Page 58 - TheGoldBug1968-69
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PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 13, 1968 Newspapers Plagued by Censorship . (CPS)--Although "freedom of weekly editors the use of a Paul public." down. Johns Hopkins University in BaJtI- the college press" is touted almost Krassner quote pertaining to Lyn- The offensive item In this case The most common one holds that more had an almost Identical ex- universally on American campuses, don Johnson In a CPS story writ- was a column critical of the ani- those who take the har-dHne agalnst perience when they tried to print a large number of student papers ten In the attermath of the Chicago verstty president: "Regarding a obscenity are adults who, confus- the CPS story. Their printer re- have been censored or persecuted convention. vicious rumor concerning Presi- ed and outraged at the Ideas and fused to print their entire issue: this fall by administrators, advis- Personal boycott dent Novde .•• let us set the re- behavior of todayes young people, the paper's starr refused to pay ers and printers who don't like Dean Dierolf scheduled a meet- cord straight. Our president Is not strike out against the only aspect their printing bill, and the tssue rs tour-tetter words. Ing with the weekly starr but, with- anal-retentive ••• he dumped on of it that they can easily recog- still deadlocked. In most cases their sin was not out explanatiO'fi,"he never posted. the students just last week," the nize and aUackwlth "moral prtn- writing editorials judged obscene, Apparently past editorial boards column opened. clples"--prlnted words. SaVings-Bonds and Freedom Shares or even printing uterary works of the ~ have had specific However, Smoot was reinstat- At Mundeletn College In Chtcago now make better gifts than ever. with four-letter words--but just compacts with the administration ed as editor November 11 pending most copies of this week's issue 0: Savings Bonds now pay 4.25 percent printing news stories containing about what could not be printed. a review otthe newspaper's opera- the Skyscraper were mysterious .. when held to maturity of 7 years: when Freedom Shares pay 5 percent things their "keepers" don't like. However, no agreement exists pre- tions by a student-raculty commtt- Iy seized and burned shortly aner held 1<)maturity of 4% years. And In some cases the opposi- sently and there are no specific tee, a task which Is slated to las they hit the newsstands. The rea- tion, leveled superficially against limitations in the M-Book. two weeks. son-c-an opinion column entitled "obscenity," was obviously at- At the University of Wisconsin Walk-out-threatened "Bltch corner;"- The word, of Walker Report: tempting to clamp down on student last week, the Board of Regents Purdue President Frederick course, was used In Us most com- editors for political or personal narrowly refrained trom firing Novde and Executive Vice Presi- mon sense -- mearnng vcomplamt" Chicago Riots reasons. ~ Cardinal Editor Greg Graze dent Edward Mallett took this ac- or "gripe!' But a great debate' Daley and administrators and Managing Editor Steve Reiner tion arter a number of student followed on the campus of the Cat- Bantam Books published today Two things have become clear because the paper printed a story groups threatened a boycott of none girls' school about the word. a fully illustrated complete and this Jail as this rash ofcensorship containing "unfit language." The classes for November 12 If Smoot Opponents maintained that the uncensored paperback edition of spreads from smalltighUy con- story was a CPS release on the were not reinstated. word was not used in a «[ournajts- the Walker Report, RIGHTS IN trolled papers to large university SDS October National Council In addjtton, the staff of the Ex- tfeal ly correct" way; that it is of- dames the people who run col- meeting, quoting from a member ~hadrejectedthet!rlng,Tor fensive and obscene, "the language CONFUCT, the study released leges are no longer so sure they of the UpAgainstlheWall/Mother- they claimed that they were the of the ghetto"; and that its use re- last Sunday on the violence In really want students Independently rucker faction. The editorial board legal publishers of the paper. flected unfavorably on the college's Chicago during the Democratic running their own newspapers; ami of the Cardinal was instead order- At a number of schools, the pro- female students, National Convention. a great many of academia's "for- ed 10 appear hefore the Regents blem has been not the administra- The most common victim of cen- The 48O-page paperback, prtc- ward-looking" adults may be able this winter with "a policy of sanc- tion but Is printer. At New Yor k to take their sturl,ents' radical pol- tions topreventfurtherincidents." City's HunterCollege,forexample, ~:~~:I~h::s;:~e.