Page 57 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 57
THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 13, 1968 PAGE 5 Students Needed- A rchaeological Dig In Great Britain A new and \ excHlng upper-tun- ity in England is now offered to College students wanting to sperm next summer in Europe in an in- teresting way. Fifty volunteers are wanted for Archaeological digs in England In 1913!!. Siudents m ay be lp to r'eveul the secrets or a Roman vll!a. an iron-age hill fort or the structure of a medieval town or Anglo-Saxon cathedra! be- Jean Ristig appearing role made famous by Mia farrow. fore they disappear, perhaps for ever, Expanding hOU$ing pro- grams, city centre redevelopmeut Crowd assemble as President Ensor lights Christmas tree lights in front ami new highway projects in Uri- of Baker Memorial Chapel. lain to-day have opened np many Library May French Club new possibilities for ar-chaeclogt-. cat tnve sttgatton. Make Changes To Give Play tan! work, earn croons, make ill- may help inthisimpor- Students In Evening Hours will "Le be presented a French farce, ternat!onal friends and receive va- by cuvter" in archaeology, luable training in the cafeteria on December 16 at 8:00 by mem- joining a program sponsored by Recently it has been proposed bers of Le Circle Francais. the Assoctauon for Cultural E)(- that there be a change in the lib- This farce was written in the change, Ihe Britisu non-profit or- rary evening hours tnordertobet- Middle Ages and the three parts ganization. tel' serve the needs and desires of will be played byMlle.EvelynRou. the students and Iacult y who use It, Betsy FeustleandJohnTrader.The For further details. wrlte to Specifically, the requested change author is unknown. All interested :ra~~~~s!~rr~:I:t~~'al~::I~~ll;g:,S;~~ 1I~;;;:.."'liii. was an extension In the hours Sun- students are Invited. day evening, This would be balanc- West llZth Str-eetNew York 1002:;. Arter the play, a special French ed by closing Friday evening when cake cal led 'un buche de Noel', pre- Closing application date ts expect- "Just look at thut! You left your blocks all over the floor." ed to be beginning of February the facilities are little used. This pared hy Mme. Derasse, Will be In6D. would enable the library to stay eaten along with other refresh- S D I A open laterSundaywithoutexceedlng moot" rms cake I, lolh, tate e egate ttempts IFC Sponsors made its budget. shape of a log and is quite tradi- One difficulty with this change Is that the college would require the tl~~IS\~~:\:;~I:ch\\"~~rt:~:~· To Lower Md. Voting Age Christmas Party library to close during chapel ser-» vices. The library staffwouldpre- ~~n~~:s::~~c~iSa;~~t~:,anied by Recently most of the students being prepared 10 he distrihuted The Christmas Party, second of four open parties, fer not to close during chapel hours ~illtil~~I"~~\l~ll~nt.'\I~:~lI~:;11n~:~JI:~~ will be held and then re-open. Howeve r , the Trumpeters' Hold /:;I~ler;a~~ ~~l~I~~~.i\:dmae~~!~; tonight, December 13, at Frocks library courocjcse at r.iv~ on sup- X;n'iIs Banquet from 7:30 to 11:30. day nights as It does now and then '~~t~:~ w~~:~y~:J~~~~O~;I~O~.~~:Jlele- ~I:~''I~~tc.S)I~u:~~.:j~I[~~I:ir~ Tile IFC has set admissions at re-open after the chapel ser-vice Traditionally sponsored by the Dear , will he detached and sent to Dele- ~4.00 per couple and m-ess Is to ended. Trumpeters, the Christmas Ban- J have drafted.:1 bill to IC1l...~r the gate Alpert to sbow what Sllp!Jort he semi-formal. Free rerresn- The proposal was scheduled to quet will be held on Wednesday. age for e\igitillity to vote In the for his liill may lie Iourul at WMC. mants will lie served. be made to the library committee which met Thursday, December 12. :~~:r~~ 18, this year, in the ~~at~:~e~a:~la::ct~r~\assage ot wa~~O\:I~:i~;tl~~eJlO~'~:~n:O::~:in~d~~ m:~O:ii(;:n~1e ~~;i~e~:~n:nt:~(:a!~; Students Attempt tween nve will and six, which is the such a lull through the Maryland the pt-opused Hew constttuttonwtu- Civics, a band of eight musicians be live music There be- it re cef ved Legislature. and four vocalists, from Baltimore. State it will be ne- ch, !!espite the praises To Reestablish dinner hour. play. A combo is ex-. cessary from young people thro- officials all ul-er the country, was They will also he playing backup 10 ha\-e a great scientistsandpuhlic deal of frulIll'olitical for the Temptations Entertainment to pected at the Balti- support Coffee House ;::~ :~~Ow~t:;;:~d by}he wal- ~~~~~~ ~!e i~t~::. for~~i~f sl~~f:;: ;~e;:~(·~~~.;:;~.;:~:.;:'I.;:~~.;:'.:le.;:yl;.;:.