Page 56 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 56
PAGE 4 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 13, 1968 The Case Against WMC's Administration The Key System: A StudY-in Frustration Western Maryland College has specfjtcally on coming up with a Installed when the women returned and put them aside, saying that only not reasonably be coped with since never had a major demonstration, plan for a system before the close of from Thanksgiving vacation 01' "one thing at atime could be done" they rerer redto vtugner authorttv" but frustration is a common mal- second semester, sothat it could be December 1st. and that better curfews could come and "otherpressingproblems"and ady of WMC student leaders. installed for the following tau, The women were further dtsap- after the key system was installed. attempts "to dothe best possible." The recent issue over the in- Their efforts resulted In dis- pointed and frustrated when they The Council had hoped that better Frustration built up as the women stallation of a key system, which covering a workable system ctute- again came back to an unkept pro. curfews could be provided until the realized that the pacifiers could would allow unl1mlted curfew for- Ing a spec1al luck with keys or cards mise. The problem this time was key system was installed, since not be dlsgested. senior women, Is one example of issued to senior women, a list of that the necessary amount of keys almost one semester was over be- When a significant amount of student/administrative confronta- rules to regulate the workings of had not been delivered, fore this occurred. women students became annoyed tion underlined by uncanny bewttd- such a system, an approval by Dean Finally on December 5th, the Also, after Thanksgiving, when with the delay, two senior women, erment on both sides. The ques- Laidlaw, and a promise for in- locks were installed and that night certain women were extremely Ellen Von Dehsen and Amy Lewis, - tion is, why in such a srtuattcnwas stallation over the summer. Dean Laidlaw held an ortentattor ted up with the delay, Dean Laid- decided to organize a "stay-out" frustration evolved out of student When the women returned this meeting rcr sentor-women to enabre law was asked why the locks could of the dorms after curfew at 11:15 efforts to work with and through semester, the doors on the wo- them to purchase their_keys and to not be Installed and the doors' ad- P.M. on December 3. A meeting administrative channefsv Secondly, men's dorms were unchanged, no go over rules and procedures of the justed in preparaUon for the arrival was held that night for the purpose In the end, students were driven to new locks gUttered in the fall sun- system. The system Is Supposed to ot the keys, hence the system could of organizing the concernedwomen put Ihelr emotional responses into . Ught. Most of the women were not go into effect sometime this week. go Into effect Immediately. The into action which would put pres- action, and this, not the rational surprised, although bitter sighs Throughout the development of blame In this case was placed on sure on the administration. A pet- arguments posed beforehand, ignit- went out with the women as they this issue, there were numerous maintenance since, Dean Laidlaw ltion was made up to be signed and ed the administration into acting passed through the doors. times when Dean Laidlaw attempt- explained, the maintenance de- sent out to the Deans ot Men and to install the system. Why? When no word was given about ed to pacify perturbed women stu- oartment takes orders rrom "a Women and to be posted about cam- Two reasons-tn answer to these the now seemingly fanciful sys- dents. WhenwomenwenttotheDean higher authority" as to what jobs pus. questions are, (1) the administra- tem, individual seniors began early in the year to offer help In take precedence over others. In However, only approximately 25 tion often gives the frustrated stu- knocking on Dean Laidlaw's door. sending out letters to parents ask- the end, it was suggested to her to women attended this meeting, a dents a "pacifier", t.e, anew pro- The answer given the majority of Ing for permission for partfctpa- ask President Ensor to direct the very undemanding and Insignificant mise when student pressure onthe Interrogators was, there. had been tton In the system, she declined maintenance department to install amount of protesters. The main administration builds and, (2) the so much to contend with over the help saying this could not be done the locks as soon as possible since objection to the stay-out voiced at students themselves are easily summer because of the opening 01 until the keys were received. It was the situation demanded this Irn- this meeting was "what if we lose given the "run around" because of 2 new dorms and a cafeteria, that never explained to the women why. mediately. the whole system as a result ot little group consciousness, but pro- time did not permit the Installation When the Women's Council drew In all three instances, the ang- our actions, or what If action Is nounced individual gripes. of the locks. Finally the Dean was up a new plan for Improved cur- ered womenwerepacifiedbynebul- taken against us as Individual pro- First of all, the development of persuaded to schedule a meeting fews from polls taken by women ous excuses and promises for ru- testers?" The women did not seem the key system Issue should be re- to answer woman-s questtcns acout students, Dean Laidlaw read them ture action. These excuses could (Continued on Page 6) viewed, The Women's Council of the system. This meetingwas plan- l~st sprtng , composed of 22 girls ned for ~ o'clock p.m., a time bad- Continuing Disruption About the Art House and presided over by senior Kathy ly pubucrzec and conflicting with xrcore , made the nr st proposal ror dinner and late artemoon classes. On December 8, 1967, an edit- on several occasions to determine grill to the Art House. The Main- an unlimited curfew system tor Five senior women attended, in- aria I appeared In the GOLD BUG if it would be possible to relocate tenance Department had received senior women, The Dean of Women, dicaUIlg:..tothe Dean less pressure