~~:::.~r;;~h;:;: :~b:~k$~ut~~!~ ~r~:g~~~~ t~~P~~= itics, but they stu! have a Mayor Press vs. printers s the [ob printer who handles many er-s this week were boycotted by Ited States by the end of this to print the Envoy's first ~i::~~?::~::,?:~o°,"~;::o::::p~::~·'}~:;.'§F,:~~:?:::o~::! Daley-like obsession with ob- Less thanaweeklater,theMich- of the city's small college papers scenity. iganStateUniversity~ refused The word "ruck," long a con;- printe(i a story about the Wiscon- edition this fall becMea story monplace In youthful vocabularies, sin controversy, quoting from the about the Chicago Democratic con- At Merced College in California, f~li~:edrtl.n a speca\l96-page pho- and adult as well, has sent count- CPS story and from the Cardinal's vention contained theword"fuck." ~:c~ S!OI~~t~~ Of~~~~er~~:s~o~~r~~b~~!h Pt~:~:~ Ie ss pr interx of college papers into literary selections. The paper's The paper got another printer, tl~~ ~:Irn~~~: ::~t ;~ such rage that they censor the copy, adviser (or general manager, in "Reasons" for Crackdown r eruse to print the papers, even bureaucratic lingo) claimed the As more and more college news- ::~;:;'tth:I!:!~te'~:~:a~el~~~,d ::') port unless the obscene words try to get schools to discipline editors han violated their contract papers "take it in the neck" for editors. And administrators, who with their printer. Since he had no what printers and administrators ~~~~~~~ ~:;e:~o~I~' r~;u:~:?' st;1 ~~d:e~~ean~a~!~~r:~I~~~e :I~~~ don't mind hearing the word spok- power to fire the staff, !Jut does see as obscenity in their pages, evil amol~g !~e young people of OUI ~~~ef!~S!h~U~~~I~~~e~~t~o:1~v:II~: en and know as well as anyolle else control the paper',~ funds, the ad- theories are being propounded that the word is a fixture of the viser, Louis Berman, cut the sal- about the reasons for the crack- cO~~~:rtof the ~ at c ~~' T~I::~~O:::,f i~:IS~:!~at~:tS~~; • language, try to fire editor.~ :Iud aries of three top editors whom he have papers confiscated when the~' considered responsible for the Hatchet Man Rumors Spread: :t~~t i~eam~i;ef~~:;:U~~;:~~;E~~ , see It In print. story. tremely obscene language was a Ectitor Jeane Dixon Denies Fa At ~Iuhlenberg, cellsorship has At Purdue University the sltua ble oo""bo"og''''0' totho.10- been threalened twice in recent tion Is even more serious. semester;;. Lastyearwe('klyswere In-chief William Smoot was remov . from Muhlenberg lence described in this report, banned from the li. S. mail for ed from hl~ position by the Throughout Prosser, Brown and armies. and Its frequency and Intensity faithfully reporting the text of school's Vice-President for stu- LeRoi Jone~' annress which con- dent Affairs, who claimed In hi, ;r~:PI~:I:~, clt~:te~:~I;~:~S d:~~:~ Sh:~r!hf;::n P~~f~:~ii::c~~::l: ;n:rv~ta~~;h ut:::r:~at~m~~:t :f~~~~ tained so-caJled ouscene word~. firing letter that the Exponent hll! Thl~ semester Dean of Students violated journalistic codes and ~;~~~s:~d ~:~:~e:t ;heh:::g:t:~ f:~~rce~r~:~~;:~rl:n~~~I:j~;I~O~~~~~ it ~~d~~enting on Mr. Walker's Claude Dierolf acidly proteste!! to "ofrended the sensilJiliUe~ of thl' ::~:I;~~:~'::;,Zi~::Fo~~~~~;:E;:'~::~~:~~~EL~::!::;:::i!~~~~,,~:£g:::::~~~;';:; Mt. Holyoke President three or four bodyguards. And the who urgedProsseritesthattheyhad obsceniUes are) essential to an :~n~~~~el:;~~:~~~~Hwa~~~;~fs:,~,- no~~~~!~tl::r'it was discovered ~~:;I~~n:~~gt~: :~~l~~:~::sr: Resigns Over Disputes Reportedly. Jeane Dixonhadpre- that the rumor had reached such some of the responses unleased dicted that a man dressed asawo- Institutions as Moravian, MUi.,!lrs- some of the responses unleashed man, wielding an axe, would strike vUle, Mansfield State and Kutz- In such confrontations." SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. (CPS) Truslees privately that this meeting at a college which lJegan with the town. The Moravian dean of 11'0- In accordance with its charge --:-'lount Holyoke College president would he his last. Gettel! has al~o letter "),,1," was the same name men called Jeane Dixon to find out from the National Commission on Richard Glenn GeUell abruptly an- been In poor health recently. Pres- as a river and/or was a state col- If she had actually made the pre- the Causes and Prevention of Vio- nounced his resignation here last sure for liberalization of the lege. An}'\I.