Page 60 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 60
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 13.. 1968 Somebody Up There? The Fool On The Hill Love's Triumph ~. b~ Jean Pfleiderer But the fool on the Hill saw the HOPPing the Hinge BustoWestm!n- The fool on the Hill came home visiting old buddies A Kierkegaardian Christmas Message ~ sun going down; which means he ster , the fool, off the hill-oat of the with a start, people he didn't know. last, must have missed chapel, and he's air breathed and other charred the also missing shrapnel, or don't they mines, rejected the Western Mary- Working fool-time as a govern- make that anymore? Well, Dean land Railroad as too insidious for ment arsomst, he stili finds time IRA G. ZEPP,'JR. Zepp, is anybody up there? his consteeratton and stole milk to buy bonds, dabble in oils, and The fool on the Hill sprang out from a friendly cow who walked up teach Sunday School. He is an as- Suppose a king loved a humble maiden. But this must be a fairy tale, of bed with a start. The buzzing to him and said, "Hi," thereby set to his community. He Is rich. since kings are not expected to- love women of lowly birth. The attach In his left temple told him to be- proving that cows really are sacr- The fool on the Hill award tor out- themselves to ladles of royal blood. ware and he checked out his tooth- ed and should be worshipped, not standing studumbs is given in his But suppose this king loved a humble maiden and was not content to paste tube for signs of poisoning. destroyed. honor each year. stay In the palace and send thoughts of love to her. Nor was he satis- There weren't any. He jumped into The fool on the Hill, eating his I'm sorry, Dean Zepp, the party fied to mali love leiters to the peasant girl. his plastic beard and dashed tothe apple pie at the Downtown Tavern you are trying to reach does not He decided to visit her in her cottage and convey, personally, his mes- grille to get his secret assignment was arrested for felonious monk- answer. Is there any message?, sage of love. On the way to the malden's house, anxious thoughts enter from agent Wanda Westminster. Ing andcatharsiswithanakedlunch. The message from our sponsor the klng's mind--thoughts only a king could have and he wrestled with "Meet me at Lee's,"hewhlsper- He Immediately called upon his continues after this brief pause these thoughts. ed to the first bitch (red cocker fooUsh training on the Hill to help for a message from our sponsor. "Suppose", thought the king, "that she will be overwhelmed by my spaniel) he met. "Arf," she re- him In his trying situation. .- One must be a good distance away pomp and glory and awed by my royal splendor.' don't want her to be sponded, helying the fact that she Trying him, the jury found him to watch the world spinning 'round. -c-impre s sed by this, but by the fact that J love her." was secretly Rin Tin Tin, not gullty-of-anythlng-at-all-even- The fool on the Hill can't possibly. The king thought further, "Suppose the humble malden will think by my Anybody, being upthere,upUght, a-tune-tat and sent him to vietnam But he must see somethl ng thr-ough visit that I am bestowing a favor onner for which she can never be sur- and upside down, spake unto him for unhabilitation. that glazed stare. We know he's rtctenny grateful as long is she lives." This was a cruel and devastat- saying, "Hi!" and the Fool on the just a fool, but ••• ing thought, indeed. The king did not want this kind of abject and servile Hill knew that this was, after ali, Hello, Zepp? Yahweh here. You gratitude. He wanted to be loved as her equal. a friendly campus wttn ntce peopte, And a third thoughtranthroughtheklng'smlnd. "Suppose she remem- bers what I onlywishtoforget, namely, that I am a king and she a humble IT~~===---------.-l maiden. This distance between us must he bridged." Potpourr,i The king tfnalty concluded, "I will gotoher incognito, 'as a commoner: perhaps as a woodsman, shepherd, or beggar." If a bystander were casually to observe, "It is really a matter of in- of difference whether the king goes to the humble maiden because he does not need the Ilkes of her anc orwnae possible value could the visit be, etc. etc ... ", the casual Observer would only betray his inability to understand Opinion because, as incredible as it seems, THE KING LOVES THE HUMBLE MAIDEN. by Mary Lou Bembe So Klerkegaard comments, "Then let the harp be tuned, let the songs Taking a quick survey of campus of the poets begin to sound, and let all be festive while love celebrates opinion regarding of the question Its triumph. For love Is exultant when it unites equab, but it is tr-tump- marihuana, Iaskthereaderlothjnk hant when It makes that which was unequal equa l in love." about this issue seriously and con- sider the viewpoints below and to Getllng up in the morning has to be one of the most difficult tasks In Mourning Becomes Electra: volunteer their own opinions. In the world. It Is especially difficult when the sun is just getting up too. A Review !