Page 62 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 62
Ten'ors Gun Down Big F&M Whistleballers Capture First Win After Near Misses Against Salisbury and Sho'men John Offerman found the Terrors giving away ance. A quick glance at the score- After sustaining losses at Sal- inches not only in the front court, book shows Suder with 52 points In Isbury and against WashlngtonCo- where it is usually most notice- two games and Baker with 34.... liege, at Gill Gym, by a total of able, but also at guard. It was a No one up front can even approach !lve points, the GreenTerrorslaid game marked by alternating per- these figures and this is pro- on Pr-ankjm-Mar-shall Tuesday ni- iods of brilliant shooting and bably a result of lack of experience ght. The score was 84-68. poor mecnantcs, In spite of 2 In the new systems of Coach Sisk. Finishing theSSC game in overtime outstanding comebacks and tre- Since the cackcourt men appar , after a fantastic second half rally mendous effort, the Terrors fail- ently find the front line not going which demolished a 15-point gap, ed to overhaul the shore men los- for the basket, they react tn a ver-y Coach Sisk'sTerrorslosttoateam ing 84'-81. Scoring for the visitors natural manner, by taking the first which they should have beaten was led by Koepke, ex-frosh star mediu'm range shot they can. Jeff soundly. Although SSC has Senior for the University of Maryland, Davis, after playing in a pre-sea- Ron Gore, who managed 17 points with 32.Whlmsee scoring leaders son and early season slump, broke and holds just about all of their were seniorbackcourt aces Larry loose Tuesday and led the scoring, scnoot records, they will be very Suder with 23, and Mike Baker hitting for 26 points. His variety of drives, and hooks ripped poor compared to the power-hou- with 22. Dave Lewis and Joe jumpers, and Marshall as ha scor- Franklin ses. The Terrors' Larry Suder Smothers, while not scoring hea- deposited 29 points in the season vily, both played solid defense Jeff Davis pops in two of his game-high 26 points against Franklin- opener. There is no question that . against taller opponents, lety of taps which could have push- The team's play could have been Marshall, at Gill Gym. the team's play at Salisbury was ed him over the thirty mark. Cap- and one of the sharper disappointing. technically problems pointed out by tain Suder had l c , major Thehomeopeneragainstamuch- ~OLj)}3Uy~mJl!!j improved Washington College Coach Sisk Is the scoring bal- ed in 13, and Joe did an excellent job 12. Smothers, along with Getty and McTeer Is Little All-America Dave Lewis, hustled on defense. PAGE 10 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 13, 1968 As Climax of Four Seasons on the boards and the entire team Alumni Game: Badminton Tourney Mike Herr Awards For A Builder of Men teer The and selection of both Vic Mc- the work Vic has put his voice to team- Begins Tomorrow at in singing in the College Dietrich to Earl Mike Herr Little .\ll_America team of 1968 is Choir, and with all this empasts Gill Gymna.ium one must wonder how on singing, ove that versatility goes The first annual Western Mary- It was a normal Friday afternoon, with suitcases leading people to not cos. ...eta in these days of spe- he has time for anything else. land College Badminton Tourna- homeward headed autos wilile others were planning sirnpJerways of re- cialization. Both played offense But none of his time is wasted. ment gets underway tomorrow. lieving weekend boredom. as well as defense. McTeer, There are always important things 10:00 a.m, at Gill Gym ,and con- What they didn't realize was that laterinthe evening, the Friday nor- slated for defensive duty during to be done and Vic is always will- tlnuesSundayat 1:30 p.m. mality would be shattered by an Intense but informal esrauranon of the the just ended campaign, saw en- tng tc lenda han~•... ~ The tournament will consist of campus's busies! man, Athletic Director Dr. Richard Clower. ough offensive action to be sef- This spting hewHl again lurn groupings,· i"llchldirrg men's Dr. Clower retired as head basketball coach last spring due to the ected as one of jwu. "Best Bleck- \0 sports, filling a derensrve post rtve Singles, men's dou- and women's strain of a r apidly expandil1j{;ogr-lj,1O at we srern.xrar-ytand. But ing Lineman of the Year." on the aspiring lacrosse squad. bles, women's doubles, and m.h[ed the ,frurnnl didn't forget the wa:mth lie played well enough between But when the conversation turns doubles. Trophies will be awarded and quiet sincerity of the man who singing engagements