Page 21 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 21
THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 24,1969 PAGE 5 We can't 'eave, by Bob Chapman not yet ... During the Vietnam Moratorium of last week many con- his countrymen. These same men who drop bombs on structive issues were discussed, but several points were Communist forces have helped relocate the homeless of brought up that did a great Injustice to both the men who Vietnam. In my own Squadron In Vietnam we regularly have served and are presently serving there, and the South participated In helping the local orphanages in Hue. We Vietnamese people as a whole. Ifeeltt my duty to see that Insured _that each child had his own bed, that there was these points are made clear largely from my own personal enough roco so that none would be hungry, and we made experience with these people. sure that these children were taught to read and write. First, 1 beUeve that credit should be glvenwhere credit These same men new helicopters and fighters and per- is due. The South Vietnamese soldier Is galnlng In ablUty formed their duty not with an inhuman detached et- and confidence every month. Fighting a guerrilla warwUh ncteney, but because they knewthe task must be done cut-cr-eate weapons is a tremendous burden for any soldier and they valued the Uves 01 their countrymen and allies to bear. However, his mor-ale f slmprovtng wtth hts ability more than those who would destroy them and Freedom and training with new material and fighting techniques. The if given the opportunity. Whether or not we are morally ngures for desertion of ARVN forces stated at the Morat- right cannot be judged by us. When we are judged, may orium are ncttcrous. These figures are at present unavail- our cause be seen as just; I think It wili be. able. Even if the ligures were available, Ifeel certain they Lastly, I believe an immediate pull out of American would come nowhere near the 117,759 vtat Oong andNorth tr-oops would result In a terrible slaughter of Innocent Vietnamese Army Regulars who have come over to our side people. The fellows who have been there have seen the in the last five years under "ChuHoi" and various other terror with which the Viet Cong rule. We also feel that open arm's pottctes. This does not even Include any of the the ARVN troops may not be militarily ready to handle desertions of Communist forces who just left their units the entire burden at present. A gradual pull out Is the '" never to return. Thirty-six thousand, so tar in 1969 alone, only answer, and that is taking place now. It must be done have come over under open arm's policies. Whenthe pre- slowly at first, but as the ARVN's take up the slack, it can sent strength of Viet Cong and NVA troops is put at 200,- be Increasenefore -we resort to tagging the President 000, does such a high defection rate lead one to believe with inappropriate names and throwing verbal rocks at that the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese sincerely believe him, we must look atwhathehasdone thus far. Consider- in the war they are waging? Ing the circumstances, I think President Nixon has come The idea of a "sterile death" Is a label given by those a long way. Maybe If we remain patient we will see a who have no Ideaofwhatltmeansto risk his lUe to defend faster tempo, after all has he really been given a chance? • Hiroshima --- • H~GHONTH[ H2LL Beatles: Peace Trip or Satanic Death really sure If he was from the House of Lords." This can The authorlnnowayassumestolmpJythat he made all the discoveries of the theory. Thanks to those supplying In- very easily be interpreted as arepresentationofMcCart- formation. ney's misfortune, especially in the reference to his as- sociation with Lords, since all the Beatles had been knight- Life ~as uncomplicated before lunch today, as I was ed. So we can leave Sgt. Peppers Interested, yet skeptical. table-hopping talking to everybody about Grassroots and About the time of the album's release, It was said that the derivatives and I was talklngtoachlckand she said, "Did aeenee' next few albums would' eontatn ctues ror-a riddle?·->· you hear about Paul McCartney?" And that was the end The next album to be released was "Mae-Ical Mystery of my relatively sane existence. I said I hadn't heard and Tour." This album adds considerable weight to the theory she proceeded to tell me about the theory that Paul Me- that McCartney was off the scene. Primarily the major Cartney had died three years ago In a car accident while theme of the album appears to be the tnte rcnangeablltty " he was under the Influence of drugs, and shortly after that of roles. ("I am the Walrus, you are the Walrus, We are Rudman, the next anti-Vietnam speaker, said, "I the Walrus", .):" I WAS YOU"). The significant po'lnt 01 to have anyone define the limits of my con- a British Bass Player named Billy Shears disappeared the cover lies In one picture. All of the BeatJes have on , not even the United states. It Is because I love without a trace. At this tJme the BeatJestook of{ for their transcendental experience In India. It is speculated that white tuxes and John and George and Ringo nave red car- while In India, the aeenes worked Shears Into their act, nations, but Paul has a Black Carnation, black belne-the with plastic surgery and adopted mannerisms, to replace European conception of death. But the secret lies In the the deceased, or disabled McCartney. Up to this point, all wordS: First of all In the sane- "I am the Walrus." The Information could be regarded as rumor and a publicity walrus has been used in history as a symbol of death, stunt (although the events were not announced publtcly), McCartney in theHlrn dresses asawalrus.("I am Death, It Is after they returned from India that clues started to I am Dead."). But then the line, "We are the Walrus," " ...the old lie, appear In the BeaUes' work which supported the McCart- Implies that another party Is connected with McCartney. ney death rumor. The first album to be released after And the answer to this Is at the end of the song. A voice Dolce et India was ·'Sgt. Peppers' Lonely Hearts Club Band." On says, "Bury me, lei him take my place, lent to my body the front cover of the album McCartney (Shears) stands ••• Ls he dead?SIt yp.down Father and rest." This raises with the other BeaUes, nothing apparently out of the ord- the question, who Is belne- burled. Answer: at the end of mar-y, but upon closer Inspection, a hand is seen above "Strawberry Fields" a voice says "1 buried Paul." This McCartney's head, This is reported to be a sign of death line is the clincher, after this all other symbols which per- In Hindu beliefs. In front of the group there is a grave, vade the music are elementary. The mind Is stunned, It planted in red flowers on th~ side with gr'ass on top, red echoes "I buried Paul," "Oh, what an untimely Death." Is supposed to be a Hindu mcvrmng colour. Beside the This Is all very Interestmg, and appears to be a clever grave Is the outline, in yellow flowers, of a left handed exploit by the Beatles, but WHY? What kind of game are e-ultar; McCartney was the only left handed player In the they playlni? If It is true that McCartney Is dead, phys- group. This holds significance Inasmuch !S, until the ically or spiritually, In our sense of dead, the whole thine- last few centuries, a man was burled with his dearest Is macabre, like Poe. In a song they say "Every-body's possessions, the bass beside the e-ravewouldsymbollcal- kicking Edgar Allen Poe," aslfoffel!ded.Thisw~ole thing Iy support the fact that McCartney was In the gr-ave, On - whether hoax or fact, has an air offoul evil. No longer Is the front cover there appear other death symbols, but they it a question of "Wow, I wonder what the answer to the may be a product of a stretcl:\ed Imagination. Turning to riddle is,'' the Beatles to be dwelllne- in a world "In memorium" moments. It was deeper. the center of the· Album the BeaUes are pictured. Three of perverted vileness. The constant referral to death In on War" was presented by the Engllshdepart- of them appear to be standlni, but Paul is slttlne- with his a fascinated manner. Oh please somebody teU me, tell p.m. in Memorial 106. The program conSisted knees crossed; this position Is the Hindu burial posltlon. us-;' what IS the BeaUes motivation? I mean, like, they always meant peace and love to me, butnow I don't know, .. to the back cover, three of the BeatJes face out- Turnlni of pro and anti war poetry, mainly anti. IIp,,'"cl,,,nl' in the program were Dr. Rlchwlne,~Dr.Pal- ward In lV'eetlni, but PaUl Is faclne- away as If departlne-. and 1 think there are a lot of other people who are really Lawler, Dr. Phillips, and Dr. Panek. Memorial Also on the back cover, Geor~'s fine-er Is polnUne-to a messed up now because they don't knowwhere the BeatJes are at. These are not four youne-innocents, but these are about three-quarters full. Dr. Ph1llips said that line of the lyrics (the lyrics are written on the back) which men who posSibly have more people under their control hoped that the turnout would be bigger. .-' says "Wednesday mornlne- at !lve o'clOck," and this Is than any other leader. They can direct all these people the day class discussions expressed the view of supposedly the time at which the accident took place. So ~n any direction they wish, rlghfnow It's Peace, but the towards the moratorium. Several professors far all three sle-ns may be accounted to coincidence, but undertones, the thln~s you have to tUrn It up and slow it .~ ------.-, •• -, particIpation was good. examination of the lyrics e-1vesfurther bacldne- to the In- down a'1dstraIntohear are scary. I really pray tt-,eanswer to the marches and speeches a petition ex- troduction of a McCartney replacement. In the openine- belief that the war In Vietnam Is unjustified sone- the words iO "50 let me introduce to you, the one and to the riddle wlll be "Peace" and not "We're satan's Oh, ,Please, BeatIes, tell me you didn't intend discIples." The petition was sent to the President of only Billy Shears," the same name ofthe bassist who dis- what I heard. The petition read in part, "We are joining with appeared after McCartney's accident. Nothlne- after ap- Note: Llsten to "I Am the Walrus," get Into It, especially across the country In protesting American Invol- pears to _be seriously sle-nlficant until "A Day In The the end, catch the under words. in Vietnam." The petition was signed by 78 local Life." This sane- &ontalns the lines: "He blew his mind Final note: This Is not my final conclusion on the subject. and 370 students. .out in a car ..• They'd seen his face before, nobody was
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