Page 32 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 32
PAGE 8 , GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 2, 1970 MissDix Dean Laidlaw George Shellem Gold Bug: What are your- duties as house direc- Gold Bug: The ist thing we'd like to ask about is tor'? the curfew. What do you think of the present cur- Goldbug: Do you think there is a "double stan- Miss Dix: Generally, I oversee the dormitory. I few? dard" on this campus? take care of any housekeeping problems the girls Dean Laidlaw: Well, it affects a very small Shellem: This college thinks men are more have. Iinspect the halls three or four times a week, percentage of the women seems reasonable responsible than women. This is definitely not the I'm there for girls who have problems. I have no enough for to serve most purposes. right attitude--it infringes on the responsibilities of punitive powers as far as girls who have violated Gold Rug: What would you think of an unlimited students. The Student Regulations Committee was rules. That all goes through women's council. curfew? set up to do away with the double standard, Dean Laidlaw: For everyone? Mrs. Trader Gold Bug: Yes. Trade r : I'm in charge of building maintenance, Dean Laidlaw: You mean key privileges for if there's a light bulb missing .... f d-ocounseling on everyone? Guld Bug: Yes, key privileges. The way it's set up a small scale, if I can judge where a girl should go now for upperclassmen except including Freshmen with her problem, Aside from that it's just too. generally making the building secure at night, safe Dean Laidlaw: r don't have any personal ob- from prowlers, affecting room changes. jection to it if this is what you mean. Gold Bug: That's what we mean. Dean Laidlaw: r think there are some ad- Student freedom ministrative complications with it, but as far as, "do I think a good girl is being in at 10:30 Curfews everynight," this doesn't enter the picture at all. Gold Bug: Then you would say that unlimited curfew is all right. Dean Holloway Dean Laidlaw: But my reservation is because of some of the problems with it with setting it up. Gold Bug: How do you feel about women's Gold Bug-: What is the administrative com- curfews? plications that are there for freshmen that aren't Holloway: I don't know what the curfews are. there for Sophs & Srs.? I'm not involved in the curfews. Dean Laidlaw: Objection from parents; this Gold Bug: Do you feel curfews are related to the would be part of it. More people using the key educational process? system and Ithink we have freshmen coming in and Holloway: Yes. Let me say I consider I'm in- there are upperclassmen too that are oriented who volved in all aspects of the educational process, just don't have the sense of responsibility that they Gold Bug: Are you involved in curfews? have after they've been here a year. And this of Hollowav: No course would affect everyone using the keys. Ithink Gold Bug: Do you feel more social freedoms such upperclassmen ought to think it out before they as curfew abolition would be advantageous to propose it. Don't we throw enough at freshmen to education here? adjust to without adding that to it. It's obvious to me Iiolloway: It may be wise to shift as much of the responsibility for education and conduct to students that for some freshmen it is restricting and they'll Dean Laidlaw - "1 think we have to find something in as is possible. Remember education as a word en- freely admit this but for others they say, "gee I the middle that will satisfy the majorlry" have a lot more freedom here than I do a1 home and ding in "tionv-a process .. D?n'.t we tend to ap- I don't think that we can go to one extreme or the~ preciate a self imposed discipline more than a other." I think we have to find, you know, discipline imposed from outside? You respect a discipline you have a role in arriving at. In the something in the middle that will satisfy the majority. process of forming a discipline you should also keep Well why do you think they have a Miss Dix Oold Bug: a place for wisdom. Wisdom should be allowed a curfew for just the freshmen? And also why don't Gold IBug: What is your optmon of unlimited place in the formulation of your own-rules. curfew'? they have one for the boys? J)(,3n Laidlaw: Well now the curfew is more for l\Iiss Dix: I feel that the girls should have a the purposes of security of the building for those curfew. If they paid for college themselves, then who want to be in. It applies to freshmen simply they could set their own limits. Until they're self- Idon't think they should have unlimited supporting. because this is the way women's council set it up, curfew. Jerry Hopple (i.B.- Do you feel there is a double standard on Mrs. Trader campus"! Hopple- Definitely, it's blatant. It's hard to Gold Bug: What is you opinion of the curfew believe it can be so blatant. system? (;.B.- Since the main issue of the double standard Trader: What do you mean by curfew? is curfew, how do you feel about curfew? Gold Bug: The Idea of curfew for freshmen Hopple- I feel that curfews are anachronistic, a women. . continuation on the in loco parentis doctrine, which Trader: I think there should be curfew for fresh- still pervades Western Maryland and it is men irrelevent to the 1970·s. The only one I can con- Gold Bug: Why? ceivably see is for freshmen women first semester. Trader: r think freshmen are in a period of ad- Not because thev need one, but I can see where justment right now: and Idon't care what curfew is parents might demand that minimum. set for, but I think they need some kind of curfew. Pam Zappardino Open house Goldbu~: What specific issues regarding changes in regulations most concern the women? Zapardino: Curfew, open house. key system Dean 'Holloway revision. Gold Bug: Since the term of liberation has crept (;oldbug: Let's take specific things then-what up, how do you feel the presel"!-tsystem of rules, Dean Mowbray are the feelings concerning curfews? such as girls curfews and limited open housing, zaperdtno: We have not gotten one request for contributes to the development of liberation in the Gold Bug: Why the different rules for men and any changes at one meeting concerning curfew. If I Western Maryland student? women? only went by what was submitted to Women's In this respect, Western Maryland is Holloway: Dean Mowbray: I happen to think that there is a Council. I'd have to say that all women are com- tvtcal of a number of small, as well as large, in- difference between men and women, personally pletely satisfied. and I'm sure they're not and I think they do require different rules not Goldbug: What is the general feeling in Women's stitutions. in that the dormitories are considered necessarily in the social area. Obviously in terms. of Council concerning curfew? resident halls and not valued for the education that residence halls you have different problems with Zapardino: It hasn't really come under takes place there. . Gold Bug: Do you think this is a good attitude? womens residence halls than mens. I know of very discussion. It will on Nov. 2. One of the things the handbook points out is the few cases where you have intruders into the mens Cotdbug: The idea that kept reoccurring in Mary community and experience of the dormitory. residence halls. I can mention several instances on Rutledge's letter is that the Women's Council feels 1I01l0wa:y: I think we should capitalize on the this campus where they've had intruders into the that there must be regulations. and that these womens residence halls and therefore there has to regulations tend to prevent the women from taking educational experiences that do take place in the be some different procedures in which to provide responsibility on themselves. for instance the dormitory as much as possible and to a higher better security in the case of the women. fre.shmen study hours. degree. This is not to say that dor- Gold Bug: What about study hours? Why do they Zaparrlino: Well on Nov. 2 there will be no more mitories now are devoid of educational value. think its necessary for women and not m,,:n? . freshmen study hours. Surely you have attended bull sessions. and don't Dean Mowbray: Why does who think Its Goldbug. Well. let's take curfew-you can't you find they discuss releva~t issues? Let's foresee that curfews for freshmen will be abolished, see ...usually sex. women, politics. parties, .and n~:~~a~~;: Whoever makes the rules? Who makes can you? social life. then occasionally you do have subjects Zapardino: I cannot definitely state it. that creep in of more academic relevance: the th~~~e~OWbray: I don't know quite frankly who Goldbug: Okay, well then here is another case personal value of the individual, am I really made that particular regulation. I see no necessity. where a regulation works' against a -sense of per- achieving what I'm supposed to achieve? As well as for that regulation. That's my personal opinion. sonal responsibility. questions of life and theology. \
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