concerning a request made to. Mr. their offices Inthe Art House. Pre- orders to move everything to the Elizabeth Lairllaw , encouraged the than she had anticipated. Willis, director of the Physical stoant Ensor said he would inform second floor of the building, In spite councn to lnvestlgatesimilarsys- On October '1, Dean Laidlaw re- Plant, by the editors ot the GOLD the two editors prior to the end of of the fact that the floor plans sub- tems in other schools and to work ported to the Women's Council the BUG, Aloha, and Contrast that the SChOOlas to what would be done. mitted to Dean Robinson indicated out a plan of procedure in case such official approval of the system by Art House be used in coming years After the close of school, Don that the tirst floor was to be used a system was actualized. The wo- Pt-estdeet Ensor with certainstip- as the crnce building for student Elmes returned to the campus to primarily for offices of the GOLD men, being pressed for time and utattons that the women voted on publications" This request was, _fInd Qut president Ensor's dects - BUG and Aloha. eutnusf!c over the proposal, and approved. At this time share- made In an effort to secure more ion. He was. told .that use otthe Ar!"'" Soon after ·thls, tlleecUt<::ir$=oithe' formed a subcommittee to work ported that a key system would be floor space for the publications so House for campus publications had two pubUcationswere informed that- the upstairs, where the mainten- "Promises Concerning Old Dorms to developtheirfacihtiesandoper- been approved. months the ance department had been told to that they would have adequate room During the summer Last spring when all the hula- since it does have the club rooms. ate more efficiently. Aflertheedl· Art House was repaired atconsld- move things in the first place, was pro- going te be used temporarily. balOo wa's going on about this year's I3lanche Ward is the only dorm on torial appeared, nothing more was erable cost to the college. A floor bably one semester, for taculty about the request. publicly housing policy for women, several campus without a TV. And It has said As the second semester of last plan as_to how each room at the offices while Memorial Hall was house would be usedwassubmltted promi,ses were made to the girls by been made clear that BWll will not being remodeled. This, of course, the administration (in the person get a TV unless the girls buy It year progressed, it became ap- to Dean Robinson who was asked came as a complete surprise to of Dean Laidlaw). Hintswere made themselves. The semesler ends in parent that the offices of the GOLD by President Ensor to take charge the editors who were expecting to that upper class women could have less than a month, and the girls In BUG and Aloha would have to be of handling the Art House. Moving have adequate space in which to later curfews if the frosh were in the old d~rms have not yet seen moved because of the shiftinloca· day came sometime in early Aug- work. Somewhat dlsj!."runtled, but one dorm and comPensations were anything near aqequate facilltis, Uon of the college bookstore. Fred ust when all of the desks, tables, realizing the need for sniftlng of- proml.~ed for the inequality offac- much less equal facilities in com- Wagner and Don Elmes approach· and old issues of the yearbook and fices while Memorial was being ilities. The adrnlnistrationsaidthe parlsonwith Whiteford. ed Mr. willis and President Ensor newspaper were carted from the redone, they accepted the admin- old <1ormswould have adequate and An AnalysU! of the Problems ' Istration's decision without argu- equal facilities. Such things as ment. study, typing and sewing roomt The scnool year started and the were promised. These rooms were The above articles, summari- GOLD BUG, Aloha, and Contrast particularly emphasized for Blan- zing the sequence of events on a staffs confined themselves to the che Ward since McDaniel has a :lumber of issues, have been pre- large kitchen and basement area. sented in hopes that they will Dean Laidlaw did mention -last provide the proper perspective spring thit if these rooms were on administrative endeavors at set aside for studying or typing, Western Maryland College. Their they could possibly be repossessed purpose has not been to de-emph- for student rooms as early as next asize the Importance of certain year. administrative decisions, nor to This fall two of the seven empty de-value them, but rather to Ill- rooms were opened In Blanche ustrate concretely some of the Ward. The one on first floor Is de- problems Gold Bug writers have .slgnated as a sewing and typing been discussing for some time, room. Presently inthlsroomthere concerning the administration-- are: two of those huge old dining _student relationship. hall tables, 3 double desks, seven One point neglected in mosi chairs, two drying racks and an ot the articles is the problem Ironing board. It is the dreariest, of long range planning. Obvi- darkest, most crowdecfroom pos- ously, the administration must sible. Now on thirdOoor Is Blancne consider all of its decisions in Ward's "lounge". In our lounge terms of their long range effects (one of the smallest rooms In the and not just their immediate con- dorm) are 4 irOning boards, two sequences. drying racks, three desks, three Regardless of this point, there chairs and one 60 watt bulb. Some- are a number of legitimate pro- how this is not quite equal to the blems revealed in these articles. ground floor lounge of Whiteford. Five of them seem to recur tre- Notice that there is no study room qu~ntly, the outstanding one be- set aside, aUhoughthere are empty Ing what might be called a bre- roolT.s on tourth floor which is the ach of taith: the direct breaking quietest area. Dean Laidlaw has at administrative promises, or refused to open more rooms. One the failure to state t!le conditional reason given for the refusal is some clal!~~s In new administrative problem with the maids and the poUcies or the failure to antlcl- cleaning at these rOQJXls... . ._'C" ~te s!u~le?~JaSSU,mptlons derived "cDaniel .l.s, ~l1p.t~y"bettfi- at!: ,. t;?,rft. -, ~dc~~ri!~.r~~I!'t: ~:a!.~~:~t~.
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