~~.;:'I:g_IY_I_~_M_"_'Y_'_:m_o~_~_,C_li;_~C_C_'_"t_"_O_oS_'O_Od_'Y_,Dec- Another attempt Is being made Pri:m..' roast beel, stuffed bak- to Legislators, attendance at the to get the coffee house in opera- ed potatoes, Christmas candy, and hearing and letters to newspapers. ADVERTISEMENT tion at 199 Pennsylvania Avenue. a special Christmas dessert will I would appreciate it if you could Let'S Get It Straiqht "Shares" are being sold at a be on the menu. Red and green supply me with the name or na- dollar apiece to buypaintandfurn- tablecloths will cover the tables, mes of individuals who would like iture. Hopefully, it enough support and dinner will be eaten by can- to work on this project, I CBIUSTMlS ItStEIy is given, the doJlar will be reim- dlellght. President Ensor and Paul E. Alpert bursed and the proceeds will then hIs wife are expected to attend. The sophomore class executive A. you!la' medical student could not believe in the super- go to such organizations as S.O.S. After dinner, at 6:15, there will council has planned to make mo- nMunl birth ot Jeeus Chn.t. When he had tiniehed h. and Hinge: be a Christmas Communlonser- \lillzation of schOOl support for Kucliea, he },qan practice in a rural cunmunity. One Sun- Dollars can be given to either vice in Baker Memorial Chapel this bill a class jJroject. A let- day he decided to go to hear a back...-OQds pnaeher, not Mike Herr or Lee Schwartz. held in conjunction with a Trum- tel' with attached qUestionaire is thinking for a moment that such a man could chanl"e his on the vitTin birth RLC Plans peter program. viewpoint thw humble preaeher of Christ. Art House But SmGMAN'S "Now," the pl'MCMr more skepticism Urban Study ed unofliclallyfrom From Page 4) TEXACO SERVICE knoeked he had accumulated out in ~head of the bqinninl!i. Mid, (Continued that God was "it you believe in halt an hour ot the doctor than you one administ- In Balto. rator that they would soon be able Weslminoter ShoppiDg ~~oc!i~Je~d, 0'!11 ~~~~ believe the only myRerious thin .. of this univeTM." When told of to use the upstairs. that, "If God The Religious Life Council is the last confrontationwlththePre- Center i. troubl.J about the JIl¥Itery knows I believed betiev. any- of God becoming man, I want I could planning an Urban V!eekend in inter- sident, the administrator said he to take you back to the tirst thing," thought the doctor to city Baltimore in collaboration was unaware of its results. chapter of Genesis and the himself. His conclusion that with Rev. Forrest C. Stith of the So now, one Official says that flnt VeNe, 'In the becinninl' memorable momitll" WV. "I God: " Sharp Street United Methodist the literary staffs will soon have TEXACO IlAVOLINB had gone to colle.-e and trav- Church. Students who particIpat- more space, while the President GASOLINE OIL The doctor was 150 self-eon- elf'il through the mysteriea ed in this SpringWeekendwillstay has already informed them that .eioU8 that he telt the speak- of the theo.ry ot reproduction wall in the vacant parsonage with the they will not. er him. Then looking directly con- at and Cf'1I formation, and had the preacher I was as Rev.Stith WII~k~~;'=; church's community worker and tinued, "Let mt' uk you this: come out to reali_ that that if participate in a program set lip by :~~:l~e;?~t ~:sr!: just a ('ommon tool; the students·and Rev. Stilll, God WitS in the one beginninj", wa.~ the supreme that The purpose of this program Is fore the bPl{inning began, mystf>ry of mysteriel'.'· cross-cultura,l understanding and God wu? Soml:'bociy had to not "zoo spectators" start things uff. Science The (mh· mystery that goes evolve things UII how said, "frankly we need no more of tells grow, but not how they beyond the comprehension of ann them." His church's motto is "the LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING • TAILORING first started." man's mind is Gor1 Him~lf. Once we 3C(·ept Him. there is Church inthe HeartoftheCltyWlth Garment Storage & Linen Rental Senlee And the doctor whispered no difficulty in accepting the City Upon Its Heart." to himself. "Yes. I belie\'e anything that HI:' de<'"ides to All students interested Inplann- Bernee for Students in WMC Student Center that." bring about. Ing and participating in this pro- gram please contact Cathy McCull- Monday through Friday . ough! .BI~?she ,'Yar,d, ~oom <~61?¥ 1- "",9:00, O'~~.U~!~}:OO.\l:¥,J.l!'!Ir" December if'Jh" ,'.. ".I~'~':'''·_;
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