Page 22 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG OCTOBER 24,1969 HOMECOMING, t 969-Western Maryland celebrated home- comins last weekend, Despite the fact that the Terrors lost to Hampden-Sydney, the weekend was a success, The annual 1969 Homecoming Court, Left to right, Lonnie Hammett, freshman attendant; Bonnie Kimmel, sophomore dance was held at the Taylorsville Hunt Club on Friday and attendant; Sue Seibert, Queen; Karen Wagner, senior attendant; jeannie Castle,junior attendant, the Grass Roots gave a concert on Saturday, Frats Raise Funds For Maryland School of the Deaf Equipping a Pee Wee football ciety (ODK), the Women's Leader- was able to equip the var-sity foot- team and cheerleading squad at ship Society (Trumpeters), and ball squad this past year, and this Maryland School for the Deaf was SNEA. Any other campus organi- generated much excltementaround suggested to Lynn Coleman by zations of any size are encourag- Frederick. Mr. DavId Denton, supervisor of ed to participate. The project will be handled by MSD, as a worthy project to which Three main themes are influen- the norma] student organization all organizations at WMC could cing the project. First, It is re- structure, Each orgamzation wttl contribute. Both Lynn Coleman cognized that there is a tremend- be asked to promise the profits and Debbie Clark, the originators, ous need for this campus to do from one money making project feel that this project would add som'elhing posItive as a unit. As to this cause, Some structure even more spirit to MSD's already the second goal, the project wUi will be centraUy located on cam- peppy athletic team and that the hopefully make the community and pus to show the project's goal and project would encourage W MC to campus aware of the graduate pro- progress throughout the year, In 'seek a campus-wide goal. gram that-western Maryland has order to, ~ave projects scheduled Organizations which have pledg- started in deaf education. over the entire year, a calendar ed support Include the four frater- Thirdly, perhaps the most Im- of events will be drawn up. Cor- The Grass Roots' lead singer socks it to WMC. nities, four scrcrruee, andRellgl- portant ambition of this project Inne Klein Is in charge of the pub- Since :MSDhas committee. licity ous Life councn. Prospective Is the.cause ItseU. Tpe state does a prinr shop, much of the publlcity for extra- not provide equipment Spanish Club To Host Women's Athletic Association, the K, curricular athletics at MSD. For will come directly from the child- the SGA, ctrcte backers are classes, the Men's LeadershlpSo- the first time since 1950, MSD ren there. Two projects have alreadyyleld- Play, Readings, Lectures Soc. Department To Show ed contributions. This pastSatur- The Spanish Club Is sponsor-Ing of many Interesting events such as day (Homecoming), the Preachers The pro- sold barbequed chicken. be showing at Columbia University. film On Mental Illness a va'rletyot activities this semes- poetry reacines. etc. nurtna the ceeds from the Black and Whites' ter. They range tram plays to a preceedlng weeks her paintings will annual sale of mum corsages also cnrtsrmes party and everyone is were donated to the project. welcome to attend any ot the events. Dec. 10. VILLANCICOS. Spanish On Thursday, October 30, the In 1967, the remarkable produc- Lynn first thought of a central The schedule Is as rouows: Christmas Carols sung by all stu- Sociology Department will pre- tion was awarded the Internat1on- project for WMC this fall. As she Oct. 29. EL TENORIO, the pop- dents. Words will be available. sent the shattering and almost at Film crincs' Prize. The do- relates, "Perhaps it seems Ironic, ular play by Jose zorrma, Ac- NOTE: Activity on Nov, 12 Is sub- terrifying "Warrendale." This cumentary was also shown at the but I conceived of the Idea the first cordlngty to Spanish tracttton the ject to change. black and white presentation Is a New York Film Festival where It week of school when I realized I ramousromantrc play will be re- Iilm study of mentally disturbed aroused much comment. Critic was welJ on the road to senior a- around the second Novem- vived Every student of Spanish wlll College Choir children in the war rencate treat- William Woll feels the film Is "a pathy. There are plenty of stu- ber. ment center in Toronto. "Any- brilliant, dedicated, emotionally dents oft this