Page 59 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 59
The Odd Couple: The Grass May Not Be Greener, Power And Violence But At Least It's Different by Susan Smithers by Tracey Beglin On Tuesday, December 2, 1968, log conditions for the Increasingly to further emancipate Whimsee into almost total segr-egattonrrom Hannah Arendt, noted social and vocal minorities. Did you ever wonder what makes co-eds ••• increased curfew. But the upperclassmen. political philosopher and author, When a government's power Is Ufe at college different from high I guess the differences aren't as With-all the dilferences between addressed a large gathering of stu- threatened, it wlll resort to viol- school? We still have to go to great here. I'm sure most of us high school IHe and college \ife, dents and taculty members at Mount ence to maintain it as the world classes and study, and people are had to be in (and unaccompanied) it is slightlysurprisingtonotethat Saint Mary's College In Emmits- witnessed in the David-Goliath con- still urging us to grow up and change at 10:1;' during the week in liS, many students make the change burg. ~ test between Russia and the too- the world. Think about it ... how can and who ever was out later then with little difficulty. Of course, Miss Arendt discussed power and liberal cxecbosrovakta. you tell? Isitthatnowyou'rereaJly 12 on a Friday night??? campuses differ. I guess it all de- violence and the place their com- Violence though deplorable and making the scene, sweetheart? ... Now that mtegratton Is the "in" pends on the particular campus one bined or non-comblnedforceshave sometimes beastly and irrational, At Whim see? I doubt it. Maybe one thing in the country, all the high chooses, Perhaps It would be wise In todayrs SOCiety. Is unfortunately natural and human. of the must outstanding dlffe rence s schools are attempting to keep the for the prospective college student What place do power and violence Absence of this human emotion Is that the principal isn't around races in proportion. Before the to investigate some of the differ- have In our society today? This a shows dehumanization as exhibited to reprimand kids who are sneak- current school year Whimsee, too, ences hetween his lIS and a parti- question that should deeply con- by the passive prisoners In the con- ing in the cafeteria line. But then had followed this policy with a few cular col\egeandthesuhseqllent cern each and everyone of us. Is centraUon camps ot World War II. who can blame them ... it's very modifications. This year, however, adjustments he will he required to ours a violent society? Are we In conclusl~n we might ask our- tempting when the lf ne hasntt mov- a strict segregation policy was make. This preparation is indeed power-conscious? The answer Is selves what Is the use if violence ed for 45 minutes (spaghetti day?). adopted. No longer cantj reeksnnx important to move from the highly qufce obvious. Is inherent in man's nature? For And, of course, in high school they with non-Greeks in the dorm en- protective aura of home and old We are bombarded on all sides all our "civillation"what are men only gave you a hal! hour for lunch vironment. And the freshmen, Backwood Hi gh to that rough and with cries of "Black Power," men but super civntzeo monkeys? --here AT COLLEG E we are aucu- straight from HS, are rudely thrust tumme untver-sttv life. "Flower Power" and venomous Perhaps there Is a ray of hope if ed that much time just to contem- epithets are hurled at the "white we view violence as oftentimes plate the approaching ecstasy. power structures." "Police brut- righteous tnctgatton in action, or How about personal safety? Re- aUty" nas- become-a standard bat- better yet as a gage, though not member all the school bus rules? Reflections On Whimsee tle cry and unfortunately made cure-all to rocus on but not solve An average school bus must have credible by Mayor Daley's Chic- SOCiety's problems. 4182 blinkingredUghts.Somehigh ago and over-zealous poUceforce. Frogs schools even have a policeman or Our cities have been razed and two around. wntmsee does have a by Susan Baker paralyzed by riots and large un- In handy-dandy Pinkerton mane-why, hello Whimsee students iversities have also been paralyz- this year alone he has caught 6 ed by massive student demonstra- Duck Time girls either sneaking Into or outof beautiful groovy people tions. In the midst of these over- the dorms. That's protection! Of welcome to Western Maryland College, the whelming currents of violence and by Mike Herr course, a couple of Whimsee men frustration a new scapegoat has The only time one can reaUy be were beaten up in the Elde rdice intellectual center of Carrol! County been discovered and is the brunt alone is when a person finds him- parking lot one evening. Did you god help Carroll County of venomous attacks-the middle self an allen in a