~~~r;o i::~:~p ~fo~~~f~~~s~'..;tla::= ~h:~~~~ o!t~:en::;.r~~::e ~:~~f:~'ol:edbn~~ ~~: ~~~n~~~:~t~~~e~:a~~ by Jolm Bennel!__ ments wrth racts and personal opin- the pain of rlsing--a good breakfast. ions. conernlng the subject. A good breakfast is an art and I'm afraid it may be a dying art. Thln,k I went to a play Saturday that ini~--onstage for' most of the five "~t's surprising how little pro- back, how many times have you been blessed with a really good break- could have turned out to be one of hours, blem there is on campus com par- fast recently? It's been over a year since I had a really good breakfast. thw big sacrtnces that one has to In case you are curious, Mourn- ed to other schools." Sad. I stili remember that grand repast though, make for love's sake.' had known ing Becomes Electra Is actually a "I think it's just as sensible to It started out with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, the kind lor SOme time that mygirUrlend's trilogy, the separate plays entitled sell marihuana legally as it Is to you get from oranges in skins, not cans. Zingy, cold, fresh, orangy orange college, Mount Saint Agnes College The Homecoming, The Hunted and sell liquor," juice with Utile bits of orange in it. Then came the buckwheat cakes. In Baltimore, was going to present The Haunted, For you Psych "You asked the wrong person. I Now buckwheats are an art in themselves, The i'.>.tter must be made the Eugene O'Neill's Mourning Be- majors, comes Electra, and I ha-d also complexes there are lob OfFreudian object to being told' can't smoke night before and anowec to su tna crocx covered with a piece of cheese- In this ghastly play; the The cakes should It is time to put the batter on the griddle. cloth until something." snown, for some time, that 'would son's In love with his mother, the "The properties of marihuana be thin and crisp all the way through. They shouldn't be too big, not more have to attend (one of these things daughter is in Jove with her f:lt_- are almost the same as alcohol,. than five inches in diameter, because if they are small the eater thinks that we have to do occasstonty to her, the son--after he drives his and Its use should lJe: treated as he is eating more than he really is and thIs Is psychologically satisfying. maintain the peace.) I had also mother to suiclde--falls in love such. Certainly the legalization The buckwheats should be served with lots of melted butter and plenty known that the play would last for with his sister. There is really of its lise would cut down on the of good strong molasses. Molasses is Important, Corn syrup and maple about five and a haUhours plus an- something wrong with the; amount of graft that goes to the syrup will never be as satisfying as strong molasses. With buckwheats other hour and ahalffordlnnerand he's In love with his wife. But he Ul}derworld." you have to have the body that good molasses has. Intermissions. In other words, I gets murdered soon, as doe..; thl! - "When Barney says chicken pot To accompany the main course there should be pler,ty of pancakes, had been fully prepared tosacrifice mother's lover. The mother and pie, it ought to be chicken pot pie." country smoked ham, sausage (preferably the strongly seasoned kind), about seven hours of prime Satur- the son commit suicide--and peo- "Since as an individual one has and bacon. Pancakes are important because buckwheats need some re- day night fun time to watch some pie talk alJout violence on tele- so..much potential. you should dev- lief of contrast. Light, fluffy pancakes are so mild when compared with damn play that my girl's college vision. elop that potential to the fullest the much stronger and heartier buckwheats. Many women prefer pan- unfortunately happened to be putt- In the way of propaganda, I have extent l.lefore resorting to drug cakes to buck>Yheats because they are easier to prepare and to eat. ing on. I figured the only conSOla- been tOld- -many times--that this lise." It takes a strong man to eat a dozen buckwheats, while any ordinary tion for this sacriIice would be that is the Hrst coUege production any- "I've tried it at ----(college) glutton can put away an equal number