Page 61 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 61
THE GOL.D BUG DECEMBER 13, 1968 PAGE 9 No Time Yellow Submarine: For Idealists Two Views by Alan Winik It is good that there are anynum- Two dollars and fifty cents seemed at first to be rather expensive for ber of ways for my mind to cop out. a cartoon show. But the producers of Yellow Submarine far outclassed Because It is. really hard to listen Walt Disney In this cartoon adventure based on a Lennon-McCartney to the Christmas Carols and then song. Brilliant artistry by West German animator Heinz Eldelmann and come back to obscenUes. It Is good superb Imagination more that off-set the meager plot. The movie begins with an attack on peaceful Pepper land by the evil that all the lights that keep me up Blue Meanles and j:helr' allies the Snapping Turks and Apple Bonkers. The Rolling Stones: can be blurred together by the The Pepper land population Is turned Into a field of grey statues, save power thinking about other things. Olf Fred who escapes to Liverpool in the Yellow Submarine. He returns An Appreciation My roommate and I sat there with to Pepperland with the Beatles where together they engage the Invaders. the Prince of Peace In our blgGreen chair, just shooting the bull about The only way ~he Blue Meantes can be destroyed is with music, and the Just as every copisa criminal Christmas time at school. Beatie ... effechvely put the enemy out of action with "All You Need Is Love." mouth and form a net The words of the song pour out of Paul's And all the sinners saints, He wanted to know if the nctse that "smothers them with love." Eventually the Blue Meanles are de- As heads Is tails, just call me Lucifer, ·.vas always this bad. No, we told feated, the people return to life, and peace again prevails in Pepper- Cause I'm In need of some restraints. him, some times it gets a little land. So if you meet me, have some courtesy, Actually the plot serves as little morethana framework for ten or so Have some sympathy and some taste. The Prince of Peace smiled and Beatle songs, of which only two are heard for the first time in Yellow Use all your well-learned politics-- told us that he would like to take a Submarine. The songs and their accompantng car tocns take you on several Or I'll lay your soul to waste. walk around and wanted us to go full-circle tangents that really drop you in your chair when they even- The Rolling stones. When the devil created them, he gave them rhythm. with him and kind of be his guide. tually get back and link upwith the rest of the story. started out playing hard blues while everyone else was playing "1 Well, we suggested that he change to Hold Your Hand." Since this could turn Into an attack on the his clothes because he did look kind .George Harrison remarks "It's all In the mind you know," and actually With all the violence in Yellow Submarine, your mind can take a terrific_ BeaUes, I will Instead simply point out that the Rolling Stones are the of a mess: hlshairwasevenlonger beating. I suppose a goodway to prepa re ror such a movie would be to go ones who didn't write "Yesterday," "Michelle," and "Yellow Sub- than ours and aU he had onw as thi s o~t to the woods someplace and shoot a few guns, preferably of a rather marine," and that neither Andy Williams nor Kate Smith has racordec dirty cotton robe and sandals. We high guage , For once you get yours.,:,lf inthe proper violent mood, you can a Jagger-Richard song. Also that on their seventh album cover, Brian asked do you ever get cold, but he better enjoy What Goes On.... Jones finally smiled. just kind of smiled and told us by Rowland Hill Aside from several albums otraw, urasn blue s and an in-person ajbum everything would be O.K, ....thattew name groups would attempt, the Stones have produced one of the The Prince of Peace looked at the In a desperate land full of blue rneanie s rtwell the psychedclic remetns most perfect rock albums, "Between the Buttons," and a studio album buildings and commented that we of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts 'Club Band. All the children are tn-. to out-electronic the Beafles , "Their Satanic MagesUes Request," sure had grown since the lasttlme sane with joy as the first Beatle s hit comas screeching forth. The four - complete with the most complex cover ever concteved, but no song tyrtcs. he'd teen here and did we like all Heinz Edelman creations pro~ide some weird scenes inside the gold In fact the most distressing thing aboutthem is the little air play