Page 27 - TheGoldBug1970-71
P. 27
NOVEMBER 2, 1970 GOLD BUG PAGE 3 S.R.C. poll results: most pro on policy revisions were in favor of complete sectional automony, point of view of the students however, 88.2% feel The Student_ Regulations Committee poll con- which would give respective floors the ability to that open housing does not affect their studying, cerning open housing and curfews showed a choose their own hours. The student poll showed a 93.7% feel that open housing does not affect their progressive attitude emerging in the student body rather indecisive attitude towards whether or not a relationships with their roommates adversely and of Western Maryland. With the majority of students host should accompany his/ her guest at all times, 88% of the students feel that open housing does not backing reform motions. the S.C. feels it now has with 5·UOO supporting the issue. affect the peace and quiet of the dorms, and if it did, the support 1.0 approach the administration in these Trying to determine the relevance of any reform 7-1.3%ofthe students would not hesitate to speak to matters. measures that would be taken. that is the ad- offenders about it. Of the 865 polls returned, 67.2% of the students vantage to which they would be used. the pol! From this factual data, the committee intends to were in favor of an unlimited curfew for all girls showed that at the present time 43.3% of the draw conclusions and to be able to present a and 75.1% felt this action should be without the students use their open housing privileges now and program to the S.L.C. meeting on Wednesday, necessity of parental permission for any girls, and only l·l.l% use them rarely. that being defined as November -I 96.5% felt that it should be. unnecessary for girls 21 once every two months. (For exact tabulation. please see the ac- years of age or older. A great deal of controversy has arisen that open companing poll form which carries the recorded In terms of insuring dorm security if the curfew housing adverslv affects students life. From the tallles.i was lifted, 44.1% of the students supported the continuation of the already existent key system, 2?7% were in favor of additional security guards binatlon lock system The open housing issue pulled an optimistic 83.5% the S.R.C. poll Songs and readings .The Student Regulations Committee of t.he SCI asks that you give the follOwing questions serious consideration and inforn them as to your opinions by your note U.N. anniversary answers. by Belinda Bonds Yes No Interested students and faculty presented. a 1. Are uou in' favor of unlimited curfew for all girls? program of speeches and songs honoring the 25th Are you in favor of unlimited curfew for all rut anniversary of the United Nations on October 22 in freshman women? Little Baker Chapel Are you ::'n favor of unlimited curfew for all rut The program opened with a speech by Dean Zepp. first semester freshman women? After reading the preamble to the United Nations charter, he said that although the ideals stated could never be fully achieved. thev must be taken II. Are you in favor of eliminating the need for parental permission for seriously; international unity would then become unlimited. curfew? Yes~ I No..m._ anincreasing reality. . Danny Bitzler read a short history of the for- mation of the United Nations. Next, Dr. Palmer, 3. lihich of the following security proposals are you in favor of? from the English department, read a poem writlen (Please number according to preference) by W. H. Auden. Dr. Palmer felt that the poem was 31'~ a. Key system appropriate in that it conveyed the hopes and fears ...a.a.L:S. Additional security men to unlock door at designated times that went into the making of the U.N. ...a.l..'- c. pc ah bat ten combination lock system The evening ended with songs from different nations. Mme. and M. Derass sang French folksongs. Dr. Rivers and Brooke Wimert next $-. favor permission sang songs from Argentina, Chile, Cuba, and Are you in 21? of eliminating parental No_!_3_ for unlimited curfew for women over Yes~ Mexico. Finally, Joe Powell sang three American folksongs policy the Are you of SECTION AUTONOMYaa favor Seniors may abandon 5. House? in (Section of Autonomy is defined as the right of concerning open floor every or section to determine the open house policy best sui ted for that particular traditional caps and gowns living unit's individual needs. The policy adopted by a floor or section would remain in effect for that section until such time as the lJeabdents of by Pat Logan that section call a meeting for the pc'rpoee of changing it.) The Senior Class hopes to make a break with Yes22..3_ No~ tradition at graduation this year by not wearing caps and gowns. The purpose, however, would not be to discard the cap and gown, but to spend the 6. If section autonomy were not the rule (or if you are not in favor of money t.hat would be paid for their rental in a more would you lasting, unselfish way. section autonomy) which of the following Men"s polict;es l1omen's Both prefer? None Charlie Moore, Senior Class President, says that a.Status Q,lo _1_1_ .sz., E..§:_ he read the idea in a magazine and thought that it b.Unl1mited open house on weekends; would be great for his class to do. As he explained, there are several problems to be worked out, one of no open bouse on weekdays ~ ~ _!.1. them being to decide how the money would be c.Unl1mited open house on weekends; 9 2. __§J__ ill spent. Some of the things being considered are a limi ted open house on weekdays scholarship fund, a gift to the school in the form of d.Unl1mited open house on weekends; educational equipment, or a donation to a charity or unlimited open house on weekdays the Maryland School for the Deaf. Other schools who have done this are being contacted for ideas. It is likely that there would also be a problem in !. Do you think that all guests in residenceshalls should be accompanied. by getting 100%agreement from the class. From a their host/hostess at all times? Yes~ No~ financial viewpoint, the class would benefit: the cap and gown rental is 87.00. If the class, which numbers lBO, sets a goal of collecting 81000.00,each member would have to pay slightly more than 8. How~~!:~(~~~uaU::e~)e P.f?Snt open house privilege in your own dorm? $5.00. Moore speculates that there may be dif. ficulty in getting every senior to pay, which would Occasionally(once every a ~ 2. 21T1Olltkii (Once rarely be a definite requirement of the projecf In addition to class support, the administration's cooperation never....§__ would be necessary. In the case of both students and teachers, it is hoped that their social con- No?'~ sciences will outweigh their desire to preserve 9. Do you feel that open house adversely affects your studying? Yes G\() tradition. 10. Do you feel that open house adversely affects reonnete relations? Yes~ No'lll A definite decision will most likely be made by 11. Do you feel that open house adversely affects the peace and quiet of the Donns? the' end of this semester. In the meantime. Yes...1.i. No~ Moore expressed his hopes that the idea 12. Would. you be more inclined. to up with texceeet ve noise rather than to speak will be discussed among students, parents and with the offenders about it? Yes 2-1~ No ~3 faculty. He feels that this would be a meaningful way for his class to graduate and that they could h!m)"1l arl'/: Ir.·')I" ...,. 865 Responding possibly set a precedent.
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