Page 33 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 33
NOVEMBER 2, 1970 PAGE 9 Dean Mowbray Admissions Gold Bug: What about this question of 24 hour open house? Dean Holloway . Dean Mowbray: I've asked Jerry Hopple to Gold Bug: Is there a particular type of student present to me his proposals for change in open for WMC? house, be it 24 hours or 7 days, neither of which Holloway: No. Idon't think we go out looking for proposal is supported by the majority of our a stereotype student. Obviously there is an ideal students; I shouldn't say the majority, by a large type, but it is a result of our interests and appeal, a number of our students. I'm not sure just what it result of our visitation patterns, a result of our would come down to in a vote and I'm more con- interests and appeal, a result of the geographic cerned with why does he want it. Can he justify it in area that we recruit students from, it is a result of terms of the educational objectives of this in- the image we project to students. We could not give stitution? If so I would probably support it. I've you the attributes of this typical WMC student. asked him, in this discussion this morning, to not We've not made up the statistics, but even if we did only get a popular vote, which I could care less have statistics. they are just figures and if we came about, but to get some answers about the real up with a standard student, you wouldn't be able to questions, about who is going to enforce it. I find a student here that fit the description. The question changes in regulations where it brings Long Range Planning committee has all kinds of additional enforcement on me. I want to see the figures on the typical student. students start taking some responsibility which We attract students from a relatively wide socio- have -raHee to accept thus far. In my opinion, in economic group who generally have attributes that open house there were several agreements when we will enable them to be successful at WMC. we~t into this present open house policy, none of Gold RUI!: There is criticism of the college that it which have been followed through as far as the is consciously ~rying to be a "safe" conege. students are concerned, in the mens open house Holloway: -Howdo you mean safe: in the modern policy anyway sense'! that we have a limited number of dif- Gold Bug: What agreements? ferences and confrontations? Dean l'I'1owbray: 1, there's to be the report from Gold Rug: Yes, and a , the mens council regularly to this office; there has 1I01l0\\'a.'I': Conservative? Institutional con- yet to be a report. 2, the hours established were the servatism may not be conservatism at all. An limits for open house, and they were supposed to institution has a successful level of graduates, it have a vote on each floor as to when, whether the Jerry Hopple - "There are a lot of lines of communi- has academic standards, performance levels which students wanted it or not. I know for a fact, some do cations open between the students and the faculty." students attain, so you know how they will do when riotwant it, but they have never been asked. I think they leave. Most of our graduates have been a few individuals have decided for the rest of the successful. In the admissions we tend to choose student body which is no more right than my those who will be successful. This may look like deciding for the student body. selection of a type, but I don't think this is true. I should think the educational program here rather stimulating and dynamic-relatively. We Deaf Ldidlaw MissDix don't have the "ideal educational program" in Gold Bug: All right. What about open house Gold Bug: How do you feel about open house? American higher education. We're working regulations. Do you think they should be? What Miss Dtx : I feel that the present system is good towards it. We may never attain it, but we should would you think of 24 hour open house? enough. I think that it comes "a little often. hope to move along in this direction. It is a con- Dean Laidlaw: In the women's house? Unlimited open house might make the girls keep stantly changing goal Gold Bug: Both. We're trying not to discriminate their rooms neater! I think that open house should (;old Bug: Do you feel that a greater number of right now even though you are the Dean of Women. be held only when every girl wants it, not just most students from broader backgrounds and more Dean Laidlaw: Well this is ok. I'm all for that but girls. student freedom would contribute to a better nonetheless I'm charged with the responsibility of Gold Bug: What do you think about the double college atomosphere? the security of women students and I don't think standard? - lIolloway: A somewhat wider selection of anyone can argue the fact with the opinion that if it Miss Dix: I think it should be kept. If girls have students able to succeed in our program may be is your responsibility as an individual whether it be rules and they follow them, then the boys will be advantageous, me or someone else. The security. if the security of kept in line. Gold Rug: You don't feel the selection is as wide women is your responsibility then there are certain as it could be" precautional measures you must take with women Holloway: Yes, I do. At this time our selection is that you don't have to take with men. Mrs. Trader ~s wide as we could Financially afford. At this time Gold Bug: Right. So