Page 28 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE4 GOLD BUG NOVEMBER2.1970 One man's opinion: The Esquire Barber Shop ~, Militant feminism is for the birds haircuts & hairstyling by Tim Smith earle h. brewer & Militant feminists are fond of comparing their tetosterone, the male sex hormone that is situation to the plight of the Blacks and other responsible for male aggressiveness. This would m arvtn j. brewer ~ minority groups who have been dominated by white also give them deep voices and hair on their men. Yet this is not really a valid comparison. The cbests.) 'I'hesolution is not to be found in competition Blacks have been dominated for less than four with men in a man's game. They have about as hundred years, and only because of historical much chance as a woman does in playing circumstances, not because of any innate dif- protesstonal football (one swallow does not a ference between them and the whites. summer make. 1 The only group which has been consistently What is needed is a whole new social order. dominated since the dawn of Human history is the ~/~_s women were dominant. All societies have differed them in the male mold we need to change the Rather than liberating women by trying to remold female sex. There has never been a society in which nature of society. Men have a need to assert merely in the degree to which men have dominated natural (although all this, like women. This ranges from some Moslem countries themselves, varies with ind.ividualsl yet society phenomena. open 7 days a week where women are virtually slaves,' to the United will not survive is men continue to contend with one sun to thurs-l D to 11 fri & sat 10 to I States where the Women's Liberation movement another and with the environment. What we must has risen to prominence do is learn to channel these drives into harmless Men have dominated women not because of their channels, such as sports, mountain climbing, etc. The new social order would be less tense, one in 848·6070 innate superiority; actually the reverse _is true. which cooperation would be more inportant than From the biological standpoint women are much superior to men. Women are physiologically competition. This is not to denigrate competition as TRIPLE FABRIC stronger than men; mortality rates are higher for a social and economic force. However, competition men in any age group, especially in infancy. carried to the extreme that it gives a man ulcers or Women are stronger genetically, the male Y sends him to war is harmful. Women would playa NOTIONS DOMESTICS, chromosome is actually a deficient X chromosome. much greater role in this society, yet there is a limit In fact, genetically speaking, a man is an un- to how great an economic role women can play. developed woman. To a certain degree women are constrained by Despite their general superiority women have their physical beings. Women are designed by allowed themselves to be dominated by men. This evolution to be mothers. While there is a need, and a DRAPERY FABRICS DRESS FABRICS, occured because of males' greater musculature, demand, for day care centers which would allow greater aggressiveness. and most importantly, the mothers to work they cannot replace mothers. I male's need to dominate. doubt if the majority of mothers would be willing to mOil & fri-910 9 fIU~$, wed, fl!un, .~lIf·9 to 5 This did not result from historical circumstances entrust their children to strangers for a good 3(j w. mail! weslmi"S/f'r phone R1R.()9S5 like the slavery of the Blacks; Itwas the result of portion of their time during the most im- For most of history human beings have been pressionable years of their lives. The managers of Jl top hot division of labor; men hunted, aggressively seeking professional expertise, but in the art of rearing a hunting life demanded a sexual hunters. The day-care might have a great centers deal of the children, the most important input is love. out and killing their prey, while women remained at home raising children and gathering roots. Thus Many of the new feminists have argued that pattern of the male breadwinner and the human women have no especial advantage in rearing the female homemaker developed and became drive in any number of men have reared children when fixed in our chromosomes This pattern has carried over into modern child, that a husband could do just as well. In fact, their wives have died or divorced them. In in- DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP society, for physically speaking, man is a hunting dividual cases the husband is sometimes better at FOUNTAI N SUBS ape. This is not to say that this is destreable. childrearing than his wife. Yet this is not a pattern Female submission is an anachronism in an in- that should be instituted universally dustrial society. Male aggressiveness results in nearly all of the violent crimes, and 100 percent of H takes longer to raise a human than any other the wars. Male aggressiveness against the Earth species. This was a factor in the sexual division of (who is a woman, as we all know) has led to a labor that arose as a response to hunting. Rearing a criaical state of pollution. Men have ulcers, heart child was a full time job. There is clinical evidence attacks, strokes, etc. much more frequently than that some maternal feelings are caused by female Y;YUALL~~ women. because the drives which motivated sexual hormones. The idea that a woman who has carried a baby in her womb for nine months and UI Some of their demands are eminently sensible. To then nursed the child (nursing is the best way to do ocioty. Does Women's Lib have the answer'! Yes and no it ) and does not have a special bond for that child is & LAUNDERERS, INC. ignore demands for equal job opportunity job ad- an absurdity. LAUIiDIRIIiG DRYCLlAIIIIIG vancemcnt. and equal payment for equal work. is TAILORIIiG immoral and stupid. There is no reason. especially Therefore it seems reasonable that equality in these times for women to be baby factories. between the sexes is an absurdity. Women are Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service Yet the tactics of bra-burnings. and karate chops inarguably superior to men. Yet as long as Service for Students 111 WMC Student Center is not the answer. Nothing is to be served by women dominance exists, men will dominate women Women cannot hope to wrest their rights away from Monday through Friday attempting to copy male tactics. They are nbt fitted men because the cards are stacked against t.hem 9:00 O'clock Until 3:00 O'clock Daily for them physically, any more than men are fitted What they can do is work for a more compassionate to bear children. And if push comes to shove. men have a lot more shove: they have a five-million social order. The men have made a mess of the year start on the women. The idea of baby girls to world. and as always the women will have to clean DAVIDS JEWELERS be as strong and aggressive as boys is an im- of up after them. They can only do this by being women. not pseudo men (unless you give them injections possibility wmc college rings gifts panasonic expert Price to explode population bomb keepsake Can Man Survive?" Under the direction of Mrs. "The Population Bomb" will be discussed by Dr. Brown. implementation chairman, there 1 diamonds Ralph Price when he speaks to the local branch of Michael in various aspects of have been group studies the American Association of University Women, ecology. Because there has been specific interest in 19 East· Westminster.:. meeting in the auditorium of Black and Decker, local problems of air pollution, Mrs. Brown's Main Street Maryland Hampstead, at eight o'clock "on the evening of committee has been cooperating with the Maryland Tuesday. November .J.O. Better Air Coalition If you have not renewed Dr. Price. head of the Economics Department at The American Association of University Women. your subscription for this year. do it now. Subscrip- Western Maryland College. is unusually well numbering more than 170.000 members. comprises. qualified to speak on the population explosion, not tion for a year costs S5.00. over 1660 branches in fifty states. Washington. D.C. only because of his academic research but also and Guam. The International Federation of The GOLD BUG because he has lived in overcrowded areas of the University is composed of fifty-four member Box 352 world. Twice within very recent years he has been a countries. of which AAUW is the largest con- WesternMarylandCollege visiting Fullbright-Hayes professor and once as a stituent. The Carroll County branch will welcome Westminster,Maryland,21157 research fellow of the American Institute of Indian into membership any woman who is a graduate of studies. He is the author of several publications on an accredited college or university. For par- Name _ Indian economic development ticulars she should call the membership chairman, This program is part of a two year study un- Mrs. William T. Achor. 64 Ridge road, West- Address _ dertaken by the American Association of minster. phone 8~8·7881. Mrs. James C. Snuder, University Women on ::This Beleaguered Earth- Manchester. if. president of the organization
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