they the new bulldngs. Before we could mine to those who recognize a gold mine when they see lt , get in relation to less talented groups. A song like "She Smiled Sweetly" tell him what the new modern won- The blue nus calls us to the flip side of a low high: namely, an adven- "(Between the Buttons)" could be appreciated by anyone of any age group. derful efficientbuUdlngswerelike, ture in first-rate fantasy where things come out as they "should." The It doesn't even have anelectrlc guitar ,only a sanctimonious organ. «pro- he'd disappearedinsideoneofthe~ Doors are locked up and we move to new worlds through a sea of holes. dtgat Son," on their new album, "Beggar's Banquet," is a traditional We yelled to him that it was a wo- Childish, fiendish, and fun, Yellow Submarine is early neopotheart at its American Negro type story blues utilizing a subtle drum beat and folk men's building and he'd getlntrou- most h allucmator y, This Is the end. style guitar. Mlck Jagger soundS much like Big Bill Broonzy which Is ere if he went in but he just smiled by Jean Pfciderer not to say that he is imitating Broonzy but merely to say that he is not and said everything would be OK. tone deaf sand knows how to vary his phrasing. We sat around outside smoking cig- "Beggar's Banquet" rs.tnrect. the best rock album since Dylan's John arettes (disappointed baby?) and Wesley Hardtng last January. This distinction of course makes it at least wondering what he was dotng, He the best non-classical record of this perlod--If not the best record. The came out and smiled and told us Stones are back on the road again after getting sidetracked at the record- that the building was OK, but that Ing studio gimmick and there's nothing better than them being left alone. he was having trouble understand- Ttie I"k~r'.sohg'on the neW-record is "Dear Doctoj-" which is a country ;ng v.:IW the door-s were Jockedwith tune with "hillbilly harmony and beautiful country instrumentation: It con- such tancy contraptions. cerns a man dressing for his wedding, drunk and afraid, and putting on a Finally, it started to snow and we Trippy Alice Who Never, LQ.t H~r,Way jacket "with creases as sharp as a knife." The refrain call1ng for a doc- were in front of the Chapel and the tor's help at first seems comic but when he tinds a dear John note from Prince of Peace suggested that we by Mike Herr his girl It becomes plaintive. go inside to warm up a little bit. As Alice tripped, uninspired and unholy through the proverbial wet This juxtaposing of the comls, the sad, the evil, the good, is what the He had this really nice look on his leaves, she failed to notice a sudden downward trend, and thus knew nctn- _ RolUng Stones are all about. When Jagger portrays Lucifer in "Sympathy face and he asked us what In the lng of her entrance into a str~nge, fey world. ~ for the Dev1I",ltbecomesapparentthathls·Luclfer Is merely created by world such a big building was used Her first encounter was With Freud, native to all races, who ambled people who couldn't accept this side of themselves just as they created a for. When we told him he laughed over with the unohtrusive, "the turgidity of ego edification is matched god to explain their other side. The viciousness of the song and the per- and asked why the people inside only by th.erlglditYOfsuperegor~"'r~.laarrkk::..Tlhnee~n he dIISS~aPJ~r- formance Is unequalled In contemporary music and is reminiscent of were so quiet. We started to tel! ed like afreakona hill. ~ .. ,~.~~ Mark Twain's Letters From Earth. - him that people were only in there "This IS Venice,'· thunderedanasperiousvolce, and you are a canal, II this Isn't enough, they throw in the wondertully turned phrases of at certain times. But he tried the Alice." "No Expectations," the pornography of"StrayCatBlues",and the maze door and found it lOCkedandreally Now, Alice, who had never heard an asperious voice and had never even of images ot "Jig-Saw Puzzle," concluding the album with the hymnUke got upset. We told him it was OK been a puddle before, fell prostrate with fear in her gondola. quality of "Salt o! the Earth." This last song Is not to be confused with there with his hand on the door. "Uh_whOareYOU?"SheSUPpliCed.