Page 26 - TheGoldBug1970-71
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PAGE 2 GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 2, 1970 S.R.C. seeks student responsibility by Donna Herbst mittee has stated that it will take full responsibility system occured in McDaniel dormitory several Open house regulations and curfew restrictions for organizing a meaningful student protest to nights before the SRC assembly took place. A have come under attack from the newly formed "achieve our aims," according to Pam Zappardino. group of McDaniel residents took the sign-in pins, student regulations committee, which is seeking She commented that these issues are vital, ex- and later removed the sign-in sheet that was put out administrative approval of the policies which the plaining, "We want to make this a more natural, following the disappearance of the pins. As a committee advocates. less contrived atmosphere to live in." result, all dorm residents were forced to sign in The seven member committee, conceived by SGA Six members of the SRC met with the student personally in the' office at curfew. In addition, all president Jerry Hopple to evaluate all phases of body at an assembly one week ago to clear up any house prtviliges were withdrawn until the pins were student regulations, issued a formal statement misunderstandings that were circulating the returned. calling for abolishment of women's curfew hours campus concerning the proposals and the com- At a dorm meeting called to discuss the incident, and establishment of a student controlled 24-hour mittee itself. George Shellem, one of the members, the offe~ders admitted that they had gone about the open house hours in the dorms was stressed as a outlined the long-range objectives of the SRC as 'protest In the wrong way. Pam Zappardino em- means of achieving student independence and "possibly making the deans advisors and not policy phasized that the student body as a Whole must responsibility. The statement also acknowledged makers, and having students run, organize, and concentrate on passing the proposals through the that stricter security measures would be needed in enforce the regulations." Shellem also voiced hope proper channels, and not jeapordize the whole the women's dorms if both measures are adopted. that the veto power of the administration might be movement with small protests. The statement also said student regulations should eliminated eventually, Bill Dayton, another SRC The administration has recognized the student be made with the entire student body taken into ~ember, stated that the root of the whole problem regulations committee, which is not a policy account, instead of separate men's and women's IS the paternal attitude the administration takes making body. Proposals that are made in the SRC regulations as has been the policy for curfew and toward students. Dayton further remarkd, "We are referred to the Student Life Council to be don't need the administration to be our parents." considered for action. Six of the seven members of ~~~y ~~~~~ts ~~3r!~:;;:~n!~udfe~~~~"c~~fgec~~~ Student government representatives from each the SRC are the student representatives on the mittee member Pam _ Zappardino. dormitory floor and also representing the day stud~nt life council. They are: Jerry Hopple, SGA students distributed polls concerning the curfew president: Bryson Popham, SGA treasurer; Mike This statement expressed by the SRC imposed a and open house policies to each of their con- Shultz, Gold Bug editor; Pam Zappardino, month's deadline for decisive action on the ad- stituents. Results of the polls indicate general Women's Council president: Bill Dayton, Men's ministration to avoid the possibility of a deadlock campus enthusiasm towards the student Council, president; and George Shellem, inter- which could kill the proposals. If action is not taken regulations committee statement. fraternity council president. Sandy Kearns, inter- within the month, the student regulations com- An isolated incident of protest against the curfew sorority council president, is the seventh SRC member. Changes in student entertainment by Grella Herrmann th:?t~O~l:'cr~a~ll~~~~s~,~~~u:h~f Si~~A~~:~:~~ business." The Richie Havens concert cost approximately S8000. The revenue was only $2200.leaving a total loss of nearly $6000.Speaking for the S.G.A" Bryson loss of nearly, $6000. Speaking For the S.G.A., Bryson gave several reasons for his statement: -t. Th~ college is too small to provide big name ,~ to classes and other student to cost at a reasonabe entertainment is just too expensive :'!. This type of entertainment anyway. The executive council has discussed atternauves the problem such as block ticket buying to public concerts as well as to concerts at other schools. ~~ on campus by lesser known providing concerts groups. and by using the concert- fund to in- allotments crease organtzattons. We feel the $11.200would be better spent in a variety of areas rather than for a total of approximately six hours of big name musical entertainment. no matter how good it mav be As a r-esult of the opinion surveys taken last I .communications assemblyheld month. music will soon be heard in the cafeteria Bryson Popham, Pam Zappnrdtno. George The junior class has taken over this project, in- stalling an AM-Fl"l tuner and an amplifier Harold Baker is connecting the system Committee reports dominate Academic Affairs Committee, met with Dean Jerry Hopple and Craig Schultze, chairman of the At the next Holloway on Tuesday, October 27. S.G.A. meeting S.G,A. meeting, proposals providing for academic credit for the editors of the Aloha and The Gold Bug. as well as for a system of self-scheduled exams. will be presented as a result of this by Bill Candee meeting The S.G.A. meeting held on October 26, 1970was TIH'proposal In allow academic ('redit for people who work on the Gold Bug and Aloha will be sub- primarily concerned with committee reports. milled to the Curriculum Committee. The proposal Womens'privileges extended Other business included the consideration of New Left speakers, academic credit for publications' would allow only the editor & chief of either by Donna Herbst editors, and money for the coffee house. publication 10 receive credit. Several revisions in women resident student Buildings & Grounds Committee announced that Under New Business the COffN> House Conuuutee regulations have been approved and passed by the the recreation room in Rouzer Hall was closed due needs $150for a P.A. system for better sound ef- Women's Council at the council's last meeting. fects. Also. to produce more revenue, all future to theft of equipment. Other than this they reported Upperclass women with key priviliges will now nothing new. singers will receive only 8000and not all of the be allowed to sign out overnight guests on their key. Academic_ ~ffairs Committee made up proposals collected rnonev. The Serlate voted to lend $50to the The guest must be registered in the dormitory for self scheduling of exams and for the giving of coffee house and the money will come out of the guest book. This eliminates the previous problem concert fund. The other SIOOwill come from their academic credit for people who work on of having to return to the dorm by curfew because publ ications such as the Gold Bug and Aloha. February allotment which will be given in ad- of the restrictions placed on the visitor. vance. The Student Regulations Committee announced -There was much argueing over this because Study hours for first semester freshmen women that 70%of the respondants to the last poll want a have been dispensed with as of November 2. Quiet change in open house rules. Another poll will be several members of the Senate admit the hours for the dorms have been instigated in place of given since there was much dissent at the meeting possibility of a change of heart about having big the 7-10 mandatory study hours. Parental per- name entertainment. They do not want to spend too over the last proposal. The policy of open house is much of the concert fund now because if they do mission cards, which were sent to every freshmen for dorm section autonomv. decide to have a big name band for Spring girl during the summer, will be dispensed with Under Old Business there was discussion about a starting with the class' of 1975. These cards lecture organization which would send us New Left Weekend, the money that will pay for it will come asked the parents to list any restrictions they felt out of the concert fund: that is what it is there for. speakers such aaDave Dillinger. Funds might ~ There was a suggestion that instead of having an should be imposed on their daughter. come out of the concert fund unless other revenue entire band we could have a single well kn-own- Women's council is currently investigating a sources, such as admission fees, could be tapped. singer, as there are several who would fit into the motion that would allow girls with key priviliges to The Senate voted to explore the possibilities. enter and leave the dorm (continued on page 5) budget fairly will,
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