of their lesser brethren--the pan- J would get to see the Colt-Packer where of this play. Eugene O'Neill and truthfully it ain't worth it." cake. Country smOked ham is a vanishing delight. No matter how many game before the play started and left instructions that this play was "I think marihuana should be brands are advertised as having real hickory smoking or as being real tha.! at least I would have some- never to be performed by a college treated as alcohol. •.II's not the country cured, they aren't. Only the real product straight from the thing to think about for seven hours. group, and the drama head of Mt. besLthing in the world to have ... " smokehouse will do properly. It should be coated in fat to preserve Its Well, nsltturnedout,theproduc- st. Agnes had to get special per--":-: "A good college friend of mine rich flavor and aroma. Smoking Is an art in Itself and will be left to an- lion ended about a hal! hour earlier mission from O'Neill's widow for is now in an institution hooked other arlicle but I will say that hickory Is the most popular although then what I thought ItwoUld,butthat this production. And although I _ '(fn marihuana and now he will maple will do very well and is in some cases preferred. didn't really maiter, because ended up enjoying the play very never teach again." The ham Should be sliced thin and fried crisp. It should have a good somewhere much earlier in the much, there were obviously many "1 think pot's a groovy thing. salty taste. The sausage should be spicy to blend with the tang of the performance I had stopped feeling people In the capacity audience who The present laws are Inadequate. buck>yheats. I prefer the thick, long, links found only in the country. The noble and sorry for myself and had had had enough of Mourning Be- Marihuana should be legaliz- kind of sausage you have to cook slow and puncture with a fork just so in actually began to enjoy the play. comes Electra. ed .. /' , order to get it crisp and juiCy. The kind of sausage with the original ,When the last echoing footsteps of There Is another performance "I'm sure it's going on here, casing still intact. The bacon should be crisp and salty with just a little the tragic heroine had faded away. tomorrcrw if anyone has got the hidden, but If people are going to bit of fat. The slices shouldn't be so thick that they won't fry crisp. J found that it really hadn't been a courage, the time, and a lot of pat- do it, it should be done in pub- Scrapple is another necessity for a good spread, It too should be thin waste o!time alter all. lence. Because you will either like lie ••." and crisp. Scrapple is a delicate delicacy. It shouldn't contain too much I don't pretend to be a drama It or you will end upcursingO'Neill, ..... 1 think people who rely on fat but should be just a little juicy. critic, so I won't give out all this the play, the coIlege, the actors, the drugs to get their kicks are using Home frys, eggs, home baked bread, and apple butter round out our stuff about weak casting, technical people around you, your ancestors, an emotional crutchtofulfill them- ideal repast. The home frys have to be crisp and thin. The eggs should lighting problems, and set Innova- God, Richard Ntxon or Lyndon selves." be firm and COOkedto individual tastes. Eggs have no real ideal, but tions, but I must admit that I have Johnson (depending uponyourphU- " .... There Is a law against It they must be fresh, preferably still warm from mother hen. The bread a lot of admiration for those peo- osophy), Western Maryland Col- and people should respect the law." should be fluffy with a good strong crust,lt should not be full of air poc- ple--college stuclents--who had to lege (which most people do anyway), "Lots of people don't think a~ kets like store bought loaves. The apple butter must be rich and dark memo,lze (which is not the right the GOLD BUG, and me, if you went deeply as they should about it... and tangy. word, as Miss Smith will tell you because of my recommendation. that's where the problem is ... " To finish II, neal a good strong pot of coffee, either perked or dripp- in Interpretive Speech Class)thelr And you w1ll have time enough to "They might as well legalize ed, is require!. !"lIsdrink, while containing no calories in.,its unvlolat- parts, and had I*rfOrmed so well, cover all these subjects equally U... what difference does it make? ed state, qyl.ets the, stomach, ~nq ImprQves digestion. It lTtalkesa man ",,~cially the gfrlwhoplayedLav- '!Veilbefore the play.\~£.~ye,r. ...if you,'w:antl,itf Y1
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