crowd.Here pfut- know that there Is approximately class. Such Is our society, a pow- osophy becomes ecology, projec- one mne of unlighted sidewalks on College Objectives, WMC 1!lG8-69 Catalogue, page 4: der keg ready to explode. tion breeds reality, and"lost In a our beautiful campus? Gee, a good "IV. To prepare menanriwomentohehealthy, well adjusted memhers In her lecture Miss Arendt stat- crowd" Is more than a saw. rapist could keep himself busy for of society.' ed that power and Violence don't go But complete analysis of the hours if he picked an evening with hand In hand as commonly believed; situation by any lost being points lots of meetings going on. Yes, .heautiful groovy people, these Whirnsee students. nastard people. Bas- they are complete opposites and up the truth which is that he is far safety is definitely one difference tard people who discriminate and hate. And narr ass. Ami assault. Ah yes, when one ruies absolutely, the other from being alone with aloneness, between liS and college life. that's right; something new has been added to tbe exhibitlons of- prejudice Is absent. And any situation, Including a col- Undcuhtedly we aU had PDA rules that have been so persistent on campus this semester, Food throwing Power which is the essence of lege community, Is less solvent (public display of affection) inhigh and threats aren't as daring as they used to be, so a more physical form .government and Inherent Inthe pol- than sotuabta, and more catalyst school.lnfact,inmY,HS,wewere- of harrasment has heen called into practice. Assault ... and it sounds like tncai community, Is an end In It- than Ingredient. Reaching out may n't even allowed to hold hands in such a criminal word, doesn't It/?The lights are out .at least when some self and needs no justification take the form of striking out, for the hall. Need I say anything ahaut attacks occur. Ali, my beautiful Whirnsee. whereas violence does. Miss ego Is not a net but a chain, and a the differences in this area? And I haven'tspokenoutatanytimeagalnstharrassment ... and not too many Arendt defined power as "coming weak link can snap the system. with cold weather setting in ••. people have. I, for one, will begin now, and I urge you to join me. It's out of the barrel of a gun." No man Is an island, but the tide It is rumored that Lee's is trying time to change the Whimsee consensus that's it's ok to har-r a ss , to hate, "Power", she says, "depends on gets damned high and although a to claim ownership of the girl's Ractal ly, Iacticnally, or otherwise. numbers whereas violence depends little seepage may be healthy, the lobbies and the frat clubrooms. *.** ....... H ..~* on Implements" which means that gate had best be firmly sealed or The Women's Council hasapro- Thank god for Lorna Doone s, Don't know how I'd ever make it through violence can sufficiently plague we could aU drown in the flood. We posal on the Dean's desk intended Friday lunches without them. power. If power and violence~ ap- can't all be back-slappers but the Look, Barney, at this rate you'll never win the Betty Crocker Home- pear together,_pDWer is the do- alternative is not in slapping the Stuffing The Turkey naker of Tomorrow Award. mlnatlng element. face. Although veracity is prefer- In essence Miss Arendt said that able toequivocation, non-commun- by Mike Schultz Although a Methodist affiliated institution, Western Maryland College "violence Is due to the frustration Ication is better than negative com· It seems appropriate that an discriminates against no one. That's true. Everystudenthere is subject of the faculty or activity" whicl munlcation. To misquote Bob Dylan: Issue published between the fIlUng to the same, ridiculous inane rules. Examples: comes about through the misuse of "I'll Jet you be in your dream, holidays of Christmas andThanks- Drinki ng. The epitome of unenforcement.lnstead of a totally dry school, or threatened loss of power. For If you'll let me be in mine." giving, not necessarily in that why not allow those students 21 years of age or older ~o possess alcohol_ Instance If people feel that their But when egos are beingorgani- order, should in some way contain on campus? This would certainly adhere to state law and would be more government is legitimate and fun- zed, who can you trust? some sort of stuffing. Some people realistic to the Whimsee students. ctioning In the light of their best "No, governor Reagan, that is like bread stuffing, others don't. Curfews. How many words can bewastedtodescribe our present cur- Interests, they will support that not a beauitful sunset; it's just that They often object to its dryness fews! If there must be curfews at all, why not 12:00 A.M. on weeknights government and it will functionef- they've rediscovered Pearl Har- and overly wheaty content. Some and 2:00 A.M. onweel
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