Page 85 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 85
THE GOLD BUG APRIL 26, 1968 PAGE 3 Letters to the Editor Dear Sir: Issues of moral consequence se- In a given establishment be filled that the last remnants of racism the cradle In any way responsible I recently had the misfortune to cond, the government has used the by Negroes purely on racial will fall and the air wlll clear. lor tne assesstnauon. It ts cir- attend the talk-back of Sunday, church as a means ol easing and grounds. T. Genna flcult to believe the Dean himself April 21 with Father Philip Ber- alleviating many socially and po- Whitney M. Young., executive Dear Sir: responsible, for one recalls that rigan. I say misfortune because litically tense situations, pri- director ol the National UrbanLe- The white and black racists have he marched with Mr. King In Mont- I was never more shocked at the marily because the church has bet- ague, made the following statement succeeded In bendingtheweakreed gomery a few years back and, so bortsh behavior and lack oIrespect ter and more Intimate contactw1th "The White leadership must be of American Brotherhood to the far as this writer knows, has con- for the principle of free speech the people Involved. At any rate, honest enough to grant that through- point of breaking. Why has Bro- stantly shown himself sympathetic displayed by a number of students It is true that Father Berrigan said out our history the white class re- therhood failed? What happened to with King and his program. who evidently consider themselves little about howthe problems of our ceived preferred treatment. NOIII the American ideal of liberty for The charge seems so unrelated the inteUectualfocus 01 this cam- rather sick world can be solved, but we're saying this: 11 two men, one ALL? HOIIImuch destruction wIll to reality as to seem both untrue pus. One particular mustacmoee then who knows what the solutions Negro and one white, are equally the extremists harvest? HOIIIwill it and ridiculous, if not worse. aspiring intellectual made a point are; one can only state what he be- qualified for a job, hire the Negro," ail end? These are questions only The author of the charge is old ol dlrecttng sarcastic comments lieves In, support it w1thfacts,and The Implications of tills state- the sleeping liberals and moder- enough to recall two master prae- toward any' Intelligent rebuttal to act accordingly, hoping that his ment not onIy demands speelal prr- ates can answer, tioners of mass condemnation: Father BerrIgan presented by acts w11I In some way affect sit- vlledges on racial grounds, It de- We, whoUketothlnkolourselves Senator Joseph McCarthy and Adolf other students. While attempting uations that he feels are wrong. mands that a wlllte worker be re- as the enlightened, free-thinking Hitler. Hitler without exceptions to Impress an air of open-mine- One thing Is clear. Few people fused a job because his grandfat- students ol Western Maryland Col- known to the present writer con- edcess these psuedo-inteUectuals at this college knew what they are her may have practiced racial dis- lege, are part of the hard-core demned the whole mass of Jews and refused to tolerate opposing views, talking about when they discuss crimination, wheninfaet bis grand- sleeping moderates. We are so worked assiduously for their re- It Is my opinion that these stu- Vietnam and other issues. They father may not have been In this busy pursuing the mythical Amer- moval. Joe McCarthy, proclaiming dents could bene!lt from one of have not spent thetlme,nordothey country. That white worker Is to ican ideal ol success that we have "guIlt by association," struck out Mao Tse-Tung's 8 Points of At- care to, doing research on subjects be charged with collective racial lost contact with the real world. in "character assassination" as he eenuon. "Speak politely." thatwlllaffectthelrl1vesdlrectly. gullt, the guilt consisting merely protected by WMC's (Nfn brand of shouted «communtstv at thcsewnc isolationism, we dissipate our en- Herbert R. Frantz Dear Sir: of the color of his sldn. ergies getting our college eeuea- olfered him real or imagined op- In the last issue of the GOLD But that Is the same techniques position. Dear Sir: BUG was an article condemning used by white raelsts. How do you ucn, maldng money, being popular It Is disappointing to find the and being secure. We don't have I attended the Chapel Service "We're Right .. of an Issue before defeat such a policy? The same the energy or the drive left to Dean of the Chapel following in the of Aprll 21, 1968 at which Eather In this article Mr. Skinner sub- answer applies towhltes andbiacks make the' effort to be.. humane. footsteps of HiUer andJoe McCar- Phlllip Berrigan spoke, and I was sUtuted racism for white sup- alike: there can be no such thing thy. Theodore M. Whitfield extremely disappointed in his talk. remacy. Although I don't eondone as the "right" of some men to-etc- Those members ofour student body' Dear Sir: who confess a belief In freedom He devoted IlIstimeentirelytopol- "We're Rlght!', I would like to late the rights of others. Racism It Is truly a pity that the prae- Inca! Issues, and had nothing ol an draw