Page 38 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 38
PAGE 14 GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 2,1970 The Lighthouse: Beacon of Westminster By DAVE RIMBACH drink and coffee, with an cccassicnal specialty Why a coffee house in Westminster? It is not thrown in. . existence to raise money, but the fact that it does is enough to say that there is little or nothing for Program -wise the main idea is for people to being used for the good of the community. young people to do in town, although that seems to meet each other and to use the place as best they What is "The Lighthouse"? Recently the group be true. It is not enough that we need to keep the are able. The small tables, relative darkness, and that runs it said some things about its-purpose. It is a place to meet and do what you want to do. People kids off the streets at night. However, there is crayons are there to be a stimulant to this end. sufficient motivation for starting a coffee house in There is also a small stage on which one or two folk are recognized as coming for their own purposes, the fact that young people need a place to meet type performers will present their craft each night. and they make it what they want it to be within the At the core is a group of provided. which is their own, or at least as much their own as This has ranged from Arlo Guthrie to Peter, Paul, framework who take responsibility to make the Christians possible, and within which they can meet others and Mary and from old Irish ballads to a Raga by atmosphere a healthy one in which to be. Together and be met themselves on their own terms. Since Roger Sherman. In addition to the music, short they hope to aid those who are looking for it and to there was a lack of such a place in Westminster, a skits throw entertainment and ideas from the stage group of high school people gathered from the which will also occassionally hold a "hot seat" on lead in a positive direction. It is the hope of "The town's churches to form one. A year spent in the which sits a political candidate, a policeman, or Lighthouse" to be a place in which people are free preparation of study and practice of coffee house some such daring person to stimulate and field to come, free to talk, and free to be and become. production, space made available in an old building questions from the coffee house .company. Im- owned by the United Methodist Church, and in portant , though frequently weird, movies are also a Coffee house succeeds struggle and hope the coffee house gets born. It is regular part of the program. The stage is an open named "The Lighthouse", and it is growing at the one, and if someone has a song or a reading or a with Mike Hunt corner of Main and Center Streets on the East end statement to share, he is invited to do so. In bet- of Westminster. ween scheduled events, records are played and The Black River Productions performer, Michael Begining its second year this Fall, "The there is ample time for conversation. Soon an Hunt, once again braved the perils of route 140and Lighthouse" meets on Saturday evenings from 8:00 additional room will be open where folks can sit for made·~ return performance at the W.M.C. cof- until 11:00 on a roughly every other week schedule. chess and such or just to talk or write without in- feehouse. He was brought here last year by S.O.S. It will be open on the lOthand 31st of October and the terruption. and entertained on the stage in Alumni Hall. Very much of a crowd pleaser last year, he only Hth and zath of November. Admission is $.50 per Everyone is welcome within the coffee house. bettered his past performance this time around. person. The decor is made up of telephone cable Half of the money raised through admissions is Despite an injured thumb suffered from a fall in his spools covered with newsprint suitable for writing being sent to "HOPE", a non-profit incorporation house, he gave us three hours of fine entertainment. upon with crayons which are provided. Light is by formed by Carroll Countians to provide more low- candle. Refreshments are free chips and cheap soft cost housing in the area. "The Lighthouse" is not in He has been influenced, as the rest of the music industry, by country music. Assisted at times by Jim Bean Hunt turned out some fine country tunes. His songs ranged from "Something" by the Beatles, to oldies like "Thunder Road." Mike Hunt was the second Baltimore performer brought here by coffeehouse director, Rowland Hill. Under his direction, the coffeehouse has progressed greatly, Two microphones have been brought, and there are plans to bring other per- formers here. The coffeehouse has made definite steps toward being an active and integral part of campus life Dance