Page 82 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 82
PAGE 8 THE GOLD BUG APRIL 12. 1968 Terrorettes Win Volleyball; Thinclads Win Opener Prepare For Tennis Season Linda Sullivan done, however, B.J.C. came back As Markey~ deWitt Star and threatened with a win in the Spring sports for Western Mary- second- game 16-14, only to be Jar-d's fairer sex began auspicious- beaten in the third game 15-11. Vince Festa lyon April third at Towson, as the Captained by GaU Lentz and Linda Something old and something new point producer with 11, and cer- stayIng abreast of the Terror W.M.C. Terrorettes combined to Sullivan, the volley ball team was the combination Saturday as tainly the teams most versltile trackmen with a strong team per- beat both Towson and Baltimore looks ahead to a season which will Western Maryland won its initial performer took a second in this formance. The score was tied at Junior College in volleyball. match Whimsee against such other track and field meer.uereattng vts- event. Pete also contributed a win 52-52 with just 4 events left. Wash- It took all three games In both schools as University al Md., Cat- itor Washington College 74-71. The In the high jump and a second place ington was getting strong running matches for the Terrorettes tof1nd onsville, Notre Dame and Essex. "something old" was the veterans finish in the triple jump. Jerry in the sprints, relays, and the dis- a winning combination, but a strong Home games will begin at 7 P.M. cr tast season such as JerJ;y Wolf, WOl! led the way in the pole vault tance races. They also gathered finish and an added determination in Gill Gym. Pete Markey, Clint DeWitt, and while Bob Hatfield took third place. valuable points with many second resulted in the twowins. Led by the Contrary to popular opinion, wo- Rick Robbins. Outstanding fresh- Clinton DeWitt added 10 points for and third place finished inthefield strong serving of Sue Smith and men are actually good sports, and man such as Barry Pikolas, John Western Maryland by winning the events to keep the meet close. The Eileen Kazer and the hustlIng of to prove it, there is a larger sene- Skinner, Bob Hatfield and Johnson long jump and the triple jump. final outcome of the meet rested Jean Robinette and La Rue Arn- dule of spring activities alfered Bowie are the" something new" of The Terrors were not over-pow- for both teams on the mile relay. old, the Terrorettes came from this year than ever before. The ten- the team. Everytime Barry Pikolas ered on the track either as they Rick Robbins handed the baton to behind In the first match against nis team has been courting tor at heaves the shot-put he is trying to put on an excellent performance Johnson Bowie it was -with a 3 yd. Towson to win the second game, least three weeks, getting in shape better his own school record, in the running events to provide advantage. Johnson maintained the 15-11 after dropping (llterally) for the opening of their season established in the Mason-Dixon th~ final margin of victory. John lead throughout his lap aItbough the the first game, 15-8. which begins on AprU 18 with a Conference Indoor championship. Skinner won the quarter mile for Washington runner made a strong The final game ofthatmatcbwas match against Goucher at Goucher. John Skinner's time for the quar- five more Western Maryland points. - a walk away as Coach Frltz'sgirls Following that conflict there are ter mile last Saturday Of 53.1 was In two of the most Impromptu per- got ahead early In the game, and matches scheduled as follow s: On faster than any time recorded in formances that will be seen any- won 15-2. Carrying their momen- April 24 atGeUysburg at 2:30P.M., all of last season. Bob Hatfield con- where, Jim Morrison took the tum Into the next game against at Home against Univ. of Md. at tributed 7 points with a win in the 440 hurdles and last second entry Baltimore Jr. College, W.M.C. 3:30 on April 30, at Home against javeUn and third place finishes in Billy Hutchinson finished. third. had won the game 15-0 before Towson May 2 at 3 P.M. and the the pole vault and discus. Jim holds the school record in B.J.C. had really found their pos- last Home game is on May 8 against Not outstanding on the Cinders this event but hadn't practicedthis itions on the court. Not to be out- Notre Dame at 4 P.M. Western Maryland relied heavily season because of practtce teach- upon- Its field men and the trust ing and was not even supposed to Stick men Look Forward was not misplaced. Besides his be at .the meet. His old form was tbrow evident however as he glided over shot-put, In the winning Barry Pikolas added another five this torturous course. To Interesting Season points by winning the discus event. formances WashingtonCollegewas In spite of these outstanding per- Pete Markey, the Terrors leading The local spring peepers rastd- ed his stick work over the summer to a very Golf Team Wins Two of Three Ing in the Duck Pondhave announc- and is looking forward ed for the second year running the productive season. Al McCoy has he beginning of another Western Marv- been improving gr-eatlybowever as After Weak Effort in Florida land Lacrosse Club season. This has missed numerous practtces year the team again finds itself he has been busy drawing up the overflowing with talent and expects final papers for the sale of his body TerryWaUers Invitational, while Billy Dayton to repeat as champions ct tne car- to"Ripley's Believe It or Not" to received the first annual Sun- roll County "B Di vision" Lacrosse help finance his summer soccer While most 01 uswer e prepartng shine State Champion Trophy for League, trip to Europe. Mildred Milnauser to leave for home on Spring vaca- the best four rounds on the over- Joel Goldblatt and Will Davisthe has been making some sweet moves tion, six members of the Western all trip. league's leading scorers last sea- out front and plans to see plenty of Maryland golf team and three The weather as awholewasvery son are expected to again shoot the action. Lawrence of Anderson has a coaches were on their way south. cooperative, with the sun (and yes, most whether they score or not. much improved snoruns year but he This year it was announced that even the moon) providing a mem- Joel Smith has practiced bard over has been growing steadily more drs- "spring training" would Include a orable and rewarding experience the off-season and hopes to again stressed with the increased Jewish nine day stay In Florida. Those for the Western Maryland Golf Clint deWitt wins the triple- be effective with his Infamousshot faction on the team. Dorn Wagner accompanying Coach, Dean Robln- ~:at~~ I~~t~~~:go~\~: f~nsa~n:o~n:i. jump with this effort. into the baek orthe goak Cary wojf- will add scoring punch to the mid- son, were Tom Chenowlth, Lester Dean Robinson emphatically vow- bid. The third leg of. the relay was son has gained squatters rights to dies with his lightning fast outside Carlson, Steve Jones, Al Feigel- ed, "1 shall return." run by Pete Kinnerand his strong the area directly In front of the goal shots. ThethreeG-strlngsGottUeb, son, Tom Trice, and Billy Dayton. On April 5, the WMC golfers effort kept the lead for Western so as to be sure that he wlll get Goldblatt and Gibson round out the Assistant Coaches Robert Erb and traveled to Carlisle, Pennsylvanis Maryland. The anchor man was credit for any goals accidentally midwives. Captain Holder rounded out the nine traveled to Carlisle, Pennsylvania John Skinner and he stretChed the . scored by the defense of the defend- The defense has been bolstered man outfit. to compete In their first league Terrors lead from 2 yds, to at- ing team. Tan VanSickle has been by numerous young talent out for The first stop in Florida was St. match against Dickinson College. most 16 at Ute finish to give Wes- planning the lacrosse teams trip The weather was cold as was the tern Maryland the five points and down south over the Easter vacation ~~:I~~i:;tofS;'~~~ieh:~~~ 'R~~e ~1:~~~t1~o:!er:e th~:nM;. g~~e~~ golf-e-a strong Dickinsonteam win- their nr st track victory of the sea- and things seem to be wtlrking out sa1,l, "Snow Dwarf" McTeer, and beauUfulweather. ltwasreported for the annual game with the Miami "Sgt. Fury" Virgil seem to be that the temperature actually ning 16-2. Les Carlson was low Beach Boys Club. The SmIth Bro- ready to tie down starting posit- reached into the high forties the man, carding an 83. thers, ·Ed and Pat will add debt to ions. Frank Fiery, Tom Mavity, fi~st we~kend. The we.ek star_ted The team captured the first trl- the attack corps; Pat plans to dis- and MIke Rudman have been mak- WIth a tnangular meet wIth Flonda angular away match since golf be- at ELDERSBURG tract his defenseman by taking ad- ing much headway and have been Southern and Sawanee in Lakeland. came an intercollegiate sport, vantage of him fraternity skit style yelling their jungle defense calls Both matches were lost to tough WMC. The host team, Lebanon while Ed sneaks around and·shoots very fluently. Bill Dudley really well-practiced teams. Valley, lost 11-7 and Delaware RADIO over the shoUlder. likes to hit and has already been Next came the Miami lnvita- Valley 13 112-4 1/2. RCA VICTOR zeroing in on the teams favorite tional, a tour day tournament at- Billy Dayton, playing no. 1 pos- DUMONT - EMERSON target, that's right JoelSmith. Bill tended by some of the top coUege ition, battled the strong winds and Fast Radio Service - came In with a score of 82 which ~:;I~;~::~~i::r ~~:e;~a~h:!~ :;~:;s~c~~pe~:s~'n :It::~~ho~~ was good for wins over both oppon- 185 E. Main TI 8·3066 move It to Brooklyn havethequic- tire best tour scores are counted. ents and 5 1/2 points out of a pos- Eldersburg Shopping Center kest sticks on the t~am on and off Western Maryland's low four aver- sible 6. Terry Walters' 84 was 795-0210 the field. Thud Thurlow has been aged 88, which was a little dls- second lowest and earned him twin knocking a few beads, right Ed? appointing but not really a bad ~!~~~,e;0~~d;e~:~t(5 ii~~!~~l========~ The goal Is protected by ever shOWingall things conSidered. present AI Kempske who would WMC did manage to finish ahead and co-captain Tom Chenowlth (4 rather stay in the goal than play of Harper and Brandeis out of a points) were also double wilUlers. BOWL his trumpet. He is aided by Danny field of 26 teams. Most of the Les Carlson defeated his man from Wilson wbo rather sing In the top positions were captured by Lebanon Valley and earned With choir than play in the goal. Florida team s. 2 1/2 valuable points. The above men comprise the The notorious Doral Country Chief most spirited team on the hill who Club became the next target. also desire to be the winningest. Several comments pointed to this ~J Pokomoke Head coach Major Don Chapman, as the highlight of the trip-to his assistant Alex Ober and de- challenge thl> beautifully danger- fense player-coach SherH Husk ous "Blue Monster." as it is fYIoi;M Tenpins have all been working hard to get known by many of the top pros the team ready for the start of the who play there every year. Doral Flowers For season. We scrlmage U.M.B.C. marked the end of golf for the WESTMINSTER move as he splinters. . LANES home on April 17 and then open up vacation. The final hours were Yingling with a clip. with Mt. St. Marys home on the spent on the beach under St. Any Occasion iii the Shopping Center Tbe midfield, locally known as 20th. Augustine sun where everybody Students - Until 6:00 p.m. the mIdwifes, seem to be strong, Joel Goldblatt and a1l1 Gibson gained a well-needed rest. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. $1.203 Games especially alter practice. Family have been elected captains tor this Tom Cilenowith turned in the Including Shoes man Splinter Yingling has lmprov- lowest four ....rounds in the Miami 848·9350 Mon .• Fri. 848·6570
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87