how does that get back to III American Higher Education schools ar com- coed-I mean not coed but open house 24 hours a Gold Bug: How about 24 hour open house'! What peting for high academic students from the lower day? do you think is the general opinion of the girls in socio-economic groups. It's like buying a football Dean Laidlaw: Open house 24 hr. a day? your dorm? team, it's unfortunate. Gold Bug: Yes. Trader: Sunday afternoon is an absolute There are two problems. One is finances. The Dean Laidlaw: What are. you going to do about positive, everybody wants it. Girls have to be other, and the significant one, is to properly choose security? dressed for fathers to come in anyway. I do think a student from lower socio-economic background Gold Bug: I see no security risk there if everyone that this system of signing up for what days thev who is capable of succeeding in our system. It has a key and no male guests can getinto the dorm want is not good. I don't think its uniform in all the would be disaster to pick someone who couldn't without someone who has a key after curfew. I dorms, I think, as a rule, Friday or Saturday night. succeed-it could be the end of his education. mean after the dorm is locked. ~~~ w~~t o~:r0tf~~ra~nf8~~I'f~d t~~;d:~~tJer~oo~~ Dr. Makosky Dean Laidlaw: Oh you and I conceived it dif- ferently. I thought you meant just leaving the door designate either Friday or Saturday night and Oold Bug: Do you think that there is a stereotype open 24 hrs . e day. Sunday afternoon as automatic open house. I think Western Maryland student? Gold Bug: Oh no. Same rules that we have now it should start at B,that gives time for girls who are Makosky: Well, there is a large variety of a about escorted guests. dressing to dress and get out, and according to this stereotype.ibut not a very narrow one. You lop off Dean Laidlaw: See, but already this has been a dorm, Saturday is the night they dislike to have it. the extreme end of the student spectrum. At problem during hours when the building is open. Then I think special requests for open house should Western Md. there are very few people who are I've. had reports that's particularly true in be handled as special requests, but I do think that very rabidly liberal one the one end, and there are Whiteford of men just walking in and wandering there should be a little notice ahead of time. We've very few people who are rabidly conservative on around the building. had a few problems with open house. the other end in all kinds of ways ...It's a narrower Gold Rug; What problems? Gold Bug: Yeah well we'd have to have a little range certainly, than it would be at a University. clamp on that. Trader: Well, we had guys coming in not being Gold Bug: Is there an ideal WMC student? Dean Laidlaw: I don't worry so much about our sponsored by the girls and not being out at curfew. Dean Mowbray: I think that in admitting own students in this case it was our students and it other than that, one thing, our house president had students, remember I'm not on the admissions a real good idea, to make open house something was just an annoyance to some girls, but what I do special. Make the ground floor lounge have a record committee, so my statement is based on when I was worry about are prowlers and we do have them. on the ad com, the no. 1 thing we look for is the There's no 2 ways about 'ern. player and refreshments so it could be a little more academic ability of the student. Without question, of a communal project rather than individuals. _ Jerry Hopple that is where most emphasis is placed, can the many girls aren't 'dating enough to have a boy. student handle the academic program of the G.B.- What are your views on the open house why should they have it overnight? _ college. That's essentially what we exist for. issue? Gold Bug: It doesn't have to be a question of lIopple- I feel the women's open house policy dating. People have friends of the opposite six. Jerry Hopple should be left up to them since it concerns them office is always talking G.B.- The admissions Trader: When I meant dating, I meant that a girl primarily. .in our dorm wehavea TV set in the lounge and the about the ideal or typical Western Maryland George Shell em girls like to come in in their pajamas, and they student. How do you feel about this? Goldbug: How do you feel about the present couldn't do this with overnight open house, Now Hopple- They look for an ideal, but I'm pretty system of open house? they know when there will be guys in the dorm. And distressed with what they look for. I think they like Shellem: The present system needs a definite they go down to the bathroom in their curlers, some to attract the type of people here who react and overall change. I feel the students on this campus don't think. The kind of people who memorize and are responsible enough to decide about open house ~r~~ ~ge~ t~~~~reS%~T;~rJon~~~~ft~l:lI;~!~~ give them what they want. Ones who conform to regulations themselves. I support sectional any opinion. It would be more problems for me, but their pattern and don't contribute anything. In autonomy, since open house is a give and take if the girls wanted it I'd 20 along with il. but I do other words people who come here and in their process. think most of the girls don't want it extended. senior year are the same they were in their senior
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