at the South to athletics, the first thing on to the winners of each group. helped molt! the succesvrut Hve s singing engagements at the Sound Vic's mind Is that Saturday aft- This Is not a closed sport, the they are leading, Happening to win All ;\IAC, AII- ernoon when that deflected pass public Is invited. More than thirty former basket- Mason-Dixon, and All_Maryland sailed in his direction. ·The sur- can stars began planning last sum- Honors. prize of catching the pass was mer to make this year's Alumni Vic Invented, co-ordinated, em- nothing compared to the feeling is one of the fast- 9(g1f;;A Game something special. Twenty ceed, and performed at the Sound of looking at that unprotected end former Clowermen managed ro at- Happenings, which attracted the zone. Victor tend the game with sixteen pre- attention of other coneges, They est men on the team, but no- pared to play. have been, and will be, held in body on any team could have ca- Stationery After the half-time tntroouc- Baker Memorial Chapel. ught him as he flew grinning, to tlon of alumni. Dr. cicver was Vic served as SOS Fund-Rais- the end zone. Vic scored his STORE presented with matching plaques ing Chairman, and last summer first touchdown during his tinal HOME, SCHOOL and for home and office and both Dr. he traveled south to work on the at Western Maryland, but it was- and Mrs. Clower received iden- SOS Puerto-Rican Team. n't the first time he has scored, OFFICE SUPPLIES tical photographic placques. He is a distinguished military because C. Victor McTeer has to the WMC cam- been an asset J.V. B-Ballers Start Fast; student in the Western Maryland pus, and he had already made 47 E. Main St. ROTC department, and he actually enjoyed summer camp. On the his mark as a participant in Westminster, Md. Easy Wins in First Three time in an organization once served ican. life. That i-s All Amer- student Victor side, lighter known as In the first game the Terrors "Snow Dwarf and the Seven Wayne Curry got off to a stow, tedious start a- Whites." Remember the Gama Busy B's The J. -v. Terrors have open- gainst a smaller Towson Catholic Bete Band? ed the 1958-69 basketball season team and managed only a 33-29 The community within a comm- with decisive victories in their lead at half-time. Fired up at unity has also made its Impress- Studio firt three outings. half-time, the Terrors came out ion, thus Vic has worked with the .4M·1470KC The J.V. Terrors, starting slu- and shut out T.C. for the entire Carroll County Pioneers, a black Knitting. Needlepoint. ggishly, managed to defeat Tow- third period. building up a lead youth group, and he has kept nu- Arts&Cra'tsSupplies FM-Sterro son Catholic 66-52 in the first which enabled the hometeam to merous speaking engagements Freelnstruetion game. In the second game the claim their first victory. concerning black life problems. withPun::hases J.V. cagers proved themselves In the second game the Terrors He has served both of his comm- WESTMINSTER to be too much to handle by de- unleashed a barrage on Eastern unities, but it the NFL teams featlng Eastern College95--l~ The College and took a -l8-26 lead in- tollow-up their feelers, he may 4 Spruce Ave. 848·4968 lUARYLANP third game, a real test for the to the locker room at half-time. become a Redskin. J.V., proved to be just as dis- Once again, every member of the astrous to the opponents as West- team played, with substitutes Steve ern Maryland vanquished a strong Byrne and Bob Fabian providing LECKRON Loyola team 89-69. valuable scoring off the fast-break. COSTUMES and FORMALS ELDERSBURG The fate of the J.V. Terrorswas In the third game against a po- GULF SERVICE skeptical earlier in the season, werful Loyola team, the Terrors, RADIO but with the close of football sea- working at a tremendOUS dlsadv- FOR RENT son Coach Alex Ober received val- antage in height, one again proved RCA VICTOR uable help in the form of guard their versatility by running- Loyo- DUMONT - EMERSON Arne Hines and forwards Randy la orf the court. The scoring Fast Radio Setvic:e Klinger and steve Byrne. These leaders after three games are PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 185 E. Main thrf'e give added support to re- Schmertzler with 55 points and TI 8·3066 gulars Jim Hobart, Bob Smith, Wuest with 28 points. Rebound- Eldersburg ShoppiDg Center Phil Wyest, Jim Schmertzler, Ing credit goes to Randy Klinger 75 W Green ·..······848·4630 795-0210 steve Athey, Marshal Adams, and who has 41 rebounds and Bob Bill Westerfelt. ) Smith whcrhas 29.
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