rrom. a New York newsletter Is a contemptible doctrine but so Is and universal Brotherhood are, In troners of picsyunlty must- sit 011. inspirational nature to offer. The to explain the impllcaUons of the communism and just as we protect effect, supporting racism and vio- their passive uauncues ancwan ror overall program had little reUg- word, racism. the commun1st'sfreedomofspeech lence by their lnactlvlty. the activist to step Is The racists and the m1Utants lous slgniflcance. If Dean Zepp Is As long as the Negro leaderS' sO our law must protect the ractst's unjust. The situation recalls Interested in -pojfttcal dlsserta- were fighting against government- fr~om for the use and disposal of. have acted. Their actions have pictures of policemen clubbing tions, why not-invite experts, who enforced discrimination, rlgbt, llis own property. Private rac1sm1s produced hatred, murder, and '10- GROUPS ol demonstrators be- would be more qualified to speak justice, and moralitywereonthefr not a legal, but a moral issue and renee, The liberals and moder- cause of something that ONE of than Father Berrigan. Most eot- side. Now, instead of fighting must be defeated by private means ates have stood still and watched, them may have said. But that Is the lege students are already aware of against ractal discrimination, they such as economic boycott or social nursing their belief In the Negro way of America. the major-problems he discussed, are demanding that racial etsertm- ostracism. cause of equal rlgbts but refusing Although It wasmerelyanoutcry and they attend the Chapel service lnatlon be legalized and enforced. 1 ask you, would you bypass all to Involve themselves Inthe strug- of personal grief, Dean Zepp's to get answers--not more ques- Instead of fighting aga1nst racism, laws In pursUit ol the devil? Yes? gle. If the present trend continues, statement about the gum of the ttons. It seems to me that the mln- they are demanding the establIsh- Then what Is going to protect you if we fail to involve ourselves and white race Is historically and soc- Istry and priesthood should be con- ment of racial quotas. Instead of when the devil turns on you, the accept the responsib1I1ty or our iologically true. The white man cerned with spiritual a.Ualrs, and fighting for "color blindness" in laws already thrOllln aside. It seems beliefs, we may become modern in America has set the'stage and not politics. In other words, Dean social and economic Issues, they ironlc that the men who need the Negroes who "fiddle" while Amer- created the atmosphere of rac- Zepp shOUldbe concerned with why are proclaiming that "color" protection ollndivldual rights most Ica burns. Jean Kritwlse Ism. The black man merely walk- students have to be compelled to should be made a primary consid- urgently--the Negroes--are now in Dear Sir: ed onto the stage, and after 300 The last issue of the GOLD BUG attend Chapel, and not why we are eration.lnsteadoffightlngforequal the vanguard of the destruction of carried an article by the Dean of years has f1nalIy started to in Viet Nam. rights, they are demanding speelal these rights. the Chapel in which the author as- breathe. Yes, the white man has Peter Johnson race priviledges. This, as well a!l Do not become victims of racists serted that "Every whUe person In laid the foundation of the riots and Editor's Note, _ Unfortunately, white supremacy, Is raelsm. by succumbing to racism; do not America" was responsible for put- raised the walls of enmity upon It. not too many people were not Ust- RaCial quotas throughout his- hold against all Negroes the dis- ting Martin Luther King in his The proper reaction to the disil- enlng to what Father Berrigan had tory have been one of the worst grace of some of their leaders. grave. lusioned architect is not sitting to say. One point he made quite evils of racist regimes. HOIIIever, Racism must be destroyed by in- One may wonder aboutthethink- In the tower sniping, but helping clear was that there is no longer a today It Is not the oppressor but an dIvlduals, not mobs demanding rac- Ing processes ot anyone who would him raze the structure. separation between church and oppressed minority group that is ial rights. There are no racial make such a statement even In the As a rat!onalindlvldual,anyman state. This Is apparent from two demanding the estabUshment ol rights. And as long as the laws are emotionally charged atmosphere nas the right to disclaim personal Dr. Whitfield, guilt. But really, standpoints: first, the church In re- racial quotas! For Instance,since not distorted further the Individual of a memorial service; It Is dis- In order to generate such a re- cent" years has become increasingly the population of New York City will be protected. But it won't be tressingthat one wouldwishtore- action, you must have had some concerned with social andpQl1tical Is 25 per cent Negro, they de- uutn Negroes seektobe Individuals peat the same in print a bit later. issues primarUy because th)y are mand that 25 per cent ol the jobs and whites treat the~ accordingly It Is difficult to believe infants In sort of burden to wash off. Mike Herr
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