Page 84 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 84
PAGE 2 THE GOLD BUG APRIL 26, 1968 SGA Elections: The New Constitution: A Misunderstanding Problems of the New Regime One of John Bennett the most unrortunate episodes Inthe constant debate over The campaign platform of the incumbent SGA president was one of student power-power to facilitate some of the changes that have been the new proposed Maryland Con- stitution, other than the fact that so often talked about but never edified. Each year at election time one most people don't give a damnabout hears similar statements from many of those campaigning, and yet, once it, 'Is the consistent misunderstand- the election has passed, little change is rendered. Members in office when ing that exists among those oppon- asked why their platforms have not materialized respond by saying legis- ents of the proposed document. It Is unfortunate that those vocal lation must go through too many channels before it is effected. Unfort- guardians of the people have attack- unately, this is true. It seems necessary, then, to dispose of some of these ed the new constitution because of channels, or disregard them, in order to accomplish what is deemed valu- Us provision for regional govern- able. Perhaps next year this will take place. ment, not realizing that under the The importance of the SGA is twofold: to serve as a voice of its present constitution the General also has the power to constitutents, and to serve as an organizing unit through which the de- Assembly regional governments wlth- create sires of its members may be attained. In past years the SGA has failed out providing for a referendum vote miserably in both of its objectives. The reasons of course, being the by the people Involved. The propos- breakdown in cOl1}munication between students and the,representative ed constitution makes it mandatory body, and the lack of initiative of the representative body itself. It seems that such a referendum vote be as though the SGA has forgotten its responsibilities far too long. It is hop- taken It Is unfortunate that a segment ed that the incumbent president will not follow the course of his pre- of the Negro community has at- decessors. tacked the new constitution because Next year will prove to be a difficult one for the SGA, because of of Its provisions for the selection the new dormitory government. The administration, in its attempt to of judges, not realizing that any improve campus conditions by creating this government has in one way racial Inequities now existent In the legal profession can be correct- hampered the SGA by developing another organization that students will ed much easier bythe proposed jud- owe their allegiance to. Much time will be spent by freshmen planning and Ictal nominating commtsstonmtne executing the new dorm activities-time that could be spent more wisely Gold Bug Po)): new constitution. This system al- helping the SGA in its endeavors. lows qualified men of any race or Another problem created by the new dorm government will be an color to advance to a judgeship increased number of conflicting activities, which is fine from a social Students lilce It Here solely ontheir legal record, not be- cause ofpoUticalpull,andthus pro- standpoint because students will have an increased variety of activities to "vldes more qualified judges. attend, but bad from an economical standpoint because each activity will Don Elmes The results of lastweek'sGOLD be netting less profit. BUG poll are surprising and en- t:: n ~nf~~:::~.~;dlrty, lecherous ha~~I:t,:~~:~~!e ~:~t ~:::titu~~! Next year will be a decisive one in many ways. The referendum was 'i'i% of the male population pro- because of the expense Involved In passed by a substantical majority. If the SlO.OO fee is collected, the Ughtening for many reasons. Per- claimed that they liked the drmk- putting It into operation, not real- is the fact haps most surpriSing SGA will have for the first time an adequate supply of money. It is hoped that 100%of the student body par- Ing regulation most of all, be- Izlng that the Fiscal Research It has given them an ex- cause Bureau hasestimatedthatthemax- that it will have an adequate supply of manpower and enthusiasm as well, ticIpated, demonstrating that when cuse for abstaining, allowing more tmum Initial cost will be about $2.5 Don Elmes students really care about some- time to contemplate lecherous mUllon, which Is l/40f 1%ofMary- A New Approach: thing they voice their opinions. In thoughts about WMCwomen. land's annual budget or about $ 60 view of the fact that the poll was per person. Many government ;x- 99% of the campus saldtheyUked concerned with what students liked the loving atmosphere maIntained perts predict that the Increased ef- Eugene McCarthy everwhelmtng response. Ap- on the HUl, particularly In the up- f1clency of government under the about WMC , one Is amazed at the proposed constttuncn would more stairs grille. parently, students like uus Insti- 51%of the student body declared tution after all, and the pleas rats- that they liked the Chapel steeple than pay for the cost of Implementa- ttcn, ~ed week after week by the ultra- Jerry Hopple because as the most outstanding It Is unfortunate that many people !::::\::s::t~~;~~t~:~~;U!:= liberals are not truly repre senta- campus erection, It symbolizes the have attacked the new constitution "There IsanaUenationofAmer- tween East and West has been con- ~::.Of the student majorlt.y'sopln- college's esteem. because of one or two cr ue provt- tea from its President. This is really the substance of my cam- ::~:r~I~:ll!:~~~l~~et~e;~e~:~ of ~~ea:~:at:7~e~ttJ:~:::p~:S;~!~ th:~r~la~:rC:~~:u:l~ht:;;~~:~ ~~~n:e:~l~tln~~~:tl~~eO:~:~~~~~::~ paign." This Is how Senator Eu- gen J, McCarthy expresses the :;e~:!Ot~: o:::~c:f ~=~;~~l~: ~~:e:i:~! :~~:~~~~~:::~~~~ ~~c.the fine canner of men at ~~~ ~~:~alt~::::iv:~r:~~l~via~;:: underlying motivation of his pre- sidential candidacy. McCarthy's ~d ~h:e:~~~ge~~s:on-:t~:~t!! ~~~~~~IO~S, ~~~it~!~I~u~SI~~~~' lik!~%t:: ~~ ~~rd;~!~rl::ldu~::~ :C~atl::~~IS~~:f1~t:~~I;~:::~;;; opposition Is not based merely on In Eastern Europe, Communism others found It "superb, much bet- construction. "They're great for the objectionable ones. They also disagreement with the war in Viet- is no longer a monouuuc force ter than horneconked Iood;" but un- practicing ROTC war games in the fall to reaUze that the new ccnsu- nam..· His campaign reflects the challenging the Free World. The doubtably, the vast majority found evening; and the building mater- tuUon can be amended after Its conviction that the Johnson admtn- Communist threat has not dimin- it "filling, excellent for putting on tats make great furniture." adoption to change a few articles Istration has "eroded" the struc- tsnec but the emphasis has sntrt- fat because of Its abundant supply, The last thing students seemed that a majority of Marylanders tures of government, blurred the ed perceptibly to the economIc and high protein concentration." to appreciate highly at WMCwas find objectionable. Unes of distinction among the three and political battlegrounds. There Several students said they enjoyed the blessed college newspaper, It is unfortunate that so much branches of government and stifl- are still milltary confrontations, the dining hall food because "It's THE GOLD BUG. 100% of the misunderstanding abounds about ed dissent. but the struggle Is now much more fun fInding glass In your juice and student body said they found the this new document. It Is tragic that The major focus of McCarthy's live In poverty, and the appeal of Ermo soap pads in your chicken; paper one of the best in the coun- this misunderstanding and lack of campaign has been American mi- litary Involvement In Vietnam. The ;~;;;:i~~s:he~anthe~ a~:~~~~ !::;; :v:~tI:~~ !~;lr~~ts~~:d~negn~~I:~:~:~~.on ~:~;t~:~ti::yo:e:::; ;~~ proposed Minnesota Uberal has rejected the of poverty are complemented by what to expect." Fortunately, at -:::_--_:_----------__:_---- contention that American securlzy despair. Paul G. Hoffman, one of present, It is planned to continue necessitates the presence of the architects of the Marshall Plan, these fine qualities next year In THE COLD BUC American troops in Vietnam. Mc- Carthy notes that American mlll- ~~seu:.ra~~::~het:: c~::t~~~:, !~~th~;%wOf~:!n~~:~I~ body saId they Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College,pub- tar~y power has prevented the feels that poverty can be eradicated liked the administration's helpful ~t.~ ~:~~rtDe:;/i:nesF~;;::~ ~nn;:r':d::':::c~:;'~::':n~~:~:te~~~ Chinese Communists from seizing through a sustained and long range attitude In making this campus an Post Office. Westminster, Maryland21157, under Act of March J, Quemoy and Matsu, thetwoislands program of economic assistance. outstanding example of what a col- 1879. Observe the act- SECOND·CLASSPOSTAGEPAIDATWESTMINSTER,MD.21157- off their coast. This poWer, he rea- Hunger and disease promote the IviUes proposed for the new dorms: ::::;;::;::;~i!!:ii£~E]j~!EiEi~!C===: lege should be, sons, Is therefore "surelyade- R quate" to protect our Pacific bases. ·cause of Communism and areper bus trips, parties, debates, mo- suasive catalytic agents of unrest and the United States. HisposiUon and hopelessness. McCarthy can vies; Clearly an Indication of the Is not a paradoxicalliberalespou- provide the impetus for effecting administration's desire to work sal of the neo_isolationIst "Fort- such needed modifications In for- constructively with the student ress America" concept. McCarthy elgn affairs. government in expanding and de- does not advocate any reversionto Senator McCarthy has been ex- veloplng the educational opport- Isolatfonism. His opposition to tremely critical of the Johson unities available to students." our presence in Vietnam stems "guns and butter" policy. "The 3'i% of the campus said they DiJYeWeber BusinessManager NewsEditor from the realization that Ameri- most Important war for the future liked the railing to the grille most Usa Renshaw.... . EditorialPage Jerry Hopple; can involvement does not serve the welfare of America Is not the war of all, because It "symbolizescon- MikeHerr...................... . Sports Editor national interest. In Vietnam," he said In Nashua, clsely the aesthetic value of our CaryWolfson,John Douglas.... . Feawres Editor Vietnam Is only a specific il- New Hampshire. "It Is the war campus." MikeWeinblatt....... . AdvertisingManager lustration of the compelling need in our great clties •••••We are not 69% of the female body declared Cliff Ki~ InsideNews for redirection In American for- winning this war. We are. not even that they lIkedthecurfewslmposed FrankBowe PublishingEditor eign pollcy, However, it Is es- fighting it." Too often the butter- on weeknights and weekends. AlanWinik "HappeningPage.. sential to realize that this Is'not has been sacrificed to the guns. In "With out them, we'd never get Pat Wilkinson GreekPageEditor 1948, and to make necessary read- the last few years, America has enough sleep or do enough study- Photography CindyTreherne.Tom Van Sickle.Gordon Shelton. MikeShultz Ellen Von Dehsen . Art Editor... justments and modifications ac- concentrated so much on exter- Ing. We're sure glad the admin- Circuliltionand ExchangeEditor JilneElicker cordingly. After World War II the nat threats that we have Ignored istratton has enough foresight to Typing Editor Nancytleeker el"Q.~.qas'~jwas on the mIlitary the internal threats to ollt:_society. help us budget our time and pro-
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