the dead. The fruit of His down in moral and humanilar_ life has ~en that. wherever ian values_ Check il oUi for I discerned the following conversation: back tomy hostess; but she was working on a psych ::~~ b:;~ t;~=~~~~~:;'il::I:~ r:u,,;self and ~ou'lI see tbal it's Blundey:' Well, just why don't you think we term paper and just sorta staring at the walls. So, I should be able to choose our own curfew? decided to leave. I went to the door, but then I felt wiggy; Gee, I don't know, but, well, like it takes like flying, so I jumped out of the window and too much thought and yeah, it doesn't give you landed on Hunt's bike just like in the Hertz com- For fr,"" booklet. "WHAT CHRISTIANSBELI~V"." write 10 anything to fall back on. Like when I'm out on a mercials. The unreality of that action being 80,. 3Z7. Rmc~. N. J. tTr&s1. DDT. Gt!.e date. and the !lUV turns out to be a real creep, well, I directly consistent with the unreality of the con- always know that I've only got two more hours to versation I'd left behind. (As well as my Western curfew ana iheH'Pm fr€e~l>A'Nd.~It,1f.iTh'e(he guy, I'll Ctv.-textbook.j
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