Page 39 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 39
GOLD BUG PAGElS NOVEMBER 2, 1970 Gamma Betes clench intra-mural championship by Greg Barnes The 1970 intramural football season has ended Slider was a steady passer under pressure, The running game of the- Bachelors had been with Gamma Beta Chi fraternity as champs. This throwing to ends Jack Wilhelm and Bob Lam- consistently strong all season. The Betes defense season saw both excellent competition and strong .~rtson.. The frosh had an excellent blocking bad been irregular all season, but they played a student support There were 6 teams on the hneman In Bob Noland. Hopefully. the Fresh will perfect defensive game. The defensive backfield, schedule, the four fraternities being represented continue their spirited showing in the winter and including Kevin Hanley and "Wire" Westervelt, along with teams from the freshman and upper spring intramural sports. played especially smart. End Jim Hobart burned class independents. Gamma Beta Chi met Alpha Gamma Tau in a the Bachelor defense on the first series of downs for The season opened up with Alpha Gamma Tau battle of the unbeatens. The Bachelors appeared to tbeonly touchdown of the game. "Wtre" hit Jim on shaping up as the team to beat. The Bachelors had , ~ the stronger squad. having displayed a con- an out-and-go pattern. The Bachelors later forced size and experience galore, enough to field sistently strong defense led by safety Craig the Betes to five up a safety. AGT was inside the complete offensive and defensive platoons. Schulze. However the Bachelor pass offense had GBX 10 3 times during the game, but could not Defensively, the AGT line averaged over 200 lbs displayed a lack of imagination in recent games score. The game ended 6-2 with the Betes champs. per man, with Jack Brownley, R. D. Smith. and Brooks Zeleny. Offensively quarterback Steve (Arnold Strong) Byrne was a sharp passer and an excellent referee baiter. The strongest point of the Bachelors was the organization, reflected in their excellent punt--kickoff return teams. AGT scored several times on these plays, with a sideline wall and canny running by Craig Schulze and Randy Blazer. PAA also appeared to be a strong team, with excellent linesmen in Glenn Wiggs and Don Wilson The Black and Whites used Don Mohler and Dave Solon as quarterbacks. Their passing attack. which was after described as "up for grabs" came off due to the excellent pass catching of Mark Stevens and 'Brian Chanee. C;;BXpr~ved to be the real dark horse of this season. winning all their games by close decisions the Gamma Bete squad featured an excellent d~fensive unit with Jack Hartshorn on the line and Dick Smertzler in the backfield. On offense. Bill Weste.rvelts ru~ pass ~ption play worked well; especially to Wide receiver Jim Hobart. The Preachers fielded a small team forcing many players togo both ways. DPA defense was forced to pl~y most of the time by an important offense. This unit accounted for ~ll of the Preacher scoring this Joe 'Break-Away" grockrueycr sweeps around the end. ably guarded by agile Larry Garro. season. The defensive unit featured a rush from According 10 reliable sources, the noted British hist- Tom Barnes, and Little Leon Cronce. Ben Higgs was es~ecially helpful to the pass defense with his orian Dewey Knot, who has been missing for the past knack for tying up potential receivers at the line of Terrors de- bar Generals past several weeks, was reported to have been located scrimmage. Coach James Johnstone helped, this on the landscape, alive and well Preacher squad make the most of its talent The Independent Team, played its heart out and On Oct. 24.1he Western Maryland football team gave the better organized fraternity teams terriffic vanguishcd the Washington and' Lee Generals :l7-21. battles. The Independents managed to tie PAA and Coming off a 22-0 loss to the tough Hampden-Sydney rest (0 GBX by one point in the first seconds of the team. the Terrors needed this victory dearly. game. The Independents had solid lineman in For the first time this year, the offense led the .,Mean" John MiJes, Larry Wild, and Marvin way, racking their high point total for the season Bayne. Woody Merkle made several key in- Freshman Mike Bricker commanded the attack, terceptions during the course of the season and end running for one touchdown, passing a 35 yarder to ART Dave Roulette accounted for most of the meager Ken Wagner for another and rushing for 95 yards independent offense overall. and Joe Brockmeyer and Bill Roberts also Sunday, November I, to Friday. November 20 The Freshman team failed to win a game this ,,,v,rpd on runs from scrtmmaee. and Larrv Appel season, but they too played an enthusiastic brand of mtercepted a screen pass and went 16 yards for Hon Cubbison: One-man art show. Gallery One football and showed up for every game. They lost a another TO - ~ Fine Arts Building. 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m Monday - close game to Delta Pi Alpha. Quarterback Jeff However the big difference in the Terrors against 'through Friday. the Generals was the offensive line. After Hamp- den-Sydney, Coach Ron Jones switched defense Friday, November 6 men Ken Bowman and Larry Garro to offensive GLl':ANINGS--ADVE,'JTURES IN SONG AND guards, and started freshmen Ed Humphries allen DANeK Folk singer and dancer-oman and wife tackle. There three, along with previous starters Alumni Hall H: 15 p.m Brown at outer and Roy Skiles at right tackle, did a superb job of opening holes FILM Once again, Joe Brockmeyer had 100 yards gained on the ground. A leader all year 111 tne Thursday, November S national ran kings for kickoff return yardage, the WELF'AHE HEVOLT--Soc film series. Decker, Generals paid tribute and respect, and kicked short 4:(){) p.m. and 7:00 p.m. NEW CINEMA 1 - Sunday, "squibblera' whenever they kicked off. Joe also November (\ Short films by current directors. had a touchdown punt return called back this week Decker. 7:3U p.m. 75ยข. on a clipping penalty The defense once again had another strong game Norwegian transfer student Odd Haugen took over DISCUSSION for Garro at middle guard, and was awarded Saturday, November 14 Defensive Player of the Week for his standout performance against Washington and Lee. Mavitv DAY OF DIALOGUE--student-facuJty. ReJigiou and Kiemle did another fine job against the Life Council ground game, limiting the Generals to only 84 yards on the ground SPORTS At times the Terrors really lacked a pass rush, but in the second half, Washington and Lee quar- Thursday, November S terback Steve Fluharty felt the intensified rush Junior varsity football vs. Stevens. 3:00 p.m. throwing three interceptions and being dropped six Saturday, November 7 times. Linebacker Joe Zick also had a fine game, Varsity football vs. Juniata. 1:30 p.m. intercepting one pass, and recovering a fumble. It appears that the Terrors basically inex- Tuesday, November 10 perienced team may be starting to jell. They have Varsity soccer vs. John Hopkins. 3;00 p.m. a lot of young ball players in the lineup and it is extremely difficult to determine how far they have Wednesday, November II W.M.C.'s biggest terror, Joe "Jose" lick intercepts a developed. Their supreme test will be this Saturday JV soccer vs. Mercersburg Academy. 3:00 p.m. crucial General's pass, which led the way to whirnsee's against Randolph-Macon, the toughest team on Saturday, November 14 their schedule, and the one everyone would like to victory Cross-country vs. George Mason. 2:00 p.m. beat the most.
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