Page 19 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 19
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 24, 1969 PAGE 3 Religious Life Council Plans Dramatic Changes 'Forecast . I· Christian-Marxist Debate D WMC Pub "canons in Ohio and Now vcrk as a com- ~'or A Christian - Marxist dlalorue II will take place on the. campus of munist. converted offiCially Into the Pub- the problems "Contrast has been Western Maryland College, Wed- Mr. Johnson writes for The Dynamic changes and improve- nesday, October 29. Dally World, successor to The ments in the publications of WMC lIcatlons House. CONTRAST and a dead thing on this eampus for tce Speaking at 10 a.m, In Decker Worker, and for Political Affairs. are being undertaken this fall with ALOHA have moved upstairs, and last couple years. It seems that Lecture Hall wUl be Dr. PhIllip He has appeared before various the hopes of creating more erne- the old ALOHA office has beenre- interest In a literary magazine wogaman, associate professor of legislative counsels at the state lency and stimulating student Int- novated and Is now being used by Is pretty non-existent. This may Christian social ethics atwestey and national level. For some_ erest.TheGOLDBUG,CONTRAST the publtcttyoftf ee, The GOLDBUG be the magazine's fault or It may Theo'logfcal Seminary, and Arnold years he has served In a fuU- and ALOHA are all strlvlngtolm- Is located downstairs, and a new be the fault of the students. May- Johnson, public relations director time capacity with the national prove their respective publications dark room has been Installed Inthe be It's not a fault at all; It's stm- and director of Information and the office of the Communist Party. and, in turn, encourage students to basement. ply that nobody here cares any- lecture bureau of the Communist Mr. Johnson Is a graduate of cna- participate In the production. According to Jerry Hopple, thing about creative writing," Party in the United states. The pman College. and holds an t.I.A. The GOLD BUG Is working In a edltor-In-chlef of the GOLD BUG The 1970 ALOHA, according to two menw1ll discuss the opposing from Teachers College, Columbia more productive climate this year "The GOLD BUG has continued to editor Tom Van Sickle, will con- viewpoints they represent. Unlverslly. as the former Art House has been Improve Its layouts andwrlting; the . tlnue the tradition of recent years technical aspects of the papej- are by Innovattng andhavtngathematlc better than ever, Ourpresentpro- approach. One of the major chan- Foreign Student Series: blern Is to encourage more peo- ges Is that the yearbook will be pie to wrtte--we need more vtew- published durlngthesummer.Cop- Chris Yatsuki Fujii points In the Ieatures andadttortat ies will be mailed to graduates can obtain students and returning sections." This seems to be a major pro- their yearbooks in september. As blem with. the publications this in the past, the cost of the ALOHA This Is the first in a series of articles about the foreign students year--lack of student Interest and ($7.50) can be added to this year's on campus. participation. The literary mag- second semester bill. Last year a committee was azfne, CONTRAST, is for the pub- Class pictures for freshmen, formed to try and help the stu- ncanon of students' creative writ- sophomores and juniors will be dents adjust to college life In a tng, Editor Mike Shultz expresses taken on November 6 and 7. strange country. Some of the most prominent problems of these visitors seem to be first, meeting people and second, where to go Dr. Philip Wagaman during holidays. The first is perhaps the easiest to solve. By Dr. wogaman recently returned presenting these students to the from several months In Czechos- campus, through these articles, the Whim you know lovakia where he went to study committee hopes that the student Marxist ethics. He Is an ordained cody wnt react In such a way asto it's for keeps minister of the United Methodist make the students feel at home. Church. Dr. Wogaman was a 1964 The second is more difficult.Tea- candidate for the California State cher-s have offered to take them comes from the fact that he was An your sharing, all your Legfslature and was a member of during the holidays, and the offers born on Columbus Day, He Is 20 special memories have the canrcrnia' Democratic state are greatly appreciated, but the year's old and bee" o~ly one older grown into a precious and Central Committee. He Is an ac- foreign students would get a much sister. Chris' majorls Economics, enduring love. Happily, these tive committee member of theNa- better feel for the country and un- and his hobbies are bowling and cherished moments will be ttcnaj Council of Churches and Is dersta.ndlng orthelrfellow students tennis, His father, who Is a jour- forever symbolized by your a member of the Board of the Su- , at W.M.C. If they could spend their naUst, went to a college In New diamond engagement ring. burban Maryland Fair Housing Co- vacations In the 'home a'tmosphere Jersey, If the name, Keepsake is in Chris has only been in Ameri- mmittee, of fellow students. TheGOLDBUG ca since April, and his knowledge the ring and on the tag, you Dr. wogaman is ~ graduate of completely supports these ideas are assured of fine quality the College of the Pacific, recei- and hopes that through its cooper- of English Is not very extensive. and lasting satisfaction. The ved his S.T.B. at Boston Univer- ation the lIfe of the foreign students He Is trying to master the lang- engagement diamond is sity School of Theology and his on campus will be more enjoyable. uage and any help from W,M.C." Ph.D. at th~ Boston University Christopher Yatsukl Fujll, students would be appreciated, He flawless, of superb color, and Graduate School. His area of whose nickname ts Chris, comes likes the college very much, tho- precise modern cut. Your study for the doctorate was soc- to W,M.C, from Tokoya, Japan. ugh he has a problem meetingpeo- Keepsake Jeweler has a r h ial ethics. He Is the author of The Ch I t s op er part of his name P Ie, choice selection of many numerous books and articles. ! lovely styles. He's listed in .Mr, Johnson Is a graduate of Art Work the yellow pages under Union TheologicalSeminary.From "Jewelers. " Union he went Into the field of organizing the unemptoyed andwas Portraits, Landscapes, etc. national director of the National Unemployed League and assisted the Workers Alliance. Mr. John- Reasonable Rates son joined the Communist Party In 1936. He was arrested In New York City under the Smith Act and Contact Bill Griffith 848-9856 served three years tn Pader al prt- son. He has run or public office t WTTR COSTUMES AND The Esquire FORMALS AM-1470 KC Barber Shop FM-Stereo FOR RENT Earle H. Brewer, Prop. --- Phone For Appointment Marvin J. Brewer, Prop: 75 W. Green 848-4630 Hair Cuts By Appointment WESTMINSTER Phone· 848-2820 or 848-5220 58% W. Main St. 1I1ARYLAND D.r.I~J Iiderdiro Westminster, Md. c ~~ t!7UA LI tr :::::~ Italian . 1 So•.Ceaw- SUMt, or EqIar Rood Dining Room LAIlNIIBRlNG - DRYCLEANING • TAILO~G .,Gua ...t 810..... a LIDen _tal 8errice ' 8S W. Main St. 8errice for 8tnd_ Ia WMC si.d.t Ceaw- Westminster HOlIday IhIoqb PrIday 848-2848 .:00 O'clock UatU 3:00 O'clock DtdIJ'
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