Page 23 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 23
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 24, 1969 PAGE 7 .Me .... 10.11 TERRORS SUFFER UPSETS by Oreg Barnes After sulferlng two straight up- plays for the warrtors to score. 275 yards on ctrense to Lycoming's set defeats, the Western Maryland Then they managed to score twice 240 yards. The Terrors could College Terrors visit Delaware more on the snen - shocked 'rsrr-. not, however, put together any Valley College this Saturday when ors, with a TD and a 35-yard field game-winning breaks, Lawrence they w1ll meet their toughtest MAC goal. In the waning moments of L. Garro earned Whimsee defen- opponent. The grldders lost to the game, the Terrors came to sive player of the week honors. Lycoming 22-l4 and then returned life as QB Bruce Bozman moved The WMC grfdders were upset home to be overturned by the Ha- the team 43 yards and scored the for the second time In as many mpden-Sydney Tigers. 6 points himself. The Whimsee weeks, this time in front of their Western Maryland, with two defense dug in and got the ball back Homecoming crowd. The Hampden- wins under their belt, were favor- for Bozman and Company. Theoff- Sydney Tigers pulled this one out ed over the winless Lycoming ense started putting their two min- of thetr ear in the final minutes squad. It should be noted, how- Chris Schubert battles Morgan State for control of the ball. ever, that Lycoming's losses were to three of the best teams In the Hockey Our Look Good passing The Warriors, known as a MAC. team, befuddled the W. defense strong M.C. Despite Recent Defeats . ground attack, with their only 10 attempUng passes In the game. Lycoming drove for a TD on by Gh:~_riaPhillips their first series of downs. The In response to the new Uberal was not able to score. They had a Terrors threatened twice In the outlook In women's sports the wo- tendency to playa defensive game. first half but could not manurac- men's field hockey team has begun In the JV games, Phyllis Heck, ture a score. Things were look- playing an Imaginative, and thus freshman, scored both goals. She ing Green In the beginning of the lG.t.__ more challenging game. Hockey should see plenty of varsity action second half as the Terrors took has always been played by mem- in later games.ยท the kickoff and marched 65 yards oers of the team In a standard, Salisbury defeated Whimsee on for the first score. Fred Laur-. accepted manner. Now the girls October 11 with a 4-0 score. How- ence ground out the final two yards ~are learningtointerpretthelrpos~- ever, the JV won 1-0, The very for the TD. Terror Coach Ron ltions In a broader sense, and they quick Salisbury team nterany out- J_ones, true to his philosophy that readily accept the new Ideas and ran our gtrls, Sarah commented the team should take the chance to phUosophy brought to the game that "the field was like a gravel take the lead, ordered the two by coach Sarah Lednum. pit." The one JV goal was scored point conversion attempt. Lycom- Randy Klinger snares another Bozman aerial. The gir-Is have played four games by Lta " Wheeler, with excellent ing kept the lead as this gamble ute drill together. Well inside Ly- of the game, thanks to a bungled in the last two weeks, and although defensive help from Fran McCabe was unsuccessful. Later the coming territory, Bozman passed punt attempt in the Terror's end the record shows that they have not and Caroline Warfield. Whimsee defense forced the War- under pressure from Warrior ttne- zone. This safety gave them the been able to put It aU together yet, _ And a very rough game was Mor- rlors to cough up the ball deep in men. The pass was intercepted 16-15 win. The Green Terrors they are all trying and working. gan, The varsity won 2-0, thegtrls Terror country. But it was bad ending Terror hopes for the time. started off the scoring In the first Perhaps later games will be more employing a new type of lorward break time lor the W.M.C. otlense In this game the Terrors bested half. Whimsee derenstve tackle reflective of the amount of effort shl!ttng. Some of -the practised as the ball was fumbled on the 16 LycomIng in the Vital Statistics Fred xtemte saw a ball Iylng on the poured In. tectmiques finally fell into place. yard Une and blobbed on by a Ly- Department by getting four more Ch~;_~t~t::;Sn~~:SI~:~:~OG~~d 60W!IL~:t:: P~~i:dca;:n;~~l:t~=: r'_"_m_;";;., ,;"",;"f'",,n,...,,;,,' _1;;.' ...'OO,;"k;,;',;,."';;.':;;fO;;,:",_;f:;,I';;,:"_':,;=;;,;",;.',.;':,;"';.;;:bY,.;';.;,:;,";;m:;'",;,.";;in:,' __ ':"Co::;;"':;"::"':.' "::"..:,P';:"':.;8::.'_ .... the JV ending with a 2-2Ue.Coach with no score and ~hen dropped the Sarah Lednum commented that it game, allowing CatonsvIlle Io ..... * "." ..... in the score last minute and a was the "weakest Goucher team halt. The gIrls simply made little Joe.Sacller's I've ever seen," which made the loss Ihat much nareer to bear. The mistakes at the wrong times. goalie, Kay C~noles, made a num- Three more games, all home, ber of good saves, and the defense are scheduled this season. A hope- House Of .usic was strong; J1owever, the offense lui team will take the field. JV SOCCER TIES JAYS ancl by Ned Rhodes nThe Room at the Top" Last Wednesday at 3:30(October were unable to break through and 15) the JV Terror kicker-s hosted score. The final score was 3-3 the Johns Hopkins freshman team with the Terrors playing a much and played them to a three-all tte. superior game. Hopkins started early by capjtaj- The JV soccer team has one Izlng on a Terror' mistake and made more game this season and with the score 1-0 In the first quarter. a win against Frederick commun- The Terrors scored in the second Ity College onwednesday, the Ter- quarter when Dick Hall headed one rors could compile a2-1-1 record. past the aggressive Blue Jay goal keeper. But Hopkins bounced back Black Is... Saturday Night Dances to score again, so the score at the half was 2-1. (Continued from page I) Whimsee's kickers came back In That evening at 8:30 p.rn, the the second half and totally dominat- film, "Come Back Africa," will featuring ed the field. Mark Wilcock and be shown In Decker Lecture Hall. Cary Jones each hustled lor a tally There Is no admission charge for and then it was Hopkins' turn to thIs film"whlch is sponsored by play catch-Up ball. the ReUglous Life Council. "Come Top Name Bands In the last five minutes ot the Back Africa" is concerned with game Hopkins got another goal the hUman drama and suffering and the game was forced Into over- caused by apartheid InSouthAfrlca. time. The Terrors also dnmln~t- ed this segment of the game but Saturclay, October 25 OPEN 24 HRS. SIEGMAN'S TEXACO SERVICE SHARKEY'S The Soul Marquees COFFEE SHOP AND DINING ROOM U.S. 140 3 MILES EAST OF 8-11 P.M. WESTMINSTER
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