~ and smiled and all, but he just stoor' . Ing is what the Stones do best. Such violent level- There just wasn't anybody around h, "Uh-wh~ are you?" croaked the echo.' . ~ only with a recognition of what was always there and a de- profundity, struction of aU that veils the simple and the apparent. she tremoloed. "I'm Ailce, uh-a canal," let hIm in. "Stop it, stop this nonsense," enjoined the nasal Merlin who decrepit- ed his deposit body in the gondola. "I've ('.ome to guide you." "What's your name?" Interpretations of .Freud: Part ~:: ~\~~:~' w~geh:! ::~~~e'~:en ~,and had never ven met an Alonzo before, was overcome with plety.She fell prostrate in the gondola. "Ah!" she swooned. by Richard Anderson "There are only three great men in history," said the Doge. will be Immediately recognized as choanalysis of it. Freud contended It Is generally known that Sig- an incomplete statement about re- thai religion is a neurosis, specifi- - "History!??" screeched Alice, "What do you know about history?" quoth the Doge. "No, I am er, Love ... well, maybe at "I am History," mund Freud was an atheist and an ligion as we know it. it Is, however, cally an obsessive or compulsive opponent of religion. It Is also otten a natural conclusion for Freud neurotic reaction. His argument is le:~~~p~;s~~~~~.b~:·;~Alice, g~V~~o~~effablee oUon, "you're not assumed that Freud did not recog- whose example of religion was the as follows: onthesurface, religious nize the existence or value of a authoritative and highly bureau- ceremony and obsessive ceremony eV~t at~~~wj:r~;~ure, the ave W god Dionysus appeared on the scene. spiritual or Idealistic side 01 man. cratized Roman Catholic Church appear to be different because re- "You're under arrest, Alice, for incising the riot of good Merlin," My contention Is that whlle Freud as It existed In Vienna during ligious ceremony appears to have "Merlin?" does consider religion untrue, he Freud's lifetime. When Freud said symbolic meaning while obsessive "Ah,1 must confess, my child ... " does at the same time insist on the rellgion, je most often meant the ceremonies seem tohavenomean- "Cut it, granddad, you've got to be the judge," said'Dio, "Where's my need ot a replacement for religion Church. Tus when I say that Freud lng, also obsessive ceremonies prosecutor?" and that this replacement can be was an athist and an opponent of take many forms and are private "Present." said Freud, who had acquired a new hat. developed from man's innate Idea- religion, I am saying that he held acts while religious ceremony is "My janitor??" lism. these views about reUgion as he stereotyped and public. However, "Here." said the defense council, who had no head. What must be recognized is that saw it. By the spiritual or Ideal- psychoanalysis revealsthatobses- "What are y-you?" asked the tearful Alice. in order to comment on or argue Istlc side of man, I mean man's slve ceremonies embody symbolic with Freud's statements, Freud's moral feelings and that which mea.ning and examples show that "I'm the jury," answered the god. in the court." cried good Merlin, "Order "Order!" .deflnition of terms must be accept- comes from his intelJect or higher obsessive behavior began with "Please take the stand, Alice," bellowed the clerk, who was an as- ed. By religion, Freud meant scru- mental endowments. I am not con- some event and the acts relate to pulous conformity or consclenCi- tending that Freud believed in a that event. Freud then goes on to pe~.I;~~ v~il~:·ou come h!te~!, ~~ janitor, In opening his defense. ousness toward accepted religious supernatural aspect of man, or that say that "as a rule," the "ordin- "I tripped," thrusted Alice. doctrine. His definition of religion he accepted the religious concept ary" religious personperformsor "But you know that 1will have to clean t up," parried the janitor, who Is essentially the same as the re- of the "Immortal soul," I am say- talces part in a religious "cere- was tull of pluck, mark by Salmon that reli- Ing that Freud did not View manas monlal" without conceiving of its "I object! screamed Freud. gion Is essentlally the same asthe a mechanlsm that could not use its significance although priests ~d Alice, not to be outplucked, could see our other remark by SalmonRelnachthatre_ Intelligence to refieciwith value on Investigators may be famillar·with as selves see us," with an elfIn grin. lIgfon is, "abodyolscrupleswhlch the abstract; the philosophical. Its usually symbolic meaning. Freud demanded Justice, and Alice lost her head; but then Allee had no puts obstacles to the tree exercise Freud's attack on religion must ., ContlnU!!d,ln:nexi.issueJ, •. lllusionsanyway.t ."' J ,I~.'.,•. I."'j ,"Jo_ of our faculties." This definition be. 'VieWed1n the lIght'of·hfs psy ....
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