performed as communication "Gleanliugs' starring James Clouser and Sonja Zarek will appear at Western Maryland College, Westminster, on Friday, November 6. The program of music and dance will .be held in Alumni Hall, beginning at 8:15 p.m. Tickets are $2.00. no reserved seats, and are available at the college bookstore and Scharon's Black Eagle. The two artists have built their program around a belief that man's ability to communicate with others is the great hope for our sccidety. One reviewer has suggested that the "Gleanings" are ..artists on the other side of the generation gap." Using poetry, music, singing, and dancing they "thr-ash out social injustice and the lone suffering of mankind. But with a liberal use of laughter." Wing Ron Athey, using his Eastern Shore training, adroitly dribbles around defensive opponent. Arter his studies in composition at the Eastman School for Music, James Clouser became leading Hockey ends season 3-3-1 dancer and ballet master of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet. He was sent to study in the Soviet Union by the Canadian government and his choreographic credits include the Metropolitan Opera, Radio City Music Hall. and CBS televison. Before creating by NeUie Arrington ended on a I-I tie. -Gleanlings" with his wife, Miss Zarek, he was on the faculty of the JuilJiard School of Music. Western Maryland's 'I'errorettes tied 1-1 with During the season, several offensive players have Miss Zarek. a self-taught guitarist and folk artist, Morgan State College on October 29 to finish a stood out in the games. But the Terrorettes would studied voice with the Toronto Conservatory of hockey season of three wins, two loses and one tie. not have won their three games or shut out their Music and has written several film scores. Besides As in previous games, WMC took control of the opponents if they had lacked the backup of their her special music for this program she also has ball to attempt a close goal. Morgan ~oved the ball defense. notably fullbacks Nancy Dashiells and written several children's ballets. to their goal where Terrorette goalie Kay Canoles Joan D'Andrea. Especially in the latter gam-es..the The public is invited to attend the program made a save. Then WMC used a free hit to ad- whole team played in unity. The others in the line- vantage, passing upfield into their circle where ups' 'included Debbie Clark, Nina Knaper. Jody Debbie Clark made WMC's only goal in the first Matthews, Liz Wheeler, Sandy Gochar. Jame Pfeifer & Plitt, once again five minutes of play. watts. and Lin Von Name. forwards; Penny Generally, the rest of the half consisted of action Parsons, Mel Smith, Fran Mccabe. and Jeannie Bernie Pfeifer and Calvin Plitt once again led on both ends of the field with Morgan possessing the Myers, halfbacks; and Kay Cancles, goalie. W.l\IC·scross country runners across the finish line ball most of the time, making up for lack of skill Special mention must also be made of the two against Ul\lBC. They both finished at 29:03 to take with aggressiveness. When WMC had the ball, they graduating seniors. left halfback Nancy Dashiells first and second place. Schiels, McCormick, and generally drove well but 'did not make use of pass and right inner Nina Knaper. both of whom played Clark came in fourth. eighth and ninth. respec- openings. Both teams had a number of free hits and every half of every game this season. tively. Schiels has shown steady improvement roil-ins, many of which were not followed up. As the team left the bus. Coach Weyers promised evidenced by his 30:11 fourth place at UMBC. Morgan merely chased the ball up and down the the girls more games next year. With only two Waterhouse finished at a non-qualifying 11th place field, leaving openings that we!"enot often used b_y players graduating, the prospective team of 1971 at UMBC Waterhouse finished at non-qualifying 11th the Terrorette offense. should be built on a strong foundation of ex- place. The final talley came to 24 for WMC and 31 The second half repeated the first in action. penence. for UMBC (the low score is the victa.i Morgan took the ball in the middle of th~ half, TEAM RECORD The Loyola meet scheduled for October 21st was moved it to the circle, and then scored commg out W]\.'IC2 UMBCO WI\·IC3 CCCO cancelled. because of weather, for this Saturday, of a corner to tie the game: .Despite .the efforts of WMC3 Essex4 WMC6 HoodO the atst. at Loyola. Western Maryland lost to Western Maryland in the-remaining few minutes of WMC0 Towson 4 WMC 1 Morgan 1 Dickinson on the 28th. after a very strong showing the game, they could not score again and the game 3wins; 2losses; 1tie by Dickinson.
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