·here from six to 26 co- diction, but found that Jeane Dixon lence, the Walker Study Group week, amid a !lury of rumors that a school'santiqualedsocialruleslJe- eds would be annihilated by the axe- was one of the few People who had of 212 persons presented the decision by the college's Board of gan last September. The stUdent Trustees to consider alcohol and position paper, "The Case for Par- to\~:r~a;sV::!~I:;t Man reached :~;~rt:l:a:~s~fra~~~Ch:t~ ~~~'ca~~ !~~~~be~~:~rth;e~~:;n!sc~~;::t~~ parietals on campus was "the lasl ticipation" prepared in October by Muhlenberg, which unfortunately 26 Moravian girls, who moved out over 3,000 statements of eye- straw." Ihe SGA Executive Board,included begins with an M, on a Wednesday of their dorm. witnesses and participants, 180 The Trustees recently formed proposals for greatly liberalized In Douglas MacEwan's Illtroduc- At last report, Hatchet Man was hours of motion picture film, over a committee of two trustees, two social rules, as well astherightof !lon to Psychology class. From making his way to Miami of Ohio. 12,000 sUB photographs, and off- admlnistraturs, two faculty mem- students to determine their own there, it was only a matter Ofhours Iclal records of the National Gu- bers, and six students to devE'lop social policies. before the whole female student The Key System ard and the Police Department. proposals for alcohol on campus Gettell has been stronglyoppos- body began to paniC. As the Report's Foreword sta- and parletals (male visitors in ed to parietals. He claims they are Brown Hall, with a display of (Continued From Page 4) tes: "Our charge was not to de- dormitories). The Trustees also "immoral" that young ladies poor timing, picked that same night to realize group consciousness or clde what ought to have been done. said they would meet in mid-Dec- should not entertain young men in for a fire drill, but the girls adam- the power Invested in group action, or to balance the rights and wro- ember to consider the proposals. their bedrooms. He has also said antly refused to leave the building rather than individual protest. ngs, or to recommend a cours£ :-'iany students speculate that lib- publicly that "the College will not for fear that Hatchet Man would Surprisingly enough, the group 01 action for the future. Having eralized poliCies on alCOhol {now provide 1700 necking nooks." gain entrancewhlletheyevacuated. "voice" alone spurred action from sought out the facts, we intend forbidden on campu:s)andparietais Students have grown particularly An especiaily-fearsome two some Dean Laidlaw, fora representative to let them speak for themselves. (men are now an~ed only in the restless this year, as nearby Smith in that hall barricaded their room from the Women's Council came in But we urge the reader, assess- public rooms) wiIl go Into effect College does have weekend par- door with Coke bottles, reasoning during the meeting to inform the Ing these facts, to bear in mind second semester. ietals, and this year institutedliq- that if the axe murderer chose women Ihat the Dean had just said that the physical confrontations President Gettell, who has been uor on campus at meals, mixers their room. he would have to step that locks would be Installed the in Chical!O will be reoeated else- at Mount Holyoke since 1957, had and parties. through the bottles, thus waking follcming day and an orientation where until we learn to deal wtth originally announced his Intention Student Government sources say them and enabling them to jump meeting would be held Thursday the dilemma they represent!' to retire "not later than June Gettel! resentedhavingthestudent! out the windows. night-, December 5. And that dilemma is that two 1%9." go "over his head" by mailing the Many of the floors were victims The women were glad of the long- fundamental American rights are HO\IIever, his announcement last "Case" directly to the Trustees, of anonymous callers, most of awaited action, but their joy was In con!lict·-How to assure both Monday came as a complete sur- He is also reportedly upset that whom wanted to know when mens dispelled in realizing the force of a people's right to dissent and a prise to this private women's cOl:' the Trustees formed the study -visiting hours were over,presum~ a small threat as compared to the community's rIght to protect Its if;'ge, although he has since explain- committee which soobvlouslywent ably so'that admittance could be ineffectiveness of attempted under- cItizens and property. The re- ed that he had long ago told the aga1nst bis wishes. made without facln~ the curfew standing. How Ironic. suit--"Rlghts In Conflict."
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