campus with the will 'have cooperated but the responsl- thing goes" constitute the rules shattering achievement meriting to do and the energy to do It, but Lynn M. & Glee Club biltty has been taken by Course and no four - letter words are wide viewing." nothing they're particularly inter- 151: Janice E. Becker, left unspoken. Director Dr. John Brown of ested in doing. Dr. Vernon McKay Keigler, Kathy R. Pierce, Patricia Warrendale Is directly respon- has stated that he chose to come A. Saunders, Karen Wakabayashi, Plan Vesper Although originally produced by sible 'for the special treatment to this campus because the stu- and Mr. Frank A. crtstauoo. Pro- Allan King for the Canadian devised in an ellort to help the dents here seem to have a real gram and translation tohelpfollow A musical vesper service will Broadcasting Corporation, the children. The Institution Is em- sense of commitment. I agree the texts will be given in advance. be held Sunday, October 26, at 7:15 film was not considered proper otion - it is wrath, It Is fury, It wholeheartedly but I felt that we Nov. 1. SPANISH DINNER. Hos- p.m In Baker Memorial Chapel, for telecast. FolJowlng its show- Is the grief of everyone reveal- needed something positive to be tess; Mrs. Jane Strong. Mrs. Western Maryland College, Ing at the Cannes Film Festival ed, committed to, I feel that this par- Strong is at present researching The service wlllfeaturetheCol- ·WMCFrench Club Sells ticular project is Significant be- on Spanish social problems. She lege Choir, under the direction of cause no one else Is going to pro- has traveled there frequently and Oliver K. Spangler, and the Wo- that we are provtdtng sornethtng posseses a remarkable under- men's Glee Club, directed by Mr s, vide. Therefore if we succeed I standing of the Spanish mentality. Neal Hering. "lckets· For Dr,ama ;hI;:"':'O~':'~~:P;I'~!:~ttob;::: Nov. 5. The poetry of Juan Ra- During the program the choir by T mon Jimenez, a brief praseutatton will sing: Three chorales we fall we will have let down not of one of the Spanish Nobel Prize Bach -- "Consume 0 Lord with Le Treteau de Paris under the The central characters of Creon only ourselves but a lot of kids winners, by Dr, Gladys Zaldivar. goodness;" "Jesus Is my Joy, my direction of Jean de Rigualt wUl and Antigone humanly express the with a lot of potential, that is, the Nov, 12 (Tenative date). Spanish all," and "What tongue can teU present Jean AnouUh's famous conmct of idealism and realism. kids at 1'I-15D.Let's hope we sue- cathedrals, sUdes commented and Thy greatness;" "Now Thank We play "Antigone" at Saint Joseph ~fh~:t:~:y ~~:e~r:rea~t~ ~nmi~I:~~~ ,';;;";;;d.;_" ., presented by Prof. ErwlnSzllagyl., all our God,"-Pachelbel; "YeSer- College, saturday, November 15, of History of Art. vants of God," Marion Vree; "My 1969 at 2:30 P.M. Tickets are ;:~~to::~~l~,,::~eusan,,_ THE TOP HAT DRIVE·IN Nov. 19 Bolivia. A talk illus- Shepherd will supply my need," available from Mr. Derasse or trated with slldes, by-Mrs. Brooke Vlrpl Thomson; and three splrlt- -rrom the French 'Department of Jean Davy will recreate his Wimert. uals-- "Old Ship of Zion:" Gat- Saint Joseph College, Emmitsburg, orlgnal performance as Creon. DINING ROOM wood; "This little Ught of mine," Maryland 21727 and cost $2.00 for Davy Is notonlyapermanentmem- DeC. 6. 'A painter talks about her: John Work; "Ev'ry time I leel the ber of the Comedie-Francalse, but COFFEE SHOP work. PresentlIli Miss Zilla san- spirit," W1lliam Dawson. students, $3.00 for general admis- he has appeared with every major FOUNTAIN ehez, most dlstinguished Cuban The Glee Club will slnr. "Can- sion. French Theatre Company and is SUBS abstract painter. MIss sanchez tate Domino," Hassler; "He Wat- Opening In occupied Paris In renowned for his Interpretation of has 10Ri llved in New York and Is ching Over Israel," Mendelssohn; 1944, "Antigone," Al'IOuUh'sstir .. "Golden Boy," "L'AnnourceFalte- also well knoWn In ParIs and Ma- "Now I lay me down to sleep," ring treatment of the political pro- a Marle, .... LongDay·sJourDeylnto ,RT, 140 drid. She- Is co-owner of SARDUY blems 01 dictatorShip and power, Thompson; "Sini to God With brought him International fame. Night," and various Sbakespear- 5 MILESEASTOF WESTMINSTER GALLERY, In New York, the place €,ladness," Flor Peeters. ean roles.
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