Page 24 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 24
fHat~ry by Bernie Pfeiffer The Western Maryland college harriers placed 3 runners In the top live and defeated host Bowie State October 17th for their first varsity victory in 2 years of com- petition, PlacIng 2nd, 4th, and 5th respectively lor WMC, over what seemed to be a short 3 mile course, were Calvin PUtt, Bernie Pfeiffer, and Paul Resignato. Earlier In the week, however, the team once again demonstrated the Importance of depth Inc ross-co un- try, as they sulfereda27-28 defeat at the hands of Randolph-Macon, The Terrors took 2nd, 3rd, and 4th position with Plitt, Pfeiffer, and Reslgnato once again, but were unable to scrape up another man to clinch the victory. The race pro- 'duced fast times over the rugged FOOTBALL 4 mile WMC course. on it. The of- JV Footballers Drop A comblnaUonofbothwindywea- (Continued from page 7) ther and an off day cost the team ground so he jumped another deleat, October 21, as fense capitalized onthls break with visiting Loyola swept the first 3 Klinger scored all Opener To Hopkins a -quick 26-yard touchdown drive. places and went on to win 19-40. QB Bozman hit Randy IQ1nger lor The first Terror runner across the the touchdown. line was Bernie Pfeiffer in 4th but one of the W,M.C. points, the by AI Shafer place. He was followed by Calvin exception being the conversion on Plitt In 6th and Paul Resignato In this score by Tom Mavity. In the The nuat score was twenty-one the Jays out of the hole. Then the 7th. second half, Hampden-Sydney eon- to eight In favor of Johns Hopkins Hopkins quarterback, who had pre- Ther Terrors next meet will be trolled the ball early and went a- last week as the Terror JV open- viously run better than he had pass- away November l,agalnstGalludet: Ace-runner Calvin Plitt head 8-7 alter a 93-yardTDdrive. ed a fI ve game season which in- ed, began mixing runs with passes In the fourth quarter the Terrors cludes four away games and con- to his tall split end who had vic- Results got on top with a bit of Razzle- cludes with a home game against timized our short secondary pre- Dazzle. Tailback Fred Laurence the same Bluejays., viously and moved in for a TO. A took the hand-oft from Bozman The Terrors recovered tram a pass for two failed, but an inter- Parents Survey and started oft around the end. But sloppy first half to hold the 'Jays ference call gave them another he stopped and fllcked the ball back scoreless and do some scoring of chance and they didn't waste it. SUMMER, 1969 to Bozman, Bozman then tossed a their own In the second half but it Score, 21-0, favor of them. To the following list of current practices and policies, you are asked to 32-yard toucMown pass to Klinger. was too little, too late. The first In the second hall a psyched de- indicate: Strong Support (SS); Moderate Support (MS); Change Appropriate The Tigers came right back, how- quarter went scoreless with both fense frustrated every Hopkins (CA); Change Necessary (CN); or No Opinion (NO). ever, as haltback Jim Worley car- teams getting accustomed to each drive as the Terrors came up ried the ball for 5 straight first other's play and one TD for Hop- with three Interceptions, two by downs. Hampden-Sydney quarter- kins called back on ahold1ngpena- Dave Solow and one In the end zone 1. The use or possessIon of alcoholic beverages SS MS CA CN NO' back Stanley bounced over for the lty. In the second quarter the Hop- by Jesse Houston. But the tall, big are prohibited on campus. 554514417 6 touchdown, but hard-nosed Terror kins team put It aU together and Hopkins line kept up Its pressure 2. Male students may entertain women students SS MS CA CN NO defensive play on the 2-point con- went in to score.wrui a good kick on Jesse and held us scoreless In their dormitory version attempt saved the W.M.C. the score stood 7-0. The second untIl late In the fourth quarter, when _e:venlngs. room on week-end 88274 71 15648 .. lead at 15-14. With the game naar-, touchdown came soon alter. The Paul Peska came In as quarter- Iy over, the Homecoming crowd Terrors, held deep in their own back. He completed a quick pass 3. A condition of the above Is that room doors SS MS CA CN NO be a jar. smelled victory. But the-Hampden- territory, were forced to punt and for a first down, then, on a broken 4. All students, except those commuting from 38086426979 Sydney defense dug In and forced the taU Hopkins linemen who har- pass play ran around left end to the their own home or that of a close relative, SS MS CA CN NO W.M.C. to punt near their own end assed Jesse Houston all afternoon one. One more play put the Terrors must live on campus. 356110865169 zone. But a combination of tougtJ blocked it. From within the ten- on the scoreboard, and a pass to defense, mental letdown and plain yard line the Jays quickly scored', Charlie Bowers made it 21-8. We 5. Women students, except seniors with special SS MS CA CN NO bac. luck resulted In a bad pass but were stopped as they attempted still had hope, parental approval must observe curfews 01 45290322526 from center, and punter Jim Ya~s to run for two. The defense respo?wed to the of 11:00 P.M. on week-days, 1:00 A.M. week- being tackled in the end-zone. This When another WMC drive was touchdown by acting like a brick ends. stunning break spoiled the Ter- stopped the punt was low, but took wall and we had the ball in good 6. Parents are notified when any major dlsciplin- SS MS CA CN NO ary action Is taken against their student. ror's Homecoming. a good Terror bounce and was field position. But the Hopkins de- 7. Parents are not notified when their student Is 63817113 0 Right lineback Keith Porter downed on the three. The defense fense held firm, and their offense given an oral reprimand for mis-conduct. SS MS CA CNNO earned Defenstve-Player-or-the- pushed a running play back to the held the ball until the gun. 8. Pchctes and proposals enacted by student 247200 76 97 42 Week Iaurjats for the Hampden- one, but then the momentum sntrt- The next game is at Harford JC SS MS CA CNNO Sydney-game. ed as a facemasklng penalty got on October 23 at 3:00. organizations are subject tothe approval of 564 70 17 12 7 council. a faculty-administration 9. The college does not require a standard of SS MS CA CNNO dress; rather we produce a "sugge~ed" dress 455 171 22 22 8 code. 10. The college reserves the right to inspect a student SS MS CA CN NO room at any time, although scheduled and 461 127 29 37 8 announced Inspections are the common practice. . The following proposals for change have been made at one time or another. Please indicate your support or disagreement with the recom- mendations. 11. Women students should be permitted, AGREE DISAGREE with parental consent, to estabUsh their 180 466 own curfew. 12. Student should be permUted to demon- 317 358 strate, non-violently, on behalf of a grievance against the college. 13. Students forcibly occupying a building, 623 69 office or classroom should be summarily dismissed from the college. 14. The college should authorize Inspection 563 44 of student rooms by law officials when -there is suspicion that Illegal drugs are being used. 15. Students should have nothing representatives 496 166 on most facuUy-admlnistrations committees. 16. students 21 years of age or older and students 401 239 with parental permission other than freshmen should be allowed to live off-campus. 17. Student grade reports should not be sent to 16 661 Bruce 80zman is stopped by a paIr of Hampden-Sydney defenders. parents except on request.
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