Page 83 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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WESTERN MARYLAND IIThe Gold Bug CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND APRIL 26, 1968 Greek Group HARRY Adopts Child Captu;es the presidency COLLINS Government of the Student From Austria planned to call a meeting within Charlie Moore, also gained a place His slate in- the next week. on the honor court. The new leader of 1971's class, cludes Glenn HopkIns, Barb Payne, and Jeanne Castle, and hopefully S.G.A. Decides To Affiliate will keep the spirit of an acttve other alive. class Freshman With National Confederation elected to honor court include Dave and Keith Denham, Carole Graves, Muller. Sophomores elected are On Monday April 22, the S.G.A. conferences, bringing together Judy Harper, Charlotte Phelps, and voted to affiliate Western Maryland leaders of various colleges and Penny W11Ilams, while new junior College with the National Student universities to discuss student en- representatives are Cindy DeWitt Fraternities Discuss Association. a confeder- volvement in campus and crrrrcu- and Charlie Larsen. shortly after re- In Interviews in politics, Controversial Issues ation of college student govern- lum Improvement, action programs. and sults were announced, several ments designed to offer services in community The first two in a series of in- and benefits to over three hundred Publications concerning campus candidiates commented on the out- terfraternity debates resulted in campuses across the country. issues and programs and student come of the election. HarryCollins wins for the Gamma aetes and For the individual, N,s.A. has government problems can be ob- Pres.: "This is the beginning of Black and Whites last Tuesday. many benefits. Low cost charter tained through N.s.A. The organ- student power at Western Mary- April 23. The first debate was filghts to Europe and Latin Amer- teauon's booking bureau makes top land College." Pete McClaughlin, "Draft Resfstanca Is Treason," ica, International Identification entertainment available to stu- Pres. 1970: "I'm very suprtsed, with Delta Pi Alpha taking the ar- cards which offer discounts on dents at great savings. Movies as I'll ca.l.lameetingwlthlntheweek." Pi Alpha Alpha andSlgmaSlgma ffmative side, while Gamma Beta goods and services in Europe, well as live entertainment can be When asked what he intended to do Tau have recently become the Chi discussed the negative. summer tours, and travel Infor- obtained at a considerable re- about the "bagging" problem, Mr. proud parents 01 Gerhard Zierhut, Debating on the affirmative side mation are all avanaoretomem- duction. McClaughlin replied; "since I've an Austrian orphan. In an effort to of the question "Police and Armed oer-s, In addition to thls,anN.s.A. In order to affiliate Itself with been Men's Council representative participate in aworthwhile venture Force Should Be Used to Combat Record Club Is being organized to the National Student ASSOCiation. for AGT, 90% of the bagging has as a hrother-slster organization, Riots," was victorious Pi Alpha give students up to 60% reduction Western Maryland must pay $21. stopped." Newlyelectedtreasurer the Black and Whites and the Sig- Alpha, while Alpha Gamma Tau on the cost of record albums. The In dues for the first year and $46. Dave Weber commented that he was mas found their son through the argued for the negative. National Student Association even each successive year. The amount glad the referendum (the sur- Christian Children's Fund.' Judges for the debates included has low cost life insurance for in- 01 money the college wIll save in charge) passed, but the "we could Eleven-year-old Gerhard has Dean Ira G. Zepp, Cary Wolfson, terested students. using N.s.A.'s services should have made it without It." When known little but poverty since his and Dr. David. N.s.A. sponsors workshops and more than make up for this expense. (Continued on Page 5) father died several years ago. His can no Euripide's mother, who recently lost a hand "Bacchae" Airs Tonight in an occupattonal accident, longer support her child. Through the Chrlst!anChlJdren's Fund,Ger- "The Bacchae," Euripides' study of possession,-wlll be pr-esented hard is now living tn an orpbanvn- Friday, April 26, and saturday, April 27 in Alumni Hall at 8:15 P.M. The lage In the Austrian Aips. Greek play takes place circa 407 B.C. and Involves Pentheus' (Don stout), Funds from the fraternity and the king of Thebes, doubt that Dionysus (Larry Elsenburg) is a god. Diony- sorority provide tor his medical sus has a following of possessed women, the Bacchae, who has superna- care, education, food,clothing, and tural powers by believing in him. shelter. Gerhard and his sponsors In order to prove he is a god, Dionysus cons Pentheus Into the hills correspond regularly through let- where the Baceae tear him apart. This Is a crucial point in the playas It ters which are translated by his is Pentheus" mother, A gaue (Margit Horn), who kills him. counsellors. Mr. William Tribby uses the Bacchaeas a dancing chorus. This unique A typical Austrian youngster, his dramatic technique and Mr.JerrySolomon'sGreekmasksadd dimension favorite games are cowboys and to the production. Also enhancing the play Is JOhn Van Hart's set, which Indians, and soccer. The subject includes the mainstage, an apron stage jutting out into the audience, and he enjoys most In school Is draw- aisles. ing, while his major responsibility Amy Lewis, a member of the Baccae cast, described the entire effect of Is making his own bed. the playas "weird, emotional, passionate."
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