Page 37 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 37
LleHers. to the editor- (continued from page 12) their great emphasis on the "social gospel". It is true that our work as Christians is in the society of man, but the emphasis should be placed on the second word of the much used phrase -- "gospel" -- because without the recognition of sin in man. the need for Christ's message of forgiveness and love, without the faith to hope in eternal life, there can be no hope or meaning in life for any individual: much less for all society. To de-emphasize the Gospel is to deprive our brothers of the greatest act of love we can show to to them -- spreading Christ. We reguest that those who are involved in the planning and presenting: of the current chapel services consider our opinions on this matter and help to make worship at Western Maryland a truly fulfilling experience. Ann.Swope. - Richard Blucher Nancy Fishpaugh William .Gelger Kathleen Grist Mary Lou Hutchison Bruce Simpers Joy~e Shearer Mary Wright Steve Kettells David Clark David Wolfinger Debbie Bell Theda Mayer TO THE EDITOR I spent a quiet evening next to the fire with your out- standing paper. Youexhibita great awareness ... a ~reeis.f~rclimbing:1I~dswinging~ndlaughing~ highlyan.dmakin¥the most of a Blueridgemountain range, Yours in retirement, R.J. Raccoon a tree ISfor hvmgand gr~wlllgand nestmgand sproutmg, a tree ISfor spnng and fall and summerand winter and j~:;s~lher seasonthat nllghl happen by. a tree isfor children and birds.n tree is for killingand other manly pro- To The Editor' I think it's about time that someone gave an in- telligent response to all the radicalism that has erupted on this campus in the realm of student life HE WHO GETS SLAPPED Whoever thinks that college students are ready to decide their own lives is crazy. We don't want the extra- responsibility of looking out for ourselves, By DONNA IIERBST deciding our own rules, and being fair and Performing a difficult play with precision, the practically flawless, making Mancini the pseudo- responsible to others. It is more fun to have a dramatic arts department of Western Maryland aristocrat A Ndreyev intended him to be. system do it {or you in the ~irst place and s~condly, college scored a hit with their nrst production of the . lie Who Gets Slapped" was performed in the it makes it easier to infringe upon the rights of year, "He Who Gets Slapped." understange of Alumni Hall. The room was ef- others. We also have enough to do just studying and fectively draped with· a circus tent, and the working to get by. We do not havetime to decide Max Dixon directed the cast of fifteen in the audience was arranged as a theatre-in-the-round what is good or bad, adequate or inadequate, Leonid Andreyev play, which weaves adelicatc seating plan. which capitalized on lhe many en- reasonable or ridiculous. The rules here relieve us sense of commedy into a tragic plot. "He Who Gets trances and exits written into the staging. The Slapped" centers around a circus in contemporary of all this extra worry. Why make waves when we circus music dubbed into the background seemed have everything we could ask for...quiet places to France. and the interplay of the characters after a out of place at times, and even hindered the study, good food, reasonable hours and at least ten formerly famous man leaves his shadowy past audibility of the conversation in others, but it is people looking out for us? Why worry about such an behind and joins the circus as He, a clown. He's act generally difficult to work with tape recorded inconsequential and stupid thing such as freedom. consists of slaps on the face given to him by the backgrounds in a play of this type The many The animals are free, and are they as happy as we other clowns. His new sense of freedom and joy costume and make-up changes in-between scenes leads him to poison Consuela, the lovely but flighty are? I say be happy with what you've got now equestrienne, to stop her from marrying the were carried orr swiftly. The excellent make-up because when you get out in that big world out there techniques user! on the clowns were developed by it won't be the same .. .it will be hard and we will gloomy baron whom he feels would rob Consuela of Glenn Hopkins, who was responsible for all of the have to make our own decisions. her vitality. He dies himself, seemingly from an act make-up work. of mental suicide. The remainder of the cast, all of which put superb Name Withheld By Request The most striking thing that can be noted about effort and teamwork into "He Who Gets Slapped':' the cast of actors was the ease with which they included: Al Woltz, Mike Slaughter, Tom Blair', Dear Goldbug, slipped into their roles. Jeff Bell as He gave an Mike Basile, Jeff Karr, Larry Lazopoulos, Frank Iscourtesy dead? Wewere givenjust that impressionin excellent portrayal of a man who forsakes Rouzer's rec room October 14. After patiently waiting everything to try something he really wants to do. Phelps, .Jim wilberger, Ed Hogan. Don Ehman, throughthree more games ofpingpong,wewere awarded Bobbi Knsuensen as Consuela and Tina Mantakos Elaine Johnson, Beth Trott, and Don Green. The the custody of a cracked pin2_pong ball. What could we as Zenaida, the haughty lion tamer, gave excellent next play to be presented by the drama department do? Being girls, there was no way for us to walk to the will be "Under Milk Wood." a play for voices by caretakers room and ask for anomer ping performances; one as the naive young girl, the Dylan Thomas rpongball. Wedid the obvious,and asked the semi-men other as a suspicious woman. Glenn Hopkins, in the who so graciously bestowed the cracked ping pong ball of Count Mancini, was outstanding and uponus toget a newonefor us. The villiansflatly refused to do so and quickly scurried away into the dorm Background accompaniment to this scene was provided by boysplaying pool,"Wouldyoualso like a cup of coffee too" (to be said in a mincing manner). Left alone WItha pingpongball that wouldn'tbounce,weponderedour fate. Thentothe rescue came Davewhobeingon a psychbreak decided to perform his good deed for the day'. He chivalrously consented to come to our rescue and WIthin secondswewere able toplaya game ofpingpong Thank you Dave. Sincerely, , Jackie andSandy To the Editor. Assomeonewhotravels thru the Grille several times a dayand fivedays a week.the lovelynewcurtains came as a pleasant surprise. Three cheers for the guys and gals that were responsible for it. T~e paint mak~s a nice change but the curtains really didIt. Irs about time the Grille lookslikea meetingplace, a get together place instead of a morgue I\laybe now it will be a little more pleasant when fall ~omesand the outsideisdrab. tojustsit for a cupofcoffee m a comfortable and homey room C. B. Hf ck-, Everything's alright 0 Lnnova t Lon breeds Suooe s s , Call me - HaySeed Jeff Bell,as He, gavean excellent portrayal of a man who forsakeseverythingto